Long Room Unbiased Polls

Here's a website that corrects the biased propaganda polls and turns them into actual poll polls: longroom.com/polls/

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Explain the methodology? I'm sure we'd like to hear a general overview, you don't have to delve too far into the stats.

Here's the page where they explain their methodology: longroom.com/polls/methodology/

appears to just 'normalize' the data, seems to give the daybreak poll only a tiny (within error) bias.

Biggest thing is that it seems to take in far more polls than RCP does. RCP seems to have no issue using ridiculous polls(Reuters, YouGov) that are historically inaccurate as fuck while ignoring things like daybreak.

Pretty cool, will consult in the future.

What's most interesting is that the bias is calculated from data, but seemingly every Hillary-bought poll has a "standard" amount of bias. It appears that these polls correct their results to fit some kind of hissing model.

I read that they normalize it to 2012 exit polling data, I thought that was a joke but it appears real.
Are they aware of how disliked Romney was?

Yes, there was no enthusiasm for Romney. Obama was far more charismatic and got the negro turnout way higher than it has ever been in the past.

how reliable is long room, compared to real clear politics. I refuse to believe that polls conducted can see massive swings of 5-10% in less than a week using the exact same methodology. Unless, undecided Americans are really that stupid when it comes to politics.

Can we get trump to talk about this?

If he explained to normies how the polls were rigged it would be a tremendous blow against the MSM.

He needs to make it a nationwide talking point.

We need to meme ridicule for those that believe rigged polls.

That could be problematic.

They're rigged when Hillary's up, but what does he say when he's up?

I'd just hit the media without wading into the polling quagmire; just ignore them like the worthless trash they are

It means that he's actually blowing Hillary the fuck out instead of the perceived illusion of a competitive race. When you have pollsters actively changing their methodology to give Hillary a lead it doesn't take much effort to convince open-minded people that the majority of polls are biased; all you have to do is show how each poll is manipulated compared to actual, factual data.

Trump being "tied" with Shillary just means he's winning by about 10%

Trump "losing" to Hillary 5% (like right now) means he's 50/50

General polls dont matter, only swing state polls matter.



They really don't care about being obviously biased anymore

Trump occasionally beating the machine doesn't change the fact that it's built to favor Hillary. Notice that every time Trump wins in the polls, he plummets immediately afterwards. The polling agencies scramble to "correct" the results every time Trump circumvents their rigging efforts.

Exactly. Truck's national numbers were bad in the primary surveys too, but in the important states he won.

Already spread this website to my circle & family and everyone already wrote me back that they'd spread it too.

If I had social media I'd be spurging it there too. This is important.


Interesting. This seems pretty useful when you dig into some of the trends.

What really is encouraging about this place is that their 2008 and 2012 results were really accurate to reality.

People are right to be wary of "unskewing" polls due to Karl Rove's meltdown in 2012, but this method for unbiasing the polls correctly showed a steady lead for Obama in the last couple months with Romney slowly losing support and enthusiasm as he fucked up the last debates and stopped campaigning in October.

That encourages me. This place seems like it is worth keeping an eye on.


Will the God Emperor Trust Bust the MSM when he gets elected?



that's not acceptable here




Well Reuters clearly rigged their polls

yes it is, you communist faggot

Trump said his greatest character flaw was that he never forgives betrayal or lies.


Spread this. The more people who refer to it the more its credibility rises. Tweet it to Trump and try to get it retweeted.

If this is normalized to 2012, then we may actually be in even better shape. Democrat enthusiasm is way down and republican enthusiasm is way up. Trump could easily be 5% to 10% above even what they are showing.

This isn't.even counting the people who will lie that they'll vote for hillary because le racist misogynist maymay but will actually vote Trump in november. Also, while some republicucks will vote hillary, more Democrats will vote Trump.

Even ignoring deliberate rigging, these polls are going to be next to useless if they are based on past trends. Either way, never relax and always assume we could be behind, because until we get 88%+ we are still in danger.

I hope he does. It would be so glorious, so wonderful.


Trump should bypass the lying media and speak directly to the American people. Trump's Youtube channel only averages one video per week. And most of the videos are less than a minute long.

Where are the speeches? Where are the rallies? At least put up Trump's speech from the convention.

Romney's biggest mistake was not attacking back, he sat there and got pummelled by everybody. He really was a poor choice just like McCain was, hard to get excited about either of them.

Want full speeches and clips from them?


guy who made this cool trump pic is married with 2 kids to a chinese and cucked


WAT. I knew it was bad but I didn't think it was pic related bad

Hmmmmmmmm they have links to the state boards of elections on their methodology page. Maybe I'll give those places a call just to be sure they share data with long room .com

lol you people are morans

Try again, CTR.

that is some dubious at best methodology.

Try again, CTR, you're still not getting the hang of it. Prove you're not bad livestock.


We have ids you dumb faggot

so this proves what we knew all along:

FoxNews is biased against Trump, even with Roger Ailes.

It's not, that poll is utter rubbish.

The better point to make is:

That alone makes it so obvious this person hasnt spent a single fucking hour on any chan.

Saged for off topic.

Something is suspicious about this site. It never appeared to be accumulating polls until this month:


because it was set up in the face of this recent and obvious poll rigging. It's our defense against kikes like you now fuck off.

I'm just worried it will backfire on us. (((Vox))) has already started to cover it apparently.

Uh oh. Well here's a great way to cure your worry: take about 50 tabs of benadryl at once. Your worries will be gone in no time at all!!.

Fuck you now there's a giant polka dot spider in my room and he won't leave.