Fox News National Poll: Hillary Clinton up 10 Points over Donald Trump

Fox News National Poll: Hillary Clinton up 10 Points over Donald Trump

By Louis Nelson | 08/03/16 06:13 PM EDT

Hillary Clinton has built a double-digit nationwide lead over Donald Trump, according to a fresh poll released Wednesday evening.

The former secretary of state holds a 10 percentage-point advantage over the Manhattan billionaire, 49 percent to 39 percent, according to the new Fox News poll. The number of respondents who said they are either planning to vote for Clinton or leaning in her direction spiked five points relative to the previous Fox News poll, while Trump’s number climbed only a single point.

Other urls found in this thread:


remember goyim, the media isn't biased at all nor does it take sides

Mrs. President

nice link faggot

Holla Forumslacks better hold on to their buts if we start taking the accelerationist route.

Assage when you need him? Gotta drop them ISIS Clinton Foundation emails asap.


Does someone have the link to the article detailing how it was all planned?

Also sage for no link/archive.

She is pretty funny and based, why you hate her?

contrived bullshit. We don't trust the kikes on anything but let's trust their polls…especially when they're desperate.

This is setting up for election fraud

Not very believable. It's already been revealed that the polls are being cooked. Remember Hillary's massive bump a few weeks before the conventions?


you don't trust the kikes?

Trump is the most Jewey candidate running.

There is overwhelming evidence to support this.

Even Melania's hair stylist is Israeli.




The most disturbing fact is that someone sat down with a clear mind and thought paying these people is a good idea

Hitler dubs confirmed, shill quality is fast declining

But well paying.

Ya gotta do what ya gotta do in this Obama economy to get by.

I don't know how to feel about that.

oh of course shlomo. I've noticed how much Jewry embraces trump by reading the israeli press.

I know that's why I now #shillforhill.

You ready to pay those reparations goy?

I guess they ran out of those 6 gorillion dollars.

actually it was a "survey" whatever that means

Well I have to give it to him, there is a difference between the Ashkenazi Globalist Cartell in the US and jews in Israel.

Hello correct the shilling.


wtf I hate Trump now
I'm a #HillaryEmail oops I mean #HillaryMissile

Considering the DNC leaks alone, I think we can safely say this utter bullshit

Brexit was down by 10% on the final day, and look how that turned out.

Fuck off, we haven't even debated yet. Trump is leading in Virginia already.

Marco Surge 2.0. The sad part they had to fuck with their poll to get this shit too.


You fucks need to get your scripts straight.

Except he refused to go to the Israel wall and he refused to meet with the koch brothers.

They need to rig the polls so they can rig the election.




Schlomo First Postberg is at it again.


This is now a dubs thread. Don't forget to sage.

We already know that. But the real rigging is the electric voting machines and those who report the numbers.


So in other words, not a single question about.

"Who will you vote for".

My god, this polling is such shill.

Examples of recent poll fuckery:

This shit just gets more and more ridiculous, Plato's Cave is having some serious earthquakes.

If dubs trump becomes president and I am wrong about supporting hillary

If single hillary becomes president and will be it again

Fix this shitty gif

You realize how many friends I've lost in 2016 as a result of this?





If Whites actually uncuck their shit this election it could put a great big buckshot hole into the entire "Minorities win elections" tripe the media feeds us.

the fuck out of here.

She is way more charismatic than trump


"Appear weak when you are strong, strong when you are weak… Pretend inferiority and encourage your enemy's arrogance."

can't really tell if CTR or if it's Aussie time right now

Proof that leftists are children.

So trump is charismatic because he points the finger to some abstract enemy?



CTR and their affiliates have gone into overdrive since they were doxed. I do think this will end in all out war with these shills as in actually fucking their shit up instead of merely harassing them.

The Cunt is getting a convention bounce and Trump is being hammered by the media like he's never been before. Things will level off and they'll be within 5 points of each other until November, at which point greater turnout will see Trump take it.

The size of the jump itself indicates it's a farce.
Fox Jews has been compromised recently, we've already discussed it here, and their talking heads have become more like MSM puppets than the more rational puppets they used to be.

Fox Jews has joined the ranks of the lugenpresse, and there is no longer even one normie outlet left that even pretends to be truthful, now.

So i shouldn't talk to you or your wife's son ever again huh ?




Trump is like putin, i don't like people who need to oppress others in order to live

Really, your pride is only based on hate how miserable is that

Fell asleep…

A lion doesn't ask it's prey how it feels as it sinks it's teeth into the prey's flesh.

I wonder Sam, is Canada still "full" when it comes to third world illiterates?

>>>Holla Forums



We're not doing that and this is a dubs thread now.


Stupid Republicans fell for the media propping up Trump and ruining their actual candidates
Now they're showing their true sides.

So you are an animal now? Should I call you a furry autistic faggot? We are humans, respect and love for each other are the basis of civilization.



Sure thing chaim.




Filtered and reported for bestiality.

When has the media propped up Trump?

Stop replying to them….


They gave him free airtime, there was no Khan moments

Enjoy Clinton faggoy

Also explains why NY post seems to have turned

Nah hippies die in droves look at Europe Isis is winning there bar none.

You mean this article.

Totally not manipulated or conveniently shifted or something.
Go home and tell your parents that you make money by shilling on the internet, i hope they are proud of you.

If you can't understand what that user said it's time to stop posting. Stop embarassing yourself.

Nice margins of error.

He said he wants to be an animal, it is funny when you hate gay people to have such weird fetishes

they should dock your pay

Lou Dobbs is still based. I caught the second half of his show today and he blasted the shit out of Hillary. He even brought up the Uranium deal with Russia.

Trump has said some dumb things these past few days so this doesn't surprise me. I'm just glad it happened now, because there's plenty of time for him to get back in the lead.

The first image really drives it all home. Shitlibs are satisfied because their policies are in power. They are the undisputed political establishment. Blacks are mostly satisfied, because hey, gibs pouring out of the woodwork! Old fart hippies, boomers, and the like, are more satisfied than the people who have to live with the future they created. But something that stands out, to me, is the white dissatisfaction. The redpills must be spreading because 64% of whites being unhappy, despite the happniess of shitlibs, indicates whites are waking the fuck up in droves and that the leftist menace is entirely propped up by shitskins and headed by the race traitors. If there was ever a time for a white awakening now would be it.

shut the fuck up, faggot
dont bump this shit.

CTR working off the clock

May the bite of the rope be a caress. May they die slowly knowing their pain is for nothing but failure.

You don't fit in here very well. I miss our old trolls, at least this site attracted a certain type of intelligence before. Now it is just empty, disparate shilling without acuity.

If Hillary wins, that just means the pressure cooker goes into overdrive, and we end up with a civil war and Ultrafascism after a few years of Obama pt. III.


Forgive me if I'm skeptical

What the fuck is going on in this thread?
Anyway, ballot or bullet etc. (((They))) can go right ahead and throw out the ballots but I think this will legitimately result in fucking riots. Heads will roll.

I do find it funny that this media onslaught coincides with Clinterous received 60 million from those 20 something rich cucks.

Can we just admit trump is just a little bit stupid

I can't believe I used to think she was funny.

I really should have saved the link, but even NYT a few months ago wrote an article debunking their own and the rest of media's narrative during Obama's reelection claiming that the minority vote was the deciding factor. When you actually look at the data, white conservative voters just didn't really show up enough (naturally unmotivated by Romney) and enough whites still voted for Obama. The point of the article was obviously to scare the lefty's into taking Trump seriously because no candidate has motivated white male voters like this in decades.

To be honest, I don't think this country can be MAGA'd, everything is too polarized, debt, financial system headed for collapse, economy, etc. I hope that Trump might have a slim chance to turn things around, but I suspect the globalist GOP faggots will block most of his plans. The political class is too entrenched, it's going to take more than voting to end this corruption.

Plan A - Vote Trump, but assume Hillary wins as base of planning, happening.
Plan B - If Trump wins, adjust happening plans to help maximize chances of MAGA.
Plan C - If B fails, happening.

no it's because the poll's are changing their whole ethical responsibility in the way they poll

kill yourself

Damn wasn't their own stance, the sole reason they existed was to be unbiased?

Has the gangrenous ulcer of the left infected every fucking news source?
I hate Reuters more than MSNBC now. At least MSNBC doesn't hide their bias.

Forgive me for not buying this for a moment. Still Trump Train, still have faith, still not trusting a poll from these MSM shits

how many independents did they poll, I can't seem to find the breakdown I could just be blind

And even FOX is controlled opposition

Why do you think we are here?

Yes, my point was Fox News massaged the polls to show whatever results they desire, which is Trump losing.

these days I give their polling as much credence as (((Bloomberg's))) polling

I've seen live polls on Bing where she was getting fucking clobbered. I doubt Bing is some sort of uber-Conservative search engine of choice given it's Microshit

Reuters is literally owned by the Rothschilds.


This is great news. This will actually scare the non voting American who has given up to run out and vote for Trump out of fear.

Most of these "polls" do not include people who responded the first time "I will not be voting"….they never contact those people again.
Trump is reaching those people and no one realizes it.
Also with Mr. Eastwood calling this the "pussy generation" and saying he will vote for Trump is also good news.

Fox News and all the MSM are quoting the Reuters Poll. They only use the official poll companies. Fox News doesn't do polling on that type of official scale

Ah, even worse

get ready for the happening even if trump wins we are only 60 percent white now you cant fight this sort of population change through democratic means.

I buy it, but it is just a momentary bump from the DNC. Same thing happened right after the RNC, Trump's numbers shot up.

It really doesn't mean anything.

You mean the guy who had ties to the clinton foundation and is frantically trying to back off when he realized we found out about his business practices?

Not if you watched it.

Correct. Race war is the only solution. We will not be voting our way out of this mess. Literally half the population would need to be killed or deported, and that will not be happening peacefully.

Don't forget about (((White))) and our friend Señor White-o


Watched what? DNC? Yeah, it was shit, but just having increased visibility around the conventions creates a boost in the polls. It happens every time.

It is all an uphill battle for Trump. The entire forces of the establishment are working against him. It is almost miraculous that he made it this far.

Leftists hate everything good. Strength, beauty, etc. It is because they hate God and the natural order. God is all good and all powerful and all beautiful, so leftists hate good and hate power and hate beauty.

go back to fagchan

Holla Forums here, your attempts to demonize us are hilarious. You don't have to live in the paranoid fantasy you've constructed.

Not my fault T-Juice built the world.

truth is no libel

No one has to demonize you. You do it yourself.


What's the point of a poll that includes Johnson but not Stein?

Not an argument.

I understand where you're coming from, but dropping them a few hours before the first debate would be the most dangerous course of action as far as the Clinton camp is concerned.
No time to spin, no time to shill, no time to prepare - she's already going to get BTFO, Assange will ensure that she has a massive stroke.

National polls are themselves a bit misleading. The margins in states like California, Massachusetts, or New York dont matter because those states are guaranteed blue.

Don't even know why you have a board, there's nothing politically incorrect about leftism.

True, I can't see how low polling numbers for Trump is a bad thing. Trump supporters are more energized than they've been in decades. If they see him low in the polls, they will try even harder to get out to vote and ensure his victory. Everything is at stake, after all.



No, but starting on Nov 9th, *you* will.

Only a leftist cuck would think that being manly and swole is bad.

Except the primary desire of leftism is to de-construct everything object, everything has to be subjective for you guys

Correct, (((they))) aren't targeting Trump, they're targeting his supporters. They're attempting to suppress turnout - and turnout is the most important thing in this unprecedented contest. (pic 100% related)

Kek shall deliver unto us her defeat!


It is. The methodology is shit.

1000 is the bare minimum for an acceptable poll though.

It sucks. I'm going to vote anyway and I know my borough will go red like it always does, but we're fucked. 4 boroughs and Long Island will fuck the rest of the state where Trump will win big.

Even when I watched the Daily show w/Jon Liebowitz I couldn't stand how blatantly unfunny she was, but then again I always have thought that women aren't funny

Then why are they so pants shittingly terrified of Trump?

You definitely should still vote, I would never say otherwise, but just dont get depressed when Hillary takes NY.

>The premier cuckservative news source

When added to Trump, this gives him a slight edge over Hilary. Basically where he was at a week ago.

Does the media seriously think they're tricking anyone here but themselves? They are only hurting themselves by not taking Trump seriously.

I'm used to thinking "those poor niggers" while reading stories like this. I can't believe this article is about the U.S.

They overpolled Democrats and (((Independents))

I think they actually underpolled independents. I think they're the largest "party" in the US. More independents than republicans and democrats.


That's what I've been saying.

It's so obvious what is coming in November. Even braindead bernouts know the bitch has been rigging & it's not like she's gonna stop rigging.

This. If Independents don't outnumber both Ds and Rs the poll is totally worthless.

Rupert Murdoch is the chairman and CEO of Fox News.

Rupert Murdoch is personal friends with Donald Trump's Jewish son-in-law Jared Kusher, and he speaks with him on the phone frequently.

So your post is nonsensical.


You're repeating the talking points of Jewish CIA agent Roger Stone.

Your entire Donald Trump movement is a US Deep State intelligence operation.

He being friends with that kike doesn't change the fact that a Trump presidency would hurt Murdoch financially. If I remember correctly, Murdoch is in position to make a shitload of money if TPP is approved and implemented.

The same Fox News that was overtaken by open border marxists after creating a fake harassment story to get Aires removed?

What a quinky dink


Assblasted Trump chumps

Rupert Murdoch obviously didn't think it was fake. Don't worry, your Fox Jews network will still be the same Zionist agitprop it always was.

And his name is Ailes, not Aires.

I never noticed until now how crooked her nose is

Nice conspiracy theory, Trump chump.

Fox Jews has been pumping Donald Trump relentlessly for a year. It's now Trump's exclusive network for live interviews.

This is no surprise of course, since Rupert Murdoch and Donald Trump attend the same synagogue in New York City.

Yeah, no.

You two seemed to have lost your way while looking for reddit.

James runs the show and JJ is all about the money. You silly yid.


Debates* not interviews, regardless, my point remains unchanged

BREAKING: New polls show 30 point hillary surge! How can Drupf even compete?

Glad to see that your antisemitism no longer pervades every opinion - just most of them. It's saddening and somewhat triggering though that the one thing you hate more than da j00z! is womyn.

Listen and believe, stormderps. That's all we're asking for.


Definitely, tbh. What, exactly, has Clinton done in the past 2 weeks to gain such a bump? She's barely even been in the headlines.

At this point I'm convinced Clinton support is almost entirely astroturf.

Also these polls are conducted over landlines right?

Fuck off, kike.

Found the kike.

get out of here and don't come back learningcode

pic related, its him irl

I wish one of our Canadian anons would take care of him.

Clinton cucks are so smug right now. The beauty of it all is if we lose at least we get front row seats to them getting blown the fuck out in their own homes by the sand nigger pets she's going to important by the millions. The murders and rapes will be the most entertaining.

Funny how women are her largest voting block. They're also the ones who'll get blown the fuck out the hardest when the time comes.

It's a win-win situation.

Yeah it only includes folks who answer the phone to strange numbers and agree to take a survey.

Has anyone else noticed the very specific posting style of these shillbots? They seem to have an algorithm to always post 3-4 sentences with newlines in between instead of writing out a small paragraph like a normal poster. Is it just me or is anyone else noticing this pattern?

Hey bb. You want sum flicki flicki

We Come in Peace.

You Leave in Pieces.

I actually got in the habit of typing like that when people started getting annoyed by it.

It makes me laugh when people get all twitchy over how someone posts.

This annoys me more than I imagined it would. What the fuck. I can stare at gore above without more than a shrug, but that fucking Fig Newton bugs the shit out of me. Thanks, user.

What the fuck am I reading.

Dopey user can't even get the word right. Sad!

Fucking fig Newton.

It's almost certainly because 2 new lines is how you do a line break on reddit.

In a race that includes Hillary, the shill says this.
Do we really have to specify "Globalist Kikes"? Oh right, playing dumb is key to how you jews argue.
You know how I know you're grasping?

oh noes!
Get a clue, motherfucker, they only give Trump the most lukewarm support because its what their viewers expect.
What they actually broadcast is nothing but defeatism.

They expect me to believe this?


It's going to be


I remember that german cunt crying into the camera on youtube saying "Where are the German men?" "Why won't they protect us." lmao. Absolutely beautiful.

That webm makes me angry and there's nothing I can do about it. :^)

Don't worry. Any minute now her strength and independence will kick in and girl power will flow through her and she'll be able to protect herself. Any minute now…


A few hours won't give Trump time to spin it. He at least needs a day to a few days for the leaks to pick up coverage.


It looks like the US Dept. of Defense contractors and Israeli IDF contractors have found this thread and they're spamming their gore images in order to support the Zionist faggot Donald Trump.

It's not going to work, Kikes. Your kosher crypto-Kike billionaire is going to lose, and he's going to lose BIGLY.

Bump for Trumpfaggot butthurt.


somebody should check to see if they are jimmy-jacking with the methodology mid-election in order to engineer these headlines falsely

Its bad when you miss Rach because at least it was decent enough to post a pic and let you know it was bait. These fucks try to pass off as anons but fail so badly it hits cringe territory.

This thread is like an online shill gathering

It's a subtle psychological process - of course you're not aware of it bc its a defense mechanism. Except perhaps you. For you its just useful lies, right shlomo?

Effectively no difference between Clinton, Jeb Bush, Marco Rubio, or Ted Cruz

Cruz would lose a general btw as would every other candidate besides Trump

Why do we need this media apparatus anymore? At least 90 percent of it is just pushing narratives, if not outright lies and now poll manipulations.

The lügenpresse need to have their lying mouths shut.

Oops, didn't see rach until after posting. Still rather have rach over ctr college fags.

And Donald Trump and his Kike cabal are the people to do it, right?

Do me a favor and check the sampling of Democrats in that poll.

You're going to be surprised.


first post shill never ceases to disappoint

Hello CTR. You make yourselves way too obvious, especially when you sound like you just recently came from reddit.

I know the (((Fox))) polls are rigged, but how do I convince normies they're rigged? Seeing shit like this would only convince ex-bernouts to vote Shillary.

Check the sampling of Democrats in that poll.

So what do Gravis and Pew say currently? Do I have to become a #Clintoris to back the winning team?



This is my issue as well. Trump may be a rich egomaniac who incences the leftists/kikes/globalists. But even if he wins, will he just be content to rest on his laurels being a shitlord, while everyone in the establishment cucks him until his term is up? Is he really a heroic enough person to do what REALLY needs to be done ie: major reforms, purge of establishment goons and replacing them with nationalists type stuff? Because if not, then Trump is really just false hope. He better have the view that he is going to WAR with the establishment, rather than going to convince them to join his side. This is seriously the final chance to MAGA easily.

Yes, based Hilldemon is going to win.

Now fuck off.

Faggot please

I don't know how any white man wouldn't be offended by racist, sexist comments like this.

Except the lib women are the same people that get raped, then apologize to the rapist.

This looks like some sort of homeless / junkie camp. The woman next to the one that gets knocked out is more concerned about moving her beverage.

I honestly don't care either way at this point.

The truth is, the USA is probably beyond salvaging as it is, and fracturing into smaller nations is probably the only way we're going to survive. The liberal/marxist/non-white infestation has grown to rampant to really control or beat back.

Its sort of like fighting Kudzu vines in the south eastern US states. You can pull it all up, burn the ground, salt the remains… its STILL going to grow the fuck back. Even if Trump literally reduced poverty to below the lowest in US history, increased median income by $20k a year, reduced REAL UE to under 2%, decreased cost of healthcare to pennies, restored justice and peace to the streets, and so on and so on and so on… even if he managed to do everything, literally everything, to make this country great again… liberals would still in 4 and 8 years turn around, and rally behind someone who screams and whines and claims hes the worst person ever and republicans/conservatives/"the right" is all evil and horrible and oppressing them… and they would get 10s of millions of people to support them.

We arent living in the Raygun days anymore, you may see some of those old working joe dems switch to Trump, but its not going to be a nation wide sweep, and again, in a few years, they're going to cause a stir and push their corrupt people again, and the right will likely be placated and lazy again and happy with life and not vote to much, giving them a path to victory and to once again begin the parade of shit that has ruined us.

Its entirely possibly this country cannot be saved as is, in fact its a likely possibility. Its worth trying to fix and indeed voting for Trump, but I think the outcome from him doesnt matter in the long term. Short term, yes.

I'm sure this will be read as "accelerationist" but its really not, I dont WANT things to go to shit, they just already are and I'm not sure theres a way to change that in the long run. We might just be forestalling our judgment.

Naturally none of what I've said matters if the witch wins. She'll go full ham and fuck us all, probably croak a year into office and leave Kaine in charge who will fuck it all up even more. At that point the whole thing is fucked in 2-3 years.

Another Holla Forums here–what you say is true of a certain faction of postmodern leftists but it's bullshit as a description of leftism in general, after all most scientists are at least liberal if not farther left:

And scientific-minded leftists tend to dislike and mock the postmodernists, like in the "Sokal affair":

This article has a version of the political compass for leftists, with the postmodernists who question any notion of objective reality being rated higher in "suspicion", and the liberals and Marxists being rated higher in "solidarity":

So you agree with this quote?

“The whole political space appears differently structured if we look at it from the Left or from the Right; there is no third “objective” way (for a Leftist, the political divide cuts across the entire social body, while for a Rightist, society is a hierarchic whole disturbed by marginal intruders).”

(from )

Anyway I thought scientific racists like the majority of Holla Forums should believe in evolution, which isn't really compatible with the idea that there is some kind of eternal fixed "natural order" ordained by God. If there is a God, an evolutionary God would want us to keep evolving towards states of greater goodness and knowledge and complexity, not remain stuck mindlessly parroting the traditions our ancestors forever.

that's a bunch of twaddle, faggot.

The leftist cuck media sure does make it sound like the visa-selling kebab merchant had a YUGE impact on Trump's support.

This is the mind of a kike on display - astroturf everything with lies to get the reality it wants.

Reminder that Rupert Murdoch supports mass immigration and amnesty for illegals:

The Anti-Trump Network: Fox News Money Flows into Open Borders Group

Does that poll oversamples Democrats like many other polls do?

Clinton can't even fill a high school gym in CO while thousands of people go to Trump rallies everywhere he goes:


anti-slide thread defrib


Mommy, these people don't like Trumpkins! BAN THEM!"


I agree, we should just give up. It's all over.

CTR needs another visit but one that will leave some lasting memories.

They're just spamming at this point. That's all they've got left. But hoping some autist will end up throwing physical spaghetti and sauce onto one of their operatives for the jewtube record.

I can't stand the obvious behavior of MSM and stupidity of average folk.
They read in Norwegian media about how bad Trump is, based on links to Politco, HuffPo, NYT and so on. And have "experts" in American way of living or Americanism or what the fuck they call it. They are literally professors in the field known as America. And they base their "expert opinion" on average Americans, they find in in your Media.
Wouldn't surprise me that MSM in America uses foreign experts to claim how bad Trump is.

It's black way of thinking, that you wouldn't be saying something unless it's true. And since you say it, therefor it must be true.
Invention of lying, etc etc.

It's no different than were an American journalist were to spend a year in Norway and then publish a description of indigenous Norwegian culture. So sorry Scandinavia seems so susceptible for that particular brand of American poison.

Hold on to your guns, I know you've got them.

*to that

is Hillary growing on anyone else? the more I watch of her, the more I'm convinced she isn't all that bad and Bill probably manipulated her to do all that evil shit and she's overall a nice lady with a real kind heart.

1000 hours

is Bait growing on anyone else? the more I read of it, the more I'm convinced it isn't all that bad and user probably manipulated it to do all that evil shit and it's overall a nice thing with a real quality taste.

Yeah, I get the same feeling. Trump's just too fucking unpredictable.

It doesn't hurt that Clinton's Title 17 infrastructure program paid for my grad school, and I made a killing on internet stocks in the 90s. Strong economy, good times. I miss those days.

I don't think Trump could handle the pressure tbh, he seems super high strung and emotional.

Funny you mention bait, because it appears to me that Trump is the big fish here. He always bites no matter what. He attacked a veterans Muslim parents because the dad said he hadn't read the constitution. He's so easy to bait is almost cringeworthy, remember when he was pushing the Ted Cruz's dad killed JFK stuff? Imagine for a second if Trump becomes President, makes vaccines illegal, starts investigating chemtrails, doubts we went to the moon, calls for an exploration to Antarctica to measure the flat earth…. the guy would be like a crazy old uncle, you might want to go on an adventure with him, but put him in control of the country and he loses interest in the first few weeks and just lets everything burn down.

He went on Alex Jones' show and gave an interview. I am 100% convinced Trump believes in Lizard aliens controlling the NWO, and he is just keeping his power level hidden.

If Trump was going to rest on his laurels, he would have done it years ago. He fights for the sake of fighting.

Ah, a master Angler. I see it now.

Use jew tactics against the jew. Pretend you're a crew of painters, go in, and start painting the walls with raw sewage.

Guess Holla Forums better turn to plan B then.

they stole the election from ron paul and trump too.

Jews are beta males, how do you defeat a bunch of beta males….BECOME AN ALPHA MALE.

Chad is back and taking the throne again.

every time!


Pfft, all these metro-sexual low-body-fat%-males would be the first one to scream in panic when the Happening occurs.

It can.
If he goes full 88 and finds a reason to deport anyone illegal/Obama made legal/moocher. Reminder that IF Obama is not a citizen of US as Trump himself claimed then all his laws are null and void. That week 1 repeal of all Obama's garbage that he signed.

And you're forgetting that an economic depression where 1,2 quadrillion in derivates alone will go bust in 6-12 months. Along with dollar collapsing, student bubble, even bigger real estate bubble, tech bubble and I could go on.
Versus 500 mil in 2008.
These are not the normal times where everything will go as it did until now. This will be on par with the American Revolution AND Civil War COMBINED.
He will be able to reshape the global economy to his whim if the US comes out intact.
That's also the reason why they want Hillary at the front. So she starts a WW employ and slaughter the 50% unemployed white people that the kikes provided. And start martial law at home. Then sells the country to the banks when the war drains the country.

If Trumps wins US has a chance of remaining the boss of Earth. And I say a chance. The ZOG:America WILL NOT GO DOWN withouth a fight.
If Hillary wins we get hell.

Reminder that this is a common tactic used in several european countries aswell.

The polls aren't really predicting the results, actually they are more than likely, deliberatly false. Often the actual results end up with the opposition having way more %-age of the actual voting than what was said in the polls.

They are deliberatly selecting results in favour of the certain result they want. Selecting certain types of people to ask, leave out answers and whatnot.

or you can go in there with overalls and a mask and start painting the walls with human feces.

This isnt about banging chicks, it's about fucking with CTR.

I know we're the laughing stock of Holla Forums, the kikes of Europe, etc, but in the last British general election "the experts" suggested the Conservative party were going to lose voters, leading to a Labour and SNP coalition. In fact the Conservatives gained votes and were able to send their running dog Lib Dems back to the kennel.
Pretty sure Remain was consistently polling ahead in the Brexit campaign, too.
Naturally all these polls were (((unbiased))) and in no way an attempt to meme up an outcome desired by certain parties,

Anecdotal and I still wouldn't get my hopes up, but i'm an LIbro and Trump is the most popular republican if i've seen in my lifetime around these parts. Every union guy I know who voted Obama last election are solid Trump supporters this time around. Gotta have a high energy mind set lad.


Or you just destroy everything.

I think the main issue with the methodology of the poll is that unless it was going with individually important states, it would have a heavy left lean, because the two biggest states are Leftist feel holes.

It's pretty shitty that two or three states can force the other 47 or 48 to accept presidents they don't want, and gridlock the house of reps with their pandering bullshit


National polls really don't matter

It's really just Ohio, Florida, Penn, and N. Carolina that are gonna matter, with potentially a few other states wavering

I mean,when you look like a member of a boy band with aids,you're naturally going to want girls to think real men are somehow worse than your estrogen laced ass.

I've never understood why faggotpol exists. It's not like being a leftist is politically incorrect. What, are you going to say you hate whites, as if that's something "new" and "shocking?"

They're just skewing the polls to say that, they think if they basically will her into popularity she'll actually be popular.
Most people hate Hillary's fucking guts.
The true threat is if they're doing this to justify later rigging votes.

100% approved. Saved.

Found in the comments

By LizaAnn Warren
Hillary is a losing to Trump by 3 to 1.

My fb friend PG Farnsworth and a group of his friends just finished conducting a 50 state poll, calling 1,000 people in each state. That's 50,000 people. Here are the demographics and the results:


PG Farnsworth: We have just completed our own poll since we cannot get factual information from the mainstream media!! We called 1000 homes in each of the 50 states and asked basic questions on the economy, terrorism, immigration and presidential pick.

Economy was the number one factor that Americans are concerned about and terrorism was number two.

Presidential pick was Trump by a large percentage.

Trump 33478 votes 67%
Clinton 9788 Votes 19%
Undecided or other 6739 votes 13%

My friends and I are all Graduate students from all walks of life we meet to discuss stuff. 13 people who like and have served in the Military. It took us most of two weeks to be sure our calls were to all people and not just one party or an other we called Americans.. our poll is by taking registered voter lists and we accumulated 33% repub, 33% dems and 34% ind.. our poll consisted of 1000 calls per state. all 50 states. 50,000 people are in this poll not the 100 like other polls."


Yeah no. It switched to leans Republican over a decade ago, and has been solidly Republican ever since.