Bajoran scum btfo

bajoran scum btfo

Bajorans = Space Muslims

Everything in Star Trek is Jews. Bajorans are oppressed concentration camp Jews, Cardassians are modern Israeli Jews, Vulcans are science Jews, Ferengi are merchant Jews, Federation is multicult utopia Jews, Romulans are ancient Israel Jews, Dominion are infriltrating Jews and so on.

Interesting concept.

Chin Chan.

What about the Grizelas?

What are the Klingons? You left the Klingons out because the Jew can't defeat the Samurai.

In TOS they used to be Soviets stand-in so by default Jews, but later ones are golems at best.


banks update and utopia dlc tomorrow


A reminder that Star Trek as a whole sucks and that the only good ones were the OT and DS9.


One looks like it should be hogtied and burned. The other looks looks like a pleasant monster I would like to have tea with.

With one is the pleasant monster and with one would you burn?

TNG and enterprise had some alright episodes

Its quite obvious which one of the two is the one who should be killed.

Only good episodes were some Holodeck episodes. Everything else was shit.

Doesn't work. Romulans confirmed for best race.

They were Mongolian-inspired on TOS, which was a subtle dig at the Soviets.

the bajorians were irish lad. occupation doesnt equal hall'o cost

Remember the ten million.

bajorans are concentration camp/masada/generally oppressed by the ebil white goy jews

cardassians are cold war era germans (east germans)

vulcans are very orthodox/religious jews

ferengi are greedy jews, yep

romulans are chinks (but it really varies; they're chinks in TOS but i'm not sure what come TNG/DS9; could be "good" russians, but i don't think they really have a real-world analogue)

humans are the US, federation is a US-led coalition of nations (nato, un, etc)

dominion is the ussr/"communism"

klingons vary between germans and russians (russians in TOS, west germans come TNG/DS9)