I said post scarcity, not communism. Learn to read.
Which part? Is it the part where I pointed out that the paper did not actually provide a solution beyond
Of course you never actually provide a refutation either, so I am not sure where you get your attitude.
This is not a claim. This is a fact, since
a) it is not "just" the internet, but the miles of infrastructure needed to maintain it.
b) renewables are not growing at the rate needed to replace fossil fuels in the future.
c) It is actually impossible to convert entirely to renewables at our level of energy consumption without nuclear. Notice how I did not leave out nuclear in my original post.
This is bullshit and shows how little reading comprehension you have. I specifically made a distinction between "wasteful" technology and technology that helps us increase our productive capacity and thereby increase our free time.
I did not say that things like the Haber process, combine harvesters, or other labor saving technologies had to go. Quite the opposite. Do your self a favor next time and read the post.
I do not think choosing more efficient technology over wasteful but "newer" technology is reactionary. Is it truly reactionary to be blindly opposed to possible solutions just because they worked in the past? Is it reactionary to want to ride a bike to work instead of driving a Tesla, even though riding a bike is clearly the more resource and energy efficient of the two?
But you see, the only reason your phones are so cheap is because of slave labor. What will happen if you decide to implement your advanced mines? Costs will naturally go up, since the only reason they were not implemented before is because they were more expensive. Therefore your assessment of the productive capacity of society and the amount of labor that can be freed up is wrong. Note how I did not say that it is impossible to reduce labor, only that we need to recalculate what is really possible in society.
All in all, you really should grow up and learn how to read other peoples posts. Instead of being so triggered that I disagreed with you and constructing ridiculous strawmen in your blind rage, perhaps you should put yourself above most leftists for a change.