We have to start killing all muslims!!!

We have to start killing all muslims!!!


but we should stop letting them move here

Nah fam most muslims are good people

Why? They can be qt


t. Akhmed

The way to save Islam is to restore the Caliphate of Sunni Islam

The Caliphate of Sunni Islam was the "Pope of Islam" before the position was abolished in the aftermath of WWII when The Ottoman Empire was reformed into The Republic of Turkey.

What ensued was a century of shit as a series of politically corrupt caliphs began forming their own secs of Islam. Suicide bombing was invented under the Hafez al-Assad regime of Syria as a response to Israeli and American imperialism. It was since spread to other secs.

The answer is Islamic reformation, starting with the reinstatement of the Caliphate of Sunni Islam whom will have the authority to excommunicate extremist secs and Make Islam Great Again

The only people who really want Muslims dead are the kikes pushing propaganda on all sides. Take the Redpill user.

Religion of Peace

While you're not completely wrong, the Caliphate being established in Europa is not going to help.


Most Syrians are white as fuck. Islamic secs were subverted by kikes after the Sunni Caliphate was abolished.

I'm not advocating a new Caliphate in Europe. Adolf Hitler himself supported the Arab Nationalist Movement and helped found the Free Arab Legion along with Amin al-Husseini


Damn straight, and I support Assad all day. I also supported Saddam Hussein and Muammar Gaddafi. Wanna know a secret though? They're not fucking Muslims ISIS is an Israeli golem anyways, so I digress. Jews are definitely the real problem; but mudslimes aren't a hell of a lot better.


Removing and killing Saddam took away on of Iran and Shia Islam. I always thought it was a little stupid to remove a Major Sunni leader and that it would cause a power vacuum in the middle East that nothing good would fill.

Took away an opponent of Shia and Iran….my bad

that was the point
america needs enemies
war for profit


you need to take the Jewpill

pick neither you stupid niggers but don't pick both