Material for doxxing shills.
Here are some of their ZIP codes and Full names. Just look for CorrectTheRecord and their related info.
Material for doxxing shills.
Here are some of their ZIP codes and Full names. Just look for CorrectTheRecord and their related info.
looks legit, lemme just click that
Stop using cuckchan for anything. At very least they will give out your ip to fbi.
wtf is that thing
Bitch I live in fucking Peru. They won't spend 10k+ to spy a nobody overseas, besides we all are in the blacklist pretty much here or there.
is this what happens when you snort krokodil?
Looks like massive chemical burns.
Look at this screencap.
Fuckin FEV man
"Vitya is alright. Vitya eats for 3, 4, 7 people. You understand? So everything is okay with Vitya."
Sliding is real. So shameless self-bumping
(Very nice)
Okay I thought I'd seen most of the gore on the internet, but just what in the everloving fuck is this? is that thing alive? how?
This, at least you can use a VPN here (and hope it hasn't been banned cause of some cp spammer/shill).
but what is it??????
nice dubs
It's fine.
@OP, we got a good run. I'm guessing their hand was forced after CTR shitcunts started getting harassment.
what the fuck happened to videogames? that's a nice screenshot
That is one of the survivors of the atom bombs we dropped on japan.
Jesus Christ. At first, I thought that was a animatronic from a horror movie. Shit's unsettling.
bethesda is meh, EA and bioware are the real problem
we need to reclaim our former home from datamining japs, I lost respect for hotwheels when he started doing fucking spongebob emojis
sir, I doth protest!
Holla Forums also datamines you (pic related).
4chan is always going to be shit and by the way Hotwheels has not been admin for almost a year m8. Codemonkey does the code for Holla Forums ( >>>/sudo/ ) and Jim jew owns this site.
all of cuckchans moderators have autism, specifically aspergers which is why they get offended so easily and are so persistent.
turn your modem off and on for a new ip and move on. they really hate it when you evade bans.
I thought that Jim was a character created by the alphabet soup agencies?
He is real but works in compliance with the feds, he is the "official" owner.
Nope anything you post here is logged by us and will be used against you at a later time if you step out of line, be well my friend. You can live in the new world order or you can die and your corpse used to fuel our goals.
Fuck off back to halfchan or wherever you faggots came from.
nool pls
Your feable atempts to call me out as a halfchan shill is laughable. I say again step out of line and face us putting our full might behind ruining everything you love. Your job. your family, even your live will be on the line so buck up those ideas and fall back in line. Be well my friend.
Checked. But if you don't think the alphabet soups don't know the name behind every post and your position within ten feet, you're an idiot.
Unless you're using weapons grade proxies of course, that include a route though microwave links in the amazon jungle.
SJWs happened
Shes the polar opposite of the coalburning cunt.
This article is from today, she writes:
"We should be happy we have Listhaug"
Listhaug is our new immigration minister who wants strict immigration policy.
Wrong thread, sorry
thanks for posting the pic of an qt though