Daily Stormer Created A Forum For Meetups

It so active the forum went down because of so many people posting. I already saw threads for meetups in my area. /Meadhall/ is dead. If you guys want to meet up with other likeminded Nationalists and form your own Soldiers of Odin then it's the place to be.




Other urls found in this thread:


at a time so close to war, i wouldnt out myself publicly as possible resistance. youll be first on the lists so you better be prepared to strike hard and fast. thinking that wearing cool hoodies and jumping niggers/spics will be effective whatsoever is delusional. you should appear as just another guy but covertly spread propaganda and do targeted hits where you wont be suspected.

This. The key to staying alive and fighting in this climate is to stay undetected.

If it ever comes to full on warfare, it will only be after the gubment has been pushed enough to crack down and infuriate normies.

nice honeypot nsa chan

if you should EVER do meetups, do it after any of the following happen:

1. donald trump is assassinated or drops out of the race(which would probably be at the threat of death)
2. donald trump loses the presidential election
3. obama delcares marital law
4. civil war begins AND the MSM thinks civil war began too(be paranoid if that happens)
5. donald trump makes the government become obedient to him after winning the election

you should not form groups out in the public

it just opens yourself up to infiltration.

how much are the ivans paying you anglin

For a board that wants a White nation, you'd think everyone would be networking right now and scheming like the jews to takeover.

Everyone is on the lists in some kind of way. If you look for a pressure cooker, you're on the list. If you type in any keywords like Cl1n70n F0und4t1on then you're on the list.


You think the Founding Fathers were afraid of a goddamn list? A bunch of ragtag farmers went head-to-head with one of the greatest militaries in the entire world and won!

Was Thomas Jefferson afraid when he wrote the Declaration of Independence?

Was George Washington afraid when he settled in Valley Forge? No one knows much about this point in history but look it up! They were barely surviving in the harsh winter and a lot of soldiers died from disease. When the snows ended, they came back fucking badass survivors hellbent on killing goddamn Redcoats!

I agree on that part. Why put a target on yourself? As for jumping niggers and spics, defense is the best offense. Don't pick fights. End them. Neighborhood watch with more testosterone.

We're on the brink of self-destruction and normies don't care. If you think some kind of starvation or disaster will make them dangerous, you're partly right. Some will be but most will curl up and die.

Found the faggot shil

Yeah it's easier to talk than it is to take action.


(1) and he was never heard from again.

How are we supposed to meet up then? Most of us live in culturally enriched cities where Whites are a minority. I really fucking doubt the local PD or the Feds will waste their time infiltrating a bunch of 18-30 year olds who post on a Vietnamese recipe board.

Oooooo scary bad guys

Another shill trying to scare everyone into not meeting.

That last one was bantz you autistic cunt.

The reason the jews are so powerful is not because of their money but because of their network.

You can rob a jew of all his material possessions and banish him from your country but he will grow rich again. He can because he can contact his people in his network to help him out.

Remember the lesson of the sticks? One stick breaks easily but a bundle is stronger. Same with us.

Another (1). You can't derail this thread.

The founding fathers didn't face a hyper advanced proto-big brother state that could watch them with any networked camera and track them with satellites through the day and night.

Take a page out of the Jihadi textbook that's been so effective at sewing discontent and making governments the world over look like fools: overwhelm their resources by making every citizen in the country a potential rebel. Meet in secret if at all, and keep it local and encrypted if you do converse over digital media.

Internet meetups are fucking pointless and ripe for fuckery.

The people you need to be meeting up with are your friends, family, neighbors, fellow townspeople. If and when TSHTF, those are the people who you'll be fighting and surviving along side.

Pretty much this is what I meant by "keep it local" in

IE: High Brow. TRS: midbrow. Stormer: lowbrow.

Gotta cut across all markets, goy.

Yeah their network are their friends and family and neighbors and co-workers…not random strangers on an internet forum.

(2) now you silly twat. Standard Pool Parties is a tongue-in-cheek reference to therightstuff's pool party meetups. It's not my job to educate you, shitlord, god read a book or something.

I've been on several TRS meetups, and I've made a lot of friends and connections in my area.

Stop being so cowardly about meeting new people. Your family and neighbors aren't gonna be on the same powerlevel as we are; why waste time?

So fucking what at this point.

Oh look, another post denigrating the idea of forming organizations.

I'm beginning to suspect your sincerity here.

Yes because they want YOU specifically. We're not special snowflakes. By ourselves we're nothing but together we're something.

Too bad our families, "friends," and other close people irl are still blue-pilled. Why do you think we all post here so often? We're in need of likeminded people.

Stop trying to derail kike faggot.







Well you are not wrong, but talking to them even now it's obvious that my hicktown Indiana community is tired of the government bullshit, and I am confident that if shit starts happening they might rise up as fast as I would.

So I don't wanna get drone striked when I'm innawoods is the fucking point.

They don't have to be full-on 1488 gas the kikes to be a strong ally. I've been slowly redpilling people in my life for the last five years. It works but you gotta start with beginner redpills. Too many people here have this autistic idea that you can redpill a bluepilled person immediately by sending them a bunch of links about the holohoax.

Unless you're taking extreme precautions, ZOG knows more about you than you know about yourself.

Why are all TRS fans such newfags?

It will be too late to organize when shit hits the fan.

Thomas Jefferson lost Virginia because he didn't believe the reports the redcoats along with the German mercenaries had arrived. He had called upon the militia so many times that everyone got sick of it. When he realized the reports were truth and not rumor, he finally called upon the militia to fortify the city.

It was too late and every Virginian fled as fast as they could.


The government isn't interested in one porn-addicted, bitch-titted NEET. If all you LARPing faggots actually banded together then they got a fucking problem.

Because yhey grew up on social media like the other normalfags?

Mohamed al-goatfucker was a nobody too, until he got involved with some fuck on a NATO watchlist that was building an army, then he and his jihadi buddies found themselves on the wrong side of a few tonnes of American explosives.

I really don't disagree with you that together we are stronger, it's just that this is a new age of warfare, and watching what our military is capable of, what's possible makes youbrethink traditional strats. It's more important to share info like how to operate and maintain firearms, or building bombs than it is to band together into a militia these days.

Don't reply to the shill. Filter and ignore. They want to derail us and scare us into thinking meeting up is bad when every other example in history points to meeting up = good = POWER.

This is the shit that gets you arrested not a bunch of White guys getting together for a few drinks at the pub talking politics.


I really don't disagree with you on most of this stuff. I just don't think a militia is going to be effective, and there is no good way to combat what we are up against to my knowledge.

Im always ready to be convinced otherwise, though, and you make a good case.

Did you even read my post that he replied to? My point was that ZOG already knows everything about you, so there's no point in pretending that meeting up with people is going to put you on their radar.

You seriously need to lighten up lil Tommy 'Tism. Take the stick out of your ass and let us throw jokes around.

It's naive to think that a nationwide, spontaneous revolution will just happen.
You should be out there building rivaling power structures to the system, a la Golden Dawn, so in the case of slow social decay people will turn to your organization.

It seems you aren't far in the process yet. I've stopped caring about such minor things; do you wanna live a long life, or a great one?

Great. Now just another five years to finish them off, aye? Then another five to rub out the rough edges.

I'd rather take the already like-minded people capable of independent thought on my side, than the lemmings I'm related to.
Not advocating defooing or anything here. Just saying that you shouldn't tell your mom to take up a rifle and defend the white race

Making bombs is just an example that came to mind. I'm just thinking along the lines of the Jihadi that have been fighting our military for decades at this point.

We are not in disagreement over this. I'm all for getting together locally to talk shit through with people I know, I just don't wanna get tied to a militia thats destined to fail.

We're all on at least 2 different lists: potential terrorists and political dissenters with a note that psyop tactics are most likely ineffective. That means if they go after us, once shit hit the fan, they won't try to simply subvert us, they will go all guns blazing on our asses and put those who survive in FEMA camps. I'd rather they have to spend a shit ton of resources to try and find every one all around the country than them being able to mow down a bunch of us in a single spot.

Yes shills are afraid because the modern war, at this point at least, is a cyber war aka the information war. Once they drop that aspect and go into a hot war because the conditioning is broken, we become priority since we most likely will be the ones who open normalfags' eyes.

They log each and everyone of our activities on this site, don't be naive to the point that we all fly under the radar. With time Holla Forums attracted a lot of attention but as of right now, they are at the information gathering and subversion stage.

One, I never said anything about militias. All I said was meetups. A bunch of White guys talking politics at the pub.

Two, most Holla Forumslacks probably don't own firearms as the majority of us are milennials and thus live at home. Since most of us were bluepilled before our awakening, it seems firearms would be banned at home.

Three, fucking farmers beat the shit out of the greatest military in the world.

Filtered for your first post jumping in on something that never concerned you and now throwing insults to derail this thread.

Better luck next time CTR :^)

What's IE?


In Example, you dumbkopffs

To help narrow it down, one of the ones that isn't alt-gay.

True, I'm not talking national level though. I'm talking about people I know, people I grew up with and trust.

I am willing to put my life up for it, no issue, I just don't want my death to be a meaningless newsblip if there are not other groups operating to distract he government.

Now that I think about it though, having a large network to hide you after solo operations, preferably outside your standard field of influence, is worth investing in.

You're a big fat mess. You're a waste. Get your shit together Jebberino.

Internet Explorer, the browser nobody uses anymore, has been turned into a secret encrypted Nazi networking system?

TRS = midbrow = the rightstuff
Stormer = lowbrow = The Daily Stormer
IE = high brow = ?????

Then what the fuck are we arguing about? I've already stated that I'm more than willing to meet with people know in such ways.

My perspective may just be skewed because I am hicktown but I didn't realize this was the case. Everyone I know has a gun and knows how to use it. I knew it wouldn't be quite like that outside, but I didnt realize it was that severe.

Who do you think lives around me? Hicks that farm and spend their days hunting. It's scary how ruthless and efficient they can be when they want to. I agree.

We looped this shit around to become the new deepweb terror of the internet. Internet Explorer nazis are meeting up and forming Right Wing Death Squads AS I TYPE THIS MESSAGE!


If they can't follow the first 2 rules, just take the balls.

Never said anything about militias user. If you want to meet people with the same beliefs instead of hiding your power level 24/7 and feeling like you're all alone, network with others. Meet up for a drink and if that drink goes well, meet up again.

I personally think these groups should focus on self-improvement and community service. Everyone in the group gets stronger, richer and smarter while being a force of good for their local community.

lol wut?

If shit hit the fan, the gubmint has more to worry about than a bunch of organized Whites. I think the spics and the niggers in the ghetto present more of a pressing issue than us.

And what about the environment around the shotcallers? They have to flee to a safehouse, wait for their colleagues to get to shelter, establish communication and a plan to bring back "order."


Stop overestimating them and stop underestimating yourselves.

I would never want to meet the retarded niggers who browse the daily stomer

This. TRS fans are vastly superior.

I know you're a D&C shill but I will humor you Mordecai.

There is strength in numbers. If you have idiots in the ranks, give them simple tasks and little responsibility. For the smarter ones, be the leaders.

This is like Meds aren't Whites arguments.

Whites need to unite and network NOW

I'll spare the repetition and just say that meeting with others that could be higher profile than you is how jihadi get caught. That's what I'm looking to avoid.

That's not a bad idea at all. Add training for civil disobedience and what you can expect in retaliation from police, like they did with the DNC protests not too long ago.

What's wrong with him?

Nothing. He does great work for the Le Chateau Autiste segment of The Daily Shoah.


Golden Dawn is protesting a government funded mosque construction?

Aren't they afraid of their government?

What about infiltrators in Golden Dawn?

You guys are right. Meeting up is pretty fucking stupid. We should all sit back, shitpost and bitch about what's going on in our country and wait for someone else to do something.

I'm not even a stormfag but I'm willing to check this out.

We mostly stand for the same things so there's utility in meeting these people, if there are any locally.



Reminder to filter faggots from Correct The Record.

This thread is basically if these two people met and started arguing

TRS fags have always been the biggest d&c shills. They're even who started the "1488er" autism.

Let's be honest now, everyone who doesn't want to go meetup is just making excuses when it comes to infiltration and whatnot. Speaking honestly, you're probably at least a little awkward.

Just remember, you aren't meeting some random chucklefucks. You're meeting people very much like yourself who just want some redpilled bros. I really don't see any disadvantage to that. They'll be a lot more understanding of your awkwardness than anyone else, so it's a good opportunity. In-group preferences and all that.

Plus, it's time to get organized. It's well past the time, even. Unless we do this, we aren't going to be able to stand up to the various subversive groups that do it already.

If you feel more comfortable with it, just lurk and see if anything bad happens, see what's going on in your area and join a meetup when you feel comfortable doing it. Just remember that if everyone does that, you'll have zero meetups really fast. Meeting other people always involves risk, so make sure you're not avoiding it because of the social part of it. Making friends is good, meeting other like-minded people is good.

Never use your real name.

I'm one of the few Holla Forumslacks who actually exercises, reads and has a job. The only thing I lack is a network of likeminded people.

I know there are many Holla Forumslacks who are NEET and/or socially awkward. I would be willing to personally help our White brothers improve themselves.

Because improving your brother is improving your race.

He will take what he learned from you and teach others. You might also learn a thing or two from him and teach others.

this feels so suspicious

but i desperately need some RL non-normies to talk to or i'll go completely bonkers

Jokes on you, I have a job, go to school, have a car, but I am just self conscious about my physical appearance

Congrats, you can:

lift something mildly heavy that all men can lift
practise arm-locking with your black sparring partner
practise shooting with women
take a photo on top of armour
marry some broad
raise her child by yourself

You're not going to meet girls, man. None of that matters. Plus, meeting some bros might help you improve your appearance. It's win-win.

Screencapped. You worded it so effortlessly. Also the reason why we need to organize is because


Your family is in danger!


Im not 300 pounds or anything like that I just think I have bad facial features and dont want to be made fun of and told I look like a Jew or an Italian or something

I'm not confident that this isn't a honeypot, truthfully, and I guess that the more think on it I don't really have any confidence in people I don't know. That said, I'm starting to think that the benefits outweigh the risks, so I'm lurking that and will act based on how I feel from there.

Also, burner phone is a good idea too. Prepaid is cheap these days.

Not in Indiana by any chance? Need a new Gym buddy and you don't sound terrible to be around.

Kek, confirmed for useless neet. You'll probably be shitskin food when RAHOWA happens.

Ignore the shill everyone. If he's not a shill then he's the fat fucking faggot posted.

I know. It's sad how a few Whites can't meet up for a beer and a chat because our current climate doesn't allow it.


Our ancestors faced scarier things and here we are afraid to talk to another person!

So do it faggot! I'm already talking to a couple of Holla Forumslacks through /meadhall/ but this new forum seems very promising.

Don't listen to that D&C shill bullshit about Fins and Meds not being White. Europe is Europe!

Fucking this. The worst thing that has ever happened at a Holla Forums meetup was mis-communication. And that is easily resolved. Don't let one bad event get you down. We are perfectly capable of meeting up IRL, and we should do it. I've had a zeemap going for ages, and it has spawned some activity from anons where enough pins are put near each other.

There is really no reason to not go to a meetup.

Got a link to it? I'd be interested in seeing if my area is as refilled as I think it is.

Even worse… I am Irish with a bump on my nose.

That's not as big of a deal as you think. The important thing is to wear the appropriate clothes/hair/facial hair for your face and body shape. That's what I was talking about, not necessarily just working out. There are various tricks.

I'll have to hunt it down, the bookmark is gone and it's been a while. It might not go up until tonight when I get home. I'll hunt for it and if I find it I'll post the link here.

you can also use a google number, just make a throwaway account for it. more convenient, free.

That said, it doesn't really sound like a bad idea for those on limited budgets.

No problem I'll prolly see it if you make a thread or post it here.

You definitely have a different perspective, I've lived in California most of my life and have never seen a gun in real life other than police sidearms. Probably never been closer than 5m to one.

it won't protect you from alphabets obviously, but if for example some ANTIFA cocksucker showed up to get info from everyone, he'd be left with only his dick in his hand

i'd say it should be mandatory that people use either a burner or google number or something if they share contact info. give fake names, etc. don't drive anyone anywhere, or let them see you park or leave (so they can't get your plate)

those are just some precautions i would take

No brother. I am located in ground zero of liberal kikeism.


More specifically Silicon Valley where indians, chinks, muslims and spics outnumber us Whites.

So you all can see why I'm so invested in networking. I have seen the downfall of the West firsthand.

We are flooded with illegals spics who terrorize the city with rape, robbery and murder. They also take construction jobs and lower the wage.

Panjeet and his crew get special treatment by suckerberg. The kike and his kike pals in Silicon Valley gives H1B visas to these streetshitters where they live 8 in a two bedroom apartment and work 50+ hours a week for $40,000 a year.

You wonder why coders and IT are starting to suffer in salary and position? It's because they are stealing our jobs.

You need to speak two languages to get around Silicon Valley and in America, we speak fucking English!

California gun laws will be past at the start of 2017. They will ban AR-15 bullet buttons and make background checks required for ammo and make it illegal to buy it online. Also standard capacity magazines (30 rounds) even if they are grandfathered will have to be turned in to be destroyed and if you are found with one in your possession (even if you were grandfathered in) you're going to jail with a felony.

Get your guns and ammo now!

It takes 1 hour to read the handbook, $30 to take the test and 5 minutes to pass it. The test is retardedly simple.

Your local gun shops do the test. Drop by and ask them. I was once new to guns but now I'm well versed.

I live in Los Angeles, and it's the same shit.


Walk to any cell phone store and ask for a prepaid plan. You pay upfront for the service. Most stores don't ask for a name and in the even they do, give them a fake one. They don't check IDs (especially in my state) because we're flooded with illegals and that means lost shekels.

You can even request a different area code if you wanted but it has to be within your state.

No name + different area code + paid in cash = WIN!

Go to the Daily Stormer forum or try /meadhall/.

SoCal is more active in the hall than NorCal. I saw a couple of guys posting there recently. And in TDS forums, the SoCal/LA/San Diego threads are popping.

You dumb mother fuckers that are gonna meet up. Have fun getting taped and recorded and time stamped. Have fun getting every location you visit recorded. Have fun getting your credit cards and debit cards reported to the threat con profile they are building on you.

You know that profile that will be used in a court of law against you when they decide to move against you for conspiracy to overthrow the government. That one that will coincide with the beauuuutiful anti terrorist bills and laws that they subverted the US constitution and the Bill of Rights for. They don't even have to give you a trial. Remember that they can hold you without trial now?!!! YEAH! sounds AWESOME doesn't it.!!!!

So you want to be a REALIST…be a fuckin REALIST and Chew on that. You live play and work in THEIR world. Ranting against their machine for years and then meeting for a book club and then announcing it to the general internet for all agencies to see…yeah
That sounds Fucking BRILLIANT.

Have fun

Organization is important at very, very low levels. Nothing centralized, nothing concrete, nothing hierarchical.

Meetups should be small, maybe less than 10 people. If you go to a different one, use a different name. Contact information should not match your real information, but still work. If you see more than 3 of the same people at two different meetups in a different location, leave without identifying yourself.

Pic related, required reading.

are there any meetups websites like these in Europe?

Who said anything about that? I said meetup as in beers and conversation.

Pic related Moshe. Your attempts to stifle discussion and derail threads is hilarious.

Filtered :^)

Yeah because Golden Dawn, Pegida and all our other brothers in the Europe kept their organizations 10 people or less.

I have shit luck in literally everything I do. It would be just by luck to either get fucking harassed by the FBI or somehow get falsely identified as FBI or something. Probably both at the same time, actually, knowing how things usually work out for me.

>>>/meadhall/ but the place is pretty dead sometimes. Maybe this thread will revive it. Otherwise check the link in my OP. Otherwise go to your local pub and talk to the group of guys with bald heads.

Haha nope. In fact the put their names on a list themselves!

"Either we all hang together, or we each hang separately."

..or something to that effect.

Thank you for your information, I didn't know how and where to go about the test. But what's the point of getting all that stuff if it's going to be outlawed and confiscated in a few months anyways?

That would suck. Hope you dont lose anything or get anything stolen.

globalist pls go
>>>Holla Forums

That is in Greece not the US. What could you possibly do in the US that would be effective?

BLM is the real RWDS in the US. BLM is the real Soldiers of Odin in the US. No matter how many people you meet up with you could never hope to have a chance against BLM.

Pic related.

Gun shops give out the test all the time. Pick the closest one to you and ask about more information.

Worst case scenario? Learn to shoot, strip and clean a firearm. They can take away your guns but never your knowledge. (Shooting well requires a lot of practice and patience.) Someone else can hand you a rifle and now you're an asset to the group instead of a liability.

But they would never confiscate guns. There's still too many gun owners out there. Stop by a gun shop and you'll see what I'm talking about.

Moshe is the one that WANTS you to go and "MEET" so they can IDENT YOU to the next level.

Look schmuck…meet with your friends that you have known for years. People that you can at least trust.

Then go as groups and protest the leftist-ization of the west. Telegraphing your actions publicly so that the media can have a field day contacting you employers for statements on their political positions in relations to yours.

Yeah shove your swift meme up your ass.

I went to a meet up.

Now I have some like minded bros that have shared some secret shooting ranges, bug-out/prepping tips and a network of white related businesses that are good for the cause.

Out of everyone who showed up there was one fucking real life meme skinhead with a neck tattoo and was rocking bike gang colors on his jacket. I discreetly told the bartender and he asked him to leave (No bike affiliation in many bars where I live - it's a fucking plague). He mouthed off like a nigger and left.

For the most part we're just a bunch of average white dudes, a couple are fat gamer nerds - but I doubt they would have ever went to a real range without taking that fist step. I see them dressing different and adopting the language and attitudes of some of the successful, established white guys in the group.

Like Holla Forums in real life, a couple are christcucks, some listen to Savage and Alex Jones too much, and a couple have non-white wives, but overall, my life is richer for haven taken those first steps.

Now, going to my first couple YELP meet-ups on the other hand, those pretentious normie faggots get my first bullets on the day of the rope. One of the first times I met a tranny in real life that wasn't working a bar in Asia in America.

One bro is building buying some land up north next week and we are planning a camping trip, girlfriends, wives, kids and dogs included.

It's kind of how I wish my family would have came up.

Some of us are even law enforcement, and life and experience has been the best redpill there is - no one knows this better than race realist cops.

Using our White brothers as an example for organizing and taking action makes me a globalist?

You know you guys are making my case stronger for meeting up? Obvious shills trying to stop White men from banding together makes them more likely to meet up.

Trump is about to be president soon.

Iron Ann names the jew multiple times.

Other speakers talk about America being founded by settlers not fucking Indians.

We're growing stronger everyday and you fear it kike.

Filtered :^)


One tries to derail and the next tries to demoralize.

And just to humor you, what was the first White Nationalist protest in Sacramento recently?

Well to this, are you sure you're not on a list right now? Better to know you are on a list and have a network of allies, than to cover your eyes and pretend they can't see you.

As for subversion of these networks, yes, everyone tries to infiltrate everyone else. You must think of your organization as an organism- not only do you have your skin, your mechanisms for preventing infiltration, you have your immune system, your mechanisms for dealing with people who have infiltrated. You don't just decide that since it's possible to be infiltrated that you just won't try at all, because that's self-defeating.

yeah, a bunch of white men banding together and meeting up went real well last time it happened in america.

I'm trying to make the anons in here aware of the dangers of meeting up and how to avoid being v&, faggot. I'd rather not spend the trump presidency inside a prison, so take your public stormfag masturbatory session elsewhere, because you're talking like the DoTR is already upon us.

Wise words user. I hope you can lend your local brothers some of your knowledge.

Screencapped. Let this be proof meetups can work and destroy the fear of honeypots.

We are growing stronger everyday



No guys don't meet up! It's dangerous!!!! The Jews are the almighty race! We should quit now and be their cattle.

Fuck the White race let's just be White sheep.

Drop them immediately. Why associate with such filth?

Any Ontario brothers here? Maybe we can discuss the issue of the first mosque in Stratford?

Kill yourself D&C kike. Filtered.



our groups are moderately thriving already


Considering the amount of D&C on this forum (#1 is religion but there are others too), do you really think a meetup would work, even assuming it's not a honeypot and not infiltrated?
We meet and it goes like this

You don't even know what d&c means you fucking faggot. Just remember - you enable white genocide.

Post a picture of your white wife and kids then Weev jr.

Because it's real life faggot. One is a jap, the other is half Mexican.

I don't know how old you are, but there is a real problem with white women in this country right now. The one marries to the Jap actually has 2 white kids from a previous marriage, the half Mexi was that dudes high school sweetheart - they have one kid and he looks white.

No one is going to be 100% a mirror of you. But we all support Trump - except a couple molon labe, lolbertarian fags - but they are awesome to have around when it comes to tools, hunting and funs.

We're all on the same spectrum (kek) and it's not easy finding Holla Forums leaning people these days.


meetups are literally nothing like this you fag

turns out interactions with people irl are healthier and less autistic than online (gee who'da thought)

the few true autists who have showed up always flake out/fade away eventually

so i spelled it wrong

Alright I'll check it out though I don't think I'll buy one until after I graduate uni next year and get my own place. I could store it in my car but that's just asking to be robbed.

you might be surprised

Actually, the type of people who would call themselves christian, pagan or atheist, usually don't show up.

Neither do the kind the of people who don't like alcohol.

Go figure.

my experiences at meetups thus far:

- go for hikes
- bbq in parks
- hang out
- drink beer
- shoot the shit about life/politics
- go to restaurants
- some ppl go to trump rallies/activist shit

9/10 would recommend

lad…. just go

And? What's the fucking point you're trying to make? The fact that White women are a problem today is no excuse for muddying your genes with non-whites, destroying your racial lineage, and ensuring your children grow up as rootless mongrels.

Seriously just fucking kill yourself. You enable the kind of depraved shit that's killing our race and rotting our nation from the core. I don't give a shit whether your friends with their nip and spic wives love Donald Trump. Donald Trump is a half-measure civic "nationalist" who only serves as a step in the right direction, which is the eventual removal of all non-Europeans from America. Multiracial civic "nationalism" is an oxymoron, and a complete perversion of the concept of nationhood.

Cut it out with the condescending "this is the real world" drivel as though I should just accept interracial shit as the norm. Without standards, we'll never ensure our own survival.

Despite minor differences we stand on common ground. We hate ZOG and want the best for the future White race. Everything else is trivial.

Save up and for now stop by a shooting range and take some lessons. They're usually free as to bring in more business and educate about gun safety.

It's also a great first date :^)

I think you missed the post about an user describing his local group having race aware cops in it and is still walking around free.


Yeah, that's the minimum and it's just fine with me. /k/ IRL people are cool motherfuckers, unlike that meme of a board.

Go to bed Andrew, your drunk. Again.

No dude

meant for

He said you shouldn't associate yourself with filth and listed all the positives. I had a feeling it was going to be misinterpreted after I posted.

yeah my local group is transitioning more to self-improvement stuff

also our discussions are always pretty /k/ anyways

Not an argument, faggot. You enable white genocide

Get a rifle with no "assault" features and you'll most likely be ok. You won't look as cool but they still shoot and reload.

Post pics of your wife and kids then.

You 12 year old purity of race meme lords are ridiculous.

Cultural Marxism is a cancer that has tainted 80/100 of white women in America - dare I say the world. I do my best to only date white women, but they don't make it easy. Now, I would sooner go full MGTOW before I date a nigger, but I have seen some loyal beaners and noodles.

I don't encourage it, I don't necessarily accept it, but I understand.

We all have roles to play.

Free is the best price, thanks for the tip!

We want you to meet with us.

We want you to come in out of the cold.

We know you are a true Patriot. Join the false flag Jason Bourne! This thread will not be anchored. We own the game.

This is irrelevant to my point, you dumb nigger.
Fuck off.
Then you look for one of the rare untainted white women, you mongrel fetishist, not sully your genes and bring a rootless half-breed into this world.
The fact that you would even be considering such a thing just shows your lack of respect for your own race, nation, and self. You'd bring a identityless mongrel into this world because you couldn't help your self from >muh diking some shitskin.

And I suppose the image is supposed to scare us? Let's use some rational thinking to destroy this troll Holla Forums.

How long would a sniper have to wait in order to shoot you? Even if he knows you have to be at work by 10 am every morning, he would have to be there earlier and waiting.

Now where would this sniper be posted while he's waiting to murder you?

Most importantly


The gubmint can barely wipe its ass how would it even handle the logistics in wiping out the posters here?

I'm done humoring you.

Filtered faggot and please show yourself out. No one can derail this thread. We're going to meet up and you know it's the beginning of your downfall.


Le Edgy pure race waifu meme lord tells me to drop Holla Forums tier bros becuase they don't have white wives.

Ask him to post pics of white wife and white kids.

These people are no better than jews when they argue. Don't attempt to engage with them. Mock them and shit all over them.

Is it just me or do some Asians look exactly like niggers with straight hair and lighter skin?

Are you retarded? These two things are mutuall exclusive, you multiracial cuck faggot.

I don't see how this is relevant whatsoever to my argument in any conceivable capacity. I'm arguing against interracial cuckery and the destruction of the European people, and all you can do is meme-spout.

I'm involved with my local TRS group, good group of guys and pretty normal actually. We talk about current events every day, and go hiking and shooting at the range occasionally too. It's mostly good for letting off steam and having a sense of comradery. I was pretty nervous about meeting up with some rando's off of the interweb, but it's been totally fine.

The thing that convinced me recently was thinking that I'd rather have people of my current age hold me in contempt than be scorned by my kids or grandkids because I was too afraid to even meet up with some shitlords in the country that my fucking ancestors fought and died to make for me. Fuck that. I'm not stupid and I practice opsec, but I'm over being afraid anymore. If I lose my job or my family is mad at me for my beliefs I'm willing to accept that even if I don't want that to happen. What I'm not willing to accept is my kid or grandkid saying "You knew that what they were saying was a bunch of lies and that they were actively wrecking your country but you were too afraid to meet up for a beer with some weird guys you met on the internet and maybe form groups or networks to help save your people because you were afraid that people would call you a mean word? Well, you were a coward." Nope, not gonna happen to me, even if everything falls to shit or if I suffer negative consequences I'll be able to say that at least I tried to save my people.

He means Identity Europa, Nathan Damigo's thing, apparently it's super backlogged with requests.

lel no, that's fucking idiotic. Don't willingly put yourself on a list like that. If you live in leftist territory, don't publicly seek out groups like this either. Be subtle, be smart, and try to form your own local group because we do need to organize if we stand any chance.
The guide does have good suggestions though. For instance, you need to regularly exercise and know how to shoot. Kek's meme magic will not help you fight against Tyrone and Jose in the race war.

this IS how we organize

if you post on lists you do it anonymously using burner emails/proxies etc
then you get in contact with local ppl in a way where you don't need to give your real info (skype chats etc)
then if you contribute constructively you meet up in person
then if you're not a spazz/obvious fed in person you get to participate

not rocket science goys

Daily Stormer gives me the bantz reading the same stories in mainstream press doesnt. Fuck off d&c shill, it keeps my morale up.


Anyone looking to network in California should get into contact with me.

I'm in Southern California, but I have a Skype chat (mostly TRS guys) with many people from all over California.

We have regular meetups. Everyone I've met has been intelligent, hard-working, and trustworthy.

[email protected]/* */

Alternatively, those looking for a more structured, nationwide organization should consider joining Identity Evropa. We launched a few months ago and already have nearly a hundred members across the country. You don't have to be an activist to join, but we're going to be causing a shitstorm this upcoming semester.


I tried applying to Identity Evropa and this is what I got

Did that appear when you tried to submit the application? Or was it when you clicked "Join Us"?

When I tried to submit the application.

It also changes the domain to nathan-damigo.squarespace.com/

Hmm, that's odd. We haven't had that issue before. Try restarting your computer or using a different browser. If that doesn't work, send me an email.

Thank you I was getting tired of replying to same posts.

Thanks man!

Will do.

Oy vey don't organize in real life, goyim!

If you want to meetup, fine, but if you're too autistic to do so then shut the fuck up and stop sperging on people who want action.


Going to meetups and taking a big risk of being put on a list, and is an excuse for your inability to redpill your peers and organize on the local level. I know for a fact there are programs for this purpose.

If you are too incompetent to have the confidence to work with your friends and family then get some, go to the gym, practice/ coordinate your dialogue with your closest friends, be a leader.
There is no chance in hell we can win if you cannot work with the people you know right now.

My 3d and I moved to another part of the country, away from the pozzed areas that our families come from. Going to SPP's was/is a good way to meet up with like-minded Goys and make friends/family.

What kind of "list" are you afraid of being put on?

Seriously, our people and civilization are being destroyed and you're afraid to meetup with other people who are trying to prevent this.

Keep in mind that many people are 100% public with their beliefs. And you know what? Excluding some minor ANTIFA harassment, these people don't suffer any consequences.

So long as you aren't advocating violence or trying to overthrow the government there is virtually no risk from meeting up people with whom you've already talked to a fair amount online.


Alright you idiots, here's the low down.

Don't communicate through the internet to make groups, everything is monitored.
Don't text people about making groups, because that's also monitored.
Only make groups with close knit people, friends and family that won't rat you out, because I can guarantee that random fags on the internet will rat you out the second things become too real.
Also be careful how you think, because the jews can also read your thoughts, learn to think within thoughts so they won't detect you.

If the jews want to fuck you they'll fuck you, just for laughs and occasionally to make an example out of you.

Was about to say fuck off, but I kek'd

Have a broader scope of the implications of going to a meetup of multiple people from a public posting.
If one is an infiltrator, that person will look for any way to put any of you in jail, maybe one of your friends cannot afford the license for a firearm and has one in his basement, next day the police raid that house because of an "anonymous tip".

Ok heres another scenario, war kicks off, your group becomes a force to be reconed with, recruiting large amounts of normies. One infiltrator who joined in the beginning has an important officer position, he will see to it at the opportune time that you all will be killed by whatever means.

Moral is, these public meetups are an exuse for incompetence to work with the people you know. Grow some balls, we need PEOPLE not groups of us meeting up circle jerking and risking being infiltrated.


This sounds like an obvious honeypot to me tbh.
Though I do agree that nothing will ever be accomplished without real life action.
Then again, there already is a national-socialist US party and David Duke is running for Senator.

Yawn. False choice. The two aren't mutually exclusive.

Fuck off with the race mixing bullshit, Schlomo. Nobody is going to post a picture of their family because some autistic sperg with an Asian chick fetish wants to argue over genetics. All my life the only white men who have considered Asians to be viable partners are all overweight neckbeards.

Huh, either you are a shill or Holla Forums wants to play military without abiding to Murphy's Law.

you don't need to join dude, obviously the group is going to infiltrated.
even combat 18 got arrested.

but this is a pacific meeting, if some FBI is gonna pay someone to get redpilled well that is great

If polacks are so weak and inconfident to just work with the people they know, we all might as well just give up on this shit right now.

Thanks FBI chan.

No, I'm not a shill.

Feel free to add me on Twitter: twitter.com/whitewolfgeist

And no one's talking about "playing military." This is about getting like-minded guys together to go hiking or have a BBQ, but apparently that's too much for some people.

Well you are clearly not a leader, if you dont have it in you just go to the meetup then. Better than doing nothing.

Hmm nothing wrong with these goys going to BBQ, they are surely to do nothing wrong in the future :^)

desinfo desinfo desinfo
Teddy got done in by his own brother
you are secret agent too aren't you? oh noes.

Reminder that you should not discuss your meet up plans in the open. Use a forum like that to get people together and then discuss the plans in encrypted chat.

His site is bigger than any of the bath house right sites.

Bigger =/= having more of an impact.

TRS has done more to create a movement than Anglin.

Nice edge

yeah, I am thinking Tox

as it is encrypted and safe as opposed to watsap

Discord works quite well.


This is why everyone here needs to get a twitter account and we need to network and make redpilled hashtags get on the front page on trending, it's possibly the easiest way to redpill people, you just sit on your computer, shitpost some edgy fash humor with sources or infographs to back it up, and watch as SJWs get BTFO and cannot actually defeat anyone on the hashtag logically.

Nice try fGayi, your jewish mind control doesn't work on me.

Red Ice has red-pilled thousands.

No way are we targets in some kind of big happening situation. You think the fed will go assassinate a few thousand Holla Forumsacks spread out across one of the largest countries on earth, from big cities to dick all small towns in the middle of no where? Not going to happen.

There is nothing illegal about whites organizing on a small scale, creating little clubs to join up in. It's really not a big deal.

What was the militia movement.

3 of your 4 posts have been D&C and this one is fearmongering and encouraging laziness.



This faggot just replied to himself.

Yes, with the coal-burner Sinnead.

Since you are involved with guys through TRS, could you please explain something to me:
How the hell does one sign up to the TRS forum? I can only find a login site, no registration site.


Dude, what? Sinead hates Red Ice.

The forums are invite right now.

Invite only*

Did you even read my posts?

Well that explains that, thanks m8.
Time to stand beneath the treehouse and be pissy that the other kids won't tell me the secret password, just like my childhood.

Clearly it was an accident faggot.

A homosexual libertarian movement, maybe.


The best part about that, aside from how hilariously false it is, is that I'm sure you actually believe it.

TRS are libertarians, paleocons, and patriotards who use "fashy" language to seem edgy. This is obvious in how much they love Pinochet, who in reality was a shill and traitor.

I though Discord was an filesharing chat like vola or something.

The Pinochet thing is mostly a joke. He threw Communists out helicopters. That's about the extent of their appreciation of him.

Look, if you're seriously against TRS, you should at least bother formulating a coherent/accurate argument. Nobody who actually listens to The Daily Shoah or follows TRS thinks that they're libertarians.

Many of them were libertarians prior to taking the red-pill, but now if they're talking about libertarianism, they're making fun of it.

Voice/text chat.

You were saying that SPP's suck and you should only try and red-pill your family, I was saying that my wife and I are too far from our families, and that SPP's make a good surrogate family/friends for people who live far from their families or never really had friends.

You'd have to be a turbo-autist to miss that. Go listen to whoever from Fash the Nation (I don't listen to that bullshit) was on Christopher Cuckwells podcast, he pretty much flat-out admits that he's an AnCap.

With the handful of autists on their forum?

Yet they still maintain the entire worldview of the libertarian. Paleoconservative in the better description. They think America was great prior to the 60s, think Pinochet was awesome, etc. None of them are national socialist or understand the worldview.

Right. They are libertarian and ancap except for understanding that brown people will never be for it.

Go on twitter and message one of the TRS Goys or someone related to a podcast, they will have to vet you somehow, but you can be invited. The actual forum is kinda spergy and I spend more time here anyway. What general location are you in user? There's groups on twitter and I can help guide you to one in your location if one exists.

Kingdom of Denmark, Nykøbing Falster.

Thats Renegade you dingus.

I'd been seeking a group actively preparing for the future, and I came across USCROW. You could call it a militia (We prefer National Civil Defense group). I was skeptical there was anybody doing anything real, organizing and banding together to face down the current and growing tyranny. I'd tried the Oathkeepers (mostly talkers), and other organizations. USCROW is the real deal, level headed, like minded patriots working to defend our families and our liberty (or what little we have left).

If you're reading this, and want to make a real change, visit the website at uscrow.org for more info and units active near you.

If you're a shaved head nazi fuck then don't bother. We're not down with that ignorant shit.

If you're reading this and happen to be in North Carolina, I'd like to talk to you. Even if you aren't but would care to chat:

[email protected]/* */

[email protected]/* */

Try this guy, he's pretty active

I just sent you an email from guerrilla mail, reply on skype since the email address I used was temporary.

yeah fucking rite…thats what i thought.

Look I'm not saying Anglin is a bad guy for wanting to get asses off of chairs..

But I have a model that will allow HIM to avoid Infiltration to the body.


HQ (anglin)

Groups (indie org'd w/regards/2/members)

Without being too pessimistic, how can local chapters or groups avoid being classified as "gangs" from over zealous prosecutors if one member does something stupid? I heard of a group that wears all black while out in public, seems like a good idea for cohesion, but I thought it might be bad if one idiot does something stupid and then suddenly the Hwiteville Anons(who wear all black during their outings) get classified as a "gang" for wearing colors because one guy gets drunk and punches a nigger or something similarly stupid.

That's the great thing of the RICO act, one agent provocateur and you get everyone party vanned for what he did while he gets off behind the scenes.

Remember the post once about some Anons father being a Cop and his taskforce was given the duty of forming a honeypot militia to lure the nutjobs out of the wood work. Turns out the only people joining were other agencies that acted as a "agent provocateur" and got the entire honeypot militia SWAT'ed

A massive cluster fuck basically of who's jewing who anymore.

This thread…oosh. I'm gonna (1) post here.

Meet ups are fine. Discussing politics at a bar is fine. Getting together with local bad goyim is good. If you can form friendships out of them and improve yourselves together, as brothers, even better.

When SHTF and you have no local support net to begin with you are fucked. It will be to late.

Being an armchair Holla Forumsitician only goes so far.

That was supposed to be a chapter of the KKK. Lel, feds buried that shit really fucking fast because they were ashamed that the leader was FBI and the dozen members were different levels of Law enforcement.

I want to be clear that I'm not trying to throw cold water on anything, I'm trying to ask if there are any lawfags on here who can advise us on how to stay on the right side of the law as much as we can. I'm in a TRS group right now, so I'm not trying to D/C or scare anyone, just trying to be prudent.

I don't know about the rest of you but I'm ready to meet some like minded people irl

I've never been a part of Daily Stormer forums though

Are there a lot of Holla Forumsacks there?

Surprisingly yeah. Just spoke to a couple of people there and they either lurk or shitpost on Holla Forums too.

The congressional congress met in secret and planned to overthorw King George in huddled whispers.

We're already for the most part joined in secret and our anonymity lets us talk freely without discredit to our person. It's more important we have a plan than it is to meet up and discuss what we already talk about here.

Not really. When they wrote the Declaration of Independence, it was a public event. Normies were outside the building looking through the open windows because it was so damn hot those days leading up to the signing of it.

Before that they got together and discussed the matters at each others houses or taverns. In Jefferson's bio, I read he went off to some state I forget which and it was his first time outside Virginia. Some likeminded patriots wanted to meet and discuss politics with him and so he went. I think John Adams? Someone who was a Founding Father met him like that.

Plans are useless without action and action is only accomplished in real life.

How does the Daily Stormer community compare to Holla Forums?

There's a reason you're called Stormweenies. Might as well commit a hate crime and send a confession note to the FBI to cut out the middleman.

Rach how come no pictures of that dyke?

This place has some really great intellectual threads once in a while. TDS is more casual and has more bantz IMO.

Will you be able to have intellectual discussions with people there?

I don't want to go through the trouble of meeting up with people from TDS only to find out that they're practically nigger-tier Whites

After OK City, the feds stopped doing that shit because they didn't want to put their own families at risk.

Can you really have intellectual discussions with anyone these days? Even Holla Forums suffers from idiocy which is why I said "some really great intellectual threads once in a while."

It's a mixed bag IMO. Don't be too harsh to judge your White brothers. Some might be dim in your areas of expertise and they might be geniuses where you fail.

Check these posts

Doesn't racemixing defeat the whole point of Holla Forums?


Any anons mind telling me what happened to the whole Fed meetups? I left the internet for a while after the first successful one in Atlanta and then when I was back on Holla Forums a month or two later, all that was gone.

I fucking KNEW this retarded trump posting and kek posting would lead faggots like this here. Your fucking pepe shitposting. This board will be cuckchan sooner than you can say zyklon b.

This is straight out of that artcle Milo wrote on the 'alt-right'.

i dont think thats anything like the point he was making
there seems to be a sort of Holla Forums consensus of what people should and should not do and/or believe in, he's just saying that the people he met in real life at a WN meetup deviate from that stereotypical ideal in various ways. like you would expect.

Straying a bit from the ideals is fine, but marrying a nonwhite just ruins the whole point of it all.

Did you change your vpn?

Dating within your race is not a stereotype of white nationalists. It's the entire point. If you don't do this, you aren't a white nationalist.

I highly doubt you'll have enough time or money do even maintain one of those, much less use it, if you're married and have kids. That shit is expensive to operate.

having a legal statement that supports your legal protest…is nothing.


You need to ADOPT their tactics EXACTLY. Unfortunately…you become just like them when you do. The only problem you have is IMAGE. You still have assholes with Stupid as fuck neo nazi swastika meme shit.

I'm Sorry. If you aren't intelligent enough to under stand that this will not win your PLIGHT…then you are destined to get tricked into attacking multiple nations at the same time like the MOTHER FUCKING STUPID KRAUTS WERE.

(and I'm Kraut)

have a nice day and lawyer the fuck up. Don't let any wide nosed semi kikes push you into a jail cell because you thought you had to fight for your race.

your post about him didn't single that out, it mentioned a bunch of other benign shit like being in law enforcement and voting for Trump. if you were trying to make a point about race mixing in terms of his post, you failed.

also, being white nationalist means putting your country and your "people" (fellow whites) first. if my state, for example, was 99.9% white, I really wouldn't care about the handful of guys that decide to marry non white chicks. There are so few of them that it wouldn't matter to me. In going with that, I read somewhere recently that a shockingly low 0.4% of white people marry someone who isn't white, even in today's super pozzed liberal cancerous culture.

I myself prefer white girls. I would never, ever fucking touch a nigress, and I see hundreds of them every week where i work. I personally would have no problem with having a half white/asian girlfriend or a white/latina one, especially if their views and morals are much more in line with mine than any i can find from a 100% white girl.

You can lambast me for it all you want, but i'd much rather have a half latina girl who is adorable and has morals than a fully white girl who doesn't if those were my only two choices.

black bitches are no excuse though, i still think bitches like rihanna and beyonce need to gtfo

If a non white showed up to these would you guys lynch them? Sounds like you need some diversity.

Nice wall of text. I'm not going to play your games.

Why the fuck are you here? You are a race traitor. There are millions of whites in your country. Try reddit. Civic nationalist cucks.

Original user here who wrote about my meetup experience.

I mentioned that some were Christ cucks, and two guys had non white wives.

I didn't want to religious DnC off the bat, but can you guess which ones were Christ-cucks? No? That would be the ones with non-white wives. I am not going to defend them, but they aren't neckbeard faggots.

I see you lack reading comprehension. The one with the nip wife has WHITE KIDS from a previous marriage to a WHITE WOMAN.

The one married to a half-bean has a kid that is 3/4 white and is being raised white.

If you only want to join a pure aryan gas the kikes DOTR NOW group, I guess you took it to heart when your liberal kike teachers told you that Hitler wanted to kill all people without blonde hair and blue eyes.

I grew up around spics and niggers my whole life. I have hispanic acquaintances and friends in real life, many whom hate illegal wetbacks. I hate niggers and everyone I associate with needs to as well.

I also avoid jews at all costs, and make fun of them at every opportunity - when I am not dropping redpills.

Fuck Milo and his faggot acceptance little followers.

Keep taking my post out of context faggot, your making yourself look like a butthurt little keyboard warrior, which you are.

God bless Mugi.


You're a pretend white nationalist. No WN would associate with those cucks.

I understood you completely. You're a little fag pretend WN who thinks dating non-whites is acceptable. Here's where you fuck up. You say that here it's okay because the kids are white.
Then you tell me that

BEING RAISED WHITE LMAO. Get the fuck out of here, cuck.


That has nothing at all to do with the fact that you aren't a WN if you date nonwhites.

I'm going to take a shot here by saying that you're a male looking for some white pussy.

Figures it's the christcucks. I read your post in full and was glad about the 2 white kids being raised with the white father/nip mom, but who's to say what the future will bring for that couple and if they'll race mix?

The bottom line is that the white race is at EXTINCTION levels, and for anons that are aware of this to even consider the slightest race-mixing, the unchangeable and forever sin, is just pathetic and shows a complete lack of shame, of honor, of manhood, and of duty to one's people and of sticking it to the fucking kikes that have put us in this situation. It's like knowingly dancing with the devil. There's no excuses for it besides emotion, "Aw, they're so nice, cute, and based, and all white women are feminist cunts!"

That's it chaim.

Post time stamp with white hand.

You obviously have no white wife or white children and are simply derailing the thread.

If your next post does not have this, filtered.

i think reddit would be better for you, newfriend. see, over there, they only think in terms of black and white, there is no gray. everything in life is one way or another full stop, and if it's the other, you're wrong, and you get le downboats.

if you can only think in terms of a single dimension you don't belong here among our white brethren. and in order for me to be a race traitor, i would have to have first committed some traitorous act, and i haven't.

I just want a civic nationalist friend ship bro

I'd go out with any girl if they let me hold their hand :(

Let me get this right. I have to prove that I'm white and not a jewish shill because I say that whites should stick to their own and neither date nor have children with other races.

If you date or have children with non-whites you aren't a white nationalist. What are you trying to achieve if not the preservation of your race?

You are two of the worst shills i've seen so far.


Not really. If you don't value blood above all else, you're not thinking long-term enough, and you're playing right into the kike's designs to annihilate the white race. Race mixing is forever. You can never go back. You spit in the face of that great struggle of nature of your ancestors to produce you. It's disgusting, and it's forever. Race mixing is a black and white issue. Other things like praising Hitler, being NatSoc or not, Christian or not, those things are fine to be flexible with, to debate about; but blood and its evolution is everything.

Sorry white man, the only mate you're allowed is a white slut who's been passed around the white nat soc community. She might had over 80 cocks inside of her, but at least she's not a shit skin. :D


They're not shills. Most genuine shills (at least JIDF ones) rarely post over 1-2. They do seem to be, however, anons lacking in vision, in fortitude, in sacrifice, and lacking in true jew-hate and understanding of their real evil and what they're doing to us and the entire planet.


Once again Holla Forums proves that it's a open air sewer of shitposting.

A man interested in the proliferation of his race does not racemix.

Race is the lifeblood of civilization. One drop, beaner scum.

if i were a shill id be saying race mixing is fine no matter what given any context. i'm saying that i would take the best options available to me, and if none of those options are fully white, im okay with a mostly white girl. Do note i did mention specifically in my earlier post that in small numbers of the population, it doesn't matter, from dilution.

It doesn't change ANYTHING about the fact that the vast majority of whites produce children with other whites. It's been that way forever, it still is no matter what the kikes try to push, and it's going to stay that way for a long time. It's simply the way we're wired.

I get what you're saying, in essence. Do you know anything about biology? Do you know how blurred the lines get when it comes to attempting to dilineate where one race stops and another starts, or even the difference between one species and the next, biologically? We whites as a group, as with all the other groups, are generally easily identified enough in relation to other people alive today, but it's quite possible that your white is not my white, depending on how far back you want to go. What if your english ancestors were vehemently against mixing with italians, that they were a separate race, and that anyone trying to say "but we're all one race, the white race, the european race" were told to shut the fuck up and get out? What if your great great great grandfather fucked a slave and his great grandfather fucked a native american? That didn't stop you from being white, and if either of those things happen you'd have no idea, and so can effectively walk through life acting as though you're 100% white. Which, for intents and purposes, you are.

DNA is an incredibly complex amalgamation of genetic material from all over the fucking place. Each time you add a drop a paint the color changes, but only extremely slightly. As long as the vast majority of white people continue to keep breeding with other white people (and they will), the few random race mixers here and there can be tolerated, simply not promoted.

Try again. Breed yourself out, you loser. Enjoy those children who look nothing like you.













I'm not debating you, I'm exclusively here for the shit posting.

I've long given up on Holla Forums unfucking itself.
You don't have to worry about me Mr shlomogoldstein

Another wall of text.

Get out. You aren't a WN. You are a loser who jumped onto the Trump bandwagon of civic cuckoldry. How can you scorn a coal burner when you have a little niglet child.


You have the wrong poster FAM, I'm here to shitpost

You should check the ID's to confirm

Yes, I know (or at least have heard so) that alien traits can eventually be bred out of the gene pool, so I guess my "forever" was just dramatic rhetoric. My point is that since we are at extinction levels and under such heavy attack with non-white invasions, now is not the time for even the slightest exception, and ESPECIALLY, doubly so, for those of us who know the score and would still do it. That shows a complete lack of principles to me.

Anti Trump is anti-white.

Love how the coward can't even post a time-stamp of his "white" hand, because he is most likely some "white" Brazilian shitposting and punching himself in the face when not crying about brown people (even though he is one)

I'm not anti Trump. I'm against people like you trying subvert this board with your civic bullshit.

Look at this faggot with his anime pictures. You are a fucking loser. No wonder you'd race mix. What white woman would want a little weeb like you.

This guy thinks I'm not white because I am against whites race mixing. Tell me how that works. You say there is no problem with whites dating and having children outside of their race, yet I'm the jew.

Keep larping to shit up the thread fam. You are nothing, completely insignificant and your autism is turning people off of the cause.

Tell us about your meet up experiences you scared little keyboard warrior faggot. Tell us how you don't need no friends and you are going it alone (because no one likes you).

This is not a white man.

He can't be older than 14 and does not have pale skin, his soul is as dark as him fathers pubic hair and is a lonely, lonely sad little faggot.


anti anime is anti white.
(Where do you think you are?)

Not wanting to racemix in any fashion is about as standard as it gets for any non-cucked white man. Filtered, goodbye.


Get fucked yid.


Butthurt babby is butthurt

I'll say it again.


You can post peepee and anime girls with MAGA hats, but you'll still never be a WN. You are a cuck loser.

They don't want us to meet in real life.

Don't listen to this larping little sheltered faggots who have probably never even met a jew or been in a fight.

Take Holla Forums into the real world.

wheres the timestamp, non-white?

Keep changing the subject like a jew.


Once again, look how the shill argues and completely resists acknowledging that he is not white.

What about celebrating victory

I ask this in every gd thread like this. Meadhall is dead. Are there any meetups for pbgh Holla Forumsacks?

Threadly reminder to check out /meadhall/ to try and setup meetups. Reminder to post /meadhall/ wherever it fits to help initiate fellow anons to start organizing. I've been working on giving my friends the redpill, soon I will have a strong network to work with and we will only grow stronger. We used to get together to play vidya, but now we get together in hopes to better ourselves through physical activity, going out in nature and learning useful skills like harvesting game or making music. Now note I said making music not listening to or playing songs shilled by (((record labels.))) This way we are promoting mental growth by stimulating our brains.
What do you and your redpilled pals do when hanging?
I'd also like to say that 'getting together for drinks' promotes degeneracy due to alcohols effects on the mind and body. You shouldn't have to depend on alcohol to be social. Try to keep it weed free as well, we don't need the herbal Jew up in here.

You should all do this. Seriously, it doesn't fucking matter if you get put on a list. It doesn't matter if the Feds infiltrate it. As long as you don't do anything illegal, they can't legally touch you. They are not encouraging anything illegal. Don't be a pussy, you aren't helping against white genocide if you don't do this.

No retarded autists keep killing unification threads

and rest of Holla Forums are heartbroken shitposters or cowards too frighten to get on even Holla Forums channel of Holla Forums discord

Wrong. People meet up, but they don't announce it in stupid General thread like this.

for civcuck

What do you man by the phrase Holla Forums channel of Holla Forums discord

How fat is your brown hand faggot?

He either means voice channel or game with other polacks.

Idk what PBGH is but check the link in the OP. Meadhall is dead for me too but TDS forums has led me to a few contacts in my area and right now we're just chatting.

If any anons live in Texas, you're in luck. So many Holla Forumslacks.

How is that brown wife and your mutt children?

Stop changing the subject you shill coward.

Show us how white you are, or can't you borrow mummy's camera?

The subject was that you are a race mixer and associate with race mixers. It began here:

I don't know how old you are, but there is a real problem with white women in this country right now. The one marries to the Jap actually has 2 white kids from a previous marriage, the half Mexi was that dudes high school sweetheart - they have one kid and he looks white.

You either nuts or fucking with me.

You argue and debate like a jew.

Surely a jew can afford a camera.

White hand with timestamp or stop wasting our time faggot.

Yeah it's absolutely right to reject mixing altogether or in the next hundred years we'll be at "half my grandparents were muslims but I call myself white so we're all white race m'kay"

I'm for digging up European graveyard DNA for breeding a generation of untainted white folk. Pick the most famous and heroic names.

Whats the point of getting all worked up like this?

Look, people will have different opinions and beliefs. Get over it. Right now we need to organize. Can we not sperg and derail the thread with "muh miscegenation"?

tl;dr filter the ID and move on.

There it is, the nigger speak where they forgot how to into tenses when they are triggered.

I'm going to unsage just to point how fucking dumb you are.

This guy just 'muhd' race mixing.

I knew you'd point that out. Avoid the fact that you're promoting race mixing on pol.

Pbgh is pittsburgh

Waiting on the proof you are white, shill boy.

Scared, fat or can't afford a camera? All of the above.

Why are you doing this to yourself??

You aren't going to win against [ID:b44eb7] it's like Hitler said even if you manged by some miracle to argue (((Individuals))) into submission with facts or reason which (((he)))) cannot refute,(((He'll))) be back tomorrow with no recollection of the argument.

It's id est, you nigger.

Kek. How many of you actually exercise and aren't weebs and porn-addicts?


I could care less about the kids who have a higher risk of genetic problems, social standing, and what not. That problem will solve itself. On top of this, what can you do to fix it? The children are born. Calling him a race mixer won't fix it. Him associating with people similar to him really doesn't change things either. He is still of some utility to the movement.

Seriously, you have to look at this like the Trump election game. Are you going to shit on Bern victims when they change uniforms and start chanting "build a wall"? No; every vote counts.

If it still doesn't work for you, let me give you an adage from every army since the beginning of time. "You go to war with the army you have, not the army you want."

Gas yourself.

I hate having my name from other boards still in the field.

I'm not going to accept civcuck posters on this board. Go back to cuckchan.

Once again, a meetup thread shilled into oblivion by fake posters having a fake argument that Holla Forums never has outside of meetup threads.

Yet another promising thread derail by shills into shitposting. Next time,


Get out.



It's the Holla Forums kornos server

So just shut up shot, only allow your specific brand of larpy nords to be in your 12 person compound and that's it?

Sure, I'm being a bit facetious. But lets look at the "white" label.

We've got scandis, nords, saxons, anglos, whatever dingos the Australians are, etc. You're labeling them all as white. If you want to help "whites", is that not civic nationalism on a large scale?

We can iron out the details later and fix all the shit, maybe even build a wall and send them back. But you have got to at least have the majority on your side at first. FFS you're in delusional larping territory.

Sometimes we think we can change their minds. That's why we all forget filters.

I just want to meet Holla Forumsacks in K'ntucky.

Why are Anglin kike bots referencing Golden Dawn for?

Do they think Anglin memory-holing the articles makes people forget his arrival in Greece and the subsequent state security arrest of all the leaders of the party.
Just as Anglin was telling all his braindead followers how Golden Dawn is the only movement in Europe despite it being one of the least supported in its respected countrie, in addition to his CIA kike pals netralising it and keeping all the leaders in jail for a year.

this post in particular

Nice subtle slip in of the jewish Pegida painting it as resistance.

Ignoring all the cultural Marxist skeletons Andre 'wipe out the whole white race' Anglin has in his closet so I won't mention them, as incriminating as they are.

Anglin has to be the most obvious kike trap that I ever thought would get put out there.

He is the epitome of a Marxist trained bolshevik pretending to be a cartoon nazi.

First of all, I hope everyone understands he's always been a leftist Marxist bolshevik who despises whites.

They only thing is his fans are hoping he had a complete 180 degree reversal in opinion and decided to go the other way, overnight.

From the days of when his Total Fascism website popped up (with a huge ready-made userbase in the first month), this was only a matter of months after admitting himself he was running around chasing after black chicks and declaring he want's the entire white race wiped out "because they are responsible for all the bad shit like slavery and everything bad that happened throughout history".

He reminded me back then of Frank Collins, a jewish interpretation of what a 'neo-nazi' would behave like.

Then came the way he was given the position formerly held by Brandon Martinez who was editing ZionCrimeFactory at the time, ZCF and his boss fell out and Anglin was given the gig.

From there DailyStormer started up.

One of his earlier self-incriminating acts was the Golden Dawn mass arrests which I'm very surprised no one has mentioned here yet.

He decided to visit Greece's Golden Dawn , well he at least took a picture while standing next to a fire extinguisher which had Greek lettering on it, at the time he also claimed that the Greeks were the only true Europeans, which is interesting when you consider the DNA crossover with their neighbors and his editorial policy today…

Just kidding he did go but clearly had no personal contact with the party that he claimed to have done, he just turned up at one of their public meetings wearing a GD T-shirt and got his picture taken on the periphery of the crowds observing.

He then declared that Golden Dawn was the best and most successful nationalist movement in Europe, which wasn't even true back then, only for the Greek/EU secret service to raid GD offices and arrest all the top team of the party and instantly neutralized the movement all at the same time Anglin decided to visit Greece.

After this Anglin started the demoralization agit-prop, expressing that Golden Dawn are the only Nationalist party in Europe with any support and strength to overthrow Zog.

If they can't do it no one can, all the while the party leaders were locked up their party defanged and completely neutralized.

They polled less than 5% in the last election…

At this time he was putting his wholehearted support behind known zionist created steam-vents like Gert Wilders Party for Freedom, Paul Weston and his zionist EDL and later on their sister Judeo-Britain First, Zionist backed France National and others like them such as UKIP, Sweden Democrats etc.

All the while he was either ignored completely or was undermining and spreading disinformation about the real nationalist parties in Europe that were getting great numbers (certainly higher than Golden Dawn) and still are (still without any recognition to this date).

When some of his inconsistencies were brought to public attention he decided to knock it all out by declaring that he won't allow any divide and conquer on his website (if he wasn't directing it) and will speak favorably about all nationalist organizations even if they aren't quite right-wing enough.

This just meant he spent the next while shilling for every zionist created controlled opposition party in the West while continuing to ignore or defame any real nationalist group.

His disinfo coverage of the Ukraine war between Jewish Russian oligarchs and American neo-cons is still something that hardly anyone brings up.

His shilling for the jew approved Putin and the rest of his completely twisted interpretation of international politics is something to admire for his chutzpah at the very least.

Why do you ask so many irrelevant questions?

It's very simple. If you date outside your race as a white person, you need to leave. All of those groups you listed are white.

Get out. This is like going to leftypol and asking to meet up with your fellow fascists. I'm going to assume you're a half cast. Do you understand how stupid you look right now? You are a white nationalist who race mixes.

…from his shameless 1st article he ever written about ISIS, presenting the infamous jew-media obvious hoax pictures of ISIS comedy beards and Hollywood photography included as if they were legit.

From there he maintained that ISIS were real terrorists and even declared that they will go and attack israel imploring for his fans at the time to cheer them on…

In fact today he is still following the jewish MSMs version of ISIS, and reports on every possible terrorist attack as though they are real, and not some Mossad false flag, even months later when the evidence is too much to ignore.

He also maintains that ISIS are in some way against israel and not a Mossad hoax.

In fact there isn't a Mainstream Media hoax he doesn't support.

Every "raid" he tries to encourage only ever results in further clamping down in free speech on the net or the country he encouraged it in.

I don't know what alphabet agency he works for but while people are mentioning it, the ADL isn't too far fetched when you realize how his entire MO is to make nationalists look like the cartoon nazi the jewish Hollywood kikes warn the public about.

I could go on but essentially all you have to do is go back through his article archive, his has no consistency, he in fact contradicts himself most of the time in his very next follow on paragraph.

Then will usually finish of his piece stating anyone that disagrees is stupid and his devoted slave like followers all as one hive mind declare Anglin to be right and shout down attack anyone that points out the clear fallacies in whatever subject he decided to present the narrative his handlers instructed.

One more thing just for laughs, take a look at his face here

Would that look out of place at an antifa march?

All you have to do is go and read back his articles over the years, he contradicts everything he's ever said.

I'm still waiting for any one of his editorials actually being right.

His entire modus operandi is to misinform and keep the Anglo speaking nationalists misinformed and in arrested development.

I haven't even mentioned the half of it, but the above and other entries by others here should at least get some of you goys thinking at least.

Don't put all your faith in those ready made alphabet agents elbowing their way to take the mantle as our spokesmen and representative, especially coon faced Marxist CIA-kikes that write schizophrenic editorials that will only result in a clampdowns in internet control and freedom of speech then beg for shekels with some sob story the next.

I'd say it's a shame that shills shat up this thread, but it's really unavoidable in any thread at this point in time so whatever. It's gonna happen no matter what, as increasingly paranoid as they are,

I've always thought we needed more IRL stuff so I'm glad this exists. I hope it actually takes off, I ain't even sweating any obvious risks because they're pretty much nonexistent.

It's not this complicated. Buy one from Walgreens or whatever and pay in cash. When you activate it, you will be prompted for a zipcode. Remember to keep the phone topped off with credits.

Of course people should network, just not on the instigation of the most obvious CIA kike out there in internetland


every time


You obviously aren't from around here…

Anglin went through the same transformation most of us did, but in his case, it was all out the open because he was a pretty open figure in the truth movement.

I remember being added by his "Outlaw News" MySpace page that had
as his profile pic when I ran some shitty page with Loose Change and some Alex Jonestein documentaries. I remember when someone on his "Outlaw Forum" outed Alan Watt as having plagiarized Glenn Kealy, and Watt threatening him (Anglin) on the air. I remember listening to his interview with Ognir from TiU right after Obongo got elected about how he was our "first jewish president". And I'm sure there's more if I think about it.

You can make anybody who's made any transformation seem suspicious if you leave out everything between point a and point b.

1. Because he was already well-known
2. Because Prothink was promoting him

False. ZCF and Prothink split a few months after Total Fascism was launched. It all stemmed from the "Christian Identity dispute".

ZCF and TF were also too websites that really couldn't be any more different in their goals.

From being full antifa kike and wanting the entire white race to be bred out?
Sorry, only perhaps for prepubescent millennials with no understanding that the jews were a problem until the internetz told them so.

Anglin has been an obvious CIA kike trap since the Total Fascism days.

Daily Stormer was born out of the death of ZCF, the CI issue was part of the reason, the way Anglin was taken onboard to misdirect and steer the movement kikewards with the Daily Stormer which has only ever promoted dead ends, or kosher nationalists while attacking or denigrating genuine jew-wise nationalist movements.

The Golden Dawn story the most obvious CIA neutralisation and demoralisation psychological operation.

You don't say, one was genuine counter ZOG, the other a blatant CIA kike trap

*test post*

polite sage for test post

I'm well-connected, financially well off, and am good at organising and growing organisations. Have a 100 acre farming property. Also a modest depot. I'd love to grow an ethnocentric nationalist organisation, although I suppose being a transsexual is a problem, eh?

Or how about fucking discussing ideas on how to persuade the public behind our cause. It's really weird how so many here have such a blood lust when it's not even necessary yet. Influencing the culture and the meta political atmosphere should be the number one priority right now. There's nothing illegal in that.

That I'd like to see.

One's that name the jew, openly declare their opposition to international jewry and all forms of its manifestations of social ills and aren't entirely co-opted by kikes, founded by kikes, financed by kikes and led by kikes on the jewish counter-jihad tip, like every other movement promoted by CIA kike Anglin.


Do you understand that your condition is caused by the Jews?

ITT: the Holla Forumsocks who belong on /r9k/ for being physical, genetic and genetic dumpster fires get triggered at the prospect of going outside and interacting with other people who will most certainly find them disgusting and sad.

I'm looking at you TRS, anime faggots.

Did you just call me a troll you fucking FBI noob? Is this bait your entire summer project submitted to your superiors?

Everyone who isn't wise to this shit has an IQ to low to be on Holla Forums and should consider taking up something less controversial, like shitting on feminists or something

Fuck the ZOG

You're both right. It's a matter of timing though.

On one hand, if you're sitting there out in the open too early then you're going to get caught doing something stupid and the normies will side with the feds.

On the other hand, as the right time to act approaches, you need to begin organizing and grouping up with like minded individuals because without knowing others not only think like you, but will also act with you, who's going to go out and be another lone actor to be painted as a crazy guy?

Just look at Timothy MacVeigh, I firmly believe he was a hero and a patriot, but being a lone actor means he was painted as a crazy guy and left to be forgotten in the halls of history.

So I genuinely believe we're getting close to that moment where talk becomes cheap and action becomes necessary, because otherwise you'd best just bend the knee, lick the boot and go back to playing vidya and jerking off to pron. The question is, when is that moment? I'd say we need to give this election a shot. One last try at playing within the system. If we fail here though, then we know peaceful means at fixing the system are basically impossible.

it's a problem for you, but as long as you don't smear it on my face, I don't give a shit


What people like us seek in those regards are achieved through culture, not through laws or punishment thereby.

I wouldn't dress up around a bunch of burly fucking nazis, though, as much as you want to you sick fuck.

Disagree, and I'm not arguing about it.

Cool, because nobody would know the difference IRL, anyway, nor does anyone actually care except slavecucks.

The fuck does this even mean?

Pretty much that only works with berners at the moment, cuz they took that queefload straight in the face. Anyone that didn't take humanities is susceptible to it.
IHR seems to be the best way because they're of this black&white morality view, but reading all their world war shit with 'allies' betraying each other or 'accidentally' bombing their own columns or the american jews aiding 'the final solution' sets'em good and straight.

the irony is dozens of us already know how, and just haven't really thought about it yet.
How many got some white trash relatives that make meth? There you go.
Bout the only thing I can think of that can't be 'innocently' turned into bombs offhand would be making some sort of mine.

I thought he was misspelling Iron March.
…What tier is VNN? I mean good site and all but owner is a total hothead.

boneheads can absorb bullets just as well as anyone else. Maybe better because some of them are still junkies.

anyway y'all overlooking the simplest way. Gun clubs. Libcucks have the Film Actors' Guild and theatre troupes. We got gun clubs and for the wealthier few, rotary clubs.

autists like that can be depended to do less strenuous/stressful activities like archiving shit or turning books into pdfs and whatnot. Just show'em a few ropes and set them free. Frees up everyone else that can organise to do the organising.

OK well I just signed up over there. Hopefully someone actually responds b/c I've had zero luck in /meadhall/ over the past yera or TRS when I tried that maybe 6 months ago


People who are just finding this thread ignore the fags fighting over civic nationalism and White nationalism.


We'll iron out the details later.


The heat is having a large effect this season. Take advantage of the energy. Once winter arrives, things will change. Be ready. Be more prepared and better suited than your enemies. They do not prepare

Is there a way we could do the equivalent of an airplane dropping leaflets down to the population? I mean with red pills though. Like a super concise and to the point image or something that could be posted everywhere. The problem with the red pill that I've noticed is that it takes more than one source and multiple pieces of information for people to swallow it. what is the fastest and most efficient way to red pill somebody?

People are faggots, basically. I was there too, it died off pretty rapidly due to the failure in Texas. I'd go to another one, several folks (including a real, live female) were kind of pissed I left them at the house and just went; that being said I think networking a bit more in the area to make a bigger impact would be the best thing.

I would honestly be willing to meet up with fellow Holla Forumsacks here in Atlanta, anyone who I implicitly recognize from the Fed protest would have a bit more trust than your average random joe. That being said, it would be nothing to have a social meetup, keep the meetup completely social-no organizing shit IRL among relative strangers, keep the planning on Holla Forums, and same rule applies for future protests- no talking, no meeting up afterwards.

Kekked heartily.

Yeah I'm waiting for the list of these orgs m8.

Hoping some fellow Michigan anons see this and come over to our >>>/meadhall/res/1362 thread

Hey user, go on twitter and check out @HATEHIKERS



you have someone from mannheim, germany?

I spotted a German thread while I was there. It's disorganized so I recommend scrolling down all the way so everything loads then ctrl + F and type your country, city or region.

I recently had a meetup with some other people there and here are my observations.

Age wise we had one as young as 18 to one as old as 50.

Job wise we had one NEET, some corporate and mostly minimum wage.

We spent our time talking about what we believed in, what we expected and general advice. The NEET got more attention from the group and received a lot of good information. It's our hope he improves himself not only just for himself but for the good of his race.

For the record, there were no feds in the group. Such a surprise right? Why wouldn't they spend taxpayers money and police resources and manpower to keep track of a few White men drinking and talking?

If you were afraid about meeting up, don't be.

I'm very excited about the future of this country. This meetup showed me we have brothers in all different levels of society. If we networked around the world, we could practice a racial nepotism and get each other hired, give out loans, run for politics, support each other's businesses and so much more!


Unfortunately i can't ever meet likeminded people. I have a german surename, which is also similar to what alot of jews have. (i'm talking about the commong endings like "berg" & "stein") So i'd be murdered if i went to the meetups.

If you look jew you're in trouble. If you don't have curly hair, beady eyes or a large nose then you should be good.

I don't have any of those features thankfuly. But still, someone eventually would ask my name, so try to explain that to the daily stormers, that it's a german name not jewish..

I've met those Goys before, they are good guys, the invitation is open if you want it user. They'll probably have to vet you somehow, but SPP's are fun, my group had one last night and we are planning an overnight hike next weekend.

Hey user, if you post a burner email here I can send it along to the German/Austrian group if you like.

You have to. They have a PT requirement.

Nobody is going to ask your last name dude. Hell, I even use a first name that's similar to my real one but not exactly the same for opsec purposes. Most of the time we don't even use first names, let alone last names, we use versions of our forum handles. Just make up a pseudonym if you're really concerned about it.

Burner phone paid for in cash two states away.

We can tell, porker.

Cops do that too.

So? What's your point? If you are concerned about your opsec use a pseudonym, if you aren't then don't. Nobody is going to ask to check your family tree or pat you down for microphones at your first meetup, it's just IRL shitposting.


At least they have some common sense.

My point is too much OPSEC makes me think you're a UC.

What? That doesn't make sense dude. If I was UC wouldn't I suggest the opposite? How does a UC profit from people being prudent and cautious when meeting up with strangers from the internet? If I wanted to be tinfoil I'd suggest that you were the UC and are trying to make people paranoid. But, I don't actually think that, I think you're just trying too hard. Here's the really scary thing for you user; you can meet up with like-minded guys if you want to, you just have to drop the tactical paranoia and have some courage.

Exactly this, these kind of strangers meeting-up groups is breeding-grounds for the different alphabetical agencies to infiltrate and subvert to their liking aswell.

There's just too big of a risk, instead of just getting closer to people you trust in your local area and go from there instead.

Remember this, it's way harder to fuck and infiltrate your family and relatives. Blood is thicker than water.

Nice try

there was a thread about some civilian balkan who was patrolling borders of his country in something similar, actually caught some shitskins and took them to police, isis put bounty on his head

not all of us have close family ties user.

How do you know?

I feel for you, user. Start your own family, and build network through that with people you trust and knows can be trusted.

That's why they want to crush the family-unit. Way harder to control a society in a harmful way where the family-unit is strong.

