Black Lives Matter closing down Airports in the UK

Black Lives Matter closing down Airports in the UK

Thanks for exporting your moronic identity politics, America.
Great job on letting the Soviets use your country as the Typhoid Mary of bad ideas

wonder when they will start asking for money

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They're also blocking Nottingham trams.

Jesus Christ


All I see is one nigger and a bunch of white women, the ultimate traitors of the white race.

I wonder which uni they go to

Now the BLM UK Twitter account claims to have shut down the entire M4 motorway.

what? when I think of shitskins in pomland I think of sandniggers, not africans and abos

Not their fault you live in a country of cucks. Your police let muslims rape thousands of little girls, what is letting monkey protest compared to that

Black is a political term, you bigot

What the fuck is BLM bitching about in England?

you can thank mr. soros for that one faggot

Free stuff, bix nood, more progroms, etc. The same exact shit they are after in the US.

I thought those faggots were bitching about cops blasting their asses because they deserve it


It's an extortion racket for money
A lot of them will get paid worked as chairs of activist organisations, which is probably what they are really aiming for

Here's the tweet with the "explanation" video.

I can't be arsed to make a webm but someone else will later on, I'm sure.

I don't care how many times I've seen it
That never fails to enrage me

I live 5~ miles from birmingham airport, havent heard anything on the news or from people driving around. Hope these cunts get ran over, we dont need this shit as well as the mudslimes.

The plight of blacks in the UK is terrible. Yes they might get the same free schooling as whites, the same after school education, the same access to the NHS (health service), the same social housing and benefits. Many of them may be in work and often the children of middle class families.

But let's look under the facade of equality. In the last several years 2 black people have died at the hands of the police. And yes you can argue that one of them died of a heart attack, but that still leaves one that had a gun. Yes that gun was an illegally owned hand by a drug dealer gang member who thought he was a real tough guy. Yes he was out on a mission to avenge the death of his cousin in a gang related death but does that give the police the right to shoot at a worthless peice of shit that is a leech and parasite on society? Ok, so he was not a good boy and he was not turning his life around you might say, so what? Drug dealers and violent criminals have rights to you know!

People of colour in the UK should get special treatment. They should be offered a better education than whites, jump to the front of the line for health care, be automatically given a place in college and university education regardless of qualifications. They should be given bigger and more modern homes in nicer areas than whites as well. Oh, and of course they should get more benefits money, that goes without saying. Once these demands are met then it will be considered as a starting point and BLM will lower the level of disruption to working people and the economy by not blocking up roads and highways. It will be a step to right the wrongs perpetrated on their ancestors who were brought by the millions in slave ships from africa to work on farms in the UK…

OH WAIT! That didn't fucking happen you fucking stupid niggers! You parents or maybe grandparents choose to come to the UK to work because they wanted a better live for themselves and you rather than staying in africa. Feel free to fuck off back to Africa you bone idle, lazy parasites.

Updated photo of the traffic backed up at Heathrow from this prick on Twitter who expresses "Solidarity" with BLM.


lol just run them over, you brits still have cars don't you?

Simple solution, just chop off their arms. It's not like they need them for their work or anything.

Where's a fucking islamist nutter in a truck when you need one?

Looks about like you'd expect

If a brit did that they'd be crying car control before the bodies were cold.

So I hope they do it

Sorry about that. BLM good boys, though. They turned they lives around by finding Karl Marx. They dindu nuffin except try to sleep with all the white women.

fixed that for you

or something better..

Not seeing any sympathy for the 'protests' from the normies on twitter. #normielivesmatter

Thanks for ruining our country Rothschild Jews monarchy. Thanks for dragging us into two world wars and killing the only hope we had to stop it.
Thanks for always being a Eurofag and blaming us because you're jealous as fuck.

Thanks for bringing us Socialism and Marxism and Jewish immigration after WW1 because again, you dragged us into your shitty little conflicts.

pick one

And fuck you too, apologist faggot. See

fags tbh

A black fag and a white womyn traitor

Not militant just ignorant.

Shitlibism is All American, moron. Its ideological underpinnings come straight from American Christcuckoldry and Judeo-Anglo philosophy. We didn't need the russkies to fuck our shit up, Americans did it themselves.

So who is betting as a result of these protests we end up with riots across the country like we did back in 2011?

Mark Duggan's death was on the 4th of August and the riots happened around 9th August,I do remember reading, though not sure where now, that the possibility niggers will try to "commemorate" these events is quite high.

Fellow white people, you need to be "educated"!

That means they can't run-away, hehe. Throw a few gas canisters with CN(tear gas), record their reaction and upload to jewtube.

Oh, of course King Cuckold Owen Jones supports the road closures.

These people have the right mindset to do real damage to society. They would probably shut down a whole city's infrastructure over their feels. Thank Kek that they'll never get a Mao to whip them into merciless killing machines. (Come on dubs.)

Can anyone one find any recent facts and figures on race and crime?
Only one I found was this from Dailystormer, would prefer a source less biased.

"• Proportionally, blacks in England and Wales commit significantly more violent crimes – of all kinds – than whites
• Blacks are 6.6 times more likely than whites to commit murder
• Blacks are 7.3 times more likely than whites to commit firearms offences
• Blacks are 3.7 times more likely than whites to commit rape
• Blacks commit over a quarter of robberies in England and Wales, despite being only 3.3% of the population."

Mongrel-chink who also had a lot to say about brexit a few weeks ago.

Also, per the nottinghampost page, updated about 10 minutes ago:

It's a fucking joke Poles make up the biggest racial group in our prisons not blacks. Maybe 2 black people, have been shot by the police in the last 15 years. It's entirely artificial and that's why these protests are so small. Because anyone that isn't under the full effects of uni brainwashing sees it as the non issue it is.

anything outside of identity politics is "civic nationalism"/a universal religion. "AS LONG AS THEY ACCEPT OUR VALUES"

Hooray for the Cutting Crew!

"You can't back the cause but not the methods"
WTF are you even talking about?

MLKjr supported the same things MalcomX did but neither of them backed the methods of the other. These people are just spewing random shit at this point.

Would any of those black people that have been shot or otherwise killed by police been Allahu Ackbar "converts" who might have been on the way to committing mass "jihad"?

also always remember the UK created Israel

It's so obvious that immigration is being used to undermine democracies across the West. How is it that most normies don't see this? … Anyway, she's kinda cute. This is why guys cuck.


who cares, they are niggers and don't belong in Europe

found the cuck
Niggers are different species, they should be deported back to Africa.

pretty certain in terms of foreign born it goes Irish, Polish then Jamaican. Not sure of racial statistics

your country is being overrun by mudshits and you are worried about a few jigaboos?
so its these 7 coons that are the problem, not the actual invation

Your priorities are fucked mate, get your shit together, go buy a plastic spoon or whatever 'weapons' you faggots have access to and fight back.

I went to London once, the only other white people I've met there were fellow tourists.

How come NA isn't doing anything about this?

BLM proving once again that they are the true RWDS right now.

Filtered, you have to go back

The Irish are our retarded violent cousins they get a free pass considering they're ex- united kingdom

Just like you're dealing with the Hispanic invasion right.

Sounds like there's more planned for tonight.

Also, kill this fucking ghoul with fire.

that and there are shit tonnes of irish born people living here so it skews the statistics. i'd be interested to see british born blacks versus irish born whites in crime rates though..



Black Loyves Ma-uh

I guarentee that Islam will try to latch onto this at some point. Muslims love pretending to be victims.

You're either being overrun by Beaners or mudshits at this point or happen to be from somewhere not important.


I'm not silent about the killing of black "people", I fully support it. Disgusting nigger.

This is how to properly deal with these animals.

lol no


Killing your enemy, "shutting down" your enemy is the spirit of death squads.

Don't you see? Little white girls and niggas have more balls to do this type of shit than literal fascists.


Ever stop and think that the UK is really not that important now?
Nothing more than a neutered sugardaddy for the EU with a decrepit old crone as your state head.
Your people are as pathetic as the Germans in welcoming your own destruction.

We all need to face the nigger auestion, britbong. You deserve more for your drunken kike loving pm. You have the blood of a generation on your handsx you'll get what you deserve. My grandad fought for your false jew war. He knew by the end. Fuck all of you.

(Right wing) Death squads != le ebin far-right shoah squads, chaim. They were called like that because back in 20s and 30s people from Right Wing parties and organizations were killed by far-left terrorists. Lurk more, shill.

Important enough to have an army of shitskins trying to enter.

you and the rest of the world faggot, you aren't special

Can someone who lives near there get a couple of mates, mask yourself up and then smash their skulls in? Please.

lol britcucks

Nope just Europe and America the rest of the world is a shithole in comparison, that's why everyone from the 4 corners of the world accumulate here and not where ever you are.

Stupid teen snowflake's twitter outburst and her tumblr profile. hue

This is entirely on you, Rodger.

This is some SCP-tier shit here.

niggers really can't into any type of cognitive though

Thats awful! its not like they are a billion times more likely to have commited a crime or anything!
Oh, wait…

So the left is better at political violence. So much for strength and alphaness am I right fellow right-winger?

Nottingham tram protest has been cleared.

Mother fucking cancerous american ideology. Your country is massive, fucking stay there.


more arrests

A couple cops with rifles could clean that mess right up.

The problems our society face are so pathetic. The only thing more pathetic than our problems are us, for lacking the spine to deal with our problems.

the hours I spent reading intel primers on your kind and this is the level of game you bring.

It's because of you that we exist though. We're your frankenstein's monster.


Of course she has a KANGZ necklace and holes in her face. It's 2016.

This. import kikes into a country with no natural kike immunity and then act surprised when kikery becomes rampant.

what did it say? i think its been deleted

What the fuck is that even? Some sort of nigger/asian mongrel?

Maybe they really wuz kangz. Note the resemblance.

That webm.

A big X where you dig the shovel in.

christ, if ONLY they shut up

shit should have archived it

That video makes me feel like my dog on steak day.

oh my god. Why the fuck are they allowed in this fucking country. Apparently it's to "send a message to america." What a load of shit
100% proof right here that it's only about feeling good

Where's the security guards? Can't be hard to move them.

These niggers are just upset because they feel left out. They should be deported back to africa.

They want to go "see look I think black lives matter I'm a good person." Not realising that everybody already thinks black lives matter and that the movement is only named that as a psychological trick to guilt people into the movement based on lies.

The guy lying down on the far left is Aadam Siciid Muuse

Blame Soros not us.

He's a Hungarian Kike.

They must be keeping some LGBT members from making their flights

Remind me again who are the ones with 'privilege'?

sorry son

Fam if someone sneezes too many times in an airport in England they go OY VEY SHUT IT DOWN.

Wait till certain people start losing good chunks of money, they'll end up making private donations and these stupid cunts will end up getting twatted.

Pretty sure most of them are from the UK. I worked at a local radio station breifly that's all about caribean culture and shit. I remembe a presenter going to the mic and out of nowhere saying "black lives matter" to the other person who goes "They certainly do" and going on like nothing happaned. It's entirely about feeling and looking like a good person.

Sorry far right instead. Here's a pic of the coon. Somali as well

That Greek privilege.



He looks like he JUST rolled out of the International Cuck Factory.

Grabbed his email. Its [email protected]/* */ dot com.
Him speaking at london2calais
He does something with the NUS - Him again at some reparations rally

Do mongrel Ami trash really think anyone is jealous of your nigger-loving kike shit hole?


Sounds like what happened with the Twin Falls rape.

You're not safe from this, lad.


I just want someone to stand over them and take a piss. Go full Pepe on them.

source of this pls.

The protests are being organised by these fine chaps why not contact them and say hello

Nah it was France that got you your independence, you're France's monster

Why can't we have our good old police force back?


Globalists are punishing UK for Brexit.

Sure thing Alex Jonstein ;)
Sure thing :p

Or scratch their balls either. What's the weather like there now? I hope they fucking fry out there.

Well if their purpose is to D&C whites, it's working quite well, starting with the faggot OP.

Top cuck.

What would you do if you were driving and got stopped by BLM

Black people are very much accepted in the uk. Stuff like this is the only thing that would ever change that.

So if we truly want a homogeneous uk, shouldn't we be egging them on instead of bitching? They're basically tying the noose for us, possibly to the point that all we'll have to do is put it around their necks when the time is right.

Some thug dies while beeing deportet, ohh no's, super violent UK. Kenia just murders people randomly which are demonstrating, torturing arrested people and nobody fucking cares.

This guy gets it!

That's because they don't want to live in their ancestral shitholes.

I didn't even feel like writing, fucking niggers, since just the fucking. Made, spread and discussed by white people. Figuring how to aid and train their nation leaders and police how to not act like thugs. While the niggers here protest over a thug getting killed while beeing deportet. How can you be sooo fucking dense.



don't forget that they've made their way down under with them protecting abos
what did we ever do to you yanks to deserve this, we helped you in vietnam

(((Citation needed))) right because acting like niggers cause causing problems for every day people is going to make every everyone want to join your cause when they have shit to do but you decide to block up the road.

Get >>>/out/ you fucking nigger

The cognitive dissonance some of you yuropoors have is astounding.

We could be 20% white and we would still be superior to you, as we are now.

You know that most of the mudshits are niggers, right?

You know that UK #BLM is advocating for more of them as you can see from their twitter?

stop with the d&c shit mate, you're not going to get anywhere


Maybe you should focus on getting rid of the mudslimes raping your women and children, and blowing you up first?

Now isnt the time to fight a war on two fronts when youre losing horribly already

Worth it

If you're a southern cunt then maybe

Be glad we saved your ass from the Soviets you fucking britcuck, learn your place.

This is why I'm ok with going khmer rouge style "emptying the cities" of anyone with black framed glasses come the collapse.

To all you British cucks whining about this, don't forget that it was YOU who led the push to ban slavery.

I keep getting "video aborted due to a playback error".

Maybe your browser/OS can't decode VP9 videos.


How is there no one beating the shit out of these uppity nogs? Fuck, fly me to Britain and I will bring with me a monsoon. A monsoon of punches. I will overhead throw the women weight limit 185lbs.
Your citizens will cheer. I will receive kisses from the fairest maidens which I will not enjoy. Not because I'm gay. But because their jagged, gnarly teeth will undoubtedly cut my gums.

Black Pigeon Speaks made a good video about this whole issue.

Man if I was a cop I'd love to chuck a gas canister straight into one of their heads, if it knocks him out he'd be dead wait for the rest of the confused retards.


It's not the teeth you want to worry about, it's the STDs they got from their last 3 black boyfriends. I say this as a bong.

Not even embedding, let alone webm, and (((Black Pigeon Speaks)))


D-d-does that mean not every nigger in the UK is well spoken, decent and based as Luther?


Another few years of Black Lives Matter activism and I think there'll be broad support for the reinstitution of slavery. It's amazing how much they're only hurting themselves. You couldn't have made a better movement for making the broad populace hate blacks.

All those cars… and not one person decides to get get and "move them on"?

pretty sure cars are illegal in britian m8

everything is illegal in britian, even breathing will cause you to have to pay a 100 pound fee

So this pretty much confirms that BLM is ISIS, right? They are trying to push for further shitskin importation or what?

Requesting that excerpt from Kaczynski's manifesto where he mentions that "intersectional" means your purpose is to keep things the same.

that seems a bit unfair for migrants though? over here in burgerica, we make special allotments for under privleged and undocumented communities by actively spending tax dollars filtering their water which they are stealing from taxpayers in the city of flint! beat that level of civic duty brit!



All I see is that black people are many times more subhuman than white people.

That second image is a parody, right? It hits every SJW talking point.

Blame Soros on this one.

Since (((they))) couldn't disrupt the UK economically with Brexit. (((They))) will try all the other social disrupting.

Stray strong britbong. The US election is soon.


after Brexit, rather.
Wrong word used.

Mossad only organizes that kind of thing to fuck shit up for whites.

It would be backwards to do it in a BLM protest since niggers are the jews favorite biological weapon.

Don't forget that's why they are here.

Come on. You guys already know how to handle these protestors. (vid)

If you want in on the comment action:

He only got ONE guy?

Damn. Looked Mad Max tier, but was shit tier.

It's not our fault the blacks have near boundless groupthink.

They're staunch conformists, so it's to be expected. The more mental illnesses and hatred for tradition/sanity they display, the cooler they are.

Why don't they just run them over? They're in the middle of a main road, right? They're basically asking for it.

Yeah, it's the fault of us "Yanks."

You exported your kikes to us first dipshit. This is originally your problem, kike lover

you spelled (((yanks))) wrong, btw

The revving was so goddamn cathartic, same with seeing him turn around for what I'd hoped would be a second pass.

I wish they'd take a lesson from pic related.

Crazy question, but why the fuck would BLM decide to do this at the same day is the Olympics.

I think they are just using the BLM as distrations now when they start making a big deal in countries with only 2 police related deaths that involved Black people..Didnt one of them just have a heart attack, not even police battery?

another proud college graduate! i'm sure he will be a marvelous addition to the work force.

give us funz pls



UK has easily defendable sea border, though we don't defend it. It's one of the best defencable countries in Europe from migrants if we sort our shit.

Foreign snobs will hang from American trees right next to the subhumans come Day of Rope.

Thank you George Soros for funding a group that will get people to hate niggers more than a thousand fecal swastikas ever could.

what a fucking faggot

The only white people I met in England were poles

We really need a final solution to the jewish problem

Seems visibly disabled to me.

You lied to me

Nu-male glasses and beard, check
Shitty apartment - check
Half sized fridge for eternally single liberal man - check
Future job in auto rental call center despite having masters in gender studies - check

wew lad

I would call this terrorist activities we need to treat them as such.

Good to see English getting a taste of their own medicine. They did the same thing with Russia, sending here commies and revolutionaries.
Check out Lenin's London period.

Not just black framed glasses, ill fittingly unstylish black frames without lenses and cuck face.

How do we do this Holla Forums

