The "NPC" Generation

I've seen a lot of people on Holla Forums recently talk about how all of their social contact with other human beings feels almost as if they are talking to a video game npc, while you are in full control of yourself, the person you are interacting with is not, and with the right knowledge, charisma, and phrases you are able to choose, you can accurately predict their response and/or reaction. Followed by all risk of a disproportionate response or a response you did not want. Many of you associate these people with the "normies", soulless husk who simply walk around consuming media, reacting to their environment instead of using critical thought. After putting this into consideration I have a question to ask, how can you tell who and who isn't an NPC? Are these npcs able to learn? Can they some how achieve a soul and consciousness capable of being what is considered a "decent" human being? Or are most humans doomed to a life of living like an animal? I'd like to think most of the human population is spiraling into an insanity of conformity, while they may not think they are losing their minds, it may be because they never really had a mind in the first place. Think of the hivemind, do you think the ant cares if it dies?

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Humans are randomly generated genetic sequences.

In any given population, it is clear not all individuals are equal - by any measure.
Such inequality is subject to categorization.
These different groups have been considered different classes, castes, etc,

In a society that rewards work, snubs the lazy, leaves be the peaceful and hunts down the criminal, the appeal to equal treatment (instead of fair treatment) is alluring to the inferior, as it always promises them better treatment than they deserve.

This appeal has been made in many religions, political ideologies and social movements.

tl;dr- You can't run a colony on just soldiers, or just workers, or just nurses. Every colony needs everyone. Industry requires specialists.

TURING TEST incoming

You can tell they have that mentality because they kind of are trying to orbit in a way. For example, I am a fast eater so when I go to restaurants I usually get in and out quick. The average NPC human will linger and eat slow, talk a fuck ton about meaningless shit etc etc. But if you mention something that triggers their wiring or preconceived notions they will laugh at you or mock you etc. Anything that isnt a social norm can betray you (ie just dont be autistic and you won't trigger them).

Now a lot of the younger "instagram" NPC generation is different from the older, boomer "gibs me that generation." The boomer women are the fucking worst, generally psychotic and delusional and in entrenched jobs/careers or have some source of money that makes them feel like they are entitled little brats. Boomer men are okish, some good and some bad. Unfortunately the "status" driven boomers and "hippy" boomers seemed to have done the best from what I see. Most of the old "grandfather" generation is ok- they don't like immigrants etc but they actually destroyed Nazi Germany and are stuck in a WW2/Cold War mindset that just isn't the reality nowadays and some are just loony.

What you really gotta watch out for is the workplace. People can analyze you over time there and work out who you are better. Certain people in certain job functions are expected to certain shit. The key is Gossip because if you don't listen to the psychotic Women trying to fuck over other people you will become a target because they know YOU don't gossip. Then they will bully you and treat you like shit and do Stasi like stuff to you because they are psychotic gossipers who live to torment other people. Anyways sometimes you have to put up with some NPC level shit but what can you do.

Look into Yuri Bezmenov and his definition of "useful idiots"

While this is a very broad thread, the basic ideas behind human nature being so predictable are the foundations of the schools of thought behind hypnosis, persuasion, marketing and propaganda: tools used very effectively by (((them)))

The only resilience against these techniques are to learn them very thoroughly so as to catch yourself if you find your body betraying you with its Pavlovian responses to the stimuli they have cultivated

It's simple.

Humans are basically animals. We're driven by our instincts, our training, and our obsessions. Humans are all unique, of course, but not all too terribly more unique than, say, two dogs of the same breed.

Some (((people))) have come up with remarkably effective means to propagandize to the vast majority of the public, along one channel or another, along the various avenues of attack that get through to various like-minded groups.

Then they feel like they have some special knowledge of how the world works, and spout the same shit they heard on their infotainment shows and social media campaigns and talk radio bullshit.

If you're here, you're one of the rare few who are mentally defective in just such a way to reject at least a sizeable chunk of the dizzying array of propaganda levied at you. A fully functional human being would just go along with the propaganda if for no other reason than because the truth is less important to them than displaying the "correct" opinions.

so, grats, I guess.

I think it's a big load of bullshit. Socially awkward people aren't able to relate to others that don't share the same interests and as a result they stereotype other people and attribute their lack of common interests to a lack of intelligence or character. In turn, the "NPC" can tell they're being judged, and as a result they stick to shallow small talk and keep their true thoughts and feelings to themselves, hoping they can end this awkward ass conversation as quickly and peacefully as possible. Socially awkward people make normies clam up, whereas when normies open up, they're ordinary people with hopes, dreams, and interests that just differ from those of the socially awkward person.

For instance, a lot of people aren't interested in politics. To us, this seems ridiculous and naive, because politics are important to us. Are they stupid? we wonder. Well maybe they are, and maybe they aren't. Other than voting every few years, there's not a whole lot we can do to influence politics. In addition, political news is very aggravating sometimes. Perhaps people who aren't into politics would simply like to spend their time and energy on something more productive where they DO have some influence. For example, I have 100% more influence over my garden than I do over national or even local politics. Those fucking tomatoes live or die by my whim. Whereas, when it comes to politics, if I don't read the news and don't vote, it's highly likely that nobody will even notice or care. When you look at it that way, my gardening hobby is much more productive and profitable than my politics hobby. Normies are just more likely to eliminate hobbies where they don't feel like they have any influence or are liable to get aggravated.

So the basic tl;dr is no bread and circus leads to no interest.

This whole "Everyone is a normie reeee except me" attitude reeks of puberty problems.

How can you tell you're not one if you cannot even tell if others are?

This isn't about people being normies or not, it's about the predictability of humans beings, and how the majority may be much lower than the average intelligence making them drones of whatever media they consume. You could too, be a tool of your environment, who ever you are.

Gotta have the seasonal cloths, gotta have the new iPhone, gotta know what X said about Y last night, gotta post your food on your instagram page, gotta post a selfie on facebook, gotta signal to everyone that your opinions are "correct", gotta show everyone that you're really nice, gotta get the new new season of cloths, gotta get the new new iPhone, etc, etc, etc.
It's been programmed from a young age that these are the things that matter in the world, no depth to it, no thought.
This is what easily 80% of all people living in developed western countries do on a daily basis.

Nothing you said disproves that the attutide talked about in this thread is related to either pubescent loners hating on "chads" OR those with arrested development who are stuck in a highschool mindset.

I mean, sure, a lot of people are really stupid and vapid but grownups don't generally make a big deal of this. Going "WOW PEOPLE ARE DUMB" is something you realize during, you guessed it, puberty.

I don't think most people are npcs, but are acting in a way that is polite but impersonal. When people are talking about/doing things they like, they don't seem like npcs. I think the state of "npc" is more a result of having temporarily mentally checked out. It happens when people do stuff they don't want to be doing, that they can do on autopilot. Sure, there are some truly vapid people, but by no means the majority of people.

I think that ties in with people not starting families nor ever planning to. A lot of people lack real things to give a shit about.

I'm taking this.
This is my new favorite meme.

The bluepilled are meatbag NPCs. Their responses are predictable because they follow the logic of political correctness.

For what you said to be true, you'd have to actually know how we all interact with these people. Complaining about their conformity doesn't necessarily mean it's because you look like a fat neckbeard wearing an mlp shirt. People don't think of me as awkward, but I still treat them as NPCs, although manipulating people like this can be seen as psychopathic.

It's like walking around knowing everyone around you is actually a reptoid alien disguised as a human, but they don't know that you are an ACTUAL human.

Oh, I didn't mean to accuse anyone directly of being an autist, but topics like this do tend to attract them.

Personally I never fully realize just HOW simple some people are until I worked an office job/tech support.

Or maybe that's all people talk to YOU about because they don't really want to talk to you.

These are all things people talk about when they don't really want to reveal things about themselves. These are polite, non-controversial subjects that are very unlikely to rustle anyone's jimmies and they're fit for all audiences. You can talk about autumn wardrobes with your grandma just as well as you can with your boss, your pastor, or your 10-year-old nephew.

If you've already pre-judged someone because they talked about a TV show you don't like with one of their other acquaintances, for example, they're unlikely to open up to you and talk about controversial topics or admit to their hopes, fears and dreams so you can judge them some more. They're going to keep nattering on about inane subjects and what they watched on TV last night until you skulk away. You'll probably think that reality shows and the latest fashions are all they ever think about, but maybe when they're at home they indulge in BDSM or grow pot in their closet or smuggle exotic animals into the country, and you'll never know.

Hand over the delegates Dahnald.

Also this.

I'd apply the same basic principle to those autist, they too, could be NPCs, the thing is, the media they consume is vastly different, usually foreign in nature. This kind of media doesn't appeal to them, and they'd reject it, just how they would with politically incorrectness. An analogy would be two factions in a game who are in conflict, even though both of their ideologies are mundane and lack any actual importance or difference.

this is a philosophical and neuropsychological question more than a Holla Forums question. to everyone else you seem like an npc too.

more than that even. only YOU are real. nobody else. everyone else IS very much an npc. The people you see in your life are essentially just cross-sections of a branch of their timeline that you happen to temporarily cross paths with. however this is not necessarily their path. the path they experience from first person perspective is that which will lead them to the longest point of living possible. everyone around you are simulations.

thought experiment to illustrate the concept:

imagine you lock yourself in a room. you sit infront of a device with a gun pointed at your head. upon pressing a button a machine then measures the spin of a quantum particle, which is truly random and cannot be predicted. If the measurement is clockwise, the gun fires and you die. If it's counterclockwise, a beep sounds and nothing happens. Now, since you (only you!) experience your life from first person perspective, you will NEVER not hear the beep. by necessity, whenever there is a timeline in which you survive, that's the path you will take. however you still die, to everyone else. they might end up in the timeline in which you die. in that case, they get to witness that crosssection of your possible timelines.

but you yourself, are immortal. and yes, everyone else are NPC's.

spooky huh.

Just… just please don't meme us into Mazes & Monsters psychopaths, okay?

in fact…. maybe you need to test your shitty theory

I have survived shit so unlikely that I consider it tested

No, I'm completely sure that's only what just about everybody ever thinks about.
Generally, when people talk to me, they ask for the signature drink or another round. Before that, it was about what the soup of the day was or if the unlimited salad bar really is unlimited. I've spent the past 12 years around other people who are spending time with their friends and family, it's petty bullshit what they speak of every time. Event the severely inebriated don't say anything of value.
You seem to jump to many conclusions about how I've gathered my opinion, that I awkwardly stumble up to a group people and mention the weather at a water cooler or some shit. You also seem to have some innate reason to defend against criticism about quite meaningless content. Also remind me who you are to say that people don't have "some influence" in the course of politics? Last time I checked, every revolution or cultural shift had something to do with "some" people having an "influence" of some sort or another.

Consider the following…


Well no shit, that's the whole point of speech

wasn't there some screencap about this?

If there was I never saw it.

What a dull way of looking at interaction.

So you're saying the (((minority))) controls the majority?

I guess the problem is the reactions being scripted, rather than anything more.

That isn't funny user


Nigger do you have no reading comprehension? He said that it's just assburgers user projecting their vapidness and inability to practice social intimacy onto the people they're interacting with, resulting in the latter party not making the effort to engage in anything beyond pleasantries.

And it's true. There is a problem with normalfags, but them being NPC's isn't it. They're sinful and indulgent. They commit pride, lust and glutton especially. They're weak and defeated, preyed on by kike memes and turned into good goy slaves. They've pushed to have little familial and national grounding, little intellectual initiative or social and financial reserve and discretion.

All the same can be said of the NEET shut-ins bitter about their social abilities. Being weak, they project fault outwards and not inwards.

that's childish thinking. why you care what they do?

That's basically what I said here

I'm not saying they are stuck like this, but they are being easily manipulated by the media they are born into. The NPC is an analogy that we must also manipulate them but with maybe less malicious intent.


this has larger implications ..

I think the NPC thinking and seeing things comes from too much videogames. Can OP confirm?

Exclaim "Heil Hitler!" that's basically the broad phase litmus test.

Also, I want more people to exclaim "Heil Hitler" to make it the norm again.
NPCs get triggered as fuck over that.

Judging a book by its cover is basic instinct, and probably helped with survival. If you see a large animal with sharp teeth and claws compared to a smaller animal munching on a plant, it's probably safe to assume that larger animal is a threat. Just as you can look at an SJW and probably predict what they do most of their days.

Watching their wife take huge refugee cock while reading Karl Marx

You sound upset.

Social media has ruined many people. The constant exposure to that stimulation has shorted a fuse in their brains.

Reality is not porn. Huge cocks are rare, and I'm a lucky fucker.

Human beings, like any agent in a controlled environment, having predictable responses to specific conditions is not the same thing as being a rudimentary AI with specific limited use-case. If the former is the only revelation contained in the sentiment OP identifies, then the user is right to call it growing pains since it's a reality we all know and understand, even if it conflicts with an immature idealistic world-view (muh "phonies")

To clarify
There is no "could." You are.

can't find it

fuck that. I will always remember this now:

Solution: consciousness emerges from mutual group behavior. Like the emergent intelligence of ant behavior or such hive insects. Consider an insect hive as having intelligence squared resulting in complex emergent behavior. So too a group or hive of people will be consciousness squared: the group allows an individual to feel powerful, even if that individual is not himself very powerful or contributing all that much power to the group. So long as he acts in tune with the group's higher interests, he feels like an individual, because he has power and an identity.

Do you see the irony? So long as you keep a man powerless, he must stay part of some group to have any power or a sense of self. The members of those groups are limited by the group's greater interest. If you, as an individual, happen to control that group, you now control those individuals almost like NPCs.

There are a rare few individuals who dare to shatter their link to all groups. We call them NEETs. Weebs. Chinese Origami mail catalogue users. They've actively killed off any real semblance of power they could have received by joining up with some group, and they suffer loneliness. They have little sense of identity. These isolated men live inside a society, but aren't a part of it, and lose their ability to relate to anyone. The only way for a powerless man with an ailing sense of identity to get by is to start becoming an individual.

We are our own gods. Having suffered the feeling of disenfranchisement and the loss of our identity, and having found it again in user, we are Kek now: only truth is our god. The various kinds of NPC groups throughout the world are our enemy, and they are controlled by international Jewry.

Yea, let it be so.

No offense to anyone, but it is usually quite obvious when someone doesn't want to talk to you, i guess (((chads))) wouldn't really know about someone who wouldn't want to talk to them. It's simple, they would firstly avoid all contact in the first place unless forced (cash register job, school, work, ect.) and when they are FORCED to talk to you it is short and to the point. Unless they are actually trying to be your friend. How do you know your friends want to talk to you? They probably hate your topics but will indulge in them anyway just for your physiological benefit.

This could explain why the public obsession with "lone-wolf" hero protagonist in media actually.

And so… we played the game again… for one last time. It didn't matter that there were no maps… or dice… or monsters. Pardue saw the monsters. We did not. We saw nothing but the death of hope. And the loss of our friend. And so we played the game until the sun began to set… and all the monsters were dead.


But they do talk with you, they only don't want to put the effort into it or are not trusting (risk assessment). It's a combination.

Yes I admit I give into the virtual jew for hours a day.

Niggers have a term, shark-eyes. It's the cold stare of a predator hunting prey. There's no emotion, no empathy. Just coldness piercing through you. It doesn't matter if the person is a 4'11 asian girl or a 7 foot tall big nig, they will shy away from the one with shark-eyes. This is easily proven, show anyone pictures of Lanza. They'll see the shark-eyes right away. People might call them school shooter eyes. There's innate fear to shark eyes, and people will rarely keep eye contact with you.

The shark-eyes is a nice little gift you get when you start learning about mental control. You see, spergs like Lanza? They had the eyes, but never bothered learning how to turn the eyes off. They were always in permanent "I'm going to fucking kill you" mode. The first gift of learnings is to turn them on and off, to control what your eyes show about you.

Eyes are the window of the soul, and they can receive information as well as transmit it. Learn the shark-eyes, learn to turn them on and off, and learn to pass thoughts along.

Because humanity can be so much more than it is right now.

you are so fucked up man


I have almost crippling insomnia, so that combined with the bags under my eyes must give people heart attacks.

Are you posting from the Dungeons & Dragons universe? You guys still using THAC0 over there?

Fuck off half satan, you're pushing NPC bullshit.

Little FYI, most people think you're an NPC too.

was it ever more? it was not. people were always shitty, but there were white people in charge to guide the civilization. with the jews, the weaklings that are like the ones you care about are in charge.


ITT autism trying to justify its total lack of social skills. Operating on preconceived notions with zero attempt to change anything isn't how you spread red pills.




If there ever was a false flag psyop it'd be sandy hook. All the photos of him really look doctored. I get that he was disturbed but no kid looks like that.

This is so true. My theory is that they just don't know who they want to kill. They know they've reached the point that someone has to die, but because the real enemy is the Jew, they can't figure out who they're supposed to be fucking killing right now.

That honestly makes way to much sense.

To be honest i've been feeling more and more powerful lately being part of the user hivemind seeing as during this election we're only growing in power and relevance.

Are you telling me even though I go on Holla Forums I'm still not special? Are we all really just spastic pretentious retards that feel intelligent because we don't fit in?

I'm seeing a correlation between that and the analogy of Trump to Holla Forums still voting for him, but
I'm curious to see if he's actually controlled. The board is a brighter place because of him. If he didn't join the race, there'd be a lot more dissatisfaction, and thusly, meatspace meetups and attempts to reverse lefty action. Now it all hinges and relies on Trump; A failure here would disappoint all, disenchant those already disenfranchised.

Its simple really OP. They are no longer people and have been infected by a non-coporeal alien hive-mind parasite.

They have no thought of their own and simply repeat what they have learned and been told. This is why they give the same answers to complex questions.

They aren't human and will be purged like the rest.

Reminds me of Schrodinger's cat. You were on to something in the beginning. None of us are special but only ourselves. We don't view others the same as we view ourselves. Ourself is the only thing that really matters to us.

Would the entire media be willing to utterly abandon their credibility and control over the populate for even a small chance of hurting him if we wasn't a real threat. The media was never EVER this shrill at any time in American history.

(((They))) are obviously scared.

It's probably a bit of both. We are spastic autists but at the same time we're significantly more intelligent than normalfags so all their pleb interests seem insanely vapid to us.


Why shouldn't people be predictable? The majority of our lives our monotonous, and people tend to gravitate to simple concerns, such as family or prosperity which will obviously gird their actions to a limited amount.

We're all the same way, our tastes are just more esoteric.

I feel this way about most people I meet. I sometimes get invited by normie co workers and their normie friends and all they talk about is jack shit. Literally unimportant stuff that you will never think about again after leaving going home.

I just like to spend my time alone at home with my waifu.

Nice meme OP. 10/10

It took me a long time to figure out what the deal was with Myspace and Facebook because people who I knew were otherwise smart would post things there that made them seem 20 IQ points stupider. I finally figured it out:

The person that they reblogged it from is 100% more important than the content of the post.

I figured it out because I had an otherwise intelligent friend who posted the crappiest, grandma-level homilies, hokey patriotism, urban legends, and guardian angel/God crap that I'd ever fucking seen. Turns out that he automatically reposted every thing his mother posted because he wanted her to use Facebook more often so that she'd keep in touch with his Grandma and aunts and uncles so they wouldn't call him as often. Apparently it worked. I'm 99% sure that other people who use social media like Facebook reblog things that they think are stupid or they don't agree with solely out of social pressure or obligation. After I started receiving similar social pressure to reblog stupid crap in order to make someone feel liked, I deleted both Myspace and Facebook.

People who are socially awkward generally DON'T know when people don't really want to talk to them, and that's part of why they're socially awkward. They can't take a hint, and they can't read subtle signs and signals like facial expressions and body language that would otherwise tell them that this person who can't stop talking about the latest episode of Pawn Stars really doesn't want to talk to them, so they're picking a safe, mundane, non-offensive subject. Also, in situations where you're FORCED to talk to people you really don't want to talk to, like at work, you also don't want to ostracize or offend them, so if you can't avoid them, you make idle and inoffensive chit-chat but you don't actually share anything of significance with them.

In addition to that, sometimes normies will make similar idle and inoffensive chitchat to a socially awkward person in an attempt to make them feel included and draw them into the conversation. Since they themselves don't really understand social awkwardness, they don't realize that the socially awkward person really doesn't want to talk to THEM, that this conversation about the do's and don'ts of wearing skinny jeans is driving them CRAZY, and mistake their discomfort/anxiety for symptoms of shyness. Normies don't necessarily HATE the socially awkward person, it's usually the other way around.

This is really true, but the opposite is more where I'm at. There's a way to present that is so innocuous that no one will acknowledge you exist. I've been perfecting it over the years. I worked at a grocery store for five years and by the time I left, I was the most senior employee there. No one could ever remember my name.

Every day, the same thing. "Are you new here?" I'd watched countless mothers become pregnant, have their kid, I'd know their kid's birthday, name, where they lived/worked, what year they graduated, their major, I knew everything about everyone (my family built the city I live in). They never knew I existed. My next door neighbor came in my last week there, recognized me and told me she was in every other day and had never seen me. I'd seen her for the whole five years, even personally helped her several times. Then I just stopped showing up one day, never even got a phone call.

I've leveraged my talent to become a hell of a criminal. I work 20 hours a month and pull down at least 120k/yr. The NPC theory is the opposite of reality. Most people think they are the protagonist of their favorite tabloid. They are so consumed with their life's literary value that they fail to recognize anything that doesn't add to that value. They might seem outwardly vacant, but their minds are constantly looking for the next talking-point or vocabulary word or any interesting experience they can own. I've learned how to be too boring to remember. Never underestimate anyone you think is an "NPC", I'm one of them and I've managed your expectations to camouflage my hyper-awareness. I only watch out of the most mundane people, it takes a studied effort to take in everything and give up nothing. Mundane can be an art, you never know who's playing whom. It takes invisible to recognize invisible, you won't see us until we can't see you.

Are you implying that Boomers aren't the grandparent generation? The WW2 generation is Great-grandparents at best.


I think I have something similar to this. People seem to think that I'm harmless, non-judgmental, and trustworthy, to the point that they sometimes unload their deepest, darkest secrets in my ear because they're sure I won't tell anyone else and won't judge them. This is part of why I know so much about normies, and don't underestimate them in spite of their inane chatter and boring interests. Sometimes the least interesting-looking person in the room is the one with the wildest secret. Sometimes the person who seems to be the nicest, with the sweetest personality, is the one who's the most full of hate and the most judgmental one of all.

To be fair to the people who have told me all their secrets unsolicited, I usually don't share things people tell me in confidence with anyone else unless I think it's relevant, so they're right about that part. I'm far from harmless and non-judgmental though, I just keep my cards close to my chest and my judgments to myself unless again, I think it's relevant. For instance, I DID tell the girl at work who had two daughters under 10 years old that the man she was dating(another co-worker) was a convicted pedophile. However, I DIDN'T call the wife of the man with the piss fetish who liked to golden-shower prostitutes on business trips, because he wasn't exposing her to any diseases just by pissing on whores. It would have hurt her feelings, possibly broken up their marriage, and given me problems at work, so it wasn't relevant enough to share.


neo nazi's are always so cringe.

Ovendodger, get out.

The trick to staring down anyone is to shift your focus a bit beyond the other person. Just like you're supposed to aim behind whatever you're punching.

You can see it in their eyes. There's an impenetrable glaze. It varies more or less, but ultimately their weak will will steer them away from going further. They will need many lifetimes to grow.

It's funny to me, but you can see it in young kids very early on. One student of mine named Douglas is an empty vessel, incapable of abstraction and retention of lessons for his level. There is nothing in his eyes that hints self awareness in comparison to some impressive kids.

"npcs" are simply ignorant presentists.

I need more of this.

How do I become invisible?

it's like you haven't read the thread. Many, many NEETs are NPCs too, go look at a video game forum sometime and this is obvious. It's not about "chads" and you're betraying some internal conflict that you read it that way.

Last week I was talking to some friends, and one of them, who's a programmer, was talking about his friend who is a social worker.

The programmer noticed that the social worker is using gamification (you get a little 'reward' when you follow the approved program) to literally program the behavior of the people he is "watching over".

Watch a group of people sometime when their phone's notification sound goes off, you'll often see a half-dozen of Pavlov's dogs reflexively reach for their pockets or purses.

the stench of reddit is on you pleb. Have a bath.

You are right. Us lonely guys with not many friends are the fucked up ones. Normies actually exhibit more free will than us socially awkward aspies. So Schlomo what brand of antidepressant and ADHD medicine do you recommend so that we can finally become functional human beings?

Its very interesting that this NPC topic keeps coming up. What piques my interest here is that kikes always talk about the same phenomenon in very similar language. For full disclosure, I'm a cryptogoy. I grew up one of the few christians in a heavily Jewish neighborhood in south Florida. When I was younger I sometimes went to the temple for shabbos and I'd listen to the rabbis speak. Some of the hebes didn't even know I wasn't Jewish so I was able to hear stuff I shouldn't have. Once people found out I wasn't able to hear the lessons on the Talmud and Tanya anymore. How this relates is that one of the main lessons in the Tanya is that Jews have two souls, a godly soul and an animal soul, while goys only have the animal soul. Goys only operate on animal instincts such as consumption, excretion, and reproduction. Jews on the other hand have a godly soul which gives them higher thinking, critical thought etc. I'm not trying to proclaim or prove anything by saying this. Its just interesting that this NPC topic keeps coming up because this is literally what Jews teach their young, that gentiles are just NPCs.

Nice use or Arcane there dingus, but you're posting about it on a chan. You're going to lose that merit if you keep bragging about it.

To assume that people here don't have enough social skill to even judge people in a pattern is enough to consider your argument invalid.

Of course people talk about shit other than what was mentioned, but it ultimately does boil down to what they are programmed to consume. Yes, most normal folks go through life simply existing and consuming and talking about shit they consumed.

Worrying about normal human things isn't enough to break the chains of programming.

This is some next-level shill posting

No. The simple thing is that the silent majority very much exists. Although they appear to be disinterested in politics, only the hippy boomers really have the "disillusioned" rebel in them that makes them think that they can't effect politics. Its more that they think most other people are liberal, with all the media brainwashing. And as such, bow to social preasure from libshits to stay shut and follow the crowd. Which causes their NPC like responses, since they are actually just being the template of what they think a normal person actually is. The main reason why kikes control politics is keeping this sense of isolation intact. Probobly why they try to d&c us on other boards as a group of idiots. They fear our anoymity and suprisingly large amount of viewbase. They can't let the goyim know that most others share their opinions. Also, stop it with the "your vote doesn't matter" shit. Its just another form of demoralizing.

I feel qualified to answer this because people tend to ignore me. Start by meditating. Learn to enter a trance-like state and stick to routines when out in public. Imagine piloting a boat, and leaving no wake. It's pretty easy to do. I have a hard time breaking out of it. I feel like a ghost.
I have had EEG tests done before for various experiments I was participating in and the investigator commented on how steady my readouts were. This is the key I believe to hiding in plain sight. Neurofeedback would likely be a very valuable too, this thread is making me want to invest in it now.

Underrated post.
This is just D&C by the Jew, and it's working.

Normally I'd deign to disagree, but this latest incident of Obama letting loose a few hundred drug dealers, then saying he'll do more, and nobody I know giving half a shit or even worse, justifying it. Has lead me to believe we're living in a zombie apocalypse.

I wouldn't say this is the case. I get the people that are saying "you're the main character of your own story" and the "the only people you feel exist are the people you know", but I can't really agree with that. I have a pretty active social life and am good friends with an abnormally large amount of people, and my work has made me interact with plenty of people around the world for extended periods of time.

Even among my close friends that I know very well, there are "NPC's". There is a definite difference between them and the other people that clearly have independent thought and agency on the same level that I do, and these people. They just sort of… exist. They don't learn anything independently, they don't have any non-normie interests or hobbies, they never talk about or have conversations about anything creative, new, or introspective - hell, they often talk about the same things when they damned well should remember that they've been told about or talked about themselves.

They may not be NPC's, but there are definitely two levels of people. Some definitely operate on a lower level of agency, awareness, introspectiveness, creativity, curiosity, and intelligence. They really do seem like there's basically nobody home, and that they're running on an autopilot that's using behavior completely throttled by genetic predisposition and uses the simplest of logic gates to respond to stimuli.

There are two elements of this 'NPC' phenomenon.
1. Normies are focused on other more immediate pleasures and put up stances views and judgements as the shield they think will hinder them the least in pursuit of these goals.
2. People with antagonistic designs engaging in memetic warfare.



There's a glaze when a person suddenly decides on something they want and starts trying to make it happen.

To expand on the first two points with examples,

Example of first,
A month ago I was talking to my supervisor and coworker. We didn't usually mention politics, but the coworker brought up how he was scared of the outcome of the election. And then they went back and forth about how scared they were about Trump's prospects, le nuclear codes, wwiii, civil war, etc. After a bit, I put in a short interjection, saying that I'm not scared of a Trump presidency, and that I think that he's not as much of warhawk as they think he is. And then they start going back and forth in his support; he's self-funding, he's a competent businessman, the supervisor compares him to Perot (who he supported).

Example of second,
I was walking through town where there were a number of canvassers standing at various points on the street, fighting workplace discrimination against LGtripleQ. I walked by a nig who asked me if I'd help fight discrimination. I said yes, if you will help fight and petition against discrimination against Euro-American men in schools and workplaces. He said yes "you support my fight I'll support yours" (didn't realize what I was asking), asked me if I had my petition. No I didn't, but I'll support him, so what does he want me to do? Donate to the ACLU. I say no, ACLU supports anti-Euro discrimination. He says 'ACLU dindu nuffin'. 'Yes it does'. 'No it doesn't'. I'm talking about affirmative action, and he says that it isn't discrimination. Tell him it is. He says he doesn't want to stand here and argue about it. We shake hands and I keep going.

How do I accomplish this? I am a diagnosed psychopath and I think that this is something I could achieve.

If you're really not bullshiting or LARPing user, here's my Tox ID: 03FA01F5D46040A5D8039B00F94301DC10D7B7CD833D93F33C4B6B010BC02C1014571F7CE133

I don't think I've ever had a meaningful conversation with anyone outside of the internet, probably because i'm an introvert, but i am willing to discuss deep and personal topics with others, but it seems near impossible since their curiosity does not go beyond "How was your day?". Only friend I have in RL is a guy who joined up college, I instead went straight to get a job, we are both introverts, more or less, he seems to be a bit more social but he usually stays at home studying, the few times we hang out, we usually go somewhere empty and just talk about whatever we have in mind to set backs, or sometimes we go to his home and play on his piano without really saying much, and it feels as if we actually had learned about each other during that moment.

My point is, that a man feels stronger when he connects with those he understand, that's why a place like this is so important to us, it gives us strength to keep going and can put meaning to our lives, it's hardly a hugbox for there's plenty of disagreements and sometimes infighting and that helps develop our critical thinking, when a man has to make a choice, his critical thinking takes control, nowadays a man hardly owns anything and is always under direct orders, so its harder for anyone to use their critical thinking.

>tfw the DM halfheartedly thanks me for my effort sometimes with a defeated look on his face

Well you've got that going for you at least.

I know this feel. At best I get laughed off, at worst room goes silent. Not even the dm is on my side, and I know that at one point I'm going to be asked to leave. (But after that, I know the group will fall apart, no one trying to herd the cats means nothing will ever happen.)
Some of em have been my friends for a long time, but seeing them deny reality is like watching them die.

I think I'm probably one of those in NPCs you're talking about. no one ever really seems to be interested in anything I have to say, sometimes people will say " what?" I'll annoyingly have to repeat myself once or twice before anyone seems understand what I'm saying, then they either nod their heads or just walk away without saying anything.

pretty irritating, but I've basically gotten used to it. I'm a pretty average looking person with no real distinguishing features so most people either don't recognize me or think I'm somebody else. people usually recognize me from my voice (which I'm told is irritating, because of how nasally and effeminate it sounds).

so I usually just try to stay out of people's way, and hope they stay out of mine.

overall I try to do as many productive things as I can, I'm pretty much an urban hermit these days. (as most people grow tired of my presence rather quickly).

(pic related: basically what I look like most of the time, I really need to shave)

All men are autonomus. just brainwashed, the fools autonomy most in the north enjoy is at direct threat to true autonomy that you can still find in the south.
this is why those in the north the brainwashed drones they are think southerners are backwards for not drinking the coolaid

I can attest to this, is the only reason I have a Facebook account is because my mother asked me to get a hold of my estranged sister. and it was the only way to reach her.

I hate everything about social networks, every time I look at it it's basically nothing but liberals jacking off to how smart and tolerant they are, people making fun of Donald Trump, people talking about how much they hate America Europe their own race or just whites in general. it's pretty disgusting. ( I don't remember MySpace being this bad, )

Sounds like the sophists mentioned in Republic. They only learn half-truths and after pursuing whatever knowledge they needed, they stopped.

This is kind of funny. SJWs are like the townsfolk in Skyrim. They will hound you to the ends of the Earth for fucking with chickens but will ignore a pile or corpses you made provided they are the right kind of corpses.

I always thought that Edmund Ruffin was a pretty cool guy, but northern history always makes him out to be some kind of monster when he wasn't.

I can't really blame him for the choices he made near the end, I probably would've done the same thing.

Hey quantum-fag, why don't you lock your door and play Russian Roulette?

how 2 form meaningful connections with people as a 1488 edgelord? despite knowing that nobody is perfect i pick even hwhite friends apart for being druggies, alcoholics, race mixing, fag hags, girlfriending washed up tindrellas, being poly, gay, substituting dogs for kids, etc. I keep oscillating between seeing these traits as symptoms and causes. the problem is i end up resenting those basically everyone who i dont feel is working towards stewardship of western civ and its people. which makes them feel judged, creating distance, and scares me from investing my time and energy into nurturing that friendship. the isolation is crushing and i've had no luck so far meeting anyone through /meadhall/ TRS etc. sorry for the blogfeels but i'm hoping someone has some insight to get me out of this rut

My grandpa was in his mid 20s in ww2, but what you said may be true for most millenials.

There are very few ww2 people left, that doesn't really apply any more. And anyone under 30 probably doesn't remember those guys that well.

That just makes you look like a bluepill chump to be used.

are you talking about that Tom Hanks movie?

not sure if it's this movie or another one like it but I've always been curious about stories of people who have taken role-playing games too far and lost their minds.

was that movie any good?

Just bee urself, why would you put faith in sheep guided by wolves dressed in shepard's clothing?

it was just a work of fiction, no one has actually lost their mind playing DnD any more than someone reading Dune and thinking they're the Muad'dib.

its a corny movie and tom hanks put zero effort into it but its still a really fucking entertaining movie to watch. Best on a Thursday afternoon with a glass of ice tea and some wheat thins while you wait for your wife to get home from work.

The trick to turning off shark-eyes is to learn how to smile, and do it often. Smiling requires the use of facial muscles, which atrophy when you don't use them. Incorporate smiling into your exercise routine, so that when you are in social situations you can smile in a natural manner.

Kek brings joy and levity to our lives. Kek makes us smile. When Holla Forumsacks smile, we become more powerful.

yeah….. because I totally know what that feels like….. ;_;


she's a great cook and pleasant company but extended conversation is horrible
politically she doesn't understand anything that's going on and when I tried to explain it she just gave me the confused puppy dog look

sounds about right, most women I've talked to seem to get confused or zone out whatever the topic isn't about celebrity gossip, or some SJW meme that they've absorbed from Facebook.

I really got to figure out how to commune with this kek figure, anything to ease this suffering

better than being alone at any rate, and as I said, she's good company.

best fucking chicken I ever had in my life

eh, I'm a better cook than most women. so that holds no sway for me. sex doesn't really interest me ( I'm too old for that crap).

good conversation would be nice, I've looked for years but I haven't been able to find one decent woman ( at least not close to this pozed place).

That's the complete opposite of me. If I go about my business like a normie, people ignore me, but if I can shut my brain off (like meditating), or am thinking long enough I zone out, then people are very attracted to me.

Don't know if it's body language or what.

that's exactly what I want, since I don't expect much from them anymore.

I might have found a decent woman or two in the past, but it was when I was too young to know how to handle it.

sure but our vision for the future of our civ and people is predicated on banding together as a group (european whites). if beeing urself means isolation, and isolation precludes the future of our people, then i either need to change my strategy or accept that "we" are fucked.

basically presuming most/many on team Holla Forums are in my position, i don't see how we get from A -> B successfully. so i want to change my social behavior to pattern it after someone on our team who is having more success and isn't just a hedonist

I have within the last few months just began to realize the importance of balancing the red pill (and iron pill) with the green pill. Politics are only the lowest hanging layer of fruit on the tree of knowledge. Above the clouds of materialism lie philosophy, psychology, theology, esotericism etc. Let the plebs do what they will, you have a greater potential. The internet is our ivory tower. No other time in history has such a library been made available to man. Take advantage of this opportunity to educate yourself.

depression leads to a lack of ability to express oneself and vice versa, it's a vicious cycle.
The younger generation seems to be much more depressed than its predecessors

People will be more open to new ideas when old ones fail to explain reality, or when multi-cult programming turns out to be a fairy tale.

Sociology on Holla Forums I fucking love this place.

What role do inducements play in human behavior? They are the very core of it, in fact. People always have a reason for behaving a certain way. There may be times where that reason isn't so obvious, even to the one acting. But the fact remains, a precondition for any action is desire. We act to satisfy whatever desire or objective survived the continual triage of inducements we perform daily. People who do bad things have malformed reasons usually generated by erroneous information. That's not to excuse bad behavior, but perhaps only to understand it. This is why we can criticise each other and hold each other accountable for our actions, since there are many of us with a huge variation in perspectives and experiences. The greatest among us are those who truly learn and lead. The efficacy of leadership is held in one's ability to understand what people want and how to get it to them. Charisma can play a role here if the source of authority seems supernatural or mysterious somehow. It is the foundation of every cult or religious movement studied for centuries. To address the thread topic more succinctly, I'd offer the thought that "normies" or NPCs are operating on pre-packaged inducements. They are told what to want before being told how to get it. This makes them inferior to those who originate their own inducements and find out on their own how to get what they want. "Self Reliance" by Ralph Waldo Emerson is recommended to any young man who wishes to live free and not wander through life like a dredging anchor or mindless drone.

You're simply talking about people with iq below 130 or so, OP.

Every Holla Forumsack should see this

no, it's bullshit.

it doesn't distinguish between the "lemming" and the conservative family man who wants to provide for his family and be left alone

this is middle-school tier "red-pilling"

grow up

The family man should be red pilling his son.

this is illustrating the power of social pressure to conform. conformity itself isn't necessarily bad, it is measured by the imperatives served by it. conformity in the military for example is necessary and good for its own reasons. cultures demand some degree of conformity to function at all. what matters is WHAT the mode of conformance serves and WHY. your pic related is nice, but it doesn't really go after the root of the problem it seems to want to address.

Silence speaks volumes in weeding out NPCs. When you watch a group of people talking braindead normie shit, look for anyone who isn't contributing to the conversation. Personally, I can't even muster up a reaction to normie talk. It hurts the soul to pretend to give a shit about normie stuff. I look for that same distance in other people. Once you've identified potential non-NPCs, you just gotta observe them more and talk to them to confirm.

I bet we could develop something. We should work on this.

A lot of them aren't really free thinkers. That's the beauty of traditionalism, it can mold.

Indoctrination into values != free thinking.

Oh don't worry, I completely understand. I truly believe this chart is only for our modern era. Go back 200 years ago and I'd say the '90%' thing was bullshit. Even today I'd say it's about ~70-75 depending. The pic paints it as black and white, but I think there's a huge 'gray area' of people who are half bloods per se. Thing is it's the best chart I have.

You're mistaking OP's post for generic solipsism, which isn't what it is at all. Most of us who feel like OP does have met people who are PCs, they're just the exception rather than the rule. This isn't a matter of people seeming more real when you get to know them and they open up to you, either–there are people who I've known for years who are quite clearly NPCs and people who I've recognized as PCs within a minute of talking to them.

This is my sentiment with this board exactly. And this thread is a nice breath of fresh air and reminds me of when 4/pol/ was actually good, in what seems like eons ago. A lot of my own perceptions have already been espoused itt more or less but I'll actually contribute when Iget home and not on mobile. Just enjoyed your post

cool idea, but can you prove it? if you try to kill yourself with a gun, the gun will not fire(in the timeline that you see). you wont prove it to anyone else, but youll prove it to yourself.

that feel when everyone who has ever commited suicide is now in a timeline where their gun didnt fire, or their rope broke. but they are dead in my timeline

Alternatively, you can just put on a pair of dark sunglasses, so no one can see your eyes.

Then you'll be that weird guy who wears sunglasses no matter the weather.

Yeah, but normies have a thing about thinking sunglasses make you cool.


Not if you wear them at night.

what you're undergoing is the dunning-kruger effect. look it up and cope with the fact that you're a dipshit

Any organization that depends on perception over reality (the police are a good example) fears and hates superior intelligence, or in this case, none.

In the middle of a huge police/government corruption investigation right now. 50 of those fuckers are out on stress leave because they don't know who the mole inside is.

This is why Holla Forums will never get anywhere, this self-defeating attitude.

Prohibition is degenerate. And the worst drug dealers walk free, pic related. One of the good things Obama has done lately.

Are you implying I'm NOT the Muad'dib?

Eh I've been working on my social skills. Especially with women. I've been forcing myself to approach and talk to random girls. I run out of shit to say really fast, any suggestions on what I should bring up?

Spot all of the (((NPC)))

It's easy to think of some people like that but the truth is most are just not operating at the same speed/tier as you.

It's not that they're empty drones it's just that they're running a shitter version of our brain software, a lot of people are still on the mental equivalent of Win98 with no updates running in their head, or worse they're a millennial who bought the crapfest and ended up pozzed with Windows 10.

When people don't display wit it is concerning, you wonder how they manage in their lives without being able to make themselves and others laugh, I can't imagine having a brain that neutered.

It's easy, you look them in the eye.

If you're not one, it should be clear right away if the person who is staring back at you is "sentient" in that way and is going through the same process as you are in that moment, or if it's a blank slate. The majority of people are a "blank slate", as it takes some level of intelligence and a certain type of personality that can accept uncomfortable insights in order to develop a meta-perspective of everything and everyone around you, and to some extent yourself.

These "NPC's" however aren't necessarily bad or unworthy people, statistically most people close to you are like this.

However if all your social contact is with people like this, you should expand your social circle.


The worst part of this is that you can't even blame anyone. It's just and unfortunate set of circumstances. Makes you wonder if modern society is even sustainable long term at all, or if everything is destined to fall no matter what.

Also, cap'd.

It's not about weather he's technically right or not, it's about weather the vast majority of people perceive that as true. Common people can and have come together in the past for a greater purpose, but if the average person doesn't believe that to be possible, for whatever reason, it's a self fulfilling prophecy.

I feel like an "useful" idiot.
Just because you can see the true doesn't mean you're smarter than the rest.
A bluepilled surgeon is way more skilled and smarter than 90% of the redpilled people on Holla Forums, that is without a doubt.

Being redpilled really does nothing to improve your life or your qualities, it's just you seeing the truth, it offers no insights on how to pratically solve it or how to better your situation.
Even worse, if there are no redpilled people around you then you simply end up being more alone.

wouldn't happen to takeplace at a MtG shop in portland?

What you stated is comparable with somebody who was abused and after a time starts thinking what the abuser told him. Somehow Politically Correctness is working the same way. If you criticize mass immigration e.g. some people defatists will tell you you can't change anything your vote won't change anything etc pp but this is the point where you have to keep going on with influencing people around you in "your/our" way. Practically you can start "your/our" own selffullfilling prophecy by neglecting the widely accepted "normie" narrative.

was meant for

You must love kira yoshikage

If most people are just NPCs, including whites, why are we trying to save them?

Shouldn't all of the non-NPCs just get together in one place and build a new nation of their own?

it's the "s" in "https". Holla Forums doesn't support embedding over an SSL layer.

Just remove that letter.

Who do you think gives birth to the non-npcs?
Who do you think gives birth to the npcs?
A nation of non npcs will eventually turn into a normal nation.
A nation full of npcs, some will wake up to fill the gap.
Its just group dynamics I guess.
I don't like the word npc for this, it just seems too gamey. I'm going to stick with normies or bluepills or something.

This is exactly what I have. Here'll I'll take a picture and show you.

What do my eyes say about me? I'll tell you what I think about every day after a few responses.

Get the fuck out, special snowflake. This isn't a blog.

i see curiosity

You own at least 3 dragon dildos and have a physical addiction to semen.

There is a way to deal with this. Dress like you're from the woods and say you are. Make people understand you've had basically no contact with humanity at large for many years on end. Now they're really interested in you and you can say really inappropriate things and they will forgive you as simply not being socialized properly.

A thought: You are an NPC. I am an NPC. None of us are as complicated as we'd like to think we are.

How would Holla Forums react if I came up with a meme? In a predictable manner, as all of Holla Forums's brains are biological machines that simply run along similar tracks. How does Holla Forums react in every thread where pagans, atheists, and christians are brought up? In a thread-long, derailing flame war.
You've simply seen the patterns that everybody's brain runs upon, as through this society of hyper-exposure has reduced the organically-developing variation in patterns down to the most efficient/acceptable/managable for the brain running these patterns. These non-NPCs are simply running patterns you haven't learned to recognize yet.

Oh… thanks for that tip. Makes good sense.

How do I recruit normalfag NPCs to my party?

Sounds like most of Holla Forums and every other vidya community.
Why are people who play video games so retarded?


You can tell apart an NPC from a regular person by whether they read books other than what they are assigned to read.

The NPCs have 0 actual interest in anything and only do what they're forced to.

A non-NPC will take an interest in things outside of textbooks, facebook, and ritualized shallow social interactions.

The NPCs don't have anything like that going on.

Just ask a person, do you read anything besides what you have to for school? This is a good litmus test to find out if someone's an NPC or not.

If you look like that pic, you don't need to shave, you need to breed; you're a god amongst men.

Part of it is because we have browsed imageboards for thousands of hours and spent so much time making fun of normies. Every predictable thing they do is a joke to us so when we see them doing it IRL we think "how do you not know how predictable and lame that is?" It's kind of us being hipsters in that way. Normies just act like this because they think it's cool.

You just said yourself how to tell.

I seriously hope you guys don't do this

Democracy and voting is fucking retarded. We need an absolute monarchy. We need rule by only the people who give enough of a shit about things to put their lives on the line.

Sure, here's a list of qualities I use to identify the soulless.

Humor - NPCs, as we're calling them I guess, their sense of humor consists of regurgitating lines from movies/shows, or mocking people. That's really it, you won't find a spark of true wit in them. They won't dabble in any unsafe or offensive humor either, lest they jepordize their conformity.

Ambition - They have no desire to improve for its own sake, to learn, to master, to hone, etc. Sure they dream of being a master guitar player or whatever, but only for the social status that comes with it. Their ambitions are always vain, for outward gain not inner.

Justice - They lack a true understanding of justice. Mob justice and reactive punishment is how they do it. That's why smarter people made laws for them to follow.

Imagination - Goes with humor, a little different. They are boring, plain, and simple. Their identities have been made by other people. In our world their is so much media to consume that it's easy to imitate imagination from things absorbed, that others may not know of. Easily spotted with a game like cranium. NPC's are the retards who fail at simple creative games then sit there like a retard laughing at themselves.

Empathy - They cannot identify with anyone who isn't them. They watch shows that agree with them and differing viewpoints are "evil." They can't understand what someone is going through, sometimes even if they have gone through it themselves. "Yeah that happened to me too but that guy deserved it"

Self-Reflection - Most important. They live in the moment, and cannot step back and view themselves, their actions, their situation, through an unbiased lens. Everything bad is someone else's fault. They are all perfect, funny, unique, moral, and kind, in their minds. There's a saying on /r9k/ that normies can't get depressed, and it's true. They can feel temporary sadness for of things that happened. But they never have the soul-crushing self-loathing that comes with depression. Because they cannot examine their own flaws.

Hope that helps. If someone has just one of those qualities, they have a soul.

You will find lower human races lack these traits substantially more with very few exceptions. Higher human races have a higher concentration of souls because the well-developed brain is more optimal for the soul. Souls choose their vessels.

The solution to that problem is the greenpill..

Your vote won't change shit in Canada when every single fucking party is just trying to outdo one another with how much white genocide they can push.

NPCs are required as filler to keep a nation going. Also players can give birth to NPCs. Also soul abductions happen too, sometimes an NPC can suddenly become a player or vice versa, because the soul has been switched.

The greenpill on NPCs:

Tilting your head slightly = full predator mode

I've been wondering about conformity vs. non-conformity; power-level-concealment vs. attention-seeking signaling behaviors; talking openly about my interests vs. autism signaling, etc. I come across as highly conformist but that's because I've worked out that most people don't share any of my interests or passions, and I haven't found a way of talking about them that isn't just making the whole conversation about me and thus totally boring for them. Or when I share an interest, then I'm often too deeply embedded to discuss it with—and I apologize for the ree-ism of using this term—casuals. Like I would never tell someone IRL that I accurately guessed which series that gif was from just from the thumbnail, and that I know it's been cropped because I know that fucking show was made in the 4:3 days. Instead of trying to convince people that I understand most anime is shit but there are a few gems if you go back to a certain period, let me recommend some non-shit anime, etc., I just act as somebody who's ignorant of anime. Or just today, as I was waiting for a haircut, the guy next to me asked me what I was reading on my e-reader. I know I should have lied and said I was reading D'Souza's book on Clinton or w/e but accidentally let slip some spaghetti and was truthful in saying I was reading an ancient Achaemenid religious text because I've been trying to learn about the ancient history of the Mid-East from original source texts. I actually try to have a few NPC-style responses lined up for that sort-of scenario but wasn't adequately prepared right at that moment. Sure I might discover & make friends with a few geeks / autists out there if I'm consistently honest about that kinda stuff, but I'll also alienate the vast majority of folks I encounter.

Kira a best

what the fuck

Roast in hell, defeatist.
This is a top quality shill. Look at all the replies with people actually believing (or pretending to believe) this bullshit.

Wake up Jacob.

Have you considered that you might have a lazy/unclear or otherwise inhibited way of speaking so it's actually hard to follow what you're saying? I've had quite a few interactions recently with people who I wanted to talk to but were so difficult to make sense of that I was starting to doubt my hearing, got annoyed and just gave up on them. There are a lot of factors, you could have a weird accent or be shy so you look down and mumble into your massive beard or whatever. And you said you're self conscious about how your voice sounds so maybe you talk a little too quietly because you're essentially afraid of being heard.

I've heard the same, but proper corroboration would require a copy of the "Tanya", but I've never heard of the thing.

The Talmud does say that goyim are animals in human form, however.

Reminder that Disney threw lemmings off a cliff and filmed it, and that is the only reason we think lemmings behave as they do.

They shouldn't have allowed themselves to be thrown off a fucking cliff.





I'm a lumberjack, and I'm okay.

i'm not an expert like that user, but i used to do it for fun
you have to learn to make your eyes dead
not defeated or depressed looking, they just can't convey any real emotion or information
don't look anyone in the eyes unless absolutely necessary
don't speak unless spoken to, and only give generic basic answers
there's a certain way you control your body language and movement as well, it's kind of hard to explain
you have to be utterly unremarkable and reveal nothing, but don't look like you're hiding something
walk at an average pace, looking forward, don't push your chest out or sag your shoulders, don't smile or frown, don't stop moving unless you have to, walk around people.
you must leave no imprint of anything remarkable in anyone's minds
think of a group of important military officers sitting around a table having an important conversation. a man walks to one of them whispers something in their ear and hands them some documents and walks away. the conversation is not broken or interupted by this, and the officer glances at the documents and returns to the conversation like nothing happened
you must become the man who brought him those documents
did anyone notice him coming into the room or leaving?
did anyone greet him or try to converse with him?
does anyone even know his name or who he was?
do they care?
do they even think about him?
do they even really notice him in any meaningful way?
the answer to all of these is no
IF they notice or care about anything it's highly likely that it's the documents and not him.
you must become even more generic than an NPC
you have to become one of those unnamed background characters that can't even be interacted with, not that anyone would ever think to
you must become the extra on the movie set

LARP like they do on 8ch.


Change the variables for Current Year and you describe a pattern most of humanity has followed since the neolithic times.

Gotta get the new flint knapper, gotta get food stored, gotta figure out if you can fuck so-and-so, gotta keep up on the gossip in the tribe, gotta get the new flint knapper…

And there is nothing wrong with it. It's just a different model of behavior than yours and mine.

To the normie you appear disjointed, not with it, pontificating, angry, even mean.

Because you are different.

Be careful of feelings of contempt for they belie arrogance. And pride is the ultimate downfall of all men.

Being a surgeon isn't that hard user, sure you got to know medical know how, but they generally try and specialize into a specific area of the body, and when you've been focusing on something for literal years you generally get good at knowing where what goes, and what to take out. On a side note, there are plenty of surgeons that are out right dumb as shit.
Intelligence comes in many forms, unfortunately I don't have that said intelligence nor patience to go through 8 years of medschool.

Seriously, user?

in my situation, i'm pretty much real life shitposting about politics in a politically incorrect way with everyone.
i just did with my brother's business partner.

i'm just tactful, likeable, and understand politics very well.
this is probably possible for you too.

also, it's fucking great. it really brings out jokes.
just make sure you're not a fucking buttmad spergelord and have a sense of humour.


I move things and watch people for other people. If you hadn't realized yet, a lot of those 50 million Americans that are unemployed have found work in informal economies. Crime is where all the liquid capital disappeared to. There are unspeakable amounts of money being made right now, I'm no one special. I've found that "hardened criminals" are far more loyal than any minimum wage slave driver I've ever worked for. Life is more dangerous inside than outside, right now money is cheap and violence is expensive. Safest job I've ever had, the only risk is arrest. Put a Trump sticker on your car, and you're basically immune to police intervention unless you're really fucking up.

Half of what I do shouldn't even be illegal, the cost of legitimacy has pushed much of what should be above board into black markets. Organized crime sounds way more sinister than it realistically is. Half the time I'm mowing lawns and collecting scrap from construction sites. There are riskier gigs but you actually get paid adequately for assuming said risk. I like that.

I've even done jobs involving gangs, and those were the most respectable nigs I've ever met. Success under the radar separates the wheat from the chaff. The acquaintances I've made seem like a completely different species than wage slaves. People begin to act differently and much more honorably when they stop trying to moralize every breath they take. You wonder why no one seems human? They aren't legally allowed to be human. Life on the straight was prison enough for me, I'm not afraid of trading one cell for another.

If you aren't LARPing, I would be very cautious. We're moving towards commienigger levels of scrutiny in the US. If/when we go cashless, it's going to be alot harder to hide in the crowd.

So you're a drug dealer then?

That pic isn't what riding the tiger means. You don't ride the tiger around with straps trying to look cool, you don't control its direction, you don't put your faggy little pagan runes on it. You ride it instead of fighting it at full strength, so that after it gets sick of trying to shake you off and collapses in exhaustion, you can kill it.

Evolafags are the worst and NEVER know their own source material


I did this at school, I just chose who I wanted to talk to because every one there was a fucking idiot.

Yeah, it's hard to figure out if the person you're talking to is actually interested in your subject or is just talking to you for the sake of talking to you.

They're definitely recognized, I'm just scared that the pattern they are running on is not a pattern that naturally developed, but is instead infected by media and any actual communication they use is just a complex mixture of all the things they have experienced, which in most peoples cases, are bad experiences.

Most strangers avoid all eye contact, friends and 'sentient' people will look my directly in the eyes though, gives a slight comfort.

this. this guys is on to something. Never thought to look for the quiet ones.

Good theories, the silent types are usually the most interesting.

This is projection. Its clear that you are describing yourself because if you have spent anytime with normies you would know how empty they are. No of them have any comprehension of politics or philosophy and have a very loose understanding of current events. Go ask a Normie his opinion of egalitarianism or even Marxism, chances are you will have to define those terms. most people are just painfully ignorant.

It's summer. For the chan denizens who are bothered by this behavior they tend to become inverse snow birds and utilize this time to do something useful. Lord knows I have nothing of value to contribute. Just recognize that most of these anons will not be on nearly as much when they have homework in a few months.
Surprised they're not playing splatoon or pokemon go. Didn't they get enough games through Steam's summer sales?

OP, IMO you're overthinking it with a hint of your ego involved. Same with those "there are limited souls on the planet" guys.
People are the product of their:
1. Genetics
2. Upbringing
3. Environment
In order of magnitude of importance.
And as everything in nature all three tend to gravitate towards averages. So you see average reactions from an average normie living his average life.

Average genetics from their parents means that their parents probably are limited to similar consciousness as their offspring.
This means that a parent with average genetics will bring up their kids in an average upbringing. Some good, some fucked up but average.
And since such individual will be seeking things in the environment that are similar to their home life, they choose the most average of relationships, entertainment, etc.
They don't feel safe outside their safe space.
Once in a while some dormant genes get expressed and you get smarter than average people that penetrate out of that boring cage.
I raised some animals and you see the exactly same shit.
Rabbits and guinea pigs are completely satified with their little cages and will rarely escape as soon as opportunity shows up. Rats on the other hand… Holeeee shiiiit. These sweet little fuckers are smarter than an average normie.

You feel different becouse you had one of the three above that were out of ordinary.
Not to masturbate to our superiority but there was a pool where 3/4 of Holla Forums were INTP/J or ENTP/J. These are analysts and strategists, who compromise 1-5% of population. Same as the average number of visitors to Holla Forums.
Most of us think in a similar way so we found a similar enviroment that pleases us. Just as normies found Plebbit or Facebook to call home.
A sort of a caste system started to emerge, only voluntary, made possible with the help of the internet.
So in a way, all roads eventually lead to Holla Forums.

Don't you just love how they fused projection and religion? All while jews are the ones championing consumerism, shit fetishes and porn production. South Park for example.

sure thing buddy. if you are telling the truth you must be living in the hood with money stuffed in your walls. The IRS would have fucked you by now if you are trying to live any kind of normal life.

but we all know you are LARPing. you are the reason this place is a joke.

These spiritless people are called "Organic Portals" or "Pre-Adamites"

nice trips, yeah this place sure is silly.

When someone says LARP you don't have to prove that you're not.
I'm pretty sure the only responce you'll get to this is "Hey why don't you buy "?
anyway would you care to make a charitable donation to Holla Forums?
Or at least advertise something on Holla Forums ? Then we'll know for sure that you're not LARPing.

Fantastic video

i should note that it's somewhat annoying to accidentally let any of this become a habit because it works on family too
i still startle my mom when i come in her house doing this stuff
keep in mind that it doesn't matter if she's in the living room where she can see the front door or not
she tells me "you can't be coming in the house like that"
i also used to do it when i picked my little brother up from elementary school and it would spook him pretty bad too

I think the human population of our world has run out of souls, as in: there a finite amount of souls and they are getting more and more sparse as the population rises in number. I also think that this has happened somewhere around the one billion mark, assuming that in my experience: I meet about one sentient person for every six normies I meet.

For myself, I call it the finite souls hypothesis.

Not a perfect litmus test if you ask me, non-NPCs can be the victim of brainwashing as well.

Ugh, my post is all messed up because a normie kept bothering me.

So you're saying that da j00z! discovered the reptilian brain eons before modern science?

No, I was invited by the owner last night but decided to go home as I have work today. would you say the owner is Lich-like?

so how does one get this type of job? where did you go to get your first few gigs?

look up "diaphramatic breathing", user. Seriously. Practicing speaking and breathing "better" will help you out.

don't mind me I'll just kill some NPCs

Okay, this is stupid and silly, but it's good practice.
Talk to female cashiers while you're waiting to finish your transaction. Since the "insert card" point of sale kiosks went in, most customers stare down at the screen like an autist even though it beeps when it's finished.

I'll say something like "man, these things take a lot longer than they used to, huh?" as dumb and pointless as it is, guess what? you're engaging with them on a thing they deal with (they have to babysit those damn things and everybody gets annoyed by them, so you're relating to them.)

This isn't amazing advice but you'd be surprised the difference practicing pointless small talk *that relates to their experience* makes in your confidence.

I love mixing the shark eyes with overbearing friendliness. The cognitive dissonance makes the experience linger in the mind of the affected. I find people stay the hell away from me after imbibing that mixture of facial expressions.

One way to practice this is to look at those 3D magic eye images (pic related). It's very difficult to not focus on whatever is in your immediate field of view so it's best to work on it.


Blank stares.
Ask yourself if the person looking at you stares dumber than a goldfish.
An anecdotal example:
That was my first encounter with an NPC. It was quite unsettling.

You were the shitty little relative that would always go crying to mom if someone wouldn't let your cheeto dusted hands play their vidya. After they finally cave you would then promptly erase their save data like the little faggot you are.

That's different. You're not invisible, you're tight-lipped. Just as you know the people you should never tell your secrets because they'll blab them to everyone, you also know the people who won't. They're the people who don't like to talk much about anything. You have conversations, but you're not really contributing. You listen, but don't respond beyond the obligatory grunts and murmurs to indicate you're still breathing.

Being invisible means people don't even talk to you because they don't acknowledge your existence. I wish I knew how to do this because I'm visible as all fuck.

underrated post

Why does he need a belt and suspenders?

the belt is likely to jold his pants closed

Incredibly underrated post. Will actually look up John Cacioppo.

"Let me tell you about the Jews"



A shark?


The first picture that made me kek in a loing time. 8/10, user, gj.


You kinda just summarized what was said in the thread.

maddowposter pls go.

nobody likes you on new or pol or anywhere.

youre not even a troll youre just an autist.

Your posts reek of "everyone is a special snowflake" mentality.

Most people have goals, hopes, and dreams that are approved and programmed into them. Their goals do not conflict with their masters.

Their goals are generally weak and cliche. Ask any girl what she wants in life and you'll get some version of "I just want to be happy."

There is a difference between NPC normies and higher level individuals. Always has been, they aren't called "the unwashed masses" for nothing. Give them Internet access and they still squander it on clickbait and pornography.

I have a bunch of normalfag friends that I've been around for years (well, in the last year or so I've been mostly just been by myself, since most of them recently moved away). My friends liked to go to parties, have groups of much dumber normalfags come over to hang out with us, invite annoying dumb sluts over all the time in hopes of getting some pussy, etc. That is to say, my friends ARE normalfags, but they were "better than average". Obviously their normalfag liberal opinions would be a laughing stock here (and I have gotten into some occasional arguments with them before, though I mostly hide my power level), but they're much smarter, funnier, and easier to be around than the people they'd invite to hang out with us, who were REAL typical normalfags. Even my friends often would admit that the people they would drag me along to hang out with were annoying, and that it was a bad idea to bring them over, but still they'd continue doing it repeatedly because they're idiotic socialfags who desire daily interaction with other idiots. And again, I have a bit of a soft-spot for my normalfag friends, even though I acknowledge that they're idiots, they're much better than the average normalfags. I much prefer my internet friends, I would take a bullet for those guys.

I'm a well-liked person, and I'm surprisingly popular around my town with my general age-group. People's usual stated impression of me (which I've heard countless times, both first-hand and second-hand) is that I'm usually quiet, but they like me, and find me to be friendly and funny. Many random people will strike up conversations with me, and I almost always oblige them in a friendly manner. I worked as a cashier for a while, and I would have friendly interactions with tons of people (aside from the occasional sour note with some people, but that's inevitable). And I also saw a lot of people that I knew from before at that job, which made me realize just how many people know me and like me. Girls will approach me and talk to me at parties and stuff, I can tell that they usually think I'm cute. It's common for me to hear normalfag girls say "oh I love user!"

All that big ramble is to say, these people have no clue that I have such negative thoughts about them. I think I mostly fit the description of the type of person mentioned in the OP, who hangs out with groups of normalfags/"NPCs" or whatever, but is somewhat distant, yet I still fit in and I'm well-liked. 99.999% of the times that I'm getting annoyed by normalfags, and finding them to be asinine, obnoxious retards, is when they feel completely comfortable around me and are spewing some stupid bullshit, completely oblivious to the fact that I'm seething in annoyance on the inside. I'm basically a half-normalfag or stealth-normalfag or something along those lines. as you can probably tell by this blog post

Your idea that normalfags actually have just as much depth to their interests and beliefs, but then only seem vapid and dumb to "socially awkward people" because they're just so unpleasant that it "make the normal people feel nervous and they clam up!!!!" is obviously complete nonsense. It makes the massive assumption that anyone who dislikes normalfags must be a complete autist who is incapable of normal social interaction. If I chose to, I could easily have sex with decent-to-good looking sluts, and have a bunch of "friends" to hang out with and go to parties every day. These people like me. It wouldn't be a stretch to say they LOVE me. But they annoy me, so I prefer to be by myself, using my computer, talking to my real friends who are actually cool, who have more unique and fun interests, and discerning taste in things, instead of only liking trendy dog shit. I just don't like idiots that believe everything the jews tell them, and consume everything the jews want them to without question. Speaking as someone who has spent a lot of time around these people, being friendly to them and fitting in with them, they ARE completely vapid and undiscerning, and calling them mindless NPCs isn't a stretch at all

You really think you're a super analytical guy who sees the HIDDEN DEPTH in normalfags, and every example you give of this supposed HIDDEN DEPTH is just giving examples of stupid retarded shit that people do, which you spin into somehow being a really interesting and crazy thing. Just because it's an unusual, stupid behavior, doesn't mean they're an intelligent person who is interesting to talk to. Especially with completely mundane shit like "indulging in BDSM" and "growing pot in a closet", both of which are trendy things that idiotic normalfags do all the time. You're just a sheltered idiot who thinks that stupid things like cheating on your wife with prostitutes is part of some hidden depth to their character, rather than, y'know, them just being idiots. Your stupid examples have been the noose that you hang your own argument with, they show plain-as-day that you twist normal idiotic things that idiotic normalfags do into being THEIR SECRET SUPER-INTERESTING DOUBLE-LIFE THAT YOU SOCIALLY AWKWARD WEIRDOS WOULD NEVER HEAR ABOUT BECAUSE YOU'RE SO OFF-PUTTING! You're projecting that intelligence so hard it's unbelievable. You are clearly the one who is incapable of discerning someone's intelligence/depth, and you're just a pussified retard who thinks anyone who has negative opinions about the unwashed masses must just be a bitter, socially-awkward, asshole. I think the reality is that you're just an idiot who finds other idiots compelling.

Both of these, completely accurate.


I used to be like you, I systematically dumped or was dumped by my friend groups because I couldn't conceal my annoyance at the latter or tried to meaningfully engage with the former. Have a long-term gf so that helped the culling.

The worst part is even talking to them about themselves reveals nothing interesting or enlightening about their own lives, pretty much sitcom tropes. They actually liked me better when I ignored and used them or was paternalistic of condescending.

Adam Lanza isn't real and you're a moron if you think his fabricated (absurd) image means anything

I kept a lot of friends for a long time, and mostly my friendships came to an end just from naturally drifting apart, or either me or them having to move away. The occasional annoyances/arguments I got into when revealing my power level usually weren't friendship-ending, except in maybe a couple cases over YEARS. One exception was the last girlfriend I had, which I'll go into next.

Any big arguments I got into with my normalfag friends, I usually ended up being friends with them again later, because I'm too nice and forgiving, and I often think about things like, "beggars can't be choosers, he's smarter and cooler than the vast majority of people I meet, so I'll forgive that whole argument about gun control where he punched me in the face and chipped my tooth", or "I don't want to be angry or annoyed any more, even though it's completely justified, so I'll just forgive and forget". It was only about a year ago that the same friend who punched me in the face like that was showing up at my house all the time (uninvited and unannounced), bringing over a bunch of annoying people to my house. And I simply wanted to be a nice, cool person, so I allowed it no matter how much it bothered me. I barely ever spoke out against it, and the few times I tried to, I wasn't direct/angry enough about it, so they didn't "get the message". It eventually stopped when I got into an argument with him about blacks, where he called me a racist and stormed out (and this was after months of him staying in my house and repeatedly making comments about how blacks are oppressed and aren't given a good enough education, with me just politely ignoring it)

Which is why it bothers me so much to see idiots like that poster saying "oh you're just projecting that vapidness and idiocy onto normalfags because you're an unpleasant asshole that people will only want to have terse small-talk with". For me, it's the exact opposite, where I suppress my annoyance and anger so well, and people find me so likeable, that they want to be friends with me and be around me all the time, when I just find them annoying, and would want them around OCCASIONALLY, AT MOST. I was friends with these normalfags who supposedly have this HIDDEN DEPTH to them, I talked to them every day, and yes, they are mindless idiots with shallow interests, and zero depth of thought behind anything they do/believe.

I thankfully dodged that bullet. Related to this, and what you said about "being unable to conceal annoyance" and dumping friends because of this, I broke up with the last girl I dated a few years ago, who I still think is a nice girl who was quite cute, and I regret asking her out in the first place. I just can't stand hanging out with girls or talking to them extensively, even though girls tend to like me. I find the vast majority of men to be complete retards that I don't like talking to, but females are way worse. The worst part is that I related to her and liked her better than just about any other girl I knew, but even that wasn't enough to stop from annoying me. I just knew I couldn't continue hanging out with her, or it'd just steadily grow worse and I'd slowly lose my ability to pretend I wasn't bothered by these countless little annoying things. She said she didn't understand why I was breaking it off. I didn't give any explanation, it would've been too harsh.

I guess you could have labelled politics as a hobby some decades ago, even just 10 years ago maybe. But now it's a matter of survival, because you hear every week on the news about some terrorist event or similar happening in the western world (even if it's heavily downplayed by the media). When the war has come to your doorstep, you can't any longer ignore the politics and immerse yourself in some favorite activities or whatever. The people who want to go on ignoring all the politics at this point aren't "normies", they're suicidal ostriches.

Yes but what do you actually DO about these things you hear in the news? Pray to Kek? Post on Holla Forums? Vote for Trump (which takes all of 30 minutes in November? Other than voting for Trump, you could ignore the news and be in the exact same circumstances without doing anything at all. Meanwhile you've gone through a great deal of agitation and fear that has benefited you very little. I enjoy politics so I read about it and discuss it, but I understand why some people don't bother.

Quality post. This is basically what I do. Find some highly tolerable normies, and become a really good friend to them. No bullshitting on this, people see through that shit. Give them b-day gifts when they aren't expecting one and get together as part of a (bi-)weekly routine. You don't wanna just be an introverted friend who leaches off of them, you have to socialize with their normie friends in mixed company settings. Otherwise if you sit there quietly you'll scare the normies, and they'll talk shit about you behind your back to your friend. Don't fucking bring up anime, video games, or internet memes, unless it's a subject they already brought up.

Good idea and you can discover some interesting people this way. Only thing I'd point out about when I've been in the situation of being consistently quiet in conversations with Normie Group A, is that there might be another, more compatible Normie Group B out there I can relate with better and contribute more actively to discussion. Not necessarily, of course, just sayin. It's quite possible that you maxed your theoretical normie group compatibility quotient with Group A.

Sounds cold but is true in a lot of cases. That a lot of people you may interact with have never read a book of non-fiction or actual literature, is generally accepted as a basic fact of today's society if not the norm for 35 & under. But it's worse than that in that they don't read newspapers or magazines even. Their writing skills are rudimentary, and they are borderline computer illiterate in spite of using digital devices regularly. You would probably judge the shows they enjoy as pleb-tier – predictable plots, cliched characters, etc., if not exclusively reality television and faux documentaries like Ancient Aliens, which seems plausible to them even though they pretend like it doesn't. May or may not be an IQ gap. IQ gaps can be tricky, and the lion-share burden for making it work appears to fall on the higher-IQ party, which must be prepared to dumb down by a few steps. But it may also be that they've never practiced disciplined thinking; never experienced the benefits of sustained attenuation to something that takes an up-front investment of effort in order to enjoy, such as reading a book; never organized their Pepe folder; etc.

One factor you may encounter depending on your personality type is that stupid people may also perceive the intelligence gap, but they believe that they're the smarter party. I've read that INT*s get this a lot. There's often no need to correct this notion; in fact, it can be advantageous sometimes.

ah, thanks for the complement. although I'm betting most people don't find the old man look attractive. (at least that's the sense I get).

started to prematurely gray/whiten around 19, and by 26 the process was complete, now I'm in my 30s and most people think I'm in my mid-50s. I'm thinking it's because I hit puberty early, started growing a full beard around 14. ( random people would always come up to me off the street asking me to buy them booze and cigarettes, annoying because I was still just a kid)

that picture is surprisingly accurate, except for the scar. ( I don't have one on my face, but I do have a pretty big scar on my throat because of thyroid surgery when I was in my 20s, which is another reason I think my voice might be a little off)

interesting, I don't have a lot of volume to my voice it's true. but it's definitely audible. because of some throat problems I can't yell (if I try to yell I'll become so horse that I won't be able to speak at all).

some people have mentioned that I have a bit of an accident, but I don't know how I would've picked that up. (grew up in a major metropolitan city with no discernible accent). (maybe it's because I had a lot of ear infections when I was a kid?)

some have mentioned that it's a bit nasally and effeminate, or soft I'm assuming that's codeword for sounds "gay" .

funny you should mention that, I just started looking into it the other day. although I have a feeling should probably see a speech therapist if I want to make any meaningful change.

when I listen to recordings of my voice ( which I hate the sound of) I think I sound a bit like that stiffen Molineux guy, although he speaks a touch faster than I do and he probably has nicer cadence.


OP reeks of "if you smell shit everywhere you go, maybe look under your foot"

If everyone you meet is an "npc", maybe the problem is your own poor social skills, not other people

Part of the reason I'm ranting in this thread is because I DON'T actually find any of my normalfag friends to be "highly" tolerable. Just BARELY tolerable, more like. But the average normalfags which my friends would often hang around, were completely insufferable.

If anything, my problem is being too nice and not showing my annoyance clearly enough, because my friends would commonly show up at my house uninvited, endlessly blow up my phone every day begging me to hang out, etc. Not just my usual friends either, but also people I'd describe more as "acquaintances" were often far too eager to be around me. It got really annoying and overbearing at times.

A lot of people would describe me as "quiet". But only in very rare cases did I find that it legitimately bothered people to where they were making negative comments about me. Most of the time it'd be people (mostly girls) commenting that I'm quiet, using it as a conversation-starter to talk with me, many seemingly finding my quietness endearing. In the right setting I can talk my head off, and it's usually when I'm talking that I piss people off. And it's usually when I'm being quiet that people are nice to me and randomly approach me, thinking I appear to be a nice person or something.

(gonna do split off the next part into another post because I love writing walls of text)

Of course I always avoid bringing those subjects up myself. Actually, in my experience, I've had the exact opposite problem. I see a ton of normalfags talking about their shitty entry-level anime/videogames/films/music and it makes me cringe. Even worse if I foolishly revealed that I like GOOD vidya/films/comics/tabletop RPGs/anime >implying there are good anime and they're trying to talk to me about some stupid shit like Attack on Titan, or Homestuck, or Dungeons and Dragons, or Magic the Gathering, or [insert hundreds examples of shitty casual videogames/films/music here].

And yes, pretty much all of those aforementioned examples were people that I'd consider "normalfags", striking up those cringeworthy topics of conversation with me, and I was the uncomfortable victim desperately hoping they'd just leave me alone. And while I'm sure some would assume from the way I'm talking about this, that I must make smart-ass remarks to these people about how they have shitty casual taste and that I'm so much more discerning and sophisticated in MY taste. But, no, the situation was actually the exact reverse of what this guy that I was replying to said:

In these situations where these normalfags bring up these cringeworthy topics of discussion that I have no interest in, I'M the one going "o-oh, yeah, that's cool.. oh yeah I think I heard of that once.." while they just don't take a hint, and keep yapping about the stupid shit that I don't care about. I'm the one sticking to shallow small-talk, hoping this oblivious normalfag will leave me alone. Normalfags are the ones who often seem "socially unaware" to me, but at the same time that's why they're socially successful. Because they're just a bunch of idiots who like the company of their fellow idiots. They know how to just spew dumb bullshit out of their mouths without thinking beforehand. That's what makes them "normal", that's how they all get along together.

I'm guessing there would be people who are oblivious to how normalfags actually act, thinking that I must somehow be describing interactions with "socially awkward, autistic, weirdos" who bring up stupid shit like the aforementioned examples, and I must be wrongfully attributing that to normalfags, because there's no way that a socially successful normalfag could talk about such stupid things and still be socially successful. But no, these ARE normalfags that I had these interactions with, I assure you, they're socialfags who have smartphones, use Facebook, go to parties, like getting high/drunk all the time, commonly have sex with sluts, etc. And they also talk about all manner of idiotic, cringeworthy shit all the time. No, I'm not making this up. Normalfags, if you hang around them, will talk about the most cringeworthy shit you've ever seen in your life. There are very popular people in my town who are "attractive-looking" and "normal" by any standard measurement, and yes, they will talk about completely retarded shit that you'd swear was coming from a bonafide autist, if you'd never interacted with normalfags to any real extent.

The people who think normalfags aren't as bad as I'm saying they are, are probably people who haven't had interactions with normalfags like I have. My normalfag friends have dragged me along to a bunch of parties, I can think of countless times that normalfags talk about all manner of idiotic shit which would be mocked endlessly in a place like this, but nobody thinks that they're being autistic or cringeworthy. They successfully attract popular, "attractive", normalfag girls while gibbering about the most bizarre, cringeworthy things ever. I could go on with more specific examples of normalfags behaving in this completely oblivious way, but this post is already way too long. Point is, I'm much more self-aware of what I'm saying/doing than any normalfag.

And I'm guessing you probably weren't directing any of that "advice" at me, but still I wanted to elaborate that I have zero problem getting normalfags to like me, they like me TOO MUCH, and it gets annoying. I'm working on being more assertive about being annoyed by things like this. All of these things that I'm typing in these huge walls of text, I never convey hardly the tiniest bit of any of these frustrated feelings to all the people who bother me so much. I'm too timid to show that I'm angry and annoyed, and I want to act like a chill, nice person.

Pick the "follow me" option from the dialogue menu

The drive for truth is something that puzzles me.

We've all come here seeking that same ideal, a drive for truth.

We realize there are too many lies in this world. And all we really want, is the truth, both from ourselves and from others.

I called it the "Broad Phase" for a reason.

You're in the wrong neighborhood Leftard.

That is SO NOT how evolution works, man.

It's deterministic, not random, damnit.

So, you are saying it's not the jews, then?

that face

So, has anyone in this thread read:


i like maddowposter

Where do humans typically learn social interaction.

As in, the "Correct" way to socially interact?


Everyone has their Talmud Reality set on so he can safely reveal his jew face now.


These are the tactics used to remove the intelligent goys from the gene pool.

Stasi gaslighting tactics, rumor mills, romeo agents, etc…

They find your powerful brain through the department of education (Name, Address, Age, IQ, etc…)

They use this as TARGETING information, to gaslight all intelligent goy, to steal ideas, and remove them from the gene pool as a germline warfare procedure.

And they also follow your online movements, and have shills ready and waiting to slide, shitpost, or troll your posts to prevent you from explaining anything to anyone, or gaining any form of social support or emotional connection.

They are here, in this very thread, preparing a response, claiming that

1. I need medication
2. Psychiatric help
3. Institutionalization
4. Am loser
5. Intelligence isn't real thing (except for jews and rap atheletes)
6. Tin foil hatter
7. Gangstalking isn't real despite doccuments
8. etc

Well, except watching sports on TV and supporting their team, or gossiping about celebrities. I agree with the rest though, good post.

Spoiler that shit retard

get the fuck back to tumblr you weak bitch

Buddy, you're on Holla Forums, this place is rampant with shills and always has been. We know about them. is a good place to start. I don't quite like the way they do things but it taught me a good few lessons.

Uh, yes? That's not some fucking profound mystery of the universe you complete fucktard.

You have not seen shills of this magnitude.

When you start openly discussing the anti-intelligence dysgenics plan, they become desperate in their attacks.

Literally their achielies heel, talking about the anti-intelligence breeding program they got in place in goy nations.

It's the same when you start talking shit about Monsanto. Shills fly in out of nowhere and absolutely wreck the thread.

I know about the anti-intelligence dysgenics plan btw, it's been on Holla Forums a few times. It explains why the great majority of our people are complete fucking retard normies.

Not quite what I was meaning.

Most humans learn "Correct" social interaction when they are in school, with the other ignorant children.

The school is a social isolation center, where teachings from the kids parents can NEVER interfere with the careful state propaganda that school has become a vehicle for.

The "Correct" social interactions that these "Normies" learned, was in fact a social engineering plan, designed to destroy society through behavioral changes.

Actually, behavioral based extinction was discussed in the book: "The lost world" (the jurassic part sequal)

Ya, this is true, I've argued against a few monsanto shills… Hell, one even found my local bar and started arguing with me while I was getting a beer.

I looked him in the eye called him an idiot, and went back to my game of darts with my beer.

There are shill departments, right?

Monsanto's got their own shill departments, as do most major companies and governments.

But the one topic of discussion that is the most difficult to talk about, due to shill infiltration, is the anti-intelligence plan, which actually ties into Talmudstock, and Goifted And Talmuded Edumacation.

This is actually the gangstalking arm of the plan, with Talmudstock being the central training/recruitment/control structure.

The zersetzung (stasi gangstalking tactics) they refer to as "Preformance Art" or "Street Theatre"

And because of this, they call themselves "Art Students".

Interesting to note how many "Art Students" from israel are "Ex" military intelligence.

You see some of these art students, posting the shittiest youtube videos imaginable, and having an absurd amount of followers and views.

This is because Google Ad sense, and the youtube Ad revenue thing, is their funding mechanism.

They make shitty videos with $10,000 cameras, youtube inflates their viewership and viewcount, gives em free sheckels, etc…

The whole thing is a funding mechanism for Israel military intelligence agents, in the field in America (etc)

The drive for truth is natural for all who've had a taste of it. I find places like these the best kind of place to gather with others to distill as much truth as possible.

You're right in that part. But I still think there should be a better way to discern the soulless NPCs from non NPC entities. Exclaiming "Heil Hitler!" alarms NPCs in the vicinity and immediately turns them against you in various unforeseen ways. You may end up losing your job/career over careless talk. I'm not saying don't ever do this, just be careful about who you're saying it to.

One thing I've discovered is that NPCs do not react well to psychedelics. Nor with anything that could in any way be boundary dissoluting. Finding out how drugs influence someone will illuminate a lot about the kind of being they are. Most normies won't hesitate to tell you about their bad trips with psychedelics, as their doors of perception were never meant to be opened in the first place. Others are too ashamed to admit their psychedelic experiences never bring them anything of value and turn into intolerable hippies who do nothing but regurgitate the mantras of the other equally unenlightened lemmings.


You are the most desperate, straw-grasping faggot. Fuck off with your non-arguments and "muh everybuddy be special snowflakes who has so much depth to their personality and character, no matter how dumb they are".


Normies are to be commanded and controlled. There was a time in my life where I thought I could uplift a normie into a conscious being but I quickly realized that there is no way due to biological constraints and heavy prior conditioning.

Most of us around here are the very proof of this. There was no single redpill situation for us, but a steady pull away from idiots into knowledge and the greater good. So while we are here, on a fucking imageboard shitposting about politics, our peers and other normie castes are rampaging von dick-rides, drinking, texting useless shit, watching feel-good information, dring, shit, fuck - like the animals they are and always will be.

So please, put away your class A mental olympics to someone rationalize why normies are normies by attributing them some sort of 'secret hidden value'. There is none.

This is no special art. Getting normies to trust you or stay away from you is quite simple and has nothing to do with simulating either a killer instinct of some sort.

All one has to do in order to blend in, look forgettable and appear to normies like a wolf in sheep's clothing is identifying typical normie behaviors which are used to by normies to 'fight' each other each other (social facilitation, signalling social hierarchy, having challenging expressions, and behaviors which fit into a cliche which is known and can be judged by other normies) and 'make them go away' within your own behavior/appearance.

This causes some kind of blue screen in a normies brain because he doesn't know how to talk to you, doesn't feel challenged, does not judge you and feels free of the usual constraints he'd have talking to other normies. He will start unloading shit you don't want to know, probe you for your thoughts (sheep fear the unknown and want to get to know you) or sometimes ignore you, because he can't read you or fear you, if the sheep is too anxious to probe.

A friend of mine who was doing PUA in his muh dick years also knows this shit but he came in from a different angle, mainly by simulating a normie.


Historically, it was other members of their own race, imagine that. What a quaint time that must have been.

your full of shit

There's no shorthand way to tell a Huskling from a Soulwarm person. Politics isn't the only place where this problem is felt. Employers also suffer from a chronic inability to find competent people.

Think about it: what is competence? Even if someone has the required expertise, they are often incompetent. Competence means feeling empowered to make self-actualizing choices and impose your will effectively.

A Turing test would require that we have the resources to test a person's self-actualization instinct and employ people to do certain tasks in large volumes.

Actually, sexual reproduction is non-deterministic. The outcome of a pairing cannot be fully determined from the genetic inputs. Genetic reproduction is procedural with deterministic and unpredictable portions.

Once upon a time this was the father's job in any family. Nowadays we enshrine the single mother goddess, and young men have to pay someone to teach them how to be a man.

True. Most people are boring as fuck to me. I don't give a damn what happened on Empire last night, or who hit a home run in the 7th game of the 78 World Series.


That's how you know he's a legit badass.

Get the fuck outta here. Your story is a nice little bit you probably wrote yourself, but you're riffing off of movies. I've seen The Usual Suspects.

ITT real human beans

There must be something highly approachable about your demeanor. I've been trying to work on my body language, facial expression, and other non-verbal signs I'm giving off, since in my experience when I am quiet then no one bothers to come up to me and elicit my thoughts.

That's correct, I could have been clearer. When I said "you" I meant the general reader. It seems as though some posters to this thread could benefit from modest adjustments to the assumptions and skills they use to socialize. Not that socializing with normies is a strict necessity; but it can be a worthwhile pursuit, for those interested. I think strong human relation skills are pertinent especially if one hopes to persuade people's views on topics such as politics or the J.Q.—a side benefit of increased social networking being that one organically finds oneself talking more frequently to women (for those who still building up the courage to simply approach them in public). But putting that aside, one isn't going to save the huwhite race by failing to hold a conversation/ inability to communicate with those one feels is below oneself.

A self-described anime expert the other day was telling me about how Code Geass is his favorite series, and it took a lot of self control to listen with interest and not ree out about his shit taste.

Normie appropriation of traditionally ree-tier topics is triggering. My interest in the topic at hand (whatever that may be) has normally coincided with the period when the topic was overly obscure or socially taboo. There appears to be a latency period of 2‒4 years, and suddenly I'm at a restaurant/bar/cafe listening to a normie talking openly about the topic without eliciting negative reactions from the other normies. Dang, here I was trying to hide my power level, and meanwhile I missed the point when I could have cashed in social capital on my far earlier exposure to this. Now I'm listening to this casual present himself as an expert, and I can tell he isn't an expert, but either 1.) it's been so long that I've started to forget a lot of the details and can't discuss it without taking some time to brush up, or 2.) I can't discuss it without outright insulting his taste [1]. Fucking normies.

[1] Although, like you were saying ("my problem is being too nice and not showing my annoyance clearly enough"), maybe I shouldn't be so negativity-averse in my own conversational contributions. I have been leaning hard on positivity in social interactions over the last few years, since the results have been better than when I was strongly negative many years before ``that``. But I think the problem at that point was that I had poor social skills combined with negativity. I'm going to look for a better balance and to be more openly critical.

That's some good insight user. I like you.

Materialism doesn't stop being retarded just because you imagine it shouldn't be.

Every human experiences his own soul. It's the thing he refers to when he says 'I'. Just like everyone experiences the realities of good and evil, truth, lie, beauty, awe, wonder, and a thousand other immaterial experiences.

Most people throughout history haven't been materialists. They realized there was a material and an immaterial aspect to man's being. Most people throughout history have always realized that humans aren't equal, in either material or immaterial terms.

It was only with the rise in materialism that the idea that humans could all be materially equal gained any traction. Before then the ideologies that preached equality were usually talking about immaterial equality. Like all humans share in a common humanity, every human life has an innate worth that makes it wrong to arbitrarily kill innocent people. That same humanity that makes people morally culpable for their actions, so that it's licit to execute the guilty, as they've betrayed their own status as human beings.

But none of the popular premodern ideologies, not even Buddhism and Christianity, considered that all humans were immaterially equal along ever dimension. Everyone has a common humanity, but some people are saints, and others damned, and there's lots of gradations in between. Moreover, morals weren't the sole determinant of social status. Ability was, and most abilities were acknowledged to be mostly hereditary in nature.

So every kingdom, Christian, Buddhist, Confucian, pagan, made distinctions between noblemen and commoners. No one had a problem with this, until the rise of liberalism, which coincided with the rise in mechanical philosophy, reductionism, and materialism in the west.

Progressivism is an attempt to apply Christian immaterial equality to the material realm. To offer people heaven without Heaven. It's retarded; so is genetic reductionism. Chemical compounds aren't conscious. You are. You have free will, you can choose to do certain things, or not. You are obviously more than the sum of your parts.

Genetic necessity is a type of material necessity. Your ancestors had no problem believing that people were bound by material necessity. Kings and noblemen were smart, commoners varying degrees of stupid. People have free will to make choices; what choices they're capable of making are limited by their heredity. This is reflect in reality - stupid people march with the herd, smart people do their own thing.

So realize that just because a man's material make up limits what he's able to do in the material world, doesn't mean that man is "just" a bunch of genetic material. The genetic material amounts to a form that's more than the sum of its parts, has its own substance, its own meaning.

Materialism is not the human experience. It's imagination, rooted in status signaling, of the fedoratheist, look how much smarter I am than those idiots, they all think their souls actually exist, but I realize it's all just an illusion, I'm smart, I, this immaterial this, of me, that I don't believe really exists, but who cares, aren't I smart any way.

Materialism and progressivism stem from this same early modern attempt at status signaling. Materialism with fedoras and intelligence, progs with morals. But just because progs deny material reality, doesn't mean that material reality is the only one that exists. The truth is in realizing that man is both material and immaterial, constrained by both material and immaterial limits, and that the right way of living subsists not in denying the one for the other, but in bringing both the material and immaterial aspects of man in harmony with one another, society, the universe, and the Truth.

To achieve that end everyone in the past thought we needed natural hierarchy, with slaves and serfs and peasants below, and clerics, noblemen, and kings above, with lots of fine distinctions between.

Explain what a soul us made up of then, user.


It's made of soul, user.


So what do we call them? Non-perceiving Consciousnesses?

this is done under the unfluence of money.
If we had luxery communism people wouldn't have to go grocery shopping


Hi Mike.

When I tell my family that I will never starve, it's because if I really need money (I don't, lucky me i cone from a rich oil famikt) I would do what you're doing.

Dealers and mules are pleb-teir. He probably watched them from Fat Tony.

dutch user? Shit I feel the same way.

you have a baseline script and some people with a 'storyline'.

The fuck is soul made of? What elements? Where is it on periodic table? How many electrons make it up? Is it photons? Atoms? Fermions? Photons? Bosons? What the fuck is it?

neurologically static entities I would cal them. Their brains do not process reality in the same way that ours do. They are much less flexible and capable of processing reality.

I call them by the psycho-analytical name

Our brains have 10 times or more, the capacity to change, compared to these normies.

These normies also have high rates of suicides if something in their lives breaks. Like a job loss.

Many of them cannot deal with that and kill themselves, or start taking anti depressants, or start taking other drugs.

Many of these people also develop Alzheimer later in life. Exactly because their brains are incapable of change.

Many of these people also succumb to subtle trends. Like the fattening through bad diets, sugars, alcohol and sigars (cancers).

Simply put, these people were never challenged in important times of their lives, or their nature did not allow for their brains to change rapidly (like with new evidence).

Either reality always remained too static for them, or their brains did not allow a proper response to reality. Perhaps a bit of both. And thus they were never triggered into whatever mode we are in.

think this is a result of new internet generations, actually noticing (having practically all info) that there is a generation before them that has lived in a system where only media teachers and parents (church) told them what was useful.

What is meaning (including, but not limited to meanings of those words you used) made out of, Philosophical Materialist?

So, and increased generation gap, because of rapid tech development.
they didn't have those experiences.

Actually, it's inspired by a true story of some freshman at Michigan university that stayed in the tunnels of the campus for a couple of weeks LARPing but ended up getting lost.

If you want to get into the human brain, it is made up of many, many different elements and materials which function with the help of chemicals. That's how those meanings were made. It is human thought. It's a fucking product of clusters of objects working together.

These "internet generations" are absolutely braindead from being fed bullshit at a level unseen ever before. We're a select few.

And you know that how?

It's the mind of God within which we exist.

Or perhaps I don't know shit and I'm talking out of my ass.

What do you think it is, user? There's that double slit experiment where a conscious observer changes the result upon learning which slit the electron went through. There's a variant where you get one result or another depending on whether the information about the electron's path is deleted or not.

So what the fuck is it and what does it have to do with information? Do all creatures with working nerves feel pain in the very same way? Do all humans with working eyes see the very same colours?

How are we different from calculators? If calculators have no free will, do we?

Will I ever grow balls big enough to subject myself to all 13 hours of this conference?

that is exactly the issue.
That generation has become immunized against propaganda, and things that are not in their best interest.
And they are rude af, or honest. depending.

Which God are we talking about?

What, there's more than one?

Fucking idiot.

it's fucking degrading to yourself

Is it the Islam God, the Christian God, the Greek gods, the Roman Gods, Hinduism Gods.

No fighting allowed guys, the only reason people eat that bullshit up is because they don't have the mental capacity to see past it. They don't take anything with a grain of salt.


But come on, 's bait is too juicy to not eat.

Have you ever thought that perhaps they're all ways to explain the very same thing, thought up independently by different people in different times? Revolt Against the Modern World is good if you want to compare how different religions and civilizations approached the topic

Why do you feel? Why do you experience stimuli? Why don't you just exist like an automaton, reacting according to programming in a deterministic way and without experience of reality?

Watching this right now, interesting stuff.

fuck I mean't bait

That's the fucking point why I brought it up. Everyone talks about it because it's basic fucking psychology. Once you start thinking about shit, you think about more complex shit, and then by the end you wonder how you really got to that point. You can two ways from that point. Make some shit up about how you got here or you find evidence that you can test over and over and get the same result to verify your suspicions.

I don't think I understand what you mean.

retarded autismal faggot/10 detected



Right, you just need to never question why you do the things that you do.

One reminder: science is heavily cucked. You can't do politically incorrect research without getting insanely kiked; the guy who discovered DNA did research on the correlation between race and intelligence, found a positive correlation, got fired and unemployable and had to resort to auctioning his Nobel Prize medal.
and you're fucking linking to the same shit
Not to mention those links themselves contain no actual evidence on brain activity being a source of thought, so: how do (((the people you unconditionally trust))) know?

So what meaning is there in life and what objective evidence do you have to prove it? Protip: life =/= your imagination.


[fact] There are neurons transmitting electrical signals in the brain.
[fairytale] That's human thought.

So what is this mapping of signals to thought or to meanings? Can you invert it, reproducing brain activity from thought? Is it demonstrated to be a causal relationship? If so, provide the experiments used to prove all that - or admit that it's just science fiction / fairytales, not actual testable, falsifiable science (or GTFO).

Go to your local KFC and talk to the manager.


This NPC feeling, I think, stems from a realization that, over the course of our lives, most communication has become transactional, as opposed to relational.
When we were young, the structures around us gave our interactions with other people depth, as we related to the same people on a day-to-day basis. Our families, our friends from school, kids in scouts or summer camp. There was a bonding through shared experience, sharing the ups and downs, celebrations and sufferings.
Now, we're out of school, living in the 'real world'. Our lives are disjointed, constantly traveling for work, changing jobs, moving out of town, chasing the dollar.
People who had shitty upbringings and never experienced any sense of structure seem to never develop an inner 'spark of light', and tend to see all interactions with other people as transactional by default- Economic exchange and competition for status.
This class of people, whose lives have been rekt, are becoming ever more numerous. These people come and go from our lives, our relationships seem more scripted, like we're just going through the motions. Store clerks and computer programs repeat scripted phrases that are supposed to emulate that feeling of warmth and connection that people seek, but it's totally see-through. Ultimately, this culminates in a world where everything is economic transaction between anonymous people on the internet. Nobody leaves their houses.

Then, paradoxically, we have these places. Where we are also anonymous, yet instead of economic transactions, we are sharing feels with each other. I feel much more able to open up about the dark side of my consciousness to you guys than most others in real life. We inevitably share the stark ugliness of our lives, but that feels more real and warm than the overly sanitized faux-wholesomeness in the liberal-corporate real world.
In some ways, I feel powerless to create the kind of radical changes that I want. Yet, I content myself with playing the long game. Slowly trying to improve myself. Spend my time with small groups of people who are at least partially 'in the know'.

Anyway, I don't know if that was coherent at all. Just wanted to give my 2 cents.


I didn't list matter, I listed particle types.

Do you have anything to die for? That's the meaning in life: what you're willing to lose it for. Fear of death and the inability to find meaning in life are the same thing; you'll often see people treating life like popping into existence and then leaving it without consequence, and those types are typically the ones that would grasp onto life the hardest when faced with death. They are, truthfully, searching for a something or someone that they would sacrifice everything for without a second thought because we all want to be the hero to someone, even ourselves.

A biological meaning for life is to reproduce to progress the growth of a/my species.

I'm guessing you're a different user (not an IP switcher like me); keep in mind I'm asking a Materialist what it is within his ideology.

That's not meaning. Those are actions and actions are not inherently meaningful. What meaning does reproduction carry?

Wow, what a fucking difference.

Something I never understood: atoms are said to be the smallest bits of matter there are, but atoms are made up of even smaller components called particles, which are somehow not also matter. At least, that's what I was taught, and it never made complete sense to me. Is that not contradictory on a couple levels?

You can see matter with the naked eye, you can't with particles.

Matter is composed of atoms. You can't have atoms composed of atoms.

Again: what a fucking difference.

1 atom is composed of 1 atom, trivially. x=1*x.

But… like, I'm comprised of a good deal of blood, My blood is then made up of cells and plasma, and the plasma is then made up of water, salts, and protein, etc., etc. They're all components of my construction, however far down you want to go, and thus can be said to be pieces of me, right?

So why aren't components of what make up matter not technically matter? I guess what I'm truly asking is why aren't particles instead considered the smallest pieces of matter? Is it semantics or is there a genuine scientific explanation that I'm just not grasping? (I apologize, but I'm genuinely curious.)

You fucking retards realize that picture of Adam is fake right?

In atoms are protons, neutrons, and electrons. In protons and neutrons are quarks. These quarks are held together by gluons and the spin of quarks determine if it is a neutron or proton. At least if I read it correctly. The pic is a chart of different quarks.

Plus it's not all quarks, as the picture shows.

I haven't followed the conversation so I apologize.

because atoms are closer in resemblances to waves than to particles
why the fuck am I even posting in this thread

Yes, or dependents.

I feel like when I'm in a group my speech is very scripted to the point that it scares everyone around me. I'm very shy to the point people have called me mute because I let the other person pick the topic while nodding my head and only responding as hello,laughing, the long answer of no, the long answer of yes and the long answer of maybe. I feel like that is only thing I could say when talking to people that won't ostracize me from others

Atoms are a completely unproven theory invented by the frankfurt school, to make you believe that there's a limit to inner space, that there's no free will, only predetermined and random events that jerk you around.
Do not reduce yourself to a biomechanical robot.

Okay, having done some jewgling, it appears that a lot of sources claim, in point of fact, that qwarks are considered the smallest pieces of matter and not atoms. (And gluons, being without mass, aren't in the running, so that makes sense to me.) Which ain't in line with what I was taught, precisely. Either they're misinformed, I'm misinterpreting, or I'm going to have to re-study all this shit. But thanks, anons.

John Cacioppo should have read Orwell's politics and the English language. That's an ugly sentence. He could have just wrote "Lonely people are often threatened by stressful situations and will seek to avoid them, rather than seeing them as a challenge to overcome. Ironically they'll still be more stressed because they've no counsel to lean on."

Polite sage.

Eh, even if they're wrong, all this science shit technically validates that shitskins are inferior biomechnical robots and that I should fulfill my directive to make tons of white mini-me robots and continue my assembly line. I can use this.

for posting the video that this thread was created to shill.
You shills really need to find a new shtick: the "hey, I just so happen to have a link to a video by a nu-right e-celeb which covers that exact topic, and here it is in the second reply (I wanted to wait a few replies more but the OP was so drab and insipid that no one replied), that tactic is getting old.

Tip: spot these shills by OP which consists solely or majorly of questions but does not firmly commit to any position.

The fixation with Freemason Pierce is also a dead give-away. They narrate or comment on his work as an incredibly lazy way to build credibility with "the movement."

*The term "nu-right" refers to the highly active group of subversive shills, Jews, agents and leftists who are colluding to divide and conquer, consensus crack, destabilize and gather Intel on right-wingers. They are also staunchly anti-Trump but can use reverse psychology to meet their anti-Trump objectives, for example wearing MAGA gear or slogan while spewing unproductive racial epithets or talking about gassing all the Jews (which also tacitly reaffirms the Holocaust myth.)

Then what do you propose as a substitute?

It was stupid bullshit. From the time when cuckstians were the ones (((virtue signaling))) and claiming everything they didn't like was evil and muh boogeyman'd. Were it made in the (((modern era))), it would be about how the game was bad and evil because it wasn't (((diverse))) enough and too many evil men played it.


You look like a low test, high estrogen faggot. Get out.

Cool user, I have a photocopier and scissors too!

And stay there.


Never said it wasn't. The theory still stands though.

There is no limit to inner space. The universe is infinite, which means that it fits into itself an infinite amount of time and there are no limits. inner space and outer space are part of the same contiuum. Being large or small is a matter of perspective. When we realize that there's no limit to inner space the whole prisonplanet narrative falls apart, the earth becomes the center of the universe once again and god the center of everything. Humanity is no longer outdated and there no need to replace or augment it with machines. We are free.

Nah, u and d quarks are completely different particles. You probably mean isospin, which is just for convenience (not an independent physical quantity, you can make the whole standard model with just quark numbers) so you can count with p/n as if they were two different spin-states of 1 particle.
Fun fact: the p/n composition is more complex than just 3 quarks held by gluons - look up "sea quarks".

Atoms can be actually seen, though - in electron microscopes. Not to mention the Rutherford experiment already demonstrated localised charge.

Not really, see above: electron microscope. Atoms in normal matter are quite well localised thanks to the (relatively) heavy nucleus, only the electrons are wave-like there.
The wave-like properties emerge better when they're accelerated.

Fun fact 2: neutrinos are much lighter. They don't really interact with everyday matter (so far broken up into quarks and electrons), though.

As you can see, I'm a science user and actually studied physics - with a healthy dose of scepticism. A lot of people in the field take it for what it is, just a tool to describe the material world, others take it up as their religion (Philosophical Materialism: what isn't material does not exist) and let themselves get fully indoctrinated into it like 881ac9 did.
I find the philosophy of science more interesting, in part because it's easy to mock the cucks' faith in science, in part because it's so shit: most of their arguments boil down to "nothing immaterial can exist since we haven't materially measured it".

You also have autism.

Sure, it's cool. The thread was going in a good direction (I don't necessarily agree with everything, but I can read it without facepalming and similar exported maymays) until dropped in.

Just to demonstrate that it is normally easy to show that e-celebs and colleagues are working these threads.

From the same user's uploads:

Has anybody else noticed this phenomenon during High School or college?

I've witnessed it countless times, and I got to where I could predict when normie laughing sequences were going to occur a mile away.

>it's him, his buddy, Hiss buddy's girlfriend and her friend, and myself
>the Girls try to be stereotypical heros, one is a half-elf spesshul snowflake, and the other is a gnome

normalfags can't into D&D and typically play it for "nerd cred xDDD"

They don't want to try to sound intelligent because idiots get offended at intelligence, instead of just processing it and adding to their knowledge they just feel inferior, I'm not saying they should or are inferior, but it is not the right thing they should be feeling, they should be thinking, not feeling, at least on topics that don't really require it.

A lot of socialization guides will recommend becoming familiar with self-depreciating jokes (any sort of depreciation, not just lacking intelligence). It is 100% normie effective and you can easily become their messiah just by abusing that fact. It even works against pavement apes if they are in a state docile enough to allow socialization.

I think part of the reason why I didn't laugh very often was that I was offended by the normies' anti-intellectualism. I was always a kind of by-the-book, goodie-two-shooes personallity; despite being a social outcast. Whenever the normies and ghetto niggers didn't do their schoolwork and intentionally ignored the teacher, I got offended. I thought "if these people are supposed to take-over when our parents die, we're screwed." That's probably why I took to the white nationalist scene so easily later in life.

How do you think it feels being half mexican, being associated with idiots who constantly act like morons just for the sake of acting like a moron, or getting a cheap laugh.

Heh, you know that is a disingenuous comment because you have a physics background.

The "atom" is not "actually" seen in an electron microscope, it is virtually seen. All this proves is that whatever your material is, it is causing electrons to behave in a way that is consistent with current theory.
At no point do you see an atom.

There are many examples of visible phenom causing an object to be seen where none exists. Mirages, illusions, holograms, mirrors.

ahahaha its literally the rachposter samefagging themselves

I read a halfchan post about a Mexican user who was white, but born in Mexico. He was picked-on for being white by all the spics; and he was also discouraged from engaging in intellectualism. He said something like "the retarded Mexicans only talked about soccer 24/6 while he thought about politics, current events, science fiction, etc., things that required imagination." He also said there was trash everywhere in Mexico, and gang crime violence was a common occurrence. Eventually, he met a blonde QT in college during an exchange program, and he moved with her back to Vermont. Vermont is pozzed by liberalism these days (basically all the hippies from New England moved to Vermont to "be one with nature" or some gay shit, most often from their highly-urbanized liberal town centers with high–as-fuck taxes). However, many parts of rural Vermont are basically a white nationalist haven that still have modern accommodations. He said it was like being in another world, he wasn't afraid of getting shanked at any moment for his wallet, and the streets didn't smell like spicy shit. He even made friends with old dudes in the community, and made jokes about niggers with them.

Does it sound similar to your predicament?

I've never been to Mexico, but I take everyones word on it being absolute shit. I live in California which is BARELY better, it's just north mexico that has a slightly firmer control on crime. Most of my friends are white but those friendships just kinda formed naturally.

Mind blown
Also consider that Jesus called his followers sheep and considered himself a shepherd guiding them to the true path. As awakened Volk our duty is to guide the mindless masses of our brethren along the proper path so our (((rival))) group of autists don't take advantage of them. We are benevolent protectors of our people, they maybe be NPCs but they are our NPCs.

How many people here remember seven minute per page fax machines? Telex? Acoustic modems?

or, more annoyingly

what a fucking joke, I never got more than about 5kbps out of those things.

I never ate junkfood as a kid even though my obese parents always did, I don't have any relatives in the country I live in besides my immediate family, I have played games for a long time but completely solitary, and I have never erased anyone's save data and am respectful toward's stuff people put lots of time into. Your assumptions about me are all completely wrong. I'm the relative you don't know exists, that there are no family pictures of, that you know nothing about. I'm just a ghost.

I never ate junkfood as a kid even though my obese parents always did, I don't have any relatives in the country I live in besides my immediate family, I have played games for a long time but completely solitary, and I have never erased anyone's save data and am respectful toward's stuff people put lots of time into. Your assumptions about me are all completely wrong. I'm the relative you don't know exists, that there are no family pictures of, that you know nothing about. I'm just a ghost.

As for what I was thinking about there when I took the pic, was killing my whole family. I guess nobody can ready my eyes though and tell I want to kill everyone around me.

Please stop embarassing us all with your quantum mysticism. Don't try to use physics to describe what metaphysics explains better. Whether all things are fundamentally matter, or energy, or thought is a metaphysical question. Materialism implies ontological randomness or blind force (which is bullshit). The universe is alive and it is mental in nature. This does not mean however what some people think it means (that it's an illusion or some nonsense like that).

Mexifag here.

Anti-intellectualism and a thuggish, nigger-like culture is common with the underclasses; not so much even lower middle class.

White Mexicans are not uncommon at all though (except for the whole South of the country), so if he got picked on for being White he was paradoxically very poor.

Well, again, like the underclass, sure. And according to kikepedia our IQ avergae is 83, so go figure.

But he does sound like he thinks he was the only non-normie in the country. There certainly are a lot of fascinating people, they are just a minority, like I imagine they are everywhere. (though even worse than average due to the IQ thing and poor education and whatnot, sure)

Completely agree on the first, litter in front of a cop as a local and most often they won't even say anything.

On the second one, well, I've lived here 25 years and never been mugged. I live in Mexico City, which is somewhat dangerous, but also free of mos cartel operations.

Most of the country is untouched by it, a few places have been devastated, and I wouldn't describe it as a safe country for naive tourists or backpacking, or many things, you know?

I didn't have any signs of puberty until I was 18 and even at 23 I still can't grow a proper beard.

I'm not going away, it's not my fault my consciousness is trapped in this cursed vessel for this preseent incarnation, I'm a hardcore redpill and always have been. Back when you were bluepilled, I was hating niggers already.

I always hated niggers, even as a blue-pilled kid.

I think my plue-pill position was that they were somewhat fixable with mo' money fo dem programs.

I can never see these things, what do? I try unfocusing my eyes to make it split into two images but I still see nothing.

Besides the natural revulsion of seeing a nigger for the first time and finding out they exist the first thing to really get me hating niggers as a child was finding out about them killing aids workers (Doctors without Borders) in Africa and all the fucked up things they did to themselves and to the whites that tried to help them. After initially thinking maybe they could be helped I quickly realized they create their own problems and drag everyone down into the dirt with them.

You do realize that atoms aren't just balls with electrons going around it.

fuck wrong comment is the right one

Kawaii, those are some massive moe eyes if I've ever seen them.

Kek is not a god to pray to but one you work with.

its meant to be funny…

This interviewer is cringeworthy


I was under the impression that moe meant cutesy animation style. I'm not really into anime, just pieced it together from context clues on imageboards.

Your threshold for cutesy is pretty low I guess. This is basically a typical moe anime.

Infinity is literally a jewish kabbalah meme. There is no evidence that anything is infinite, and there is no evidence that humans can even grasp something infinite in any way (of course, without just imagining that we could).


I despise /r9k/ for twisting that word around to mean anyone except themselves.

Welcome to Solipsism.

Obligatory redpill incoming


Those are the so called Sanpaku eyes. It is associated with sociopathy.

I recommend using the business gaze instead. While it is has a intimidating effect as well, it won't make you look like a fucking freak. This is better for long term socializing.


Meant to reply to this


actually user, im pretty sure youre just a retard

"soul" is LITERALLY, WITHOUT ARGUMENT just a bunch of ions flowing around your neurons

you can use elaborate insults all you want but you can't meme souls into reality friendo

not a "fedoratheist" or any such similar thing
but larding the material nature of reality up with your delusional pseudo-philosophical spirituality memes is asinine and pointless


i do love it when the occasional truly mentally ill "le epic sociopath" potato makes chan posts

You sound mental m8

autistic caps

Holy shit that's adorable but I feel kind of dirty. I never knew such levels of cute existed.

Evidence: none.

There is only one Universal God interpreted under different names by D&C - religion agenda 101, and the earthly pantheons were most likely aliens. At least that's what I think, being fed up with atheistic mockery of the concept of God via bearded granpa in the clouds,

so much this

ITT: retarded niggers who don't get that