I'm not gonna lie Holla Forums, it's been hard watching the God Emperor drop in the polls. Not because I believe they're in any way accurate, but because I know that their purpose is to prepare the normies for massive rigging. The normies don't know that the methodology was changed for the polls the moment Trump started winning. They believe that all of this is a combination of Clinton's "convention bump" and Trump voters jumping ship over a spat with that Muslim military dad.

Yes, normies are retarded enough to think that we all of a sudden realized that Trump was saying mean things to dune coons and now we no longer want to associate with him. These are the kind of morons that are deciding the fate of our nation.

At any rate, we can't afford to sit around and wait for the debates, we all know Trump will crush Shillary, but at this point it really doesn't matter. The (((media))) will say Hillary won, and the normies will shrug their shoulders and say to themselves "gosh, I didn't think Trump did all that bad, but clearly the common consensus is against me so I must be wrong". Then, when the results of the election come in they will just accept it and move on with their lives.

We have three months. That's all the time left to us to throw a wrench in Crooked Hillary's plans. To that end there are a few things we must be pushing for:


It is essential that as many of us as possible get paper ballots. It's well known at this point that the people who make the voting machines have donated to the Clinton Foundation. We need to spread the word, we need to make petitions, we need to do whatever it takes to get paper ballots. They are far harder to tamper with.


As I mentioned above there is a conflict of interest with the companies that made the voting machines. The Bernouts have put the pieces together.
Now what we need are easily spread, easily digested infographics. We have to make people not trust the system anymore. We also will have to hold our nose and work alongside the Bernouts on this one. I don't like it anymore than you guys do, but there's a lot more public sympathy for them than there is for is. If they start raising a stink about this then maybe, just MAYBE mind you, the (((media))) might mention this stuff in passing.


Even my bluepilled-as-fuck mother mentioned after Brexit "these polls never seem to be right anymore". Normies are starting to notice the discrepancies. We need to make sure people realize that polls never tell the truth anymore. Tie it to Brexit. That's a concrete example of polls being wrong that everybody knows about. We might even need to trend a hashtag calling out the polls for the fact that they changed their methodology once Trump started winning. I'm no good with hashtag names, so I'll let you guys come up with one.


Obviously we'll need cell phone cameras going the whole time, but even before election day, but even before then we need to be on the lookout. The recent repealing of "racist" laws requiring that people have IDs when they vote in certain states has opened the door for nigger churches to resume their old prctice of going out to vote early, loading up a bus, and going to multiple polling places. Figure out when your local nigger church is planning to do this and tail them. If we have video evidence of the same bus going to multiple polling places we can raise a real stink about it.

Any thoughts on other ideas or how better to accomplish any of these are appreciated.

Other urls found in this thread:

don't let this be slid

*crickets chirping*

Yeah, you guys were joyfully ignoring this shit when it was happening in the primaries, and now that it's Crooked Hillary vs. Trump, you're suddenly worried now? Good luck getting traction when everyone here just wants to post le epic Jew meme and interracial sex scenarios.

You're getting sloppy, Shlomo

If you want to keep shenanigans from happening, show up at the voting area, show up with friends, and hang out all day. Look for suspicious activity.

Eyes Open, No Fear

were is da petition?

make sure it says something liek "if paper ballets are not restored, we will consider the results invalid"

or some shit, I dnno

must be the frog genes that cause them to be libshits


There isn't one yet. I'd make one myself, but I've never created a petition before and I want this done right the first time. If any anons have done this sort of thing before and know the drill that would be extremely helpful.

Rigging is inevitable, you have no idea of the long fucking list of filthy tricks these kikes have up their sleeves. What we need to focus on is to make Trump's lead so overwhelming it OFFSETS the rigging, and we accomplish this by sinking the opposition


See Sundance and the Conservative Treehouse for the Monster Vote

You're in the wrong place.

It needs to say more than that.

1) All electronic voting software should be audited by an independent non profit organization. Alternatively, all voting software should be required to be open source.

2) All citizens have the right to a paper ballot, a physical unalterable copy that prevents theft of their vote.

3) All voters are are entitled to a paper and or electronic receipt for their vote.

things like this.

High energy post. Heil. I'm with you OP. I never had a twitter account until this week. Never posted on reddit. I do now, and actively fight these kikes. Whether he wins or loses, I have my honor and you do too OP. You should be the example.

Catch me making a Twitter account just for this.
This shit needs to fucking stop.

did they replace the guy who could actually get the first post?

Once the time comes:

We need social media (twitter hashtags, group facebook pages) that list voting places.

Particularly in NC, Nebraska, Kansas, ND, Texas, and Wisconsin.
These are states where the libshit courts are overturning voter ID laws.
They're gonna bus illegals around to overload the ballots in these states.

When Election time kicks into full gear
we need to spam that INS is at these voting locations taking illegals into custody

So what are we going to call it? The best I can think of is #RerollThePoll

Like I said, I'm bad at this.

Go to city council meetings, talk to the elected officials. If they're voting Trump, tell them they should push for paper ballots because of the irregularities during the Democratic primary favoring Hillary. If they're voting Hillary, mention that Trump may have Russian agents working in his favor to rig voting machines, and they should push for paper ballots to make sure the votes aren't stolen by KGB operatives. Take one out of the kike playbook and play both sides for your benefit.

You're right man and I won't say I'm not worried. All the cucks and degenerates are rallying. Every major network is against Trump and I'm not sure normies are smart enough to see through it.

I heard a rumour that Trump could start his own Media channel which could be the best option going forward.

I've come to the same conclusion user. Also they've been redirecting the normie's attention away from the leaks. Isn't it strange that the lugenpresse picks the pettiest thing Trump says and make a HUUUGE deal over it right after the leak?

The shit that has been going on for the past two days is full out Ministry of Truth tier.

Just bump this shit up


A paper ballot itself, or a physical copy of the vote, wouldnt necessarily protect against vote rigging. The problem lies in the machines that count the votes.

I would posit for a complete switch to a German system. Meaning that all votes are hand counted. You can rig 10.000 machines with the push of a button, but not 10.000 people.

The optical scanners (scan paper votes) provided by Dominion and ES&S (uncertain whether Hart Intercivic provides them) can still very easily alter all the placed votes.

Authored the study provided by OP

(praise kek)

Excellent. What do you know that can help us out?

As if most normies actually care about statistical methods or facts or logic.

If they did, this pantsuit cunt would have no chance of running and be in jail already.

Nigger are you serious?

Trump and Hilary are BOTH controlled by the kikes as are their parties.

Its ALL staged.

The "winner" is pre-determined.

So get yourselves ready for 8 years of Hilary Clinton POTUS.

We have Trump's lead in our favor, but I would not rely on that too heavily, they are pulling out all the stops this election. It can't hurt to do everything we can to stop rigging in addition to voting and spreading dank memes.

Not true, the paper trail can be audited, and faking votes with paper ballots is extremely obvious and tedious, you need to manually manipulate votes by the thousands and it is extremely obvious, they tried that shit in Austria and it was apparent just 24 hours afterwards that it was rigged. Paper ballots are good enough to prevent it.

When it comes to the system as it is now, there are multiple problems that surface.

The first one is the most obvious, namely the corruption of the government. The fact that lobbying exists, has resulted into an ever growing grasp of the companies in the election system. Which was pretty much fortified by the first Bush administration. These are the introduction of the HAVA enactment, the government body that is supposed to be the watchdog (which is nothing more than a shell), and the financial connections between the corporate candidates and the companies.

There are three big companies who rule the electronic election systems, Election System and Software (ES&S), Dominion Voting, and Hart Intercivic (owned by H.I.G. Capital, i.e. Blackstone). These three companies aren't separate from one another, and each has a myriad of scandals behind it's name (Dominion Voting through Sequoia and Diebold Election Systems). So all of them are problematic. The foreign one (i.e. Smartmatic), isn't much better. So one company over the other wont matter at all, they're all bad.

A system using DRE+VVPAT (i.e. paper trail) will give some help, but it's far from secure without a true independent body auditing the results (the audits of this years democratic primary were tampered with, as per witness statements).

The government does not want to get rid of the machines, because they've been so helpful in the passed. They've benefited Bush, McCain, Romney and Clinton as far as I'm aware. Using a system of oldschool tactics to tamper the votes and then rigging the machines to finish the job (though this depends on which form of machine is used).

TL;DR, hand counting the votes is the only viable and trustworthy system.

So the main problem at this point lies at the government. I would push for audits checked by independent people (not party members), push for hand counting where possible or having people count random samples and compare them with the reported result.

If you live in state with DRE-No VVPAT, well, you're kinda screwed. Checking the polls is the only method to check if things are correct, there's literally no other way. Checking the machines wont help in the slightest. Neither will checking the machines beforehand.

The problem in the democratic primaries was the fact that the audits werent done by independent agencies. Witness accounts did mention that the results of the audits were changed to fit the reported results of the machines.

What about vetting the people in charge of counting the votes they should swear an oath to honor their job and sign their name that any action to alter votes is an act of perjury.

More like election fraud.

That said, if one commits election fraud, how worried would he be about committing perjury?

(I honestly dont know if there are current regulations in place regarding manipulation of the audits).

Elections have been rigged since electronic voting machines started being used. Normies didn't care then, and they won't care this time either. I'm not trying to be a defeatist, but I don't think (((they))) are going to let Trump be president. Shillary has already been ordained, it was decided probably years ago. Just buy happening gear and get ready for the shitstorm.

So the question then becomes how do we get this? We'll be trying to convince the enemy to give up their means of cheating. They'll be unwilling to play ball unless we can threaten them with something.

It's not impossible, they have been actively banned in the Netherlands, Germany and Ireland 9-10 years ago. Ofcourse, the corruption in Europe is far lower than it is in the USA. So the first fix lies in the solving the corruption.

The only true way one can solve the corruption is by being politically active in the grassroots. The Berners have started doing that, and Sanders has started three new organisations that is supposed to support the new millennial politicians who are fighting for a change.

The issue is that the entire government is corrupt, so you need to have a new government in place first.

It's a boring answer, but it's the only one i could provide. That said, it's the answer that is pretty much mentioned by any intellectual which I've heard talking about it.

my question is, in the current day and age, why aren't all tallies broadcast live online somewhere, on thousands of webcams. literally zoomed in on the physical vote itself and then added to the running tally.

every single vote would be broadcast on webcam before being tallied (names would be blurred). EVERY SINGLE VOTE.

it's the only way to ensure transparency and we finally have the technology to accomplish it.

Because (nearly) all votes in the USA are counted using either Optical Scanners, DRE+VVPAT machines or DRE-no VVPAT machines. There's little to check.

There are recounts one could check of course, but remembering the 2004 Ohio recount, they'll try a lot to alter those too.

People need to start 'living in the truth'. They need to become aware of the problems.
1. Realize the media are propaganda machines
2. Realize the government is an oligarchy
3. Realize the elections are rigged

When this happens, then change will start to happen.

At this point in time the USA is in a similar position as the USSR was after Charter-77. People start realizing that everything was a lie.

So the first steps are made, now it's just furthering on those steps.

so the machines are rigged. does trump know this? he needs to tell people about it, let people know the polls are rigged and the elections are rigged

He probably does. I would be surprised if he doesn't.

The only issue I have with Trump is that I do not know where his allegiances lie. At one point he's mentioned as hating the Clintons, and at another he's mentioned at being a close friend.

Bernie Sanders for one is aware of the rigging of the machines. The problem lies in the 'sore-loser' phenomenon. When the damage is done, even when you're in your right, the people will not believe you. Remember how people responded initially at Sanders' demands for recounts?

If the people dont know, there's little the underdogs can do about it. One of the big reasons why Sanders stayed so long in the race was because of the hope of an indictment.

Rigging a general election is a whole different beast than a primary. You need collusion on both sides or a level of sophistication that's impossible for something of this scale.

Primaries play by their own rules and are overseen by the heads of the party. Generals have both party elite's watching like hawks; the only way you can rig an election is if both sides are doing the rigging. See Rutherford Hayes vs. Samuel Tilden.

Ask Tilden or Nixon about how 1876 and 1960 turned out. Ask L

You're on the right track, but isn't necessarily true. The problem with voting machines is that they dont require many people for the rigging to happen. It only requires one person, at the right place, at the right time, for a duration of 10 seconds flat.

You're true on the fact that the parties are far more limited in their rigging, for example the tons of people which were 'magically' switched to being a democrat in New York and California, however they still have a variety of methods available.

Look up Ohio 2004, Bush versus Kerry

what is the likelihood that the gop establishment elites are traitorous fucks and would sell Donald out in a heartbeat for some measly guarantee of a victory in 2020? pretty fucking high if you ask me

Giving a bump because this is important

Well, it's not a happening, so interest is low i guess

What about exit polls? Are they standard? Who runs them? If the exit polls are there and trustworthy, it will be easier to show fraud.

maybe the best thing to do is for regular joe patriots to start organizing and setting up their own polls. how fucking hard can it be?

learn the basics of polling standards and start doing your own polls of a few hundred or thousand people. obviously it would require money/volunteers, but it's a pretty good idea, especially in small, rural areas where the effects of rigging would be easiest to detect

Done by Edison, who hold a monopoly regarding exit polling in the US. They're hired by the MsM. They do not provide their data and they're very vague about their statistical methods.

Pro-exitpolls: They've been extremely accurate over the passed, and the times when they've been inaccurate, those particular states were mirred in scandal during the election (again Ohio 2004 is the best example).

Against exit polling: They dont provide data. They could be measuring the amount of cows on the globe, and we still wouldnt know.

There is a likelihood though that they knew about the fraud beforehand, and have tried to adjust for that knowledge in the unadjusted exit polls (which are later adjusted to fit the final results).

Meaning, the actual support for Sanders was FAR higher than the exit polls indicated, and those were already favoring Sanders by a large margin compared to the reported results.

The only thing keeping the election from being completely, massively rigged for Clinton is the exit polls. Election results have to be within the margin of

error of the exit polls (maybe 5% ?) otherwise people get suspicious, so that's as far as the riggers dare to push it. But everyone knows that Trump's true

numbers are going to be a lot higher than 5% over Hillary. So they need to totally falsify the results. To do this without getting caught, they need to

falsify the exit polls as well. Turns out this would be very easy to do.

Wikipedia: "In the United States, the National Election Pool (NEP), consisting of ABC, AP, CBS, CNN, FOX News, and NBC, conducts a joint election exit

poll. Since 2004 this exit poll has been conducted for the NEP by Edison Media Research." (which seems to be calling itself just Edison Research now)

So it all depends on this one small company (which appears to be run out of a house in New Jersey) "Since 2003, Edison Research has been the sole provider

of election exit poll information to ABC, CBS, CNN, FOX, NBC and the Associated Press. Edison Research. We’re how you know®"

Edison Research is run by a Jew, Larry Rosin, and it's filled with shitlibs. (judging by their twitters)

For a guess at the political views of Larry Rosin, here's what I assume is his son (Sam follows Larry and other members of Edison Research, and Larry

follows him) Sam is an anti-white shitlib to the extreme. (And check who he's following, there's chosen everywhere.)

pasted that from notepad, sorry the formating's all fucked up

More info:

"About Edison Research:
Edison Research conducts survey research and provides strategic information to a broad array of clients, including Activision, AMC Theatres, Disney, Dolby

Laboratories, ESPN, Google, Gulf News, the U.S. International Broadcasting Bureau, Pandora, Samsung, Siemens, SiriusXM, Sonos, Sony, Time Warner and Yahoo.

Edison Research works with many of the largest American radio ownership groups, including Bonneville, Emmis, Entercom, CBS Radio and Radio One. Another

specialty for Edison is its work for media companies throughout the world, conducting research in North America, South America, Africa, Asia, and Europe.

Edison Research is the sole provider of election exit poll data for the National Election Pool comprised of ABC, CBS, CNN, FOX, NBC and the Associated

Press. Edison is also the leading provider of consumer exit polling and has conducted face-to-face research in almost every imaginable venue."
"projects for the Gates Foundation"
Dig into this (((guy)))

That would be an interesting thing.

Few basic tips:
1. small questionnaire (3-4 questions is more than enough)
2. be as close to the polls as possible (mirroring an actual exit poll)
3. try to make sure they're done anonymous
4. make sure that random sampling occurs, or just poll all the people if possible
5. write down your methods (be scientific about it)

Considering that the results of all precincts are reported, and precincts generally arent bigger than 200 people. It would be interesting to have someone/ a group literally poll ALL the people, and later compare them to the reported results.



I've said this before. It can't be stated enough.

If doubles, you get killed within 24 hours

You are the worst kind of degenerate, get leprosy and die

how do you get the voter breakdown of a precinct?

we should try and get a few thousand people nationwide to try and get a random sampling of a few hundred or a thousand precincts in full, the day of the election

Official county website, search for the election department, it should have the election results somewhere.


Though, each county has a different method of tabulation, and some (minority) need to be requested.

are we also going to ignore the fact that he thinks illegals can vote

just let that sink in

I was just going for the 'ignore' part honestly.

they absolutely can. have you ever voted in the USA? you just fucking walk up and say you're there to vote.

no address? not on the list? no registered? no problem, they let you vote anyway and say they'll try to "figure it out" later.

supposedly they discard your ballot if your name is never found in that precinct, but i bet they just tally a shitload of blue votes and discard the red ones (or whatever the particular fix is that year)

Jesus Christ, how new are you?

There are at least 12 fucking million illegal aliens in this country and they vote Democrat for muh amnesty and muh open borders.

Its simple. You have to have people verifying the count. That's where they steal and manipulate the results.

My nigger.

Under-rated post ~

It's all staged for your entertainment, within the guidelines.

It's like a reality TV show, some of the contestants actually think they are going to make it to the final round. But the producers already have chosen a pool of potential 'winners'. Those who are not in that pool will be disqualified or will find it impossible to win, since it's all rigged/staged.

When are people going to learn that this system cannot be changed using the system to do so. You cannot change the code of the system, you must delete system32, then reinstall the operating system you wish in order to achieve true results.

The ones at the top are making the decisions:

Eastern Zionists - Steady Global Influence - Conservative/Communist Zionist Agendas - Russian Jews, Euro Kosher Jews, Ashkenazi Jews, Eastern goys that are pro-tribe, Israeli conservative traditionalists who are pretty much anti-goy and looking to expand the influence and their income any way possible (especially looking to use goys/Muslims to resolve their problems as puppets). They are proud of their heritage and rarely will pretend to be anything but a staunch pro Zionist, unless it may hurt their career or sheckle finding.

Western Zionists - Steady Global Influence' - Socialist/Liberal Capitalist Agendas - Vastly made up of North American/Western European Jews, Israeli Lib Jews (a minority in but make up most of the government officials and foreign policy shot callers in Israel), and South American Jews. These are your basic NY Jews, 'Goy' friendly, Xmas loving, We're with you white man, adapting their traditions to be more acceptable and palatable to the cultural norm of today, but always looking to make a sheckle from goys and sub-jews of any nation. I often refer to them as Chameleon Jews. They may even adopt goy names/surnames.

Banking Capitalists/Masonic Elitists - Conservative Capitalists, Faux-Progressive Faux-Liberal Agenda - Slightly Faltering Influence Globally, Falling rapidly in Asia and Africa, Climbing slightly in the Americas. - Banking Elites of the world, but mostly made up of some of the well known secret society players/Masons/banking cartels. These guys were the rising players some 150 years ago and were once the main counter to the fighting European royalty/spread of Zionist ideals. People think of them as the Founding American Principality and as European and North American white men who are now the mainline NWO. But, this is the 21st Century, and it's become a collective of rich banking elites who are indeed mostly old rich white money, but have key players that are Mexican, Brazilian, Indian, Chinese, Japanese, Korean… hell, even Jewish and Muslim, if they fall in line with the agenda and find a place within an oligarchy or even atop the pyramid. A bought and paid for influence. It's mostly adapted over the last 50 years during the rise of the Zionists and Chinese Elites to become part of the larger conglomerate of Banking Barons and Media Moguls. Indeed not as powerful as they once were, they're a caste of baby boomers that have adapted to take on millennials and helping turn the next generation towards dependence and degeneracy. The people are sheep, and we must be their rulers. This agenda is found in basically every country across the globe and are the ones to blame for the EU/NAU programming. Ever hear of Pedowood? NewWorldOrder? Tran Pacific Partnership? Clinton Foundation? Neocons? Big Pharma? Alex Jones? (some argue he is a covert Eastern Zionist agent but a true blue American conservative too. I believe he is bought and paid for to work with this agenda and the Eastern Zionists as well) The CIA, Clintons, Obama, Bushes, Zbignew, and most major governments deal within or around this agenda, as it's the biggest "World Government Agenda" player. The Zionists above, are happier keeping people separate and at war for maximum shekel reaping. Also, lemme slap on some more tinfoil for my hat and add that this agenda is behind the mass DE-evolution, race mixing, and degeneration of populations they deal with. Fluoridated water, GMOs, High Sugar/Salt in virtually everything… Like I said before, the people are sheep to be controlled. Now step in line sheep, or get in the grinder to fuel the fire.

Part 1

Part II

European Royalty - Conservative Monarchy/Neo-Liberal Agenda - Rapidly waning in influence globally, but steady in Europe, Canada, Australia, and other lower agendas other this umbrella - Once these rulers fought, waged war, married, allied, and played game with each-other. They were the puppet masters and played the stage well.
The Papal Agenda (a minor agenda) is under this umbrella. These guys used to be the absolute major influence for nearly 4000-2000 years (If you count the start beginning around the first Caesar of Rome or the fall of the Alexander's Hellenic Empire). Still major players, but now an echo of their past power mostly due to the rise of the above 3 agendas and the spread of nationalism/fascism post-french revolutionary war. The information age has found is a bit easier for this agenda to stay relevant with the usage of propaganda and those who remained loyal. The American Colonies were once part of this agenda, then went to take part in their own agenda (1776-1912 and some may say were key Masonic and secret society players part of the above agenda) until the early 1900s, with the start of the American Empire under Teddy during the Spanish American War slowly allying with big banks against the royalty and Zionists then forging together the Federal Reserve and dept market we see still rampant in the American culture and society today. The English, French, Italian, Russian, Spanish, Portuguese, Dutch, Belgian, Norwegian, Swedish, Danish, Greek, and other royals were all busy trying to outmaneuver each-other since imperialism and colonialism spread across the globe. Their golden age was truly from 1300-1800, slowly rising until 1900s - where they sacrificed their old traditions to stay relevant in the 20th century. Since the Great War and post WW2 they have given up even more and more, but in exchange have consolidated their agendas into one goal of keeping those under their crown of influence. One of the major things keeping them in play today is their staunch colonial loyalists and aligning with the Papal State during the Late-Renaissance. Have you ever read 'The Prince'? I recommend it. These once rivals now are powerful gun runners, oil dealers, resource miners, covert media players, had a strong hand in the EU, and use their strong middle past ties (Saudis/Indian/Pakistani/Hong Kong) for efficient usage in today's world. I suppose I'll put a bit more tinfoil on as I'm one of those believers that Australia, Canada, New Zealand and other colonies are still completely loyal to this agenda secretly. Prince Charles now runs guns for his mummy. Many royals covertly use drugs/resource management to keep them wealthy. God save the king/queen, and if you're against the crown, then be damned with you to hell heathen scum!

Chinese Elite - Conservative Chinese Communists/Traditionalists - Rapidly expanding and quickly growing globally, especially in Africa, Americas, Asia, and Antartica (The A's) - These Elites are are on the quick to rise since the fall of the Royal and Banking Elites. They found a surge in the 21st century that is completely unmatched from the other major influences and agendas. Their loyal and work with better aggressive diligence then the banking elites and the Zionists. Their umbrella is taking succession in Africa at such a strong rate that the expansion isn't as efficient as it could be for maximum profit. This may come back to bite these guys in the next 50years, as what goes up, must come down. Even now, their markets are attempting to stagnate with all the help their elites can do to keep it afloat. The bubble may burst as it did in Japan in the 80s. But they are investing heavily in a strong global influential empire that has the potential ability to become a lasting influence as great, or even greater than the Western Zionists and Banking Elites combined. They do, however, work with the above influences (especially the Eastern Zionists). The biggest counter to many lower and major agendas. Adapting better than their conservative Zionist friends, they will seemingly overtake Africa from the European umbrella. Money talks, bullshit walks, and these guys have honor on the line. Even Japan and Korea are stepping in line more than the western media has portrayed… Oceania too. Funding/Building their own canal in Nicaragua, expanding in North, South, and Central America (Kansas especially, becoming a 'land port' for Chinese shipping, as well as California)

There are many many sub agendas in play, but most are under the major influences. Some of more notable are the Papacy - North American Corporate/Media Moguls, Canadian/American Elite - Federal Drug Cartels/Gun Runners - Saudi Arabian Royalty - Indian Elite - Russian Elite - Eastern Crime Syndicates - Italian Mob - Jewish Mob (I argue that they fall somewhere under the Western/Eastern Zionists) - European Elite

how can illegals vote? how do they get around the citizenship checks?

Part III

These agendas all work with each-other in order to play the people. Maybe not all the time, but most of the time at least. It's when they don't play nice that we should worry and all hell breaks loose. Usually a direct influence shift by a sub-agenda or major agenda in play. The fight for assets and many squabbling over potential shekel gains and losses.

There is no way to rid the world of these major influences, as the line to replace them is filled with the millions of elites under them currently.

The only way to solve the problem, is to change the directive of how things are done in today's world.

I once wrote a short story about a timeline of the next 200 years, and how degeneracy becomes the prime competent along with many other things to create a vast virtual collective. It starts as people allow themselves to be mentally enslaved by technology in order to live inn a wold of fake freedom in large super cities. There are 3 classes, Elite, Middle, and Labor. The more traditional and conservative people become known as the 'Cupid Culture' in where they take part of a more traditional life style, but it's a sliver minority that rests in pockets across the globe. Pretty much arranged marriage and spiritualists. The major culture, called the Cloven Culture, call them cultists. They are poly, independent rogue minded, and indulge in every fantasy they can until death, which is perpetuated once again as their consciousness is stored virtually in death, with the expensive possibility to be 'reborn' in an artificial body. Much like ghost in a shell.

Eventually culture and technology becomes dependent on this way of life and arrives at the conclusion of forging a vast social collective that can ascend inter dimensional time and space. Their advances are deemed useless when a mysterious 'pulse' wipes the planet of any type of electric/magnetic energy, replacing it with a seemingly endless void of energy space. The Cupid Culture revives the planet and uses Advanced Math as well as many 'holistic' methods to transcend a greater consciousness by tapping into a universal energy that exists between space.

Libs have consistently used poll closings as a tactic. In black urban precincts they get a judge to keep the polls open longer. They getaway with this because supposedly these people were already inline to vote. Constant video of these lines in swing states might help by showing time stamped evidence of the additional people bused in. Dems rig in high population cities to swing the whole state.

At least knowing this can help you narrow in where we need extra eyes.

We need to register and bus poor white people in PA and MI and VA, light blue states.

Also states with more than 1 time zone ex Florida pan handle is republican central time, large cites are eastern time in 2000 when the state was called for gore tons of people got out of line and went home, they used the media to close the polls down.

And elderly white people. Since Trump isn't a normal cut entitlements program Libs aren't focusing the normal he will cut your benefit tactic.

Forgot to add focus on senior centers , assisted living and even nursing homes these people love to vote and still registered but have trouble getting to polls

You're missing Boko Haram in Nigeria

Good idea.

nigga please. If this was all rigged, a lot of people at the top would know it, so why would the candidates get nervous about bumps/dips in the polls. Why would they even try if the outcome is predetermined?
GTFO with your high-level disinfo, faggot.

And you think they're going to tell the little guy about it? Are you twelve?

Bread and circuses, naturally. There's no way you can be this naive.

there is no citizenship test to vote. what are you on about?

Look up the new Voter ID laws, in 4 states it's legal to vote without an ID. You can go into the same place repeatedly.

The only way to beat the rigged system is to get everybody to vote for Trump. That is really the best we can do. We can send as much red pills as we need to get more people to support Trump, but we can't do much else otherwise.

I actually see no problem with finding where your county stores these machines & hitting them with a few molotovs, or maybe setting off the sprinkler system on them.
Or maybe just enjoy a night of sledge-hammer fun.

If the machines are destroyed just before the election, they'll have to revert back to paper ballots.

What is needed is for us to go to the polls and surreptitiously video who goes in to vote at each poll. With the advent of phone cameras & the cloud, this will be easy.
This way, we have a record of people voting multiple times, and we can determine if illegals are voting & turn them in.
Bring a hammer with you and go in groups, as libtards are notoriously feral apes & brain-damaged filth. Don't be afraid to crack a skull or slam that ball-peen full force into their teeth, if your lives are being endangered.

This is war.

at the cost of knowing who voted on who, you can have a 100% rig-free (or rather, it's easy to check if it was rigged) electronic system.
Just store the vote with a hash of the voter fingerprint, and make it easy for them to find out this value. Then release all of the votes to the public.

anyone would be able to check if his vote was counted correctly, and if the total amount is correct

would destroy the private ballot, though, which is essential to a fair election

I don't know if this is powerful enough to knock out a voting machine, but it is easily concealed, and you can just go into an electronic booth, knock it out with EMP and maybe Neodymium magnets, and then just inform the poll officials that the "electronic machine stopped working and I don't know why", keep the EMP and/or neodymium concealed. No need to catch a vandalism charge.

Which states?

Did you even read?

Hillary needs to seem to be in control and far ahead of the right. The polls are all rigged.

Rudio/Cruz were the top choices to have Shillary run against. Bernie was higher in populity, and the polls… but he was never meant to win. Even someone with an average/low high-school education can investigate that and find their were many sequential events putting $Hillary of Berns when it was make or break. Unless you're too diluted or incapable of critical thought. Then the only answer is to investigate and lurk more user.

If you don't believe me, go and investigate for yourself. All I can do is show you the evidence as posted/show you the door. You must walk through it user.

Not sure what is scarier to me; that people have accepted that the voting system is rigged, or they deny it's plausibility.

I'll reiterate and say this again:

When are people going to learn that this system cannot be changed using the system to do so. You cannot change the code of the system, you must delete system32, then reinstall the operating system you wish in order to achieve true results.


Some choose a format for their own lives that removes any negative suspicion even with evidence provided.

Good sheep.

3rd image is of a special boat used to smuggle drugs by some of the said agendas.

They are obviously going to keep shilling the polls at all costs, the only way they can rig the election is if the polls show Hillary winning by massive margins

Apparently way more than 4, my hope in humanity just dropped significantly.

Bruh, I don't know what to say to you. I've heard a couple unified theories like that. I just don't it's simple enough to be able to codify like that, and if you try to you end up with a picture that looks as asinine as the one you cast. You really think that the advent of the internet is going to keep any of these traditional "desperate odd-fellow societies" intact? Something insanely new will come by the end of our lives.

Here's why oil coal and gas shouldn't and won't matter in 100 years, maybe even 50. Because China is realizing that the west dropped a massive ball in the 20th century: NUCLEAR fucking ENERGY.
The USA discovered and elaborated on the power of the atom but failed to elaborate its civilian uses mostly through trying to keep power structures intact, fossil-based and military-based. They were afraid of the social upheaval from not getting their energy from coal, oil and gas. Plus the populace was too ignorant and fearful to realize the potential, partly from conflation with the atom bomb. It didn't help that the emotional half of the population was casting votes and raising ruckus over something that SEEMED dangerous.

China won't care about coal and probably gas once they have all their electricity from thorium in 2050.

Plus all I can think of when I picture these entrenched power structures is a bunch of people who fundamentally suck, and nobody should care about the people that horde the blessings of heaven.


Louisiana has about 100,000 more females than males, this could affect the poll a bit.

That wouldn't have any effect on what's being measured, which is the difference between the exit polls and the results of the election.

Well said, wouldn't want a repeat of Bush v Gore. With their control of the system being that much tighter today, their rigging will be that much bolder.


Looks like they've cut your pay.

Norbert Hofer vs Van der bellen is the prelude to Trump vs Killary. There will be massive fraud. He will probably unfairly lose. Let's make the whole world angry about that.

what about people stationed outside booths doing exit polling? like get an exact count for every trump voter then if tge area shows less theres proof of voter fraud

Have your bosses started to ask you idiots to stop posting first replies because you were called out every time?

Yes. We will see it on a greater scale than we did in 2000.

Have some OC

Nigger what? How the fuck is this accepted? In my country you both need a "voting card" that is handed out to every citizen aswell as an ID to prove it's you. This way only citizens can vote and only one time as you hand in your voting card when you do so. Also there is no way the people handling the votes can know what party you vote for because you put your vote in an anonymous white letter which you fill in a secluded area. The letter is then put into a locked box as you hand in your voting card and the box isn't opened until counting where officials from everywhere is present. This way the only time cheating can be done is during the counting but even then it's complicated.

Why doesn't America do it like this? Seems pretty obvious.

You need to show this in websites of ask and answer, with the average people, if you let this only in this chan nobody never will know about this, show all the emails, voice emails and everything to destroy the credibility of CNN and any MSM hillary Clinton media, show the news how they changed the polls, make this in comments, youtube, ask and answer, everything when you have one opportunity with some fake account, and if the account is deleted, create other.

Look at the first results of google all for the same MSM Hillary Clinton Party, it's fucking disgusting only think in the possibility of the people having influence of this manipulation

They hide all the emails, voice emails, everything who has proven manipulation of demoncrats, now they are saying that the trump is inventing a excuse instead of being a fact proven by the corrupt group of Hillary on th

Now the real news about rigged poll who the google garbage results don't show in the first page, the only pages who they pretend that are "credibility" are of the Hillary Clinton MSM monopoly party of America, is disgusting

The real news about rigged American polls


There's nothing to fix.
Trump will win because he has the Mandate of Heaven.
Clinton will lose and have a mental breakdown. The skies over America will glow red with the nuclear force of her meltdown.

What are you, racist?

Polls are rigged. They always are.

We sound like Bernie supporters now. Come on, Trump is popular but as well as hated. Polls don't lie its media 24/7 looking for the minimum error to make it a weekly scandal that makes normies think Trump is worse than Hillary.

Vast majority of elections here in Europe are done through paper ballots and it doesn't prevent blatant rigging, as it was the case in Austria for example.

Usually through the vote counting machines or the magical "mail votes" from "dead" people or "people living abroad".
Not sure what the full system is like there in burgerland.

that was intended as clickbait wasnt it?

and I ate it?

((( )))

Or Bush vs Al Gore to a lesser degree

Watch This

Read This

Remember This

Know your enemy.

The Law Firm Election Justice USA investigated the election fraud in the Democratic Primaries.

They've laid out exactly what the Democrats did.

Use this information to stop them from doing it again.

Sadly this shill is a bit right. 8/pol/ does tend to not do anything. Why don't you guys prove this (((guy))) wrong?

wow. this

that just gave me an idea

Why the fuck don't the voting machines spit out a copy of your vote, which you must put in a ballot box as well.

That way you have an electronic count and a paper count

HURR DURR> i am sure im not the fucking smartest man in the world. So why aren't they doing that?

That way, electronic voting stays above water and untamperable.

You weren't there for the frequent Rato threads going through the details of voter fraud in the primaries? Fuck off shill or learn how to lurk


I was there. It doesn't matter how much Holla Forums fucking digs if the normies have no clue.

Trump and co. will be laying out a plan on how to deal with these issues in the next two weeks. They'd know more than Holla Forums when it comes to voterigging so may as well wait.

I was a registered Democrat in Louisiana (yeah yeah back from my unawakened libshit days) and I never switched it over. So imagine my surprise when I get to the polls and suddenly i'm a registered Independent.


You realize the election will be rigged in favor of Trump, right?

You're voting for a guy who will go after white nationalists, import muds, and use America to install a Rothschild bank in Iran.

Fuck off shill. If you honestly believe this, you have your head in the sand. Look at Hillary's friends in high places and see.

The libshits wouldn't get power then, as the massively growing undocumented population is their biggest vote bank, it's why they fight stuff like this tooth and nail. They'll lose if they don"t.

Because Democrats need easy votes. Two party systems are inherently corrupt.

Could we possibly get the Trump campaign to demand paper polling?

Can someone explain this to me?


Because all laws that have tried to fix this system get described as "racist" by the media.

And so people believe it.


I always wondered about this. When I go to the polls in MD, they ask my name. If it's not on the registration list, I can't vote.

How are illegals getting valid names, and ones that haven't already voted? Is this how the dead cast votes?

You didn't eat it, you didn't even read it nigger.

Quite frankly, I see shit like the picture in and I can only feel safe.

Every fucking time the media has started saying Trump's over, he just keeps winning.

It's probably easier with Mohammed and Juan sharing identical first and last names with thousands of others. That and being instantly called racist if you said they look like someone who already voted ('We all look ALIKE!?) or name in use.

One problem is that Independents are the majority party by far, yet are the most filtered, completely skewing the poll data. That pic is lacking in details as to polling methodology though.

An honest poll would not filter at all. A completely random, non-exclusive (i.e. not just people over the age of 35, but all legal voters), numerically representative, sample from each party with straightforward, non-leading questions like 'Who are you voting for? Trump, Clinton, neither, or undecided atm?' would be the most accurate.

I doubt many of us here give two shits about democracy anymore. I don't care if the election is rigged, as long as hillary still loses. If people want to rig it to let trump win, by all means.

A reply is not an endorsement :^)

Thanks, your replies have made this thread.

They aren't interested in honest elections.

Has Clinton done any press conferences during the timeframe of these poll changes? What did she do or say to warrant the supposed increase in popularity?

The "Upshot's elections model"? How does that work, Mr. Katz?

Nobody wants your old senile Jewish communist either faggot. That's why no one gave a fuck. Now you try to derail America with a braindamaged sicko traitor.

It is critical now as everyone learns how much you cheat. Nobody wants your establishment pigs.

Tbh desu I have always seen a strange trend whereby faggots will try to vote for the person they think will win, and find it some peculiar source of pride that they voted for the winner. And if the (((media))) says that a dysfunctional geriatric murdering traitor will win, then goddammit they have to vote for it to be cool winners.

Could always say they're deportation centres ;) But issues with rigged electronic voting machines are nothing new, maybe you faggots are simply too young, this being babby's first election. The election process has basically always been a shitshow of backroom deals, subterfuge, and dirty tricks. That's been the game for thousands of years.

Faceberg is constantly shilling against him too. You hear more about his comments than Hillary's crimes.

What is the point of these fluffy comics please someone explain, to this day i don't get the appeal?

That is true, and they tend to pick locals to count the votes, my mother was once chosen to count the votes, it's an honest system and if we could push for this form of voting, I am sure many american locals would prefer this system and we have to push this option to the people, that way they may ask to their local government for that much simpler system.

Maybe they're going for some kind of weird avant garde kawai/disturbing blend?
I'm as confused as you on those.

Gochya Goy! I'll just introduce this here non-profit organization from my good friend Mr. Soros. Hehehe

Supposedly it's more of the puritan Christian angle. Stupid/gluttonous/prideful balls of fluff, unaware of how the world works to even the degree that a child or dog would understand, but still aware that certain behaviors are "bad" from their human masters, will commit said behaviors without comprehending the consequences. They usually die or otherwise maimed.
The other group likes to see small animals in pain. Not an uncommon creature on anonymous imageboards.


I've been saying for a long time that voting machines should be held to the same standard as slot machines. Voting machine software should absolutely be open source.


This. Also, the fluffy comic is unnecessary.

You demoralization shills are the fucking worst.
Your argument is always:

Then we make a thread tackling vote rigging and you still have the audacity to come here a spew your shit.

Oh, well that sheds light on it.

OP, I…

Anyway great points. Actually I think lots of Berniebros are already open to Trump. I don't know of any who don't absolutely hate Clinton, so yea.

A bit off topic, but I dont feel like making a new thread.

One of us has to know a lawyer who can get this done:

We need to file an emergency injunction to stop them from showing national security briefings form Hillary. They are currently doing this for her and Trump to prepare them. Hillary has shown herself a national security threat so it should be doable.

Emergency injunctions happen fast and it would be impossible for MSM not to report on it. Many normies see her leaking classified info as no big deal because she wasnt prosecuted despite being 100% guilty. This would end that.

Great point.
There's one up already user.

I have an idea, that just might work, but we would need a lot of social networking.

Create an APP that stores voter data and Time-stamp that Person by their First and Middle Initial.
3.Voting ID number.

If the total number of votes are different or if there is an audit that shows changed votes vs the actual votes with the time stamp. We can have actual proof of fraud.


This is the OP from this
shitty thread

you gon get b&


Not everyone, or even most. The majority of people vote using paper ballots.

Post shit like this all over twatter and normiebook.

To reinforce how important this is, check out this (seemingly unrelated) video
it explains how merely acting as though your team is winning will gather more idiots to your side.

this series started off moronic, but slowly began to incorporate actual game theory (the mathematical theory) into its episodes, and I find it to be a useful teaching tool to people who would normally boggle at the formulas presented traditionally, so do forgive my posting of it, I just find the information important and the delivery easier to swallow than a college lecture.

Really nigger?

This faggot thought Undertale was the perfect example of a video game to give to the Pope.

You wouldnt be saying that if he hailed the god emperor

My point is that he presents a normally dry and often confusing psychological and mathematical observation and applies it to a popular game to explain the exact advantages being given to clinton.

Do I really need to go find some 2 hour long college lectures to post instead? Just focus on the part where hillary has scientists and mathematicians working for her that are abusing the psychology of the mass of idiots in our country to turn a lie about her winning into an actual win.

She doesnt need to rig the election to win, she only needs to rig the perception and the win will follow.


With all the ammo the media is giving us, would it be possible to get this trending?

To subvert the (((indoctrination))) and slowly redpill normies?

Whats really disgusting is the subterfuge committed by Fox news.
We all know the kikes like to play both sides, its no different here.
Fox acts like they support Trump but are in reality on a mission to demoralize his supporters by constantly reporting on how "things are just beginning to look so bad for Mr Trump!"
My grandparents fall for it and are black pulled now. Sadly everyone in my family looks at me as the "crazy internet conspiracy guy" (despite the fact that all of my predictions always come true, I guess they ascribe it to luck) and they think the possibility of votes being rigged is tinfoil-tier

Pence live, Trump is next.

Your whole vid there is the transformation of a generate traditional family into a bunch of faggy, degenerate, rock-loving weirdos.

Fuck that.

I remember hearing stories about this used last time the machines were employed in a rigged fashion, but I never used it. You fill a can with lighter fluid and hold it over the voting machine, light it, and it just jacks up the screen. Never will work again. Carry a bottle of soda water to refill your can with.

Oh the autism.

Nah, I'd still call him a faggot.

Everyone of you fucking faggots need to get Twitter accounts so that we can spread this information to normalfags, it is the easiest and blast platform to combat liberalism with information and facts. There are many of us on there as well as just a bunch of NatSocs unaffiliated with us.

Sorry, I just don't see myself there user.

Just use adblock, your support isn't even significant, it's like voting for Trump in California. Your support for your race and making everyone redpilled and woke as fuck is a lot more important, I've personally helped make your average cuckservatives and alt-kikes become Jew-Wise.

Twitter is shitty but it's a huge avenue of communication for a lot of of people. Disregarding it is like talking to a deaf person and hoping they know how to read lips.

Are we going to sit here and agree with eachother or actually get to twatter and knock some teeth in? Lands sakes people, are we a movement or an echo chamber?

@InternetVolk and a few other anons from the final shillution thread are making fake accounts to shitpost for our lord and american hero, Trump.

We do it for free.


Women will lie about their vote more readily than men hut it only tends to be relevant if they voted for a candidate who has bad press.
For example most women who voted leave in Brexit will claim that they voted to stay if straight up asked without anonymity. There have even been articles written about it.

Supporting Trump in the US is socially similar to supporting Brexit in the UK. Similar stigma of racism etc. So expect women who support him to lie about it in any poll which is not anonymous.

A similar effect is seen in questionnaires about total number of sexual partners.

She hasn't done a presser in almost a year.

None of the democrats will call her on it and neither will the compliant media.


Here you guys go, use this to help sow distrust of voting machines among the normies.

Man, I fucking love Tom Scott's stuff.
I may disagree with him politically, but he makes such interesting videos.

Hillary really knows how to pack them in, so many get turned away

How fucking old are you?


Tell your bluepilled friends that Hillary is obviously going to win so why bother voting? Use the rigging to your advantage.

Underrated post

In order for ay of that to work you would also have to get most liberals to wake up also. I just can't see it happening

Pay attention to this shit you fucking niggers, it's requires you to actually leave your house for once and make a difference rather than just shitposting about Kek and expecting that to change anything.


For your convenience: the rigged voting booths from 2012.

that's some pretty shit tier bait mate

I dunno if I would trust the hashing mechanism. I've seen too much info about FBI backdoors and possible RSA beating machines to truly trust my vote being stored somewhere on a government server with my name attached to it.

But I am a sometimes paranoid freak

Or you know, the GNU Foundation.

Honestly, we should just install RMS as supreme leader of GNU/Amerika

yeah this really is not a new issue. I remember railing on this in the late 00s and 12' and literally being called paranoid and crazy.

This actually reminds me. If anyone wants to, and knowing you guys you're probably more than eager, the AIVD (dutch intelligence agency) has already reported 9 years ago that if anyone wants to, they could actually read the votes cast from a considerable distance.

This was possible with the Smartmatic machines, though considering how bad the machines are in general, you could probably do this with the machines from Dominion and ES&S as well.

Just google AIVD report voting machines.

Step your fucking game up, Holla Forums.



How have neither of these videos been posted in this thread yet?

These are vital USA election fraud resources.

This too:

Diebold Voting and Sequoia Voting Systems were sold off to Dominion Voting in 2011.

Both Diebold and ES&S were run by the Urosevich brothers.

This is just one of the stories, I would look up the investigative journalistic article published by Harpers (i forgot the name of the author).

and onwards (it got 10 parts).

In 92 days we are not going to change the voting infrastructure of the entire country.

The Don absolutely has a plan in place. We don't know what it is, but if we do know something it's

1) He's been planning his run for at least four years
2) He's highly competent

At this point we can only have faith that he's thought of this and he's not a sucker.

Also, if Trump needs us, he'll reach out.

Text "TRUMP" to 88022 to sign up for his SMS alerts.

That would be the dumbest rigging in history. It's electronic, they could check the box for Obama and log a vote for Kermit the Frog.

More likely, IMHO, is that they used shitty low budget touchscreens and they registered incorrectly.

Possibly, that was my initial thought, the only issue is that this always happens in favor for the one who is financially linked to the election companies.

We're talking about the companies that had their entire software leaked because they kept it on an unprotected server. Which led to numerous studies showing that their coding was absolutely rubbish, even first year students could hack the machines running their software with ease.

Long story short, competence isn't their first name.

Realistically, he's been planning this run since at least 2000.


My comment wasn't an endorsement. The hardware for voting needs to be just as impeccable as the software and that demonstrates that the system isn't working properly.

So what you're saying is: because the hardware isn't adjusted properly to the rigged software, it will actually show the rigging when one presses a candidate? Instead of it being a hardware bug (as was regularly the case with those shitty old first gen. touchscreens).

Trump knows this, and has prepared some "incendiary" rhetoric for if the vote is rigged and he loses, and made sure the other side is aware of his position. The Trumps are confirmed to monitor both old/pol/ and le_donald so he knows we're aware as well.


This is the single most important election of our lifetimes. The white race in America will cease to exist in a few decades if the (((globalists))) succeed with their plan. We need to do everything we can to stop them. It is vital that we get as many people as possible on the Trump train, in real life and online. It is vital that we prevent any form of election rigging. This is it. If we lose this election we are done. You will be ethnically replaced.
>This is their long term plan for a permanent Democrat majority. Flood the country with illegals, get them hooked on welfare, get them legalized, and boom – loyal constituency forever and ever.
>They did it with the blacks, but now there aren't enough blacks to give them the kind of total control over the country they're trying to achieve. So they need to import a bunch of dirt-poor people who have no particular allegiance to the United States or it's values, get them dependent on the government, and tell them that the only way their checks will keep rolling in is if they vote Democrat.
>If they pull it off, they'll successfully turn Texas, Arizona, New Mexico and Florida permanently blue. And then it's game over. One party rule. And it will be entirely based on an imported constituency voting ONLY to maintain their welfare.
>This is what they have in store for us. And they aren't even trying to hide it anymore.
[pic related]

No, I'm saying that their QC is shit which probably reflects the state of their code.

However, touching a screen and it visibly registering something you didn't push isn't evidence of voting fraud. Particularly because any non-retard programming the machine to perform voting fraud isn't going to have it display the wrong press.

I wouldn't trust it and I wouldn't use it but the video isn't evidence of voting fraud.

And has seriously thought about it since 1980.

we can volunteer time to work at local polling stations, right? or find a way to get involved with local politics to push this stuff.

also maybe send tips, infographics/evidence-montages/etc to small local newspapers or town websites, local news networks where you can report leads, etc? local media might publish things that "big" media won't. the same people who are normally brainwashed by CNN are the same people who read the morning town dailies– might wake someone up

What the fuck are you talking about? We did everything within our power short of doing something worthy of getting v& or destroying our professional lives.
Unless you've been living under a rock for the past 8 years, social media has a nasty habit of restraining information, shadow banning and shaping narratives.
Of course if you know this and your intellect is superior to all of ours combined perhaps you know of a way around this? If you do than fucking share it.
This is how we know both you and the other kike are shills, you will only point at a problem without providing a suitable solution.

Archive of Politico story:

Pic for proof of 4pol visits. There's another screencap, albeit just another user, where they claim that Trump has a "dead man's switch" of rhetoric and leaks if the election is rigged and he loses, and that he has made the Clinton team aware of his dead man's switch.

I think it's his son again.
The saviour of USA will be Eric Trump, not the Don.

Screencap in question.

Thanks user. Looks interesting!

Not exactly a surprise. They also got Stone working the patriot media. Trump has to use these channels to counter the MSM.

Also the deadman's switch is not just leaks. You better believe it'll be an eye for an eye, if not worse.

Maybe there could be an Holla Forums news channel. We have a lot of visitors here after all, including people who have a lot of time on their hands, we all have computers and many of us got those mobile phones with cameras.

There are already people, organizations fighting voter fraud, have you contacted them? US residents, what republican presence is there in your area?
You can go there and tell them you are an independent willing to help out against voter fraud.

Don´t forget, there are PLENTY of Trump would-be voters.

you people know he was never a real candidate, right? he will do the sanders boogie and you will all be a buttfucked muslim country in no time.

u & yor kike lovin god iz doomed

obligatory "Metal Gear Solid 2 hit the nail on the head"

as much as i am in favor of trump, there is no fix. the system is rigged, worldwide. you have to fight (((them))) to break free. there is no other option than to go to war. fight or die. it is our only hope. let's see who has the guts to bring the fight to (((them))). the only question is who will make the first step. the world has been deceived by their (((pestillence))) long enough. time to clean house.

We need being unbiased and making a real /pol

I remember to see many women supporting trump too, even in videos, and where the "young people" who support leftst, besides the low information baby, all the memes and things are mostly made by young people

If trump wins breitbart need to make a /pol to show the real demographic who voted for trump because i don't believe in polls of the establishment who want Hillary Clinton, even Fox News have so much money of establishment and tried to attack trump.

But if the system is rigged and the manipulation was made to prepare normies for the rigging pretending that the Hillary is beautiful, hide and cover everything, mass propaganda against trump 24 hours for day and cover, hide and make establishment propaganda to vote for Hillary CLinton 24 hours for day, will be sad, really disgusting see that the evil establishment wins after years of lies, manipulation, race bait, identity politics, monopoly of news, propaganda, media, import illegals if they promise full support for the evil strategy of the group of Obama and Hillary, to try to outnumber some group who represent treat for their strategy of keep money and power forever in their group with all their racist, race baiting, identity politics, all disgusting strategy of years of manipulation in the sick country of america, i'm not even from america but i'm forced to live with the globalist sick influence of this country, learn english, to see this disgusting group of Obama, Hillary, their dirty tricks, their manipulation, narrative, how they cover, hide, what they make with the most low disgusting strategies, is really evil and the other country just copy and paste the mainstream (Monopoly) Hillary/Obama group media, this disgusting group deserve everything of horrible after years of manipulation, dirty tricks, lies, cover, hide, narrative, they are responsible for death of people in europe, america, everything for a narrative, for their political group, for use every disgusting tatic, this group don't deserve win, they deserve a terrible humiliation, demoralization, ridicularization, everything who this evil group tried to make against others for years, Americans can't be dumb, i hope this ellection is not rigged for their disgusting group of Hillary because they promissed her president after they put Obama above her in 2008 in the establishment proapganda.

Don't let disgusting group of Hillary make this ellection rigged, don't let they manipulate the polls to prepare normies for the rigging, why this evil group can't win, hillary is terrible. I'm not even from America and I'm tired of the sick influence of a disgusting group of liars, manipulators, who use disgusting tatics and strategy, is really sad.

Real polls, and not real /pol.

If Trump wins the mass Hillary and demoncrats media propaganda will try to still trying to create a meme that young peopel want demoncrats, that everyone want demoncrats, and make thousands of these regular racist american news using wihte men and trying to create racist hate for others since the numbers of white cuckolds voting for demoncrats aren't high, i don't believe so many white women voting for demoncrats, they use the word women and include other groups who demoncrats put fear, target the white and relate them with shit to make these groups become racist against white and promise eternal forever power for demoncrats in their racist, shaming, guilt, trying to outnumber even with illegal criminals, brainwash people, is disgusting and evil the strategy of power of this disgusting group and they are openly and explicit in their manipulation.

Trump deserves wins and the establishment deserve die, i hope they will not make this ellection rigged for the establishment.

Fucking hell! We're being raided by Trump shills! Mods!!!


To stop in person voting fraud involving people who vote multiple times, why don't we at least use the Iraqi ink method? I know it's not a fix for everything, but it's a start, and it's something that could be implemented tomorrow.

Louisianan here, I can confirm there were severe abnormalities here.

For those who don't know there has been a Trump staff campaign insider who has been posting on halfchan for the last month or two.

He posted pic related yesterday.

How exactly are we supposed to trust this guy is a Trump staff member? Did he provide any sort of proof?

No proof was ever provided. Plausible deniability. Similar to the FBIanon, but I think Insideranon showed up before he did.

(tfw I'm in this screencap)
And there's also pics related for a preview on debate strategy and various scenarios (dates in filename).

Whether he's real or not, voter fraud is a serious fucking issue and the only way Hillary walks out the winner. We all know the (((polls))) are to get the normies ready for mass scale voter fraud ("he never had a chance," "Trump is just whining because he's tanking hahha").

whites arent gonna be extinct they will sit at south african levels for a bit

Whoops, posted wrong pic twice.

Here's what Insideranon said about debate strategy.

vid at end.

All they do is make me depressed, even if they are intelligent, they are clearly shown to be like babies or kids, you don't punish a kid like that.

Tell you the truth the best punishment ever is when your 25+ and look back at your kid days and just get depressed on how much of a prick you were to your parents. Course it only works if you were raised to think about others, cause while it doesn't stick that well when your a kid, it sure as hell likes to knee you in the gut when your older.

Reminder that in 2013, the Smith-Mundt act was repealed, allowing the federal government to freely push propaganda through MSM.

Absolutely disgusting.

These make me really upset.

LARPers who have police/military looking gear should dress up and put on sunshades and stand around in an intimidating fashion at boothes




Check'm ~

Yeah, b-but the media has n-never lied to us..

Elections are n-not rigged!

So why do corporations hate welfare programs and shill against them ?

This is true. You have about 2 seconds to initially capture someones interest and about 12 seconds before they move on.

Remember most normies are sheep with strong amounts of confirmation bias. They aren't going to be to keen on something that will shake their beliefs,

You mean like the Affordable Care Act, wherein they designed a fair part of it, along with Comrade Sanders.

how are these abnormalities measured

if it had any stats or sources to back it up, i'd happily spread this accross socialmedia

Austria was rigged by postal votes though.

Keep this pinned, do not allow the shills to slide this thread with bait threads.

are you retarded?

at least their is a paper trail to contest

with electronic.. there is not way to know


I thought so.

What pisses me off about that link to the BernReport is liberals aren't just know figuring out the system is rigged. They cry fix everytime a republican wins and they're probablly right when then do. They couldn't care less when their guy wins. The only reason they are spaking up is because it happened to their guy this time.

Then why are they such giant cucks?

More like, 2016, the year when people (/normies) figure out their life is a lie.

Both the Republicans and Democrats sold out a long time ago. The difference between the two is that the democrats are better liars.

That said, the two democratic presidents in the last 35 years were Clinton and Obama.