As fi foarte interesat sa stiu, din punctul vostru de vedere care sunt cele mai presante probleme in Romania in prezent?
Care e opinia voastra despre presedinte, situatia politica economica, sociala si orice alte ganduri ati avea.
In mod deosebit m-ar interesa ce idei aveti in legatura cu rezolvarea "problemei tiganilor" pentru ca hai sa fim sinceri, sunt o problema.
Note to Hungarian friends. This isn't a thread meant to antagonize you, I am simply asking my countrymen of the current state of affairs in our country. I for one believe that Europe is under siege by nefarious (((forces))) that use shitskins to weaken our way of life and dilute our cultures and gene pools. Keeping that in mind, all Europeans are allies, and while I am against the EU, I am strongly for Europe, especially countries like Hungary who had the balls to give Brussels the finger and take pride in their nationality.
I mention this because, from experience, I've noticed most romanian or hungarian threads end up in shitty flame wars which benefit neither.
Last mention: to the inevitable "fucking gypsies get out" people - we HATE gypsies just as much or even more than you because not only are those subhuman parasites leeching off our country they're spreading their fucking filth abroad and giving us a horrible image. I even ask my fellow Romanians what would a realistic solution be to the gypsy problem (the ideal one would be a purge).
I know… The "we be romans'n shit" is a meme that has to die amongst Romanians as well.
Hunter Adams
Prioritatea noastra numarul 1 este sa ne recapatam independenta si resursele naturale.
Dupa aia vedem ce facem cu tiganii. Vad ca indienii ii primesc inapoi.
Elijah Morales
Am avut multe discutii cu prieteni si rude si am ajuns cam la aceeasi concluzie. Tara asta a fost cumparata, industria a fost distrusa si produsele autohtone vandute in strainatate de o mana de animale corupte si lacome.
Dupa comunism nu sunt foarte mare fan al nationalizarii, dar un compromis ar fi - proprietari romani, companii romanesti pentru romani.
Colton Davis
Tell me about Gypsies user, we've got Abo's here in Australia, I imagine they are like black gypsies.
Nolan Davis
Gypsies are Indians who migrated over to Europe some centuries ago. There are differing accounts about their origins, but the outcome is the same.
They are niggers (no matter how much you try to integrate them they simply cannot be integrated. They are RABIDLY tribalistic and refuse any kind of outside influence, and see the host population as an us vs them situation. Kind of like mudslimes. They're backwards, inbred, marry-when-you-re-10 kind of scum that steal, cheat, lie and mostly shit up ANY place they live in)
Sebastian Richardson
So basically they're Jew-Nigger-Mud Hybrids.
James Gray
Jewhannis is a puppet of foreign interests, a murderer of martyrs having promulgated the 217/2015 law that basically validates bolshevik trials by incriminating Romanian nationalists who fought in the anti-communist resistance.
The political situation is still relatively good in my opinion, because I believe we have a nucleus of patriotic people, either retired or currently in the SRI who work from behind the scenes to uphold national interests. Obviously many of our politicians are bought, having given to greed and ended up becoming traitors that should be executed. However we see that pro-gay discrimination, multi-culturalism, refugee agenda, lgbt education, diversity lessons are less present than in Western Europe and we have a people that are less tolerant of moral degeneracy. (thank God for the older generations, seems the younger people are becoming abrorbed in hipster culture)
The gypsy problem shouldn't be hard to fix if we have a proper leader. Deport them out of the country or form penal battalions to send them against ISIS.
GOOD SIGNS on the horizon though, au loc multe adunari ale societatii civile si fundatiei Ion Gavrila Ogoranu pentru a cinsti memoria luptatorilor anti-comunisti. Incet incet se regenereaza miscarea nationalista si tineretul incepe sa afle ce a insemnat Miscarea Legionara si cum putem sa-i aplicam ideile in ziua de azi.
Gavin Hill
Pretty much, yes. The only good thing about them is that they're not AS violent as mudslimes and niggers (I'm not sure if it's because they're a cowardly people or because Romanians have a chad approach to them) and not nearly as, and I hate to say it, crafty as jews.
There are 2 classes of gypsies. The literal dustnigger (that's a good term since most of them are dust covered dirty niggers) who live in abject poverty and are parasitic, and then there are the BIG gypsies - the wealthy ones who built their wealth on exploiting the previous class. How? Literally making them slaves - forcing them into large begging chains, making them steal and etc.
With these ill-begoten gains they build atrocities like pic related.
It also doesn't fucking help that these animals call themselves Roma (making people confuse them with Romanians even more)
Elijah Wilson
They have to go back. Those fucking beggars are everywhere.
Wyatt Cook
cele mai grave probleme: 1. natalitatea romanilor 2. statusul de membru ue 3. taxele pe munca 4. tva 5. tarifele inexistente pt marfurile de import
Kevin Hernandez
Criza demografica se intensifica. Tiganii continua sa cace copii non-stop.
Populatia tiganeasca va fi de cel putin 40% prin 2040 (Asta daca nu luam in calcul populatia de ROMÂNI tiganizati), garantat.
Cel mai bun caz in situatia data ar fi un razbou civil + genocid.
Bentley Bell
E vreo miscare nationalista care nu e opozitie controlata?
Anthony Johnson
As vrea sa zic da, dar sincer nu stiu ca majoritatea par a fi. Cu mult interes il urmaresc pe Florin Dobrescu care imi pare a fi cel mai sincer dintre liderii nationalisti actuali.
Carter Hughes
I visited Romania a year or so ago. It's true, they really fucking hate gypsies. I'm British, was sitting with my Romanian-Australian friend in the height of summer out on a deck. Very lovely.
Anyway this fucking tanned dark haired gypsy came over bothering us about buying some shit. We declined. Within a second the bar manager came out of nowhere. Angrily growled something at her and shooed her away.
I asked my friend what the bar man had said. He replied "he said that this is a Romanian only bar and to go away". I laughed, and said "oh, should we leave?" He replied "no, he just meant fuck gypsies".
Camden Anderson
Complet de acord cu Jewhannis care are mana lui Merken atat de adanc in cur incat il foloseste ca o marioneta. Ca sa nu mai spun ca sincer, cred ca e cel putin pe spectrul de retard ca om. In fiecare interview in care il vad pare ca un imbecil.
Trebuie sa ma uit dupa asta dar deja am nervi.
Cred ca asta e rezultatula doi factori: generatia veche uraste marxismul cultural si corectitudinea politica - avand in vedere in ce sistem au crescut, si faptul ca Romania inca e o tara foarte crestina si traditionalista.
Mersi pentru asta - chiar doream sa intreb daca stii de vreo miscare in care se poate implica un cetatean, pentru ca partidele curente sunt ori cumparate, ori corupte.
De acord.
Iti poti imagina ca se vorbeste sa treaca Romania pe Europa pana in 2020? Tu iti dai seama ce dezastru ar fi… Cristoase, urasc evreii si animalele de la Brussels.
Ce imi da mie speranta e ca tiganii sunt universal urati in Romania - nu am intalnit inca oameni care sa fie pro tigani si pro diversitate. Dar am 30 de ani, nu prea sunt la curent cu noile generatii, insa mi s-a facut scarba cand am auzis ca se auto-intituleaza 'Generatia Facebook' fara sa isi dea seama ce inseamna aia.
Caleb Sullivan
This is most romanian's reaction to them when they appear out of nowhere and start begging or trying to sell you some shit. They get yelled at, even hit to go the fuck away.
That's why, here, they're mostly contained in Africa-tier slums or nightmare villages outside of cities.
Dylan Foster
Romania has been history's bitch since 200 BC. Currently you are one of three flashpoints for a global land war with Russia. Unlucky, due to your geographic position you are stuck between three empires, west, ottoman and east. Probably you will be given to the Turks when the Russians are pushed back.
Levi Rogers
Cati de aici sunteti afara?
Dylan Cruz
That's always been the case, my friend. We were always stuck between giants - Ottoman, Russian, European so it was inevitable we'd be fucked over and over again. We strived for independence or whatever form we could get, and I for one, will never stop trying to achieve it.
Throughout the last millennium we were at the crossroads between Christianity and Islam so we tried serving as a shield but yeah.. got fucked more often than not.
Thanks for that vid though, will actually watch it.
Eu sunt in tara, dar as minti daca nu as recunoaste ca des ma bate gandul sa plec. Din pacate (poate ma insel) cred ca suntem una dintre tarile Europene cu cea mai mare diaspora.
Pana nu se imbunatatesc lucrurile nu vad sa se intoarca oamenii acasa.
Nathan Morales
sau nu se inrautatesc acolo.
Sincer as pleca la tara. Sa ma rup de tot si toate.
Aiden Jenkins
Finnia est Quarta Roma,
Heredes orientem et occidentem.
Ave Victoria
Austin Reyes
Anul asta am decis ca am terminat-o cu orasul, cel putin sa traiesc aici. Vreau sa traiesc nu neaparat la tara, dar la casa. Sunt satul de blocuri si galagie.
Dar eu zic sa nu ne rupem de tot si de toate, altfel nu e nici o sansa de schimbare.
De aceea eram curios sa stiu daca e vreo miscare politica, vreun partid care nu e putred, in care putem participa cu adevarat.
Thomas Phillips
Fa Romanian/pol #1 altfel o sa stearga mods. Baga link-uri in OP cu stiri interesante. Plus Mafia/Coruptia din politica poate???
Eli Flores
Nu mai exista astfel de partid dupa ce a fost desfiintat abuziv Partidul Totul Pentru Tara in 2015. Sau cel putin nu stiu eu sa fie vreun alt partid.
Or perhaps making a party is the solution here. I recommend checking for inspiration, those guys in America have made a movement which is partly based on the ideas of Corneliu Zelea Codreanu.
Jacob Green
M-am gandit la asta, dar sincer nu ma pricep sa le fac asa faine cum le fac cei de la Brit/pol/ de ex.
Dar demult ma loveste ideea sa fac o revista. Autori anonimi, articole f nationaliste + sugestii de rezolvare a problemelor curente.
Am legaturi la o tipografie, pot scoate copii aproape gratis.
Cred ca e necesar sa se formeze o miscare nationalista deoarece tineretul din ziua de azi o ia vertiginos pe calea vestului. De fiecare data cand imi amintesc "generatia facebook" mi se face pielea gaina.
De asta, cum ziceam, eram tentat sa pornesc o revista de dreapta.
Benjamin Miller
Fac eu in 5 min.
Matthew Brown
Cred ca multi tineri care au idei similare s-ar baga sa contribuie la revista respectiva + website aferent.
Luis Smith
O sa ajut cu tot ce pot. Da link la el aici.Singurul lucru la care sa fi atent e sa bagi disclaimeru ala pentru unguri si tigani.
Kevin Miller
Defapt daca faci o revista tiparita poate intra sub incidenta legii 217, un website ar fi mai sigur in situatia actuala.
Cooper Jones
Trebuie sa ma interesez de legea 217, chiar nu stiu despre ea.
Discutasem deja cu oameni apropiati de revista respectiva si normal ca trebuie si o versiune online, dar trebuie sa ajung si la generatia veche. Cea traditionalista. Uite-te la Brexit si cine a scos Anglia din oala de rahat care e EU.
Plus ca oricat de digitala ar deveni media, e altceva cand tii o revista in mana, cand are forma fizica. Poate e o idee gresita si naiva de-a mea, insa.
Da, Romania e cucked din punctul asta de vedere, suntem una dintre tarile europene cu "Holocaust Denial" laws.
Mie insa imi pare usor de evitat prin limbaj creativ. In loc de a condamna evreii de ex, putem pune accent pe caracter nationalist. In loc de a spune ca tiganii sunt animale, putem pune accent pe mandrie in etnie. Etc.
Cum ziceam, de ceva vreme ma tenteaza ideea de revista - bazata pe ideologia Holla Forums. Nationalistm, patriotism si anonimitate, ca sa nu poata fi atacuri de caracter, ci doar sa atace argumentele.
Si la fiecare articol, rog autorul sa ofere si rezolvare a problemei pe care o are - fie petitii la primarii, fie voturi fie propuneri de miscari politice.
Si o gramada de caricaturi (am cativa prieteni caricaturisti buni).
James Richardson
Scuze, doar acum am vazut raspunsul asta. Sper sa fie interes, si sa fie oameni dispusi sa contribuie (mai ales ca dupa cum ziceam, e anonim). In rest imi asum eu tot. Banii pentru printare, pentru mentinerea website-ului, platesc si ilustratorii, inregistrez eu revista sa fie legala si angajez si eu un avocat, fara paranteze triple in jurul numelui, care sa fie atent la articole si la lucruri de care s-ar putea lega (((cenzorii))).
Charles Reyes
No shit the country was created under influences brought in from revolutionary France. Everybody on Holla Forums should know the implications of that statement. The net result is that our Thracian race has been utterly forgotten because of this pernicious bullshit.
Landon Rogers
Doamne ajuta atunci! Sper sa aflu cand se lanseaza, am sa urmaresc Holla Forums pentru un semn.
Christian Phillips
Time to remind the people then.
Multumesc. Idealul ar fi - Din revista o miscare, din miscare o schimbare.
Kevin Baker
From an exterior point of view, main problems in Romania are : - Jews - Gypsies, - Corruption. From what I see, ALL your politicians are corrupt. - Cohabitation problems with white minorities such as Hungarians and Sacii. - Reject of anything Russian (Understandable since you suffered from communism) sadly this tend to lead to immediate acceptance of any idea that seems pro-UE or pro-US. You rejected an empire for another one. - Your few turcs are not currently a problem but could become one. -You should not accept refugees. Hungary is right on that issue.
Main strengths of Romania : - Natural resources, vast country. - Highly educated population, lots of bi or trilingual people. - lots of Romanians working in Western Europe and investing in Romania.
I think it will get better, slowly.
Hudson Phillips
am facut romanian/pol/ #1
Christian Green
Agree on all points, but I think the first one is the corruption.
It's staggering in this country. You can't touch the jews/gypsies without taking down the PURELY rotten fucking politicians.
Thanks for contributing.
Esti tare. Te sustin cu tot ce pot. Hai ca ma mut acolo.
Carter Ortiz
corruption and jews kinda work together anywhere anyway.
Couldn't agree more. One of the steps that need to be taken here is to praise our national heroes much more than we do now.
Christopher Gutierrez
Konstanty Gebert is a Jewish Roma rights activist.
Luis White
15 seconds in: "this is the first discussion of diversity and the treatment of minorities" .
They will burn in the purge. Seriously, Jewish and Roma… it's like a triple nigger-muslim combo.
And if there are any romanians left in the thread, help get the Ro/pol/ off the ground:
Nicholas Gonzalez
John King
Nice google translate there Schlomo.
Christian Carter
the thing is, we really wuz.
Leo Cox
Cultura in perioada comunista era bata da motivul pentru care Ceausescu a fost inlaturat e ca reusise in sfarsit sa scoata tara din (((datorii))) si (((dependenta economica))) . Ca nu doar de pula lui ne-a facut sa stam la cozi .
Da acuma ni s-o palavragit toata industria productiva, si ne vand firmele straine padurile si resursele.
Cu tiganii problema e ca nu ne-asteapta pana cand vrem noi sa ne ridicam de pe cur sa facem ceva. Se-nmultesc ca iepurii. Problema e, strictro-sensum, contra-cronometru.
Crestinatea e (incet) pe duca, (indiferent de cat de mare umfla Daniel catedrala aia n-o sa dea timpul inapoi) si noi, spre deosebire de nordici de exemplu, n-am apucat sa avem o cultura scrisa precrestina . Desi, prin sincretism cu traditiile noastre populare, am reusit sa infrumusetam crestinatatea.
Ar trebui cumva sa incurajam si "ruralizarea" ,intoarcerea la tara si la pamant, si sa rezolvam si cu natalitatea… dar nu vad pe nimeni in politica acum care sa-nceapa ceva bun si de durata . Iar noi ca populatie ramanem distrasi cu paine si circ …
Austin Baker
What language is that and why can i understand most of it?
Easton Ortiz
Romanian, the closest language to classical latin, even despite slavic influence.
Dylan Jackson
Bulgaria and Romania should unite in a dualist empire again. By remaining separated our enemies easily manipulate us into fighting against each other, when in reality we are one blood (excluding the gypsy scum).
Nathaniel Gomez
Right now in central and eastern europe you can see the drawing of lines beginning, there are two sides. America and russia. Slovakia, czech rep and hungary are inclining towards russia, poland and romania are turning to america.
Nathaniel Young
What, you don't think it makes sense how, for example; poor shepherds and farmers in Moldova have for thousands of years, in a land never occupied by Romans - hundreds of kilometers outside the borders of the Roman empire, in spite of being extremely aggressive to change and foreign influence, in spite of the Huns, Turks, Tartars, Goths, Russi, Magyars, Austrians, Scythians, Mongols and others, manage to speak in fluent Latin syntax and vocabulary without even the education to write their own names for a thousand years and that you'd be able to understand it? Sounds pretty obvious to me fam.
we wuz ayylmaos
Brayden Nguyen
The romanian language as it exists today is the results of 19th century language reforms.
Andrew Howard
Yes, they obviously weren't there for that long, and only migrated to those lands after the Great Migration was over. Their ancestors started their northward journey from the Balkans, somewhere close to Albania.
Nathaniel Davis
Ah yes, that makes perfect sense. Proto-Albanians left their easily defensible and mild Mediterranean mountains one day and decided to travel north into a harsher and more unforgiving climate, across many other hostile tribes and across the Danube, just to settle in the land of milk and honey which is Romania. Apparently not wanted by any other of the dozens of migratory tribes who had passed through it, who presumably just ignored the open salt and gold mine all over the countryside and were gracious enough to just let the Albanians have it all no questions asked.
Jaxon Anderson
Your sarcasm isn't really working.
Elijah Smith
I think in relation to Romanian politics the most important thing which needs to be addressed is first to establish who we are, and secondly to find what is our purpose as a people, once established there will be traction. I'm sorry I don't think much about the migration theory, there is little merit in something which lacks conclusive evidence.
Jaxon Gray
I got a Romanian friend, I hear enough bitching about Romanian politics. Hows that red tape treating you?