Obama Ignores TPP Criticism Because ‘I’m The President, And I’m For It’

Obama Ignores TPP Criticism Because ‘I’m The President, And I’m For It’

The future of the Trans-Pacific Partnership (TPP) may look bleak, but that won’t stop President Barack Obama, who continues to push forward in the face of strong opposition from both Democrats and Republicans.

During his joint press conference with Singaporean President Lee Hsien Loong Tuesday, Obama indicated he will attempt to move ahead with TPP despite numerous political challenges.

While there are few things Democratic nominee Hillary Clinton and Republican nominee Donald Trump agree on, both are adamantly opposed to TPP. Addressing the criticisms from the candidates, Obama said, “They’re coming from sincere concern about the position of workers and wages in this country. But, I think I’ve got a better argument.” He continued, “We are part of a global economy. We’re not reversing that. It can’t be reversed.”

Obama stated, “Right now. I’m the president, and I’m for it.”

Obama acknowledged that opponents of TPP do have a number of legitimate concerns, but he pointed out that “trying to pull up a drawbridge on trade would only hurt us and our workers.”

At the arrival ceremony, Lee supported Obama’s position, saying that Singapore hopes “that Congress will ratify the TPP soon.” He added, “Not only will the TPP benefit American workers and businesses, it will send a clear signal, and a vital signal, that America will continue to lead in the Asia Pacific.”

Regardless of the outcome, the future of TPP will have a dramatic impact on American credibility in the Asia Pacific. Failure to ratify the deal could American credibility and, as a top U.S. trade official said last week, hand China “the keys to the castle.” Nonetheless, the odds that Obama will be able to successfully get the deal passed are decidedly slim. Several key congressional leaders on both sides of the aisle remain hesitant or unwilling to ratify the deal.

Obama hopes that once the election is over and the dust settles, officials will seriously consider the deal, rather than kick it around as a “political football.”


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Wait, even shillary is against the TPP?

Where is TPP in the process of becoming reality?

This is the same as merkel sticking to her rapefugee stance despite the people being against it. We need to remind these cunts that they are elected to serve us and they are there to impliment our will, not what they believe personally.

He is almost certainly just placating someone with these comments as he wont be around when it comes to pass. Who is the driving force behind this? Without even knowing that id bet money they donated serious amounts to obongos campaigns.


Nah, she's just pretending. Why else would the State Department refuse to release her emails about the TPP until after the election?

She had to say she is otherwise Trump will destroy her. She supports it big league.

She was the last of the nominees to oppose it (flip-flopped is a better term), and she was completely in favor of it until she realized (too late) it's political suicide to support it.

So no, she's not against it.

Trying to get various nations to ratify it with varying degrees of success
A lot of the SE asian nations are realizing that TPP means war with China in the near future since a big part of it is economic blockade

Alright, even though it's an act I suppose it would be nice to bring up when discussing with other normalfags though:


Ah id been wondering about the reasons behind it for a while. Hurting china economically seems reasonable.

With how china is being quite bold in the south china sea and not backing down from the us. I can see other nations being wary of siding with the us if their country is so much closer geographically.

No one likes the Chinese, but then again, none of them like the US either, nor do they think the US will fight for them

Obama will be pissing off a lot of already angry Americans I'd he ultimately pushes this thing through.

He's gonna have to face the consequences of rhe general public's jusgemebt he ignores them.

He's HNIC so he doesn't need a second opinion. What's kingship for if you can't flaunt your power and ignore the unwashed masses?

Trump should use this to deport jews and spics.

Good let china kill them selfs in bad industry practices that get people killed and cover their citys in smog so thick you can eat it out of the air, I don't want to lead the world, fuck the world king nigger, America first and America only.

If I remember right, I'm pretty sure she had quite a lot to do with making it in the first place.

Although I might be wrong and thinking of Obamacare.

So in other words "fuck off, you ungrateful, ignorant peasants; you're never getting your economy back"

This. I really hate this fucking nigger so damn much.


Holy shit he flat out admits it would be bad but then says "too bad."

Why do supporters of these programs love to repeat this meaningless argument? Even if we accepted that some empirically valid boundary was crossed in recent history from [non-globalized] to [globalized] (which nobody's bothered to clarify), why would that be an argument for opening the floodgates? Seems like the same fact could be used to argue that the floodgates should be reinforced.

No she is for it. Bernie was against it, and his supporters were unable to get the position adopted at the convention.


what the hell

From point of view of strategy for the entity "USA", TPP is good.

Without a very serious shekels incentive, countries in the region will just start to broker alliances with China.

And since one of the dreams of Holla Forums mods libtards LARPers across boards is to "we gun defang dem gooks", it is kill.

He can't. The most he can do is fast track it and he did that last year. With both parties opposing it, he can't do more than wave his fist angrily at the congress.

this is horrible, hillary does better at talking than he does and she has fucking brain damage.

Can you faggot weebs ever post anything masculine? It's so obvious that you're leftists.

That's how arrogant these globalist shits are man. They talk down to people and explain everything like they're talking to 5 year olds.

dont forget niggers

and arabs


The Lolbergs love the TPP. Here's James Quall saying he'd sign it.

spaghettiiiii and meatballllls


He's on his way out and just doing whatever he wants. Fucking nigger.

Can I get something to read about why the TPP is bad? The consequences are unknown to me.

Every nation gains from more imports than exports, it means your economy is something that other nation's want to engage in and buy from. Example: Japanese cars are preferred to cars made in China, therefore Chinese people will buy Japanese cars even though that benefits the Japanese economy more than it does the Chinese economy. The US has been the economic/military powerhouse of the world, right up until the '70s, when we pulled out from Vietnam, OPEC hurt our reputation with it's oil-embargo, stagflation, and we finally started to have more exports than imports, and a ridiculously high deficit began. The TPP, like NAFTA, and other trade deals, benefits every other country besides the US, it means Cambodia and Vietnam will take potential American jobs because multi-national firms that may or may not be based in the US will move their factories overseas because of lowered tariffs. TPP sucks jobs out of the country and naturally countries right beside China are going to encourage China to join in later, and China indirectly benefits as it is.

Do you mean "gains more from exports than imports"?
Anywho, thank you for writing that up, user; I appreciate it.

But these globalists need to hang after being tortured.

Yeah that's I meant.

Selling more good, buying more bad.

Hes stuttering because hes trying to think up differnt words from the truth he has in head, i can see it, he wants to say one thing but he has to think of a different way to say it, king nigger is actually better at it then shillery when she had that slip.

So is the TPP just another disaster like NAFTA or is it something a little deeper?

NAFTA cost about American 700,000 jobs; TPP will cost 2 million American jobs. Even if you just scratch the surface it's fucking awful, though you're right to think there's probably more to it than that.

See I really don't get how policies like this even pass. Who in America is even supposed to benefit? Trade deals like these only say, "You want how much to do this job?! Seven year old Ping in China will do it for $2 an hour!" Is bread and circus the only thing the average American cares about? I mean, fuck. It's the same thing with immigration. There is certainly a price I will pick lettuce for but the wet backs are bringing it down.

So when people say, "Free trade always leads to more wealth," they're just talking about countries like China/Malaysia/Nigeria and not the U.S. or E.U. countires?

Because that's the impression I'm getting.

Do you really have to ask


kek, he's really living up to his King Nigger name

You should stop answering to these basic questions. IT's just shills trying to shit up the thread with answers. Most of this stuff easily accessible by lurking.

That and as Obama just argued, we look super-progressive and futuristic! Cargo containers, am I right?

Anytime someone mentions the notion of other countries taking our jobs all a liberal has to do is make a reference to the south park joke.

If the answer was obvious I would agree, but explaining what the TPP does benefits the discussion as it's not a very simple topic.


Not even Bernie is against it, since he is a #shillmissile now.

Gary Johnson is pro-TPP too, although (((Jill Stein))) is supposedly against it (probably as against it as Sanders, ready to sell the goyim out as soon as it becomes convenient).


But user, Mexicans are hardworking and Americans are lazy! There are "help wanted" signs everywhere and no one is applying! /sarcasm

The people who argue for free trade, especially economists, are generally upper-middle to upper class
They're not affected by the loss of jobs and they generally benefit from the lower prices. They also make the assumption that everyone is equally interchangeable, that factory worker who lost his job? Well he can just go be a consultant now or move across the country
t. econ grad student

Bullshit. Hillary was for nafta before she was against it before she was for it before she was against it… just like for TPP she was for it, against it, for it, against it… she has no public stance on anything other than "whatever people currently will support me for saying"

In truth, the bitch is a globalist, but wants as much personal power and fame as possible.Though part of me is starting to think, given her health, that she doesnt expect to be president for long. Long enough to do a few things, then have to resign due to health issues, and thatll put Kaine in the seat of power after the first year, and he'll go full fucking ham with globalist policies, and naturally the 2020 elections would be rigged to hell, if the GOP didnt fracture before then and become irrelevant due to the constant shit the GOPe is doing to undermine voters and has been for the last year which also makes their blatant anti-paul actions in 2012 even more apparent for people, which raises people to think "how long have they been undermining our voters?" Which DNC people re questioning now for their party as well.

It would be neat to see the two major parties completely dissolve and be replaced with non-corrupt parties, but I doubt itll happen if the media and powers in control can rig and sway this election for hillary despite everything thats happened already.

But yeah, original point, bitch aint anti-tpp, she just says that shit to get votes and appease bernie voters who are in majority not going to vote for her

So if treaties must be ratified by the Senate to have an effect in the US, why does what the president says matter?
Shouldn't all the senators be watched and viewed for whether they will ratify or not?


That's something I've been thinking too. Trade deals are passed by the Congress. So both Trump and Hillary are posturing? Unless there's some process I don't know… where the president can reject to sign the deal into life.

Don't bring this point up at all. It only draws votes away from Trump.

B-B-But what about Y-Y-YES WE CAN?

If you are explained things like a 5 year old, you're more inclinedd to answer like a 5 year old. That's the point.

As too my knowledge, the president can sign, but the Senate ratifies.
So the US has signed many treaties, but ratified, and thus made law, vastly fewer.

Its a lot like the EO complaints, the powers are clearly defined, and have very sharp edges.
They also can't approach a lot of parts, so its just words and posturing to an unthinking public.

So it seems King Nigger already signed the trade deal. That means it's only up to Senate now to ratify.

Suppose God Emperor gets into office (forget about Hillary she's saying what people want to hear but is committed to TPP), what would Trump be able to do to defeat it in the Senate? Couldn't they just ignore him? I suppose Trump would have the power to come out in full attack to TPP which would put pressure on anyone who thinks to vote Yes



Or it might not even get to that, they just dump it before the vote phase.


If its 2/3rds or more, the Senate passes regardless.

And you mean its always been up to the Senate, signing does nothing.


Nah, its now on the vote page until a president withdraws it.

As sophisticated as one of those fellas could get.

And that's being half-white human too.

He wants this bill passed to ensure the best retirement package.

our workers

Revolt you fucking coward motherfuckers you are literally insane for allowing this nigger to say this and run your nation

cnn.com/2015/06/15/politics/45-times-secretary-clinton-pushed-the-trade-bill-she-now-opposes/ (archive.is/9Dffo)

Just when you think Shildog can't get any worse.

One more compelling reason why she should never be allowed a position of prominence within our government again.

he used to be a great speaker during the senator days, what happened to him? globalists whittle him down that much?

9 seconds. 9 seconds was all I could put up with that webm.

This fucking traitorous nigger.

lmao, always knew Gary Johnson reminded me of someone.



fuck off with your sliding nigger