Doesn't mean that the war will be anything like people expect or will like.
In any war, either side that wins, you can expect at minimum ten million or so dead, minimum, many Tens of millions more dispossessed and an nation crippled by vast stretches of devastated urban lands. Never mind what will pass for an economy during such a war. Any opening of this conflict could start off an conflagration that as a singular even could last anywhere from 4 to 12 YEARS. If shit gets REALLY fucked fast, you can expect upwards of half the nation or more gone by the end of the main conflict, and either an amalgamation of warring nation states embroiled in an simmering off and on war for a century after, or a fucking desolate kike soviet tier gulag empire culling hundreds of thousands at a time for wrong think. You know, like thinking you should be eating something once in a while, that is fucking wrong.
Nobody escapes unscathed from the the kind of civil war this will become very quickly and is a big component of why so many have refused to move openly against the system. If you value anything of this nation, you wouldn't wish for this to happen. A fucking nuke war will be better for the nation that the quasi genocidal, sectarian, cultural civil war mish mash of hell.
Yes, if our revolting forces are able to muster quickly enough then the system has little chance of winning as a singular entity. But that requires a huge groundswell of near uniform uprising, as well as an focused and mostly uniform idea of what they are fighting for. Thanks to the subversion and incessant infiltration of anything 'against' this system, that is unlikely to happen. While the government will have hell to pay in keeping things capped off, that may be something they are willing to accept inleu of losing the empire completely.
They may see any uprising as being a hodge podge of unlinked and untrusting insurgent vectors whom will operate against both the system, and each other. Most likely any uprising will be a ratcheting system of starts and stops and inability to bring a real strategic win out of any local military wins against forces of the system. And if the system stays coherent, the unified voice of the media will undermine and demonize the few whom will rise up long enough to keep things simmering, and allowing many whom would rise up as well, from doing so for various reasons. Allowing a focused response to disparate and separated, unfunded, undermanned and unsupported groups. Allowing the system to maximize the various power multipliers at their disposal to bring down subversive insurgents.
Few people will rally to volunteer for groups whom are shown to be killing children. Or constantly get holed up and eliminated by forces due to local populations turning in suspicious people. Or flocking to an are that is controlled by an insurgent group whom is shown to be highly theocratic, or overly savage.
If the system can see a way to 'manage' the conflict from going full on 100% total war, they can indeed see an way to victory that will completely cement their power. And eliminate any real opposition. This is a big reason why they may end up forcing our hands, or just letting it happen because they don't think they actually can lose.
Red team report is great. But if you want to actually win a war. You better start thinking like a war fighter, and realize inspirational feel good posts are not going to magically win this. It is time to get in gear, just as you train your body, you need to focus now on training your mind for both strategic and tactical operations.
Fucking catch 22. For everyone that is good.