Say something nice about her, Holla Forums!

Say something nice about her, Holla Forums!

She's fat


shed look nice with her face covered in my cum and my dick in her mouth

I can't. It's very clear that she can't take care of herself nor her surroundings considering she can't afford proper clothing and how rundown the background looks like.

0/10 would not wife

her chin can probably cut my bread

She doesn't ride the cock carousel


She isn't real

Source pl0x

Ran->Sem: Hakudaku Delmo Tsuma no Miira Tori

Oh i think i saw that or something like it,was good.

nice tits

OK, here I go!

'Fucking bitch.'

like this?

they're pretty good

For you.

You're a monster.

All too old etc



You are masturbating to crusty old men

Me sex spave material

Damn you autocorrect

I'm jerking it to the hot blonde.