I hate all of you, but I thought you'd appreciate this, courtesy of libertarians.
This is one way for money going overseas to China or India returns to America. Through investment in our businesses, creating jobs, and paying taxes along the way.
I hate all of you, but I thought you'd appreciate this, courtesy of libertarians.
This is one way for money going overseas to China or India returns to America. Through investment in our businesses, creating jobs, and paying taxes along the way.
Other urls found in this thread:
Thanks, faggot.
You obviously do not hate us nearly enough.
Not sure if you meant to quote this from the article, but this free trade garbage is why we don't like you guys, flying in the face of the OP image even.
Thanks for the data though, much appreciated.
Obviously you don't hate us that much. Thanks for the ammo, lolberg. Have this mp4 in return.
Cool bro.
No, I just love using divide and conquer by providing good bait so I can watch the NEETSocs and Tumblristas duke it out over which authoritarian ideology is better. It's delicious to watch you two argue like a married couple considering divorce but never going through with it.
Thanks for the mp4.
It's either bullshit or anti-semetic.
Jewish Americans don't feature.
So this either proves jews are really stupid and poor, or that they don't pay tax. Which is an outrageous allegation.
Can someone archive? I capped.
get better data nigger
Jew's status as an ethnicity is heavily contested among normalfags, Holla Forums.
This infograph came from facebook.
this info graph was on Milo's buttbuddy's kike media jewtube show several months ago
please archive sources and provide. I'll shoop them on the graph. also, are we sure jewish isn't in the stats? where is the US Census Bureau link?
I know it exists bc that British muh-diversity-nigger-turn-uncle-tom showed that in Britain Jews' income was extraordinarily higher than for white Britains. If the UK takes the stats you'd think the US would
bump, I want sources and archives too
median is not average
household is useless because number of salaries is different across households
if you want a usable comparison youll look for the distributin of average salaries across the population
Yep, it's a libertardian. Even molyneaux is getting on the nationalist train, buddy.
Good point. A lot of those ethnicities tend to live with extended family, so it would make sense their household income would be large
You don't know what you want, you tryhard.
Yeah, what the fuck? I knew it would be asians, but not THOSE asians.
Median is more useful. The mean would include a few white and (((white))) sociopaths making beaucoup bucks while they fuck us over.
Same with the politicians. Yeah, they're white but they've done nothing but fuck white people.
A long time ago I called myself a libertarian to. I remember those days.
You'll be one of us soon, don't worry.
Have you considered that we just don't want Chinese or Indians here at all
Jesus man, I got the fucking faggot community to turn on the SJW and spread the meme that gay white guys will be turned on/ to turn on straight white guys. But all of the work put into just trying to insert into the overton window that American Nationalism can't have the same economic structure as 1940 Germany, can be undone by one retard posting out of nowhere some vitriolic attitude for no reason because he adheres to the retarded horseshoe theory and think all authoritarian ideology is the same.
Christ man if you want to post some data, just post some data, don't try to light the house on fire when you are surveying a property.
Sage is not a downvote faggot. Reported.
Only redditors say that.
the irony is just getting hilarious now
So since this is a doubling as a lolberg thread, what is the Nationalist Libertarian position ontrade agreements and borders.
Or I guess I should ask how does the Nationalism fit in to the Libertarianism?
I have had this argument countless times with the exact same responses and have convinced, or at least created a mutual understanding between, people numerous times, do you think that the outcome will change.
American libertarianism has nothing to do with anarchism, it has nothing to do with european libertarianism. Nationalist Libertarianism would still allow taxation( but it would be optimal not to, because hopefully money obtained through tariffs would be enough to cover a budgeted government expenditure, but still allowed if necessary) there will be a strong military outwards, with a strong and well armed population inside as well.
"You cannot invade the mainland United States. There would be a rifle behind every blade of grass."
Like how the two conflicting thoughts can exist in agreement:
1. Peoples are different and are in different environments, therefore society(domestic economy and culture being a part of it) will be different and have different optimal focuses for different peoples and different environments/
2. America must embrace the ideology with the intact title of National Socialism despite the fact that all socialists, in America, of the non-national variety are anti-american egalitarian globalists, while all right-wing citizens who are not NatSoc have an aversion to the title of socialism.
You don't expect America to speak german to be nationalist, why do you expect them to adopt the german version of the ideology?
So you admit you're trying to D&C us so we'll end up choosing lolberg pipe dreams instead of real nationalism.
Free international trade agreements are bullshit because it ignores a fundamental requirement of free tradeing in capitalism to function, being that there needs to be a monopoly on applied force to enforce property rights and contracts. In the international market there is no such force besides reciprocity which is not a Pareto equilibrium in Game Theory.
Outside of tariffs and military cooperation, the government should have no involvement in international trading.
Open borders are cancer, and even "altruistic" border policy is a determent to the Nation, all permanent immigrants must be almost indistinguishable from an American already, and of those who are on temporary immigration visas, they must either be staying so short that it can almost be a business related tourism( Chinese manager for American based company comes to a meeting in New York for 2 weeks on company's orders) or must be absolutely remarkable and unique in the service/work they provide(world class surgeon, astronomers needing to be in America for cosmological event, PHD level professor giving a report of his findings,STEM only apply pls etc.)
Other way around. In terms of a side by side concrete list of policies of NatLib and Natsoc, they would share about 80% similarity. The main way to frame it is:
If regarding international policy or policy that applies to the entire nation as a whole, apply Nationalist policy/
If regarding individual citizens, domestic economies, or state rights(apart from succession or usurpation) apply right-wing libertarian policy.
No, we are not the SJW community. Just because we dox Hillary shills does not mean we would do it to each other. D&C enemies, unite or come to a mutual respect with allies.
Friendly reminders that bringing up Asians is SJW kryptonite.
All these arguments are BTFO when you bring up the fact that somehow with all this evil systematic oppression chinks and poo in the loos manage to send their kids to Med school and create wealth for themselves only 1 or 2 generations in.
Shit, in my tourist town and when I see an expensive luxury car there is a 50% chance it's an asian driving it.
Spics and nogs can go get wrecked.
BTW I wonder how many of those on the list are a result of H1B visas. The Nigerians threw me off.
Good god my grammar is horrible. Apologies.
you stupid fuck. your gripe is that national socialism has socialism in the name. nazi germany was probably more economically liberal than america at that same time. the only real difference is that the state controlled the creation of currency in germany while jews at the federal reserve controlled it in america. germany allowed private business to flourish, prosper and innovate. it was not the marxist socialism you are thinking of.
I know, it is based of of the Prussian economic school.
But even so, there are many basic precepts of Prussian socialism that could not be applied to America.
My point to you is if there was an America calling itself Nationalist Libertarian in which it was 80% similar economically to a NatSoc one, would you really have a gripe and prefer the country we have now?
now go away
Wrote some okay fiction that was influential in political writing
Destroyed the original meaning of objectivism, that was established by people like Kant.
A neoclassical economist, take him for what he was, an economist. Apply the math he used when applicable.
A better economist, a gold mine of quotes against democrats.
Economic policy isn't even that important compared to the genetic stock of the country and avoiding Jewish subversion like pornography or materialism.
Holla Forums likes to harp on nigs and nogs, but the fact is that there are huge difference between the African ethnicities and countries. Nigerians as well as Ghanaese (Ghaneans?) and Kenyans are, in general, a cut above nigger tier like Congolese and even many sandniggers.
Also: why the fuck are Portuguese listed as non-white? If Portuguese are not white, then Spaniards, Italians and Southern French aren't either.
I don't see a category for sweatshop slave.
Another high IQ wasted in the land of above the law CEOs:
Moron! Sad!
We need a wall. Go fuck yourself with your wall of text you pervert.
I agree, so why is this an issue?
Sure, ok.
How is this libertarian related?
the US has a very high threshold but the system is very stable, it doesn't change much, the US doesn't have a skilled occupation list, I think technically all you need is an undergraduate degree or X number of years experience in a certain field to qualify, the catch is that because there's only something like 50,000 visas issued per year, they tend to go to the particularly highly skilled things like medicine and certain IT workers
The insinuation here is that immigrants are harder workers or more productive, all bullshit. Notice the source is a Jew? Anyway here's why:
Reason 1) Families from these regions live with their grand parents and great grand parents. The mom & dad work 50-60 hour weeks while the older generation does all house work, child care, etc. If your boomer parents weren't selfish faggots you'd all be able to focus 100% on work/school like these "model minorities". Divide the household income by the number of adults in the family and you'll see the Indians are MAYBE pulling in 30k a year per adult.
By the way, mom & dad Patel are going to work 5 years at some convenience store in their late 50's and then immediately start collecting 30 years of social security at 62. SO PRODUCTIVE.
Reason 2) You're dealing with the top 1% from these regions. I've been to China, there is a MASSIVE drop off in talent between the chinks you see here and the mainland chinks. Look at the Americans in Kuwait, many workers are pulling 6 figures, works both ways.
Reason 3) You can bet these numbers are skewed. You're importing Patel and Chong when they are in their 20's/30's in peak earning years. They can't stay without working. Meanwhile some Bernout faggot can bounce around through their 20's and 30's and fuck up our income average.
In short: If you believe any of these stats the Jew gives to you you're a massively stupid faggot with no critical reasoning ability.
Maybe, but It isn't even slightly contested among the Jews themselves. I grew up in a wealthy Jewish area, not a single Jew self identified as "white".
It's a lie anyway, who cares if they use money they got from american investors to buy their way into being a terrible doctor then getting money from the US govt to give opiates and xanax to sleepy niggers then spend a little here before sending the rest back to india. Do you really think they are the best and brightest when their whole culture is based on caste system and cheating?
You sound like you're poor.
If you're concerned about the races invading the country that doesn't belong to your race in the first place then you probably are an underprivileged faggot who thinks that everything would be so much better if your fellow white man ran things instead of the jew.
Thing is that wealthy whites don't worry about jews. Though it certainly doesn't hurt wealthy whites that the trashy whites blame jews instead of themselves.
2 million legal immigrants last year is not stable at all. That's replacement level immigration. Go look up how many companies are firing their entire staff to trade for poo slaves. Go look up tech workers at disney for instance.
Or it could just be that getting to the States from Nigeria isn't as easy as hopping on an inner tube or hiding in the back of someones trunk. Only the top 5-10% on the bell curve are going to have the resources and agency to get here. Contrast this with Nigerians in European and Asian countries who are absolutely nigger tier trash.
No fucking clue, maybe they're using "Portuguese" as a euphemism for non-white Brazilian immigrants the way Latino is a euphemism for mestizo and indio.
and you sound like your not from around here.
You forgot the fact that many people like iranians and nigerians get into positions of power and free money from the governement to come here. There are also special government loans for immigrants to open business which is why there are so many pajeet, gook and sandnigger businesses around. Many of them fail and they just pocket the money and either get another loan or go back home with a pocketful of government money they paid themselves.
Do you think I was referring to poor white people's job stability? It's stable in the sense that it is quite attractive to the immigrants. The system is predictable.
The commonwealth countries have more skilled worker positions and the bar is lower, but they have a bad reputation for moving the goalposts
Europe has very low immigration rates.
I don't think you can see the broader picture, this isn't about immigrants taking our jobs, unless you're literally poor white trash.
So you're going to wait until you're completely discriminated against in your own country before doing anything? What happens when the judge finds you guilty for having blonde hair or the doctors think that liver would better go to someone without an anglo background? Whites sometimes cheat but no other races have any sense of fairness at all and completely suck at building civilizations or trade. Do you really think it's a good idea to import civil wars into our country like indians and pakistanis at the same time?
Sage for spam
I don't know where you imagine I'm from. I live in the midwest right now, grew up in the new england states.
I love living in this area because dumb midwesterners as far as the eye can see. It feels nice to have no competition in pretty much anything at all.
We've dealt with white people over-expanding and wielding their faux authority, I'm sure my people will be able to cope with a changeover in power just fine. My black hair and light tan skin will not be seen by any judge because this will never be a country where ethnic differences matter. As long as you don't sound like a nigger or have the vocabulary of a southern bell you'll be fine. We mass incarcerate niggers for a reason you know.
Fuck off lolbert
You think the middle class hasn't been affected? Do you think the birth rates have nothing to do with economics? Talk about not seeing the big picture. When you fill the country with worthless people that only know how to conform cheat or steal don't be surprised when all trade and infrastructure breaks down.
Our government has been actively complicit in discriminating against it's own citizens. America has the lowest rate of social mobility in the civilized world. A communist brazilian shithole is our future if we stay on this pay to play path. The people that come here give no fucks about america, they're just here for money. Everyone knows you never take as good of care of other peoples stuff as you do your own. They don't internalize the country and will never protect it's wildlife or people but just seem them as automatons for a factory.
I currently have a good job as a safety expert chemical engineer btw but I know it will only be a matter of time until I am replaced by incompetent pajeets that they have been trying to get me to train. They've been indirectly threatening me with them to not ask for raises as it is. You seem very immature and full of believing propaganda and not knowing how the system works at all.
You forgot about the massive fraud Chinese and Indians commit to get here. The skill based merit thing is partially a fraud to cover up a wage depressing scheme.
There are also commonly paybacks just like coyotes.
I actually fully support libertarianism now as an accelerationist. Same way as I support the social liberal left, which libertarians tend to support also. Natsoc is a lost cause, as it is organized dumbasses. We need to crash this plane with no survivors to get a shot at rebuilding.
Libertarians' sperg-like focus on economic indicators as the sole value within a society (much like commies) while ignoring other factors is great as a blindspot into their mentality that can be manipulated.
Having read Putnam and others working on the consequences of mass immigration, in the long-term our current system can't hold without eventual complete social breakdown. If you read economic historians like Charles Tilly, the findings are that most successful markets need trust networks. Multiculturalism breaks down these trust networks. So in the long term, the libertarian economic ideal (along with individualist aspect) is going to get fucking blasted by their own policy choices. They are going to end up ruling over an empire of ashes and ethnic chaos.
Going to be great watching armed organized gangs rape libertarians wives/girlfriends and gun them down in their homes. "MUH GUNS, MUH MOLON LABE DON'T STEP ON SNEK," they say, while being gunned down by incompetent FBI agents. If a bunch of fat donut chompers can outgun you faggots, I'm sure a gang of hoodrats, mexican gangbangers, and others will do fine.
Multiculturalism is literally the best thing to ever happen. Same with Islam. Can't wait to still inner city hipster faggots thrown off the rooftops and beheaded.
Goddamn the 21st century is shaping up to be the best bloodbath century ever.
How? In the Netherlands 62.2% of the Syrians are on welfare and those statistics are from before the rapefugee crisis.
If White Americans were born outside of the US, I doubt even 0.1% of you would be able to make it in.
And there's all sorts of income schemes set up for them when they get here. The Indians at the top of the immigrant income bracket scam EBT for money, they have all sorts of ways to skimming money from the government.
oh the middle class was doomed to begin with, that has more to do with the "me" generation trashing this country than immigration. We've had 200+ years of immigrants and the nation is only better for it, keep the slums in the slums and make sure the working class knows that if they don't perform, they'll be replaced, and then the infrastructure isn't just fine, it's ideal. maximum performance.
Social mobility is only an issue for those on the bottom you know.
I like this answer. I'm just another NatLib slithering out to say hi
You're a fucking idiot. Crises don't work to the favor of the Right when the lefties control all the media outlets.
Wow, what a fucking revelation!
Liberals don't care about facts or statistics, so you've done nothing but further verify what was already known by every good Holla Forumsack.
No surprise you didn't know it though - lolbergs really are disgusting people.
Nothing but autistic liberals worshipping Jewish economics.
varies / is debated
mine is
internally obviously
externally should be avoided i.e. no 27 000 page regulations specifically for caramal bonbons (well done EU).
the exceptions is with countries who will obviously use it to gain political power wich can be used maliciously now or in the future (china, israel..). in such cases you do not usually want to enable them.
two distributions of wealth
median is exact same
average is also shit, as you say
you want to look the distributons of income, like pic related
distributed systems
read hoppes myth of national defense
it doesn't, and anyone who says it does is a fucking mouth-breathing nigger
is a scam
do you even into seperation of state and science
also universities arent doing anything that cant be done better (and cheaper) by alternate means
But that's all bullshit are you are faggot OP for posting. Anyone with a head outside their asshole would tell you the number of native graduates in stem fields out-strips the stem jobs available, why? Because companies import stem employees from overseas, they want multi-year experienced workers for the price of college grads (or cheaper). We cannot have a libertarian state when dildos like you ignore the freedom of association and run conver for a parasitcal financial class that deserves capital punishment,
Same here.
A libertarian believes there's some cosmic referee who will award him points for adhering to his stupid code.
If there is a God, he surely doesn't give a shit about that.
Libertarianism is as much shit as communism. It's more insidious because in the surface it sounds better, but any libertarian is just a cuckold who will defend the principles of nonlibertarians to exploit him for their own gain.
The left figured this out long ago, that libertarians have made such a fetish out of their ideology that it can be used as a means to erode society. The libertarian believes he is fighting for freedom but he is really just tearing something down, and when the left erects tyranny in its place, he mumbles disagreement before he hard-charges to help them in their next act of destruction.
Libertarians are a force multiplier for the left, a stooge for big businesses which seek to sell out whites because he thinks the 'Market' is a sentient, benevolent deity.
lol what?
You realize these numbers are completely skewed because all those chinks and sandniggers live like 20 to a house. Just saying.