The media's neverending attacks on Donald Trump

Have you noticed the blatant media bias and outright attacks against Donald Trump?
Over the last few days they have ramped up their operation and now in barrage mode and constantly run multiple stories about Clinton "looking presidential", while Trump makes another gaffe or something that causes republicans to defect. It is so one sided and over the top that it makes the last few weeks of Anti-Trump propaganda seem mild in comparison. What is going on?

pic related: The front page of the Clinton News Network.

Other urls found in this thread:^google|twcamp^serp|twgr^author’ll-need-three-full-days-and-nights

They never use a great photo of him.
He's always looking grumpy and annoyed in the pics they use.

I believe some of it might be orchestrated.

We've gone beyond soviet-level propoganga. Media is now on the level of North Korea, they literally just push lies to manipulate reality. I really had no idea that the country was this far gone, I used to just assume that there was something in place that prevented news organizations from doing this. The only way out would be to kill every liberal in the country and genocide the welfare leech caste, but that's not going to happen any time soon.

Here's another report on the subject. Watch the whole thing. It is truly surreal.

Clearly they hate Donald Trump and would attack him no matter what, but i've never seen this kind of intensity.

It's a scientific attack, but it's so over the top. At some point even the normies should wise up to the propaganda.

The shilling on reddit, 4chan, and the internet in general is overwhelming. They're everywhere.

Are you new here?

funny how regressives think they're fighting the system, when they're being perfectly good goys slurping up that pozzed media narrative.

Meanwhile on abc "news"
The Hollande story on the right is : "Donald Trump's comments make stomach turn"


This a good representation of the jewish mind at work, user.
Not the outright writers of the columns or even editors.
The owners are all jews.
And they demand constant character assasination.

This has been happening from the time of Christ. Read their holy books and you will see how Jesus is swimming in boiling shit in hell.
This is the only way they can deal with enemies. Coercing others to attack for them. That's why there are so much of them in law.

The only difference with the present time is the motherfucking internet.
Basically anone can fastcheck it on some other independent/more credible sites or go straight to his twitter annd see what he has to say about the attack.

The Jews are becoming a dinosaur in information distribution. And Trump is bringing them to extinction.

They never use a good picture.
I mean look at it. What is that?
It must be one of the worst pictures they could find.

It's an all out blitz. Don't be surprised if it continues this way all the way into November.


No user, and I don't think anyone else here has

What are the normalfags saying about this?

Is anyone besides the usual supects, cucks, and liberals falling for this?

that was all expected, what scares me is how bad he is in handling this, instead of using the attacks to spread his message and policies, he fuels worthless headlines with quite frankly idiotic comments. hopefully he wakes the fuck up and start using his "smarts" again.

What's scary is, they are orchestrating this to manipulate reality, and if it ends up working(!), they will see it as a jumping off point to ramp up the propoganda and pull this shit constantly going forward. And then what the hell will they convince people of next. This is far beyond dangerous, it's quite literally apocalyptic. The election isn't even about Trump v Hillary anymore. If outright lying to manipulate people proves successful, then western society is over.

I'm now convinced that Khan could have come out and slipped on a banana peel, get taken out on a stretcher, never even deliver the speech, and the media would still be running this narrative.

The GOP establishment condemnations are the giveaway. General, pre-written nonsense that has nothing to do with anything.

Trump will lose. Not even he can withstand the full MSM attack against him. They even brought back Jon Leibowitz. It just won't end.

Two things:

1. JournoList
2. GameJournoPros

Don't think the second one is any less significant than the first one because it was video games related.

Call me a cynic, but i don't think it's a coincidence that they put up a story about a crash-landing right next Donald either.

They are now pushing that Trump said "Why cant we use nukes" and their source is "Someone told me who heard him say that.

Nice one David

Here's CNNs current homepage.

Msnbc is pushing the non-story of his tax-returns. As if anyone cares.
And of course they even got Obama's BFF Warren Buffet to "call out" Donald Trump.


I think that even they will start to notice and get sick of this.
The media is so oversaturated in their hate and zealousness that they don't see how they are losing the confidence and grip over the masses.

Absolutely surreal and they never ever use a good picture of him.

Nice trips , They need to remember that our patience has limits.

i have no idea what you're talking about

you know those little bits after commercials or inbetween shows where they show pictures of the campaigns? Hillary is always in a pristine pose while Trump always has a stupid face or does something silly

fucking annoying

Poor MSNBC. Between Scarborough pushing the David Duke thing like it was bigger than Iraq and 9/11 put together and the whoopsies moment when they cut to a black Trump supporter at a rally saying to knock it off with the race-baiting, you'd think they'd have learned by now.

Reddit's politics section.

they really only look for the worst ones holy shit

trump should personally write a letter of thanks to the heads of each one of these media companies for all the free ads they've given him, along with a copy of his book with a bookmark on page 56

My father likes Trump but is getting frustrated. He says Trump just needs to be quiet and not do stupid things. He wonders if Trump is throwing the election. He talked with me last night about it.

Yeah that sub turned anti Trump real quick.

Speaking of the "conservative" wsj
This is their U.S. election section.


Newest attack is 'Morning Joe' claiming that trump asked 3 times about using nuclear weapons with an international policy expert.

Wow. They really are going all out.

call me a shill if you want but i agree with your father, Trump is doing a lot of stupid things and shotting himself in the head, he is doing one of the biggest strategic mistakes there is "dancing to the enemy tone" instead of changing them to spread his message. I don't what is happening but i'm worried.

This Morning Joe?

Like there is any force cohesive, organized and entrenched enough to control ALL of the media.

look if by this point you still follow the normal media on this, you're an idiot

whatever Trump does or doesnt do, the media will ALWAYS find new shit to throw at him

if he shuts up they'll just start digging in his past, his kids' past, or whatever else to make him look bad

he just has to double down on everything because honestly, he hasn't said anything really bad the media just fakes outrage every fucking time


Check out how the Wall Street Journal mixes things up.
Here they have removed the hitpiece about Trump University and replaced it with "Hewlett-Packard republican CEO endorses Clinton"
This is their idea of journalism.

It is very frustrating how he seems to just keep blundering into this shit. Every attack against him he should use to directly call out Hillary's misconduct by referencing the FBI hearings, the rigged polling stations where Sanders votes magically evaporated, the weapons deals she made with Saudi Arabia and the UAE and their ties to the Clinton Foundation.

But instead it's basically just us here fighting the good fight. and hell, I'll never stop, but the time and effort we put into staying informed and collecting info isn't used by the people who matter most!

conspiracy theorist detected
I urge all anons to disregard this post

Well there was this Journo Pro List

These are completely manufactured non-stories, that Trump that did not originate with Trump. Completely manufactured.

Press Conference about U.S.-Singapore Relations
They can't help themselves. Donald Trump had nothing to do with the reason for the conference, yet the first question (from CBS reporter Margaret Brennan) was about Trump. Obama says Trump is unfit to be president (for criticizing a gold star family) and that being president means getting things right, while in the second part of his answer admitting (in a roundabout way) that they (the US & NATO) destabilized the region, causing the rise of ISIL and the immigration crisis. Thankfully, Pence pointed this out this up later.

But then CBS couldn't even air what Pence's response.

Thing is the media hasn't had to lie recently. The baby, Purple Heart, dead muzzie soldier. It's turning normalfag Trump supporters off.

This nation needs Trump. He needs to win.

It was really bad when Ron Paul was running and they tried their best to paint him as a cooky racist, but what they're doing to Trump right now is 10 times worse.
is right, this is some pravda-level hate-storm

Here in Croatia they actually made some hitpiece about how Hillary Clinton is the "reasonable" choice because she's "reasonable" unlike Trump. In the comments section I have never seen a bigger blowback against the Lügenpresse in my life, not even when they were trying to assure us that those rapefugees are all women and children and that they're all neurosurgeons, engineers and quantum physicists.

You mean the soldier who had his death basically made up, the actually incident was far different that was said to have happened
Not to mention the family being big proponents of islamic migration into the US

they are user, but he should USE this to his favor instead of just throwing mud and giving them more ammo which is exactly what they want. He is dancing to their tone and he will lose if he continue to do so, all he has to do is attack Killary, how bad she really is and show How much better he will be instead of going into tangents.

It's really sad how you saw all those people at Dr. Paul's convention but didn't get elected.
I guess he should have shitposted more so that the media would have been "forced" to talk about him.

But this time, it's the right one.

It isn't just TV and print media, dude. They are censoring on sites like plebbit and faceberg, where most people get 99% of their information.

No OP, not at all.

all these things are so minor, if the media focused in the same way on Hillary as they do on Trump there'd be daily gaffes like these, probably multiple per day

The only reason trump underperform in polls is because of the shame and peer pressure effect , When Election comes and Third Party voters dont come close near polling numbers people will lose their shit, and call the Trump win rigged , Shit will hit the fan that day and demoralizing shills like you will be in full despair.

also because the polls are beyond skewed

voter fraud is in the light of day now and still nobody fucking sees it

He calls out Hillary all day everyday you just never hear about it because they bury it in a sea of bullshit and overblown nonsense.

Hillary has committed multiple verifiable felonies. Media doesn't say shit about it, FBI let's her off the hook.

It's getting bloody ridiculous in Europe.

The papers don't only regurgitate Huff Po-styled articles, they make up shit as well.
And nobody calls them out on it.

I've been Trump's vocal supporter from the start, and the amount of "gotcha, look at the guy now lol" type comments I have received lately is something else.

i have the exact same problem in my circle of friends

i tell them all the good things i know they agree with on trump and then some stupid article comes out and they're like 'haha he's such an idiot look'

Where are you from? Here in Croatia everyone is calling out the Lügenpresse whenever they write a slander piece on Trump. Maybe that's just what living in an ex-commie country does to you because back then every press was the lyin' press.

Our countries are, in part, being sunk by these smug, duplicitous, and effeminate journalists.

And I bet some of the more brainwashed cucks really think they are standing up against evil, that this is their 1933 moment or something.

It's some stupid nonsense buzzword from gaymergate, just like "horseshoe theory"

Stop whining faggots. We're in a war for the very survival of the Western civilization.

Did you really expect Satan to play nice? Just man the fuck up and fight back.


Most people I know trust the media completely, which is funny because our state-owned media are old stalinists and the major commercial press is filled with neo-trotskyite greens.
And no one can see these obvious biases they have. Especially the Helsinging sanomat are cracking down on Trump at the same rate they praised Obongo in 2008.

It can get extremely frustrating.

I got a lot of use from the Molyneux "Untruth about Trump" videos. He should make an updated one concerning the recent slander campaigns.

I really feel like this mass tattle-tale mentality is one of the most frightening aspects of currentyear thinking, and it's why after a full calendar year, the media is still trying to "catch" Trump saying the "wrong" thing.

But now we've crossed over into outright making shit up and that's terrifying. Megyn Kelly arguing with Huckabee on this was very illuminating, she was visibly breaking down because she NEEDS this to be true so badly, even though she was the one who reported on clock-kid being a hoax. Exact same thing with Shep Smith during the Munich shooting last week. He wanted it to be a right-winger wearing neo-nazi boots so badly that he simply started making things up on the spot while saying that "all signs point to right wingers" when there wasn't any signs whatsoever.

CNN had a segment yesterday where they seriously questioned Trump's mental health.

We know from the DNC leak that Morning Joe was forced to shill for Hillary after being too favorable to Hernie. The cuck even admitted as much when the leaks came about, saying "the system is rigged" in response to a tweet about it.

there's literal published documentation that Trump is in much better than health than the average 50 year old, let alone 70 year old, from his own renowned physician

meanwhile "dr" drew talks about trannies and sex addiction he needs to GO IN THE FUCKING BOG

(((Dr. Drew)))

Most people here still think it was a nazi who shot them, that he admired Breivik and shot only "ethnics".

Never mind he was fucking iranian and yelled "allahu akbar" while shooting.

where's hillary?

Especially the "alt right" and "WN" media.

Have we seen Hillary's health records? Why doesn't she release her health records? What does she have to hide?

that's a joke, right? you just cannot be THAT retarded.

To be fair to dr. Drew he doesn't really take the bait. The kikery in this clip is basically Don Nigger Faggot Lemon being a Clinton stooge

Yeah right, cause I totally have a full on media empire at my hands here.

Sure and overton window is also a spook.Just like Streisand effect a world from 2005 is a buzzword from gamergate. If you cant understand that human social behaviour has an influence in politics then they really get low quality shills . Hillary Demographics is a lot weaker compared to Trump becausue half their base is millenials bernie voters, they are way more likely to throw their vote away in third party candidates than trump demographics .

You would realize that if you didnt shut down everything that may doubt your particular vision of the world , Like how Narture vs Nurture debate is totally ignored by hyper individualism.
In order to maintain the narrative and your narrow vision of the world you must deny everything that may prove it to be wrong.

Probably five or six different illnesses.



Dude I had someone tell me that the people who beheaded the priest in Normandy were "white french men" and "had nothing to do with islamic extremists".

These people are just fucking delusional.

I thought you Finnbros would be more based, here the only ones who trust media are either stupid spoiled city kids or people who are going to die of old age soon anyway.

Neither of those are real things. They are just buzzwords that caught on here during goymergate. There is no horse shoe and no Streisand effect. Anybody who knows anything does not take these seriously.

It's devastating, because the media has no credibility but their ability to put out and relentlessly push a message seems to still have a great impact on people.

Don't fall for the lies of the media and the shills.

Their latest dirty trick is pretending that Trump is falling apart, his campaign is in shambles, and that he's loosing those closest to him.

Its all lies.
Do not let these liars, thieves, and dishonest crooks demoralize you.

Has anyone else noticed that Steven Colbert seems to not like Trump?

Has anyone else noticed that CNN is kind of one sided?

Has anyone else noticed Megan Kelly got pushed harder after fighting with Trump?

Has anyone else noticed that Bill Orielly only pretends to like Trump?

Has anyone else noticed that most Jews dislike Trump's policies?

Has anyone else noticed there are a lot of Jewish news anchors sitting next to bald niggers?

Has anyone else noticed that kek appears in their bathroom mirror when they fap the Ivanka?

Has anyone else noticed how shitty Holla Forums Holla Forums has become in the last 4-6mnths?

Has anyone else noticed that Christianity seems, I don't know, like not really true?

Has anyone else noticed that most people are fucking hairless apes?

Has anyone else noticed that niggers are the worst of all the races but the best as being funny like a funny monkey?

Amazing. Even this thread got taken over by shills.

i refuse to watch cnn's drivel any longer, the fact that (((drew))) went on in the first place for that particular topic is reason enough for him to hang

at least 8ch isn't as thoroughly comprised as 4chan is

People on Halfchan keep talking about 8ch so obviously we'll have a few shills.

Good vid, my ears perked up at the title of this article:

Ironically, I think if Papa Joe were alive today he would find even more support for his crusade than when he was alive, even at the peak of the Red Scare.

Tuesday, November 8, 2016, They day that the narrative start to crumble , Enjoy the ride, It will make you free one way or the other.

wew heiled, batten down the hatches boys and LEAN IN

Google jews in the media, such a coincidence

If someone could share Trumps tweet on the halfchan trump general I'd appreciate it. Maybe someone already has, but I can't do it.

perma'd for starting a thread about milk.

To me, yes, he is bull rushing through them.

However, Don has about 40 IQ points on me and has built a real estate empire in a city run by (((wall street))).

So im willing to give him some leeway in this and say he probably knows exactly what he is doing. After all, he is a nimble navigator


They know people don't care if they depict him as crass or insensitive so they're trying to portray him as weak, shaky, stupid instead.

Negores are closer to Bonobos than Europeans

They got to Mika (But she still gets wet for the Don in secret)


My (((local paper)))'s front page headlines have been nothing but forced memes against Trump or for Clinton

He's preparing his "third act" (as in a movie) and he wants to appear more "presidential" (whatever this horseshit means) and less scary.
To undecided voters he's "scary", to us he's not radical enogh.

My dad says similar bullshit to me. He tells me that he doesn't like what he is hearing. I tell him to stop watching the fucking propaganda.

They were both every bit as clueless about Trump as the rest of the media was, the only difference was that they were willing to play devil's advocate a bit.

Scarborough like everyone else has said so much stupid shit during this campaign you start to wonder if has any of his own insights at all.

Thank God Trump likes wrestling and can snuff out a phony narrative when he sees one. Holy Christ already with this shit.

A message to the Donald?

this is absolute bullshit, the man is suing the fuck out of the faggot who leaked info about campaign infighting about corey to the tune of what, 20 million?


Too bad your average citzen cant smell such bullshit, media is making Hillary look like a saint by bashing Trump 24/7. They tend to get dis-motivated and accept things for granted too easily.
Best way is to spread info and show how the media is being manipulative.

goy's, remember to mention the lugenpresse every chance you get

6% approval rating folks

As soon as the Clinton News Network ran a story on Trump eating fried chicken with utensils as a bad thing, I knew MSM integrity had hit absolute zero.

holy fuck they actually reported on that

jesus wept

That's putting it mildly. They are worshipping at her feet.

Every single picture a compliment.

As if every picture was approved by the Clinton campaign

They are also pushing Chelsea, because Shillary is an unlikable Witch.

Remind me again how many tours Bernie and Hillary did back in the 60's.

Yeah if you leave Holla Forums its the Clinton Ministry of Truth. Highly triggering, and the real problem is normies aren't aware they are living in a bubble.

Well that picture is unnaturally calming

That was an in depth report.

normalfags generally just don't fucking care. The main reason why they arn't redpilled is their general apathy to anything in the big picture. They probobly already know the media is shit, but as long as they arn't shoving it in the iminate vicinity of the normalfag circles, they don't mind.

they are tying their own ropes


More at 11

Hey, nobody said it was going to be a fair fight. By that I mean unfair for the media. Their biggest strength is their biggest weakness, remember?


Good lord. The propaganda is out of control.

How is it possible to lose weight and end up looking twice as bad as you did before?

This gave me a boner.

Jesus christ what happened to that guy? He looks like shit now.

into the trash he went

its mostly just a sort of "conversation starter" to get normalfags talking. They state something agreeing with the mainstream, the other normies aknowlage as true or something else, then shit derails into more personal matters. The Trump-Bashing is not important for the normalfag to really think about, just another way to either "hang out" with their (((friends))) or get the old social boost.

Such a contrast.


That likely just shattered any sense of realism in media reports. And since such a thing is perfect normalfag conversation starting material, many of them are even MORE distrustful of the (((media))) now!

This is still going on. We just need someone to leak it.

Also, some GG journos did the same thing called GamePornoPros or something. Not kidding.


ABC's This Week In Pictures.

it's like this every week, on every fucking channel

It's a media coordinated saturation bombing of "bad news".

Hard to believe what I'm seeing.

This is all just to cover up the leaks. Shine the spotlight on Trump, blow up his mistakes, if any and make him the story, while the DNC and CF leaks slip away quietly.

Can they keep up this pitch straight through until November?

Is this even their final form?

If you guys haven't watched it yet, take a look at .
It's a great summary of what is happening in the media right now.

My mom used to work for the news and she is completely aware of the liberal bias and corruption. She's perfectly fine with it because it keeps the "bad guys" out of office. I don't know how you can live with this much cognitive dissonance.

3-4 days of extremely negative press and the establishment cucks come crawling out of their sheds. It's vile behavior.

Won't this backfire? If you are talking so much about Trump, you are promoting his name.

Shouldn't they be making way more positive stories about Hillary, Clintons and dropping a few hit pieces on Trump, so people see the difference between the two and go "yeah Clinton is the best". If you are just flooding news with hit pieces on Trump it will have the reverse effect because people will start to get suspicious.

They are so fucking stupid, a NEET like me is able to understand it but they aren't.

Every media station doing 24-7 coverage on why not to vote for trump?

I feel like they're going to try newspapers next and assaulting people with newspapers dissing trump.

Good goy.

Trump is great for how he dominates everything and drives libshits and globalists insane. Fighting them would be impossible otherwise.

On the flip side of that, it's hard to argue any real principles with normal fucks because they're so fixated on him being a big meanie.

penn jilette looks like a pile of skin with glasses

he should've stayed fat

meant for


It's always been like this, but (((they))) are genuinely scared this time.
This is do or die for their NWO, and they are going all out.
What they didn't account for was the memes.
The memes are an outpouring of our ancient racial spirit, awoken from it's induced slumber and preparing to destroy it's enemies once again in a spectacular explosion of glory and violence.
It's Armageddon time boys.

I get that the journalists themselves are pretty much all Democrats, but I wish they'd just do their fucking jobs even if they aren't gonna go full-throated anti-Hillary, at least report the stuff Trump's putting out there. A lot of it is massive degrees of corruption that people need to know about.

and they still continue to ignore the DNC emails as always.

Only 6 percent of American's trust the media anymore, and their viewership is so low that even fucking Molyneaux and AJ get more views per week than MSNBC, considering all the places like breakrooms, waiting rooms, where news is played etc. which technically count as viewership its even less than that. What we do need to worry about it Facebook, the vast majority of Americans get their news from social media which is completely compromised and manipulated, while giving the impression of being legitimate and organic simply because it is nature to pay more attention to what friends and family repost than what the talking head on the TV says. Twitter psyops are essential in this election.

They are all implicated in the corruption user, they will not report on this stuff.

EXCELLENT VIDEO. shared with my normies on kikebook. red piling is a slow process, this video is a good slow burner.

Its amazing how much Fox News is shilling this Khan story against Trump.

Joe looks at child porn. Someone told me about it 3 months ago. Rev up those tweets.

you have got to be fucking kidding me, they ran out of lies so now they are just trolling.

Penn Jillette doesn't drink or do drugs. He has to have some vice.

Who wants to bet it's tranny dick that gave him AIDS?

Folks may begin to notice that Trump says a lot of positive stuff about traditionally Democratic groups. Hillary and her supporters don't appear to have anything positive to say about white goys. The media uses "white males without college degrees" as code for "nose-picking, provincial idiots" who need to get out of the way of muh progress.

That's what happens when you don't also lift.

Concern trolling 101. You don't belong here.

This sure looks familiar, another concern troll.

Well look at this, SAMEFAGGING. Look at the sentence structure and grammar. Will copypaste this to see how many of you are using a script.

Looks familiar.

mixing it up

What user uses that word unironically?

He's going all out, looks like GG is his trigger

Any white guy that votes Trump should just be castrated.

streisand effect is basically bullshit, if it wasn't everyone in the world would know about pedowood.

is it really though?


One thing that stands out to me about this media assault over the past 4-5 days is that none of Trump's positions have changed. And he's also added no new major policies. He's promoting the same message that he was six months ago and before.

Nothing is different except the coordinated establishment attack.

They are complete cucks as well as race traitors and do not have the excuse of being women who are easily brainwashed. They shouldn't reproduce.

$0.02 has been deposited into your account, by Correct the Record, keep up the good work !

i would call Bullshit on that but it kind makes sense, he is a egomaniac( great thing for a president, pride won't let him fail to deliver his promises) and love the spotlight so it's not far fetch to think he is watching MSM shiting on him, getting angry at them and then going crazy.

Oh shit, just realized I said Trump, I meant to say Clinton.

damn lad, had me getting irate over here

you should really kill yourself

you don't like being called out, do you?

They don't mention whop this ally is.
Just a link to this article;

"Manafort not challenging (Trump) anymore," Manafort's ally wrote. "Mailing it in. Staff suicidal."

After I tweeted those remarks, Trump campaign spokesman Jason Miller wrote to me, "The idea that Paul Manafort's mailing it in is completely erroneous. Our campaign just finished up our strongest month of fundraising to date, we're adding talented and experienced staffers on a daily basis, and Mr. Trump's turning out bigger, more enthusiastic crowds than Hillary Clinton ever could."

The democrats are coordinating with their media allies to keep this anti trump narrative dripping all the way to the convention debate. I don't know if there's anything a grass roots movement can do to lodge the media off this attack. It'll take a huge headline story or event to break the media off.

A lot of people just have no conception of how easy it is to lie to them. Most people believe if they were told a lie they would become suspicious,

It is crazy how much the media is relying on the most base of influence/manipulation tactics at this point. Hell, in the past the media at least sort of hid their influence under a layer of implications, but now it has practically devolved to:

Keep trying to blend in. You aren't on the subscription list of common IPs that our mods share with us.

So keep mimicking us, it doesn't matter, we will give you enough rope to hand yourselves with.

Look at that appropriated inappropriate use of Holla Forums language being shoehorned into a post to blend in. I pointed out the consistencies in 3 different posters and one appears to be samefagging.

Make that (2) faggot.

We are smarter than you, and we do it for free, nigger.

calling out on what? it's because i'm not saying Trump is absolutely perfect and he is making some mistakes which the MSM will explode out of proportions and use to attack him day after day( if he doesn't make mistakes they will create one), but he should re-frame the attacks to his advantage instead of simply doing exactly what they want which is getting off message. tell me exactly how that makes me a shill without throwing a tantrum.

if all you have to say is call everybody a shill you should just kill yourself worthless vermin

It's mostly shocking because they're lighting themselves on fire in an attempt to burn Trump

Oh, Jesus…are you kidding?
It's gotten so thick and blatant it's almost surreal. I've seen quite a few presidential elections & I've NEVER seen anything like this. They must be scared out of their minds that Trump might take power.

If it weren't so astounding it would almost be funny. They couldn't possibly be more obvious about it, and I can't help but believe that most normies are so sick of hearing this drivel that they're not even bothering with the articles at all…after all, when you keep harping day and night, 24/7 about any subject, people eventually just turn you off.

And have you seen all the paid shills all over the net? They're obvious as hell, too, always spouting the same talking points, injecting one-liners without substance in order to get on their next DNS & get as many shots in as possible…probably paid a shekel a post, so they have no time for quality, just quantity.

Yea, it's never been this bad, as far back as I can remember. Trump has them shaken.

There it is again folks, that predetermined, memorized anti-shill, kill yourself refutation he was taught to use in his 2 hours training video this weekend.

Do you call trump supporters that on Twitter on your own time to unwind?

It's been a complete full court press against him since the DNC ended. Got into my car before right as one of those top of the hour news bulletins started that separate the commercial breaks on talk radio.

you are acting very much like a liberal. Especially with the sheer butthurt on the striessland effect. And you are being very demoralizing. We already know your type takes a mile when we give you an inch.

Reported for obvious paid shill.

Huh, I was wondering how you guys did that.

This infighting is what Hillary wants

cut this shit out.

This was also on a "conservative" station btw.

yep. When the (1)men come it gets snarky.

Not a single argument, not a single refute, nothing besides "your are a shill because i don't like what you wrote" like a 10 year old imbecile, this is pathetic and i expected this kinda of shit from Leddit and SA. Everything is Perfect, nothing is wrong and Trump should just keep doing what he is doing. there, are you idiots happy now? why discuss anything after all.

It gets worse everyday.

It reached the highest level of lugenpresse the world has ever seen a long time ago, which means every day, we reach a new level of lying press we previously didn't think was possible without them being lynched by the public.

you spin and spin around all the time. I'm suprised you have not gotten dizzy yet. You rave and rant, for you are a demoralizer, and focus on negativity instead of hope. If man can have hope once more, then apathy will die, ending the normalfag curse.

He literally calls out Killary CONSTANTLY. It doesnt end, he is constantly bring up her shit. You, if you listen to MSM, just dont hear about it.

Instead all you hear is the off the cuff joke about selling her soul and what not because thats all they WANT you to see and want you to think its serious and not a joke that the crowd laughs/cheers at.

Its the same reason they do very close shots on him at rallies and never show the crowd, but set their camera views to capture as much of hillary's crowds as possible, despite how absolutely tiny and insignificant they are.

We know this, have known it for a long time. If you're sitting here trying to claim hes not using the information given to him, or that he has on his own, that hes not on the attack against her at all times? Then you are either the biggest fucking idiot and dont belong here, or you're a shill trying to demoralize us.

Either way, stop fucking posting.


The ultimate weapon against faggots who aren't (1)ing it up and go for sheer post numbers to finish off the thread.

Your bait has been avoided.

What spin for fuck sake? what demoralization? pointing out how he could improve his campaign? how he should use the media spin to his profit instead of doing what they want? How is that shilling or demoralizing?

great argument, just got to r/The_Donald/ already if you can't deal with any criticism

wrong image but whatever

Some Journalists are starting to call out blatant media bias.

Holla Forums is SJW as fuck these days.

Hurr durr blocked!

It already has. Fareed "Sharia For All" Zakaria called Trump a "bullshit artist" on live TV and wasn't scolded. Cursing on the news is a BIG NO-NO to the FCC and you can be fined for it in America, but you won't hear jackshit about it because ALL OF THE MEDIA hates Trump so fucking much.

They had dumbass Katy Tur asking people walking past Trump Tower who they were voting for. People who didn't say "Trump" responded with comments like "The media is full of crap", "You guys aren't news" and the like.

Yes. An MSNBC reporter. In the heart of liberal New York City. Couldn't find one fucking person walking down the street to say they were voting for Hillary Clinton. Hillary was a fucking senator for New York and not ONE PERSON said her name because if they DID, you KNOW MSNBC would've made a montage to gin up faux out rage at Trump.

Politics in this country is experiencing a bubble, much like the dot-com and housing financial crisis. The people betting on Hillary to win are too stupid, too lazy or too ignorant to care.



That image has never been more relevant than the post you just made. I am going to report you to your supervisor if you don't start shilling for sheckles like you mean it niggerkikefaggot.

you got the video of katy tur at trump tower asking people that? can't seem to find it

You are jewish as fuck these days.

Hurr durr OY VEY!

nice read

It was a live feed and not a report. I don't know if they repost live feeds.

Side note, what program can you use to record live tv on a pc because frankly, there's something hilarious everyday now.

Having ridiculed and ignored Ron Paul for years Dana Bash and her fellow DNC operatives are now in a love affair with Gary Johnson. Do they believe that Johnson would take more votes away from Trump than from Clinton?
It seems like a strange choice to give the libertarian candidate airtime on cable and the formerly big networks this year.

ffmpeg. If you don't know what you are doing, use livestreamer or youtube-dl both of which support hundreds of streaming services out of the box.

It's the arrogance again. They don't realize how thin the ice is they are standing on.

So is this the linquistic kill shot?

Get the fuck out, faggot.
Go cry on Holla Forums, about how Holla Forums is such a evil board like most of your kind does.


Whats more hilarious, is that I'm willing to bet is johnstein is getting probably comparable coverage right now to what shillary is getting. Because they just flat out dont want to show her at all. As we all know, people have a higher favorability rating for her when they dont see her or hear her, when they do though, they like her less and less.

So their agenda is show her as little as possible, bash trump as much as possible, and promote alternatives right now hoping it steals votes from trump in both directions, the less they see of her, the more they see "muh ebul trump" and the more they see "alternatives" the less likely they will be to vote trump, at least thats their gambit

Itll be interesting to see if it works out for them.. i doubt it though

But its also why they're trying to shove the debates up against other prime time events like NFL games, because they want as few people tuned in as possible

So what's your argument other than he needs to change the way he runs because media kikes say his campaign is imploding?

Nigger, we've been hearing that shit for 13 months.

Of course the media is going to go all out on him. There are literally trillions of dollars and decades of planning by the Powers that Be that will be ruined if Trump wins. And despite these onslaughts, Trump can win this. The polls are pretty damn close, especially if you account for the "adjustments" made to favor Clinton.

Problem is, Trump is fucking up here and enabling (or at least giving enough credibility) these people to go full-on Pravda against him. And the same error he is making here will end up losing him the election.

Trump's campaign is largely made up of him talking unscripted and unfiltered for hours every day in interviews or at rallies. Because of the sheer volume of content he puts out there, with much of it being unfocused and scattershot, the media is able to pick and choose the strangest or most incriminating bits to blow up and distort, which not only is used to embarrass Trump, but also to bury the legitimate criticisms and points that he makes. And now, they are actively making things up too and throwing that in there, which is only possible because Trump gives them cover to do so.

And if the media keeps this cycle going, to report on the silly minutia and controversial asides instead of his policies or vision for the country, they can create the impression that Trump actually doesn't have any policies or a core vision for the country,

While it's clearly at a whole new level with Trump, the same general pattern is used against all politicians that step out of line, which is why every political campaign is so heavily scripted and focus tested.

The media will not stop being biased against him, no matter how much he complains about it. What Trump needs to do is starve these fuckers of oxygen entirely. That means getting scripted, scaling back on the tweeting, and making a bunch of policy speeches. He needs to carefully and calmly present his vision for the country and explain in detail why and how his policies will work.

At the moment, his moment-to-moment campaign has no vision or cohesion. It's just him getting in beefs with people and making the same stump speeches he has been making for months. Even aside from the MSM, people get that and are turned off by that.

At the end of the day, the election will be a referendum on Trump. Most people are against Clilnton and against the status quo, yet do they trust Trump as the alternative? Does he have the vision, the instincts, and the temperament to lead? If he keeps on the path he is currently on, most people will disagree, his soft supporters won't turn out, and he will lose.

Wow dude you're way too smart to post here, I'd recommend you put in an application to be Trump's campaign manager.

Nate, we know you consider yourself an expert when it comes to political analysis, but don't you think its time to accept defeat?

Is there any way to actually get fucking rid of the MSM with a Trump presidency?

We need to purge the luggenpresse.

It's literally the same shit as GG. They collude in private chat rooms, no doubt about it, probably run by CTR

If I were running for president and saw this much bias against me, they'd better hope I don't win because I would cut their heads off and display in Israel.

They've been doing it since last year. It's getting old now.


This stupid shill just outted himself.

Look at the ID he screenshotted.

(YOU) ID>>7002787

YOU again.

Looks like your supervisor got the message. I bet you had to miss your lunch break to write and post this, didn't you, faggot.

not at all, no matter what he does the media will attack him and defend Hillary. i think he should just play the media instead of falling for their trap like he used to do, for instance that Khan family shit, Katrina gave the perfect answer but Trump kinda fumble it. Change nothing but carefully use the Dirt media to spread his message.

Trump already stated that he'd push for harsher laws when it comes to flat out lying by the press.

They had an entire month of bitching about it.

It's like they went into complete shill overdrive once the DNC leaks came into the light. I think they know the other shoe is going to fall on Hillary (and the rest of them) soon with the rest of the wikileaks info and are trying to give themselves a cushion before it happens. That way, they can maintain some semblance of a competitive race so they can successfully rig the election.

yes i'm a shill for reason, i will just use your advice and filter Shills screamers like you.


How did you come up with that? If true that is ridiculous.

pic related

If anything, it's a referendum on the last 8 years of King Nigger and anyone who tells you different is a fucking retard.

You and your syphilitic, rape-enabling, embezzler don't know how to play 4D chess. Trump is baiting your media into posting the dumbest shit to get you to lose what little credibility you have left.

When the day comes, you hang first.

You are either incredibly new, or a shill.

Here let me poke some holes in that narrative you're inflating.

What has drawn crowds to trump from the start is that he speaks the truth. When you script this shit, it doesnt sound like the truth, it sounds fake, forced, like hes giving canned responses. This is the shit that his followers despise, because even if its not dishonest, its not genuine, it reeks of try hard. It tanked Rubio hard, and people have mocked Obama for nearly a decade for it.

Further, do you not think the media would immediately latch on to that and do everything to tear into him on it? "trump now goes on a script! he needs handlers to keep him from fucking up! hes not being honest or himself anymore! hes no longer the brash in your face trump you know and love!" They'd do ANYTHING, SAY anything they could about it. And it would blow back on him hard.

As for "starving them," you dont seem to realize that this stuff is actually in general good press for him. Bad press from a dishonest, distrusted, disliked press, is actually GOOD press. The more this happens, the more he shows them for the hacks they are, shows their bias, shows their bullshit for all to see, and the more people become numb to it when they realize the media is playing this shit up (for the normie bunch who still even listen to them at all).

Meanwhile, they're hearing NOTHING about Killary other than "muh polls are up! shes winning!" Meanwhile Trump at rallies hammers and hammers her, he hits her on social media, messages and memes spread far and wide and FAST.

For him to change any of that, would fuck him over. the media would have a field MONTH with it. They'd claim hes "gone soft," that hes "no longer being honest" that hes "still evil! hes just scripting himself so he doesnt sound as bad!" and so on and so forth. And THAT people might believe.

So no, doing what you suggested would not help him. It would hurt him. It would give the media credibility, and sway voters. The way hes doing it now, shows how dishonest and biased they are, because ALL they talk about is him, and blow out of proportion what he says.

Look at the Russia shit. You think anyone gave a crap? they ran with that shit for.. what was it? two weeks? Until the iran money from obama came up, then they IMMEDIATELY dropped the cycle on russia, since iran is a russian ally.

The more this shit happens, the better for Trump. Is he feeding them? Should he starve them? No to both. He's giving them the rope they are hanging themselves with son.

Can you imagine a government and media that was on the white races side?

Let's be honest. When does she NOT destroy this Papa Smurf motherfucker.

We would be like Japan

It's quite common for Bill O'Reilly's 11pm re-run to do better than Anderson Cooper live in prime-time

Havent watched that video yet but

Do they think this is going to hurt him? Ryan is VERY quickly outing himself as a RINO or neocon or w/e you want to call them. Hes supporting obamas bullshit, and demonizing his own parties nominee when he should be all behind him. Hes GOING to be voted out the next time hes up, guarantee it.

As for Mccain, he couldnt even drum up enough support to beat Obongo, a man with zero experience or legitimacy to be president. AND hes spent the last 6 years or so BACKING obama on pretty much everything and attacking republicans in the house. Hes as reviled as it gets within the rank and file of the GOP. All he has to go on is "muh veteran" shit, which that has VERY quickly worn thin. Trump may have over played his hand on McCain a BIT, but in general its not going to hurt Trump and IS going to hurt McCain because hes already not liked, and republicans in general are getting the "get in line, maybe you dont agree on everything, but whats more important? agreeing with him on everything, or stopping the biggest criminal in the history of US politics from becoming president?"

McCain and Ryan are destroying their political careers infront of the entire USA, just like Cruz did.

Japan, minus the inferior genes.

White people have the cuck gene though.

Yeah, nah kid.

You're a fucking moron and your opinions are shit. Probably best you take your normie gmail account and fuck back to Minecraft.

Everyone destroys Wolf Blitzer. The only reason I even know about him is because of all the youtube clips where people make a fool out of him.

When you actually listen to what Trump says, its nothing what the media protrays it

They are literally blowing it our of proportion, problem is the lies are 24/7 on every channel so it has the perception of truth.

That's the product of a parasite, not genetics.

ANYTHING that results from the "Popular Science" is of the Jew and their lies.


Happened the other day with the baby thing. Everyone in the audience thought it was cute and charming and then he followed it up with how wonderful motherhood was.

The press was like

if trump gives them no ammo, they will create it themselves, he should give them ammo which would backfire like "The Wall is horrible! he hates Mexicans!" which made people learn how much of a problem illegal immigration really is, "he is against Free Trade!" which made people learn more about Globalists and how much they were screw over by NAFTA and will be by TPP. hopefully he gets back to that.

They do because in their heads he needs those sellouts, but he really does not need them and in fact that only helps him. The media however will use it to push the "Party is divided" narrative, Trump should use it to push the point of how the Establishment, Lobbyists and Globalists scum are afraid of him because he will bring true change.

I'm just hoping that we've reached a point where the internet has supplemented the mainstream media enough that they won't be able to propagandize Hillary to the White House.

You literally just have to STOP watching media altogether (which has already happened) and just use youtube.

What is strange about it is that Gary Johnson ran in 2012 as a Libertarian and he got virtually no coverage.
This year he has gotten a lot of coverage, especially from places like CNN, MSNBC and other Networks that are hostile to Donald Trump.

Why didn't they cover Johnson in 2012 when crooked Mitt Romney ran against crooked Barack Obama?
They went out of their way not to cover him and dismissed his campaign, but this time around, he's getting all kinds of interviews from Clinton-friendly media outlets.
webm related was captured with ffmpeg


You know iv'e been skeptical of Trump being the real deal but the absolute media freak out is making me think that he's legit.

We might actually kick the Globalists out of the worlds only superpower and then proceed to tirelessly work against them around the world.

It's happening!!!!

The ironic thing is that Johnson will probably take more votes away from Hillary than Trump.

They're hoping he'll soak up some Trump voters.

The dinosaur leftist media will attack him no matter what he does and i think that's part of the reason why Donald is taking such liberties in the things he says and does, because it's better to have an artifical controversy about something true and real than about irrelevant things that are taken out of context.

I wish I screenshotted it but I was on my tablet. It was NYT website. I thought it was a parody.

They were trying to make the case for kicking the baby out of his rally to overturning the DREAM Act.

OC (MSNBC homepage right now)

Maybe, but only because republicans don't watch nbc, cnn, etc.

Johnson's endorsement of the TPP alone takes away a lot of that threat.


fucking hell

this last week has been insane

You should see my thread here


Yes. That's a good thing. Johnson also would force private businesses to follow political mandates, which should turn off hardcore libertarians.

If you have something to argue, make a thread and you'll get your rebuttal. Just saying SHILL RIGHT-WING SJW is not how to go about it.

Wolf always looks like his producer is feeding him word-for-word lines.

He stands no chance against Trump's patriotic mulattoes.

Are they really going to be keeping this up for 3 months straight and hoping that the people won't notice?


He will, in due time.

What everyone needs to remember, is that we're dealing with normies here, and the election isnt tomorrow, or next week, or even next month. We're still over three months away. We have debates, we have rallies, we have all these things to go on in between now and then. And Trump HAS to save leverage and ammo for these points.

You also have to remember, wikileaks promised more dumps that will very much tarnish Killary, if not out right get her locked up assange figures, though I doubt that, the corrupt system will never turn on her.

So, we have months, you cant overload them on your side by firing back constantly, because people in the middle grow battle weary. Its better to do your thing, meet the people at rallies, really inspire them and solidify their votes for him and hammer home and spread the message that the media cannot be trusted. The more the media lies about what goes on at these events, and the more people are there to discredit it, the less people trust the MSM.

So, dont worry to much about these narratives. Trump is playing them like a fiddle. And frankly, if they had a brain in their heads, they'd do what others have suggested, and stop talking about him entirely. But they wont do that, they cant, they cant stop chasing those click bux. And because of their bias, they wont stop the spin either. Which only makes him stronger.

Trump is doing all he needs to, and is playing the long game here as well. If he brought the hammer down now, it would be to much, to fast, and might hurt him in the long run. Theres no reason to stand up into a line of enemy fire so you can shoot back. You may kill them, but you at the very least get badly hurt to. Let their insanity continue and let them keep firing wildly hoping to hit something, until they're out of ammo and everyone has long since stopped supporting them. THEN go for your kill shot when you know you can finish them without risking yourself.

Seems like the MSM is trying to frame this election more as Pro-Trump vs Anti-Trump rather than Trump vs Hillary since they know Hillary's approval ratings go down the toilet the more she's exposed to the general public.

The real danger is them using him as an excuse to cheat even harder in hillaries favor

Here is the vid from G Johnson.


That would be funny if it wasn't so sad


I believe this attack was planned long before the Democratic Convention ended and the leaks just added to the chaos.

i truly hope so, if he takes too long the media will successfully implant a Pro-Trump vs Anti-Trump general election mentality as point out.

it's what western media does in every country

when the candidate you dont want is too popular just make him look like a crazy lunatic and try to get just enough people to hate him + a bit of voter fraud


Frontpage of Yahoo politics. No sign of Shillary.

Also can someone explain Brexit for me and how it passed?

Is the system not as rigged as we thought?

New York Times reporters have covered Donald J. Trump's rallies for more than a year. His supporters at these events often express their views in angry and provocative ways. Here are some examples.

It actually reminds me of how Fox News was out of control and dominating the airwaves during the Bush Admin years, only this is way fucking worse.
You'll notice that Fox is essentially sitting this one out because their side of the same establishment had all their puppets lose to Trump.
The majority of all news outlets are so fucking obvious in their collusion with Clinton and along with all the race baiting the news has lost all integrity, clearly injecting opinion and bias to everything.
We need to find a way to stop these blatant propaganda outlets from slinging garbage, news should just provide you with information, they're instead trying to craft perceptions and mold narratives.
What does Don Lemon think about this being a black American? WHO THE FUCK CARES WHAT HE THINKS, he should be telling the goddamn news and shutting his fucking mouth.
If you recall a few years back the news would just tell you what happened and respect your intelligence to reach your own conclusions, they would sometimes have a novelty segment with the anchors opinion squeezed in there briefly, now that's the fucking entirety.
This shit needs to end.

ayy gary is such a stammering mess.
but at least he didn't cuck.

i can't even imagine objective media tbh

also >check'd


shit like this makes me think that there is no such thing as bad publicity.

most UK leaders have already said it's gonna hapen, even the cucks

the problem is, no negotiations of any sort have started yet, and article 50 of the treaty of the EU, which needs to be triggered by the UK parliament, hasn't been triggered yet

so officially, nothing is happening, and that's not a good sign

“Kill her.”

“Trump that bitch!”

“Build a wall — kill them all.”

New York Times reporters have spent over a year covering Donald J. Trump’s rallies, witnessing so many provocations and heated confrontations at them that the cumulative effect can be numbing: A sharp sting that quickly dulls from repetition.

But what struck us was the frequency with which some Trump supporters use coarse, vitriolic, even violent language — in the epithets they shout and chant, the signs they carry, the T-shirts they wear — a pattern not seen in connection with any other recent political candidate, in any party.

Not everyone attending a Trump rally behaves this way. In fact, many are polite and well mannered. But while protesters are often shouted down, crowds seldom express disapproval of the crude slogans and angry outbursts by Mr. Trump’s supporters. Indeed, these displays have become inextricably bound with the Trump show itself — as much as the snaking entrance lines and the calls to “build a wall” along the border with Mexico.

With that in mind, we set out to record the shouts, slogans, imprecations and interactions among audience members that set Trump events apart from other political gatherings. We also obtained recordings from others in attendance, who sometimes were closer to the action.

Fuck. It figures.

I worry that when Trump wins they'll change the rules literally on the same day to fuck him over.

Speaking of which, has there ever been a 'what if' thread based on what a US rebellion would have to do to 'win'?


What if Trump actually wins? Will he remove (((journalist))) like good old uncle Adolf?

Produced by (((Erica Berenstein))).

My dad is voting for whoever the Constitutional Party puts up because "Trump is just another loud-mouthed yankee."

He's coming around though. BLM is getting him pissed off, and I've been steadily dropping jew facts on him, and he's wising up. He even went so far as to tell me just the other day "user, I'm not saying they're all like this… but Jews sure do fuck up a lot of things. Almost like they mean to or something.. I don't know, but they're almost as bad as the god damned muslims."

I'm going to start drawing connections with who owns the media, who pushes for muslim migrants, all this other anti-West, anti-White bullshit


When Trump becomes president he better do media purges.

If they make this a Pro-Trump vs Anti-Trump general election they won''t need to do the hardest thing, sell the Witch to the public. it's more or less what happen in this Thread, some truly believe i'm a shill so they just dismiss or mock anything i say and no matter what i say that won't change. if they make the majority of Americans hate Trump so much that they will Ignore and mock anything he says, no matter what point he has or what his policies are, people will just ignore it and in blind hate ignore any "mistakes" Killary makes because "TRUMP IS A —-IST, SO I WILL VOTE FOR ANYONE BUT HIM" which would easily handle Hillary the WH. Trump is constantly bashing the media to kinda counter this crap.

didn't he said something about passing better anti-libel laws? that alone would destroy them.


This is just like the gaymergate episode where they always made same articles in numerous sites.

what are "agent provocateurs" for 500 alex?



explain how

They really think they got a kill shot.

David Plouffe, President Obama’s former campaign manager, proposed the idea in June. “It is not enough to simply beat Trump,” he wrote on Twitter. “He must be destroyed thoroughly. His kind must not rise again.”


These guys need to keep running their mouths. The more of this the better.

That's what they've done, I think, which would be a winning strategy.. If the bern victims didn't have GJ and (((stein))) to run to. Looks like they're trying to scare them back into place. I'm already seeing "No don't vote third party we can't risk it" on my college yik yak.

You know, if we lose this, it will be a career-ending offense to be identified as an ex-trump-supporter. It'll be the new klansman.

We'll all be David Duke in 16 years.

It is not enough to simply beat Germany, It must be destroyed thoroughly. Their kind must not rise again

While there were some really good points made in this thread moishe here's my take.

The media attacks now, before the first debate are fatnastic! The attacks are very well coordinated (it is obvious to even normalfags), incessant and focus on KHHHHAAAAANNNN, but here's the problem for our (((friends))) in the MSM.

It is the first week of August. Our God Emperor will weather this storm (as he has all of the others) and destroy Clinton during the debates. We know that.

We know that WikiLeaks is sitting on information that will destroy Clinton (what little of her is left).

We know that Clinton is colluding with the Press, and we know that our God Emperor is enthusiastic about defending himself when attacked (KHHHHAAAAAAAANNNNN).

So Trump is going rope-a-dope because in 3 months when everything is getting serious with the election, Trump will be "vetted" already in the minds of the normalfags.

Clinton, however; well- every "new revelation" that is brought out seems to stick to her. Trump is simply a nimble navigator playing 5d Chess and I personally think the media is playing into his hands.

He will "learn to keep his mouth shut" I guarantee you. Right around Late September, Early October when it really matters

No fucking way.

It's desperate times for the Luggenpresse, so they're resorting to desperate measures

the media wants gary cuckson in the debates

like another user in this thread said, last election noone gave a fuck about him, now it's gary johnson this gary johnson that

also note that Jill Stein isn't talked about much, probably because she'd never take votes from Trump only from Hillary

Yeah they need Gary Johnson in the debates so Trump can be double teamed. The debates with just Trump and Hillary will go bad for Hillary even though they'll be feeding her the questions to prepare responses for ahead of time. Trump will ignore the questions and take the debates off script to counter it.

Jill Stein is a bit too rad. Anti-TPP, anti-fossil fuels. The dems cannot promote that.

The (((media))) campaign against Trump will continue to ramp up, further radicalizing the Left as it goes.

This will result in people having to choose between their own sense of common-sense, and what the (((media))) tells them. Some will turn to the left with the (((media))), and some will recoil from the self-obviating propaganda.

I look forward to it. I'm soooo pissed off at most of America for allowing their minds to turn to mush, I look forward to watching people WTFU!!! to, above all, the JQ. It's gonna be messy, even violent.

I still don't know who will win the election.

I can envisage that some journos will be so pissed off with writing anti-trump articles, that they will flip out.

Its always been like this. Even in the primaries, the main talking point was can they stop the donald. It really failed there, even with the (((media))) doing their hardest to stump him. If it didn't work then, it very likely will not now. The only people really that'll go for the narritive are the cucks, libshits, and others that would never even try to think about voting for trump. Only do what the media tells them.

this is shopped, right?

We have all seen what happened when they tried to do the same thing in the primaries.

Another reason this helps is in the long run, it essentially turns our enemies into zombies.

In any conflict there's that pang of empathy you feel when you take a life, because you take into consideration their future prospects as an individual afterwards.

However, that is not the case in this instance, by accepting the blatant propaganda and hate speech towards they're own kind, they effectively become zombies. A cancer that will only eat away at society until we either forcibly cut them out or subdue them.
This is right now

Remember to post:

Trump flew so good

ITT to ensure he's protected from all aeronautical shenanigans.

plus, the only source we have of the khan attacks working is (((pundits))) and the (((media))). Why should we trust what (((they))) say on the propoganda chanels, what they use to manipulate the normies, or their army of admitted shills. Finally, its mostly no use to even try to push it even more. Everyone that is anti-trump wont consider the facts, logic, or reason to go for trump. In fact, everyone else is likely going to vote for trump because of the constant renforcement by the media, as it only causes the rational moderates to suspect things.

Nice one, newfag. Streisand effect is from 2003 and far pre-dates Gaymergate:

If you don't know what you're talking about then just don't talk

I bet that faggot doesn't even know about Overton Windows

Google News is the same shit. Screencap from a few minutes ago.

And believe it or not the Washington Post / Chicago Tribune actually ran an article with this headline today:

Is this the beginning of the end for Donald Trump?

This is perfect,given what happens directly after that scene.

Lets hit the shareholders of cnn fox and the like and explain that when trump whens their stock prices will fall.


Bill Weld supported Jeb! in the primaries. The "libertarian" ticket is neocon in all but name.


Blitzer is probably dumb as a rock, here he is getting hammered in a game show.


never forget

Have you guys everyday there's a new hashtag on Twitter attacking Trump? Today it's about the Taj Mahal.

holy shit when was this

yesterday i think, picked it up on Holla Forums today

It's completely astroturfed too.


Pure coincidence.


Not going to help Hillary one bit.

It's just theatre. Her entire campaign is a theatre play. There is NOTHING organic behind her, nobody wants her in office and very few people are going to go out and vote for her. It will be a landslide like you've never seen


more voterfraud.

Billionaire Obamaite Warren Buffet is sitting behind her, pulling her strings.

Holla Forums what the fuck do I do? We're literally watching the barbarians tear down our monuments at this point. Whose head do I go for if I want to make a difference?

That is ok. Trump's win isn't for us.

His power for us came from revealing we are not all lone, and have a vast number of similar individuals around us whom know. Before Trump we all thought we where the ass end of the internet, a forgotten tiny segment of nobodies numbering in at best a few thousand.
Today we know we are legion. We are strong. We and ours are prepping and prepared for what is to come. And we know the stakes. Not just us on full chan, or even half, but across this nation in massive numbers, and far beyond these borders.

Trump has brought us into the light. He has done so much for us that the gods themselves now watch and wait in baited breath.

No, from here on out. Trump is for the normal fags, the fools, the apathetic, the sleeping masses the willfully ignorant and blind. Trump is even for traitor liberals and their masters. Trump is now the 'peace' candidate. Trump is now their only hope for a full and tame life. He is their shelter from the storm of what we will bring to bear should he fail.

And they rally and roar, and fight tooth and nail to bring him down. The only fucking man whom can now hold back the fury of hell on earth unleashed by righteous warriors whom now know… they have others worthy of fighting for. Others whom fight for them. A cause, and dream, and hope. And most importantly, an enemy worthy of utter annihilation.

I revel in the knowledge that we have already won. The only question is if Trump will lead our peoples into the future as an God Emperor, bringing a nation out of this vile thing we exist in. Or will Hillary and her cohorts ascend unto a burning throne of a dead nation, a literal coven of witches left to die atop an epic pyre built and lit by their own hand and chained to their creation by their unadulterated greed.

This is the year of the fire monkey. The year of the fire cock soon begins. And roosters are well known for their fighting abilities. So now it is up to the normies, will we have an Strutting cock at the top of our new reborn nation leading our flock. Or shall we have a caged pit fight, in which everything burns.

We win even should we lose. We have ascended.

I can't wait for the propaganda stories about world leaders mimicking grorious reader's Hillary's fashion sense by wearing clothing styles that are clearly inspired by her rainbow-colored Maoist pantsuits.

I'm trying to think what I'd compare the current major news networks to as an analogy

CNN is obviously Pravda, they just propagandize for their masters. They are either an arm of the state or an arm of the puppet masters who currently control the people who run the state.

I'd say MSNBC is some type of obscure academic commie review. They're going to be even farther to the left than the mainstream, in part to try to force ideological purity and in part to make the more mainstream sources appear "fair" by point of contrast.

Fox News seems to be its own beast. I can't think of any publication in world history that was so transparently controlled opposition.

There used to be. It was called a lynch mob.

We don't talk about White Club.

Dahnald. This makes me really mad, Dahnald.

Apologize to my Goblin. Apologize!

Don't you ever talk to me or my Goblin ever again.

You see this book Dahnald.

If you do not apologize, I will smack my stupid wife on live TV!

This brings me no pleasure Dahnald.

You think this is a joke? You think this is funny!

You brought this on yourself, Infidel!

MSNBC = Left
FOX = Right
CNN = Illuminati

Dahnald. This is silly. The delegates, please.

Did you think I had forgotten?

I'm over here now, Dahnald. I am the delegates now.

Come and get me.

wtf i am the overton window now

Everyone that comes against this guy just withers and dies.


Yes, I've noticed it, it was actually brought up at a family gathering last weekend by a very hippy uncle, got everyone else chiming in. I hope the Anti-Trump propaganda keeps getting more blatant, its got Bernie and Johnson supporters in my family wanting too vote for Trump.

Here's too a hope that we get a "Republicans are Dead" article near November. You'd think journos would have learned by now.

Fucking transparent bullshit, but it'll fool most.

These kikes and kike-enablers have got to hang.

Wait a minute goyim, is Trump doing this on purpose to bait the media to outright lie? He was going to get shit from running against (((her))) no matter what.
By going all out on Trump, the media might be overplaying their hand.

Highly likely, goyfriend.

Best season of election ever.

Then why are they staffed almost entirely with #HillShills?

I fucking hate this election season. I wish I could live in blissful ignorance but the system has essentially come out and said to everyone that things will get worse forever, we will be at war forever, the middle class will die and we will live in a serfdom, your future kids will get abused by shitskins in school, jobs will no longer exist, etc, and there's nothing we can do to stop it. I just want to fucking live in peace ALONE, but no, can't have that, society has to actively try to fuck you over at every turn.

Leftists deserve the absolute worst, most heinous torture and degradation unleashed upon mankind. I actually hope that we turn into a shitskin shariah hellhole because the intelligent people will at least keep their heads down and survive, while leftists will just be turned into rape and abuse dolls.

(nice trips)

Unless you take into account who the audience is behind her. This coalition of browns and blacks that she's standing in front of are, in my opinion, highly unlikely to be a part of the actual middle class. They are more likely a part of the welfare class, in which case raising taxes on the middle class (i.e. whitey), would actually be something they would encourage insofar as they understand the issue (hence the limited enthusiasm).

The whites in the crowd are probably either mondo cucks or paid Hillshills, though.

Keks work user. You have done Keks work.

Be at peace.

Trump's 17 point shift after the RNC spooked them into overdrive.



Yup. And the big thing that they're forgetting about is that the American public have the attention span of a goldfish. This 1-2 week long crusade to shit on Trump with no real meat or substance is going to be nothing in a month.

what did he mean by this?

it's like you don't even shill for the high score

I see it more as
MSNBC = Communist Left
FOX = Cuckservative Right
CNN = Establishment/illuminati
HLN = Forensic Files


check out fox news

tbh, I don't think it's working. Most people just don't trust the media in the first place.

Why so cynical brah?

I'm hoping Trump's strategy plan is to withstand the onslaught until the last two or three weeks of the election, then unload all his donation money in one giant blitzkrieg against Hillary. That's the only reason I can think of that the DNC was a week ago and he's STILL playing with kid gloves on.

yeah right I bet you think lizard people are real too XD btw anybody catch game of thrones?

This faggits twitter^google|twcamp^serp|twgr^author

This is a fortification attempt by Cliterous to try and steal away the narrative completely before the Wikileaks dump.

They wish to make it social and political suicide to even mention the name Trump.

Both sides of the isle are firing off at him right now because he gave the proverbial middle finger to the Koch brothers.

It's not like Trump really cares though.

"If the liberals wrote a sign out that said quicksand, Trump would walk right into to show he could float." - Greg Gutfeld.

Not that I'm a fan of Gutfeld, but I like this quote.

Either this is delusion to the nth degree or the powers that be are going to drone Trump.

It's coming from "Party Officials" so it's probably just faggoty LARPing.

wow you must be a college ejewtated inteeellecshual type skooling all us backwards rednecks about how PR works
trump is the chan meme candidate because he doesn't give a fuck about PR, he isn't a PR cuck

I love him who is ashamed when the dice fall in his favour, and who then asketh: “Am I a dishonest player?”—for he is willing to succumb.
I love him who scattereth golden words in advance of his deeds, and always doeth more than he promiseth: for he seeketh his own down-going.
I love him who justifieth the future ones, and redeemeth the past ones: for he is willing to succumb through the present ones.

This onslaught could also be a last ditch attempt to bring Trump to heel.

I don't even shill brah. Unless being an outspoken Trump supporter even though I'm not American nor I live in USA makes me a shill. The pic I posted is from a mondo film btw.



How can the media even think they are doing a good job when more than 70% of their viewers don't trust what they say?

someone pull up that poll

I was unaware that Bush, Obama and Curiel were some of Trump's strongest supporters.

chekt and rekt

I talked to my mother about the dead muslim veteran. She was saying how he didn't respond the best to the situation. I explained to her that Trump only had two options:

Fight back after being attacked
Bend over and apologize

I reiterated what Holla Forums should already regard as gospel:
The media will never ever say anything good about Trump. Trump was given a lose/lose situation, and he chose the best option available to him.

I've noticed this as well. He always reserves his offensive for Leftist figureheads and leaders, never leftists themselves.

Those dubs saved you from a stumping.

Normally I'd be upset that he lost points for accidentally adding an 's' to Julia Child, but getting that one wrong but ffs this kike is fucking stupid. I had a good kek user.

Have I been looking at too many merchants? Does Johnson have the nose?

Relevant webm of kike media manipulation


Holy shit nice..

Good, spread it everywhere. Normalfags need to see this. That reporter's huge honker is icing on the cake for those who are aware of the JQ.


Remember how the media flipped out when someone pointed out how Obama's girls were acting like disrespectful brats at a speech where they were rolling their eyes and looking bored. Or for Malia acting like a slut at a music festival (she's probably already been spitroasted)?

Whereas they've really been pushing this "Donald wants to fuck his own daughter" incest narrative whenever Ivanka starts getting any sort of prominence. I'm surprised they haven't tried going after Barron yet.

The Bernouts got dismayed so CTR swooped in real fast. The Bernout hold out is now r/conspiracy.




top fucking kek, my man

Holy shit


Just hold onto that shit until after the elections you nigger.


Hello edgy retard. What you are failing to grasp is that clips like the one I posted are extremely useful for red pilling normalfags. They see a poor oppressed POC speaking out against the kike media's lies and immediately their perspective of the situation shifts.

There is no such thing as a based nigger. There are however niggers who can be useful if pushed in the right manner on the mewling masses as a way of breaking the MSM's narrative. If you weren't a mediocre IQ faggot you would already have understood that.

Normalfags win elections you mongoloid, now go fellate a shotgun.

Trump doesn't know about this place let alone his son.


go back to /r/thedonald and fucking stay there
You mean reinforce their self-destructive race-blind worldview which will only trap more whites in the false degenerate ideology of civic "nationalism".
my fucking sides. You're an embarrassment

Just look at his actual followers list: no Holla Forums

pic unrelated

You realize the media knows this has the opposite intended effect? If Trump was a bad goy he would have never gotten anywhere. Complete media blackout.

I swear it was there, he probably stopped following on second thought. I should have archived.

Good post , Both the "muh pr" and "civic nationalism" faggots must go.

which is going according to plan, because the media and journalists are wasting their energy blowing up one little issue too soon. It also desensitizes people to it, and also show the people just how hypersensitive and biased the media is against the Don.

All of this is just a large amount of projection that liberals, the leftists there are so good at, because it is the democratic party that is absolutely in shambles and is falling apart.

CTR makes themselves so obvious they're not from around here. Hillary is so incompetent she chooses the most incompetent of minions to shill.

In other news, it seems the clinton camp has been letting the media and shit blow everything out of proportion while they killed off a nigger that was going on about the DNC

The Media can't help themselves, they live in an insulated circlejerk of a world where opposition to diversity in any way, shape, or form is absolutely haram and they believe they have a mandate to terminate anyone implicated of the highest of their sins with extreme prejudice. The term "Social Justice Warrior" is completely apt for the average member of the press because, although many press shitlibs lack the candy-colored hair, hipster beard, and thick-rimmed glasses we associate with the movement, they literally believe themselves to be crusaders for social justice. They believe the purpose of their job is so they can stand on a soapbox and yell, and scream, and rant about what they think about the state of the world, and in reality they are never talking about the state of the world, they're talking about the state of their little bubble. Trump is a big meanie who hurts their feelings when he holds press conferences and rallies, so he needs to be taken down. They don't act like unlikable cunts as some kind of favor to the Trump campaign, they are actually likely working in conjunction with the DNC/Clinton campaign in order to form as unfavorable of a narrative as possible for Trump. I would love it if CNN/MSNBC/Fox News kikes collaborating with the DNC/Clinton Campaign would get their accounts hacked and dumped Wikileaks style, the amount of information to be gained by it would be so great for the Trump campaign that the media's legitimacy would be absolutely crushed for any normie made aware of what's undoubtedly happening. Like they would collude to crush (((Bernie Sanders))) of all people and not coordinate on Trump in the General Election.

A good goy would have never ever so utterly and completely destroyed the Bush family like Trump did.

holy shit

nice shoop faggot

I know I'm late to the thread, but I wanted to point this out;

>A MapLight analysis of Political TV Ad Archive data has found that the Republican presidential nominee was the subject of at least 4,963 minutes of negative advertisements between Nov. 20 and July 14, in television markets ranging from San Francisco to Washington, D.C. Cumulatively, the ads attacking Trump amounted to about 83 hours of air time.
>By comparison, it would take about 11 hours to watch the airings of negative ads aimed exclusively at Hillary Clinton. The presumptive Democratic nominee only had one major primary candidate, Bernie Sanders, who, for the most part, stuck to his pledge of running a positive campaign. Republican groups sponsored all of the anti-Clinton spots.
>Traditionally, those committees have been reluctant to sling mud for fear of angering voters. Instead they have outsourced the work of attacking opposing candidates to outside spending groups. Most negative ads are now sponsored by those groups, which include super PACs and “dark money” organizations that aren’t required to reveal their donors.
>Archive records show that anti-Trump ads aired at least 7,811 times during the primary season. Our Principles, a super PAC backed by the Republican party’s establishment wing, paid for at least 1,795 airings of spots dedicated to attacking Trump individually – the most from a single group. Nearly 30% of that air time was devoted to one ad that attacked the Republican nominee’s history of using undocumented workers on construction projects.
>Of the 95 separate advertisements focused on Trump, the Political Ad Archive determined that 71 were unambiguously negative, while 22 ads were considered strictly positive. That means that roughly 3 out of every 4 ads featuring only Trump were negative.
>Clinton’s allies have been attacking Trump since late November, according to archive records. Priorities USA Action, a Democratic-leaning super PAC that supported Obama and is now backing the former Secretary of State, has paid for 527 airings of attack ads focused only on Trump, including one spot that has run 415 times. Clinton’s own committee has already aired more than 130 anti-Trump ads, including one that consists entirely of Republicans criticizing Trump.’ll-need-three-full-days-and-nights

Good read, plenty of links in there as well.

Jesus Christ!

All we would have to do is show up, block a couple roads and the entire country would be in disarray. F-16s can't patrol streets and hungry people don't stay hungry for long.

The country will balkanize before it reunifies as a whole under a new government. Sucks, but we blew our chance at a republic.

They have tried going after Barron Trump.

i think america is at a point, where the people do the opposite of what the media says. so it's irrelevant. the lies get ever more blatant because they're desperate and so it's ever more obvious. they are doing this, because they think they're on the side that is supposed to win, normies can't comprehend in the slightest the genius that planned these events decades ago and that they are indeed the side that is supposed to lose, or that the real elite are playing a much bigger game. i'm sure about that. don't know the end game though.

How hard would it be to shut down the media for a few days? If enough people are pissed off, and I think they are, they can just show up at the studios and walk in.

Honestly, I don't see how Trump is going to lose to Hillary.
I think CNN is just doing double agent, keeping the leftists complacent before they are kicked off a cliff in november.

I'm pretty sure people at this point hate the shit out of the muzzie father and his family. The shit about his business and ties to the Hillary just makes it all the easier to dislike them. I'm waiting for the media and Hollywood to outright threaten people and tell them to vote for Trump or else. Leftists are stupid and just may do this.

That is a good video. Lays it out for the normalfags how full of shit the media is.

I want to do that to journalists. After gamergate and this election, I realize a lot of them deserve to die.

♪Love hurts good on a bed of nails♫

Aren't we supposed to hate Bush? The media told me to hate him for years and now I'm supposed to let his opinion change my vote? Fuck you! And fuck George Bush.

His brother was Trump's opponent in the primaries, no shit he's against trump!





I don't know why I still allow myself to become demoralized by these low energy shill tactics. Trump has overcome these things time after time with relative ease… but when I think about how normalfags are gonna feel when they see a never-ending barrage of negative publicity, it does indeed invoke a sense of urgency… part of me feels like they'll find the onslaught so excessive and ridiculous that they'll begin to see behind the curtain. But then I worry that they will either become perpetually demoralized or brainwashed beyond repair. I certainly don't hear any of my work colleagues, friends or family discussing these "scandals" and "outrages". They seem to have the same degree of support, disinterest or opposition that they always have. Is this just a sign of desperation?

No, no no. You're interpreting it wrong. You're supposed to go "See, even [right wing member of the Uniparty] thinks Drumpf is a moron. Drumpf is so stupid that even Dubya can see it. I might have misunderestimated Dubya's wisdom all along!"



Same thing with the pope.

CTR, please die in a firey car wreck

Are you saying the media has not distorted and twisted every single event to demonize Trump? So, is it 50 cents per post from CTR or do you do it for free?

If you account for desperation and projection the truth can be sussed out.

That one in particular is actually shopped tbh



Almost every poll massively underrepresents independents. Independents have been shown to be more likely to vote for Trump. They made up some 43% of the electorate in 2015 and that has likely not changed much in either direction (and most probably grown by a point or two), yet most pollsters have around a 40/40 or 45/45 split between Democrats and Republicans and so independents end up with anything from half to a third or even quarter of the actual voting share they have.

If polls included the proper percentage of independents, Trump would be leading, add the Shy Tory effect and he's likely leading heavily.


well better consult America's most trusted news source and see what's going on in the world today

It happens every time, yet I'm still surprised and impressed at the sheer outright ballsiness of this outright lying.

- Hillary is ahead
- Trump Camp is in shambles due to the Republican Civil War.
- Trump can't keep it together
- Obama's approval ratings have never been better
- The World needs to be rescued from Brexit

Also the Canadian 24 Hour News channel is usually non-political but this election cycle is full on Trump bashing.

He's one of those guys who's always been huge, now he's like 60 and lost weight so his fat ass heart won't explode. Now he's all hill giant skeleton and skin hanging. Very creepy. Maybe he got that stomach stapling thing, people always look unhealthy with that shit done to them.


I was talking with my 84 year old grandfather about this and he said this:

"Don't watch media stations with a "C" in their name (e.g. NBC). The "C" resembles the hook nose of the kike that owns the station."

Literally had to walk out to laugh even though he's right.

Jesus the shilling just never ends


Embed related, lest we forget.

Can't make this shit up.

I hope that this is what is needed for the republican party to finally red wedding/long knife the last remnants of the GOPe that are "closet" anti-trump.

wow nice shit op

I want to see how long the streak goes.

The great thing is that Trump is UNSTUMPABLE

Webm related.


fuck off back to Reddit

Has a single news outlet ever talked about this?

dude I cannot fucking handle any more taxes. I will have to sell my house. I am barely staying afloat as is. FUCK! Trump better win.


These people need to be executed.

Google is at it again. Top Story.

We need a memefix here. You might as well just make everything pepes.

Josuke sucks

More google headline manipulation.
"I-it's just an algorithm"