So it seems like Apple is the one of the few companies where you have almost no chance of working if youre white.
So it seems like Apple is the one of the few companies where you have almost no chance of working if youre white.
does that include the chinks that assemble their shit or are they docked for the suicide nets?
If you have 2 white men each makeing $100000 and one trans-black-latino crossdressing zika baby xi needs to be paid $200000 because its 2016!
One is not like the other.
fuck apple. Are there any non-pozzed devices out there? Samsung any good or just a different jew?
huawei, pieces of shit but cheap and Chinese
Cannot wait to see what Trump's tariffs do to their bottom line and if they'll choose to manufacture their iCrap here in burgerland.
This, in a way.
Every US company pays the genders the same for equal performance.
Women, however, take more sick days and holiday leave and more time off and work less overtime - so their reduced performance is rewarded accordingly.
All these Bernie images should be changed to Hillary now and spread on social media.
They're gender trying to virtue signal for something everyone does already.
on an unrelated note, every single one of their products is getting worse.
In shorts words, they reduced the pay rate for everyone.
Equality is just equally being treated like shit.
reminder that some Silicon Valley company did an "internal study" that said women were making less than men because men were more likely to negotiate for a pay raise.
They'll just double the price of all their products, the cucks will pay it, and Apple will shill that Donald Trump made hipster morons pay $2000 for a iphone.
No, looks like they still are using slave labor. I don't think they can be profitable without it.
I've been saying for years now that if there ever was some kind federal or national law demanding equal pay in everything (there are but you know what I mean). The only thing that would come out of it is every company would suddenly have an excuse not pay women more. But to pay everyone else (especially men) less.
If feminist can use idiotic statistics and half truths to make up the pay gap. Do you really think companies with lots of money to spare wouldn't pay a bunch of people to come up with their own idiotic statistics and half truths, that they can then use as stats to literally never raise anyone's wage every again.
so nothing changed
Its not just apple.
BTW this is all according to UN directives. They don't want any women not working and having kids.
Don't worry - feminists will still oink about muh salary gap even if women already get paid 7-10% more than men these days.
It's profitable being a victim in Niggertopia aka Western Society
Women and people of color may be paid equally now but we still have a long way to go before they are treated equally with the same amount of respect.
A long way to go… straight to hell
BTW, this is typical of many companies. They spend more effort in being Politically Correct than being a profitbable company
Facebook and Google may get away with it since they have monopoly, but in an utlra competitive industry like smartphone Apple is going to get destroyed much like Yahoo did.
Apple will go down in flames, guaranteed
Problem is the most capbable men will leave the company. So if companies want to stay competitive they will have to pay men more or the companies will become less competitive.
It's a viscous circle where everyone loses. It's most likely foregin companies (Chines, Korean) will end up being more successful. than American ones.
Has Apple said whether or not their slave labor in China will be getting a half-penny a day raise, as well?
I remember hearing an interview of Charles C. Johnson by Stefan Molyneux where he said he has a team of people who compile information on tech companies and CEO's who virtue signal about diversity or giving large donations to socially progressive charities etc. When they find a company that brags about hiring tons of women or blacks for example, they short sell the stock predicting the stock price is going to fall in the near future. They have been making good profits apparently.
Giving forcing women too work is the death of the strong family unit. I don't know how we're going too convince women too raise children or cook again. All I can see is that when things get dangerous they'll become more homely.
I'm still annoyed that the pay gap myth is still alive.
Two people, a man and a woman, at the same age, working the same job position and same hours, will receive the same pay.
Only as a whole do men get paid more than women, because men are far more likely to specialize a trade or skill that will pay very nicely.
Do the sweatshop workers get equal pay too?
I love how Apple markets their computers in a luxury category yet their computers are built on Chinese assembly lines
If that's true, then men are getting paid less than women because women do not work as many hours as men.