Back in the early days, most people did not know how to write or read.
In my family a few generations back almost no one had an education.
The government realized that knowing how to read and write would be terrific for their nations so the concept of a standard school education became a thing.
No mater your status in society, you would know how to do basic math and you would know how to read and write.
Because of this many of our modern communication and business is done with the assumption that an adult has a basic understanding of how to read and write.
Let me list a few assumptions
These two assumptions allow a nation to assume that all people in it will be able to do the following:
Do simple transactions, Read signs, Read mail, Send mail, Take notes, Keep logs.
This is why governments invest heavy into children from ages 5~18 and provide them with a basic education that will allow a nation to operate at a higher level thanks to a simple standard established.
Back in 1980 many computer makers where promoting their home computers as being an investment for children. They claimed that having a home computer would be essential for children due to knowledge of computers and programming would be a must have skill in the future.
Today in 2017 I can tell you that they where right. In the 1990s and early 2000s the kids who grew up using computers in 1980 there those that where first in many new businesses. Even if they where not those that started the business they where either quickly employed by them or in some way benefited from them.
So we can established the benefit of having some computer knowledge. Unfortunately we live in a time where school systems exist for the benefit of companies not the benefit of the nation.
If you where born after 1985, I want you to think back to your Computer Class experience in school.
I will give you a brief taste of my experience
Overall these classes where lead by "very professional" female teachers, I assume now that these classes where created to trick administration into thinking that their investment in a "career planning" website for 10 year olds was a good idea. The children would spend the 10 minutes needed to complete the form click submit, get their result, show the teacher and play games for the rest of the class.
I want you to ask yourself what benefit did your computer classes give you?
Compared to the classical classes such as Math and English computer classes seem to be created with no real planning or reason.
They teach kids nothing about Computers, instead they teach them how to use browse websites and write documents.
This gets back to my point on schools educating people for business instead of educating for the benefit of the nation.
Adobe and Microsoft are responsible for filling public schools with their software. They do this for a few reasons.
1) it makes people familiar with their products
2) it frees the schools administration from having to actually think about putting in a computer class that serves a benefit to the nation.
If school administrators where competent they would have made kids learn the concepts of programming by the time they where ready for high school.
Imagine if back in 2000 every single school in the U.S required kids to learn python along side Math and English.
Today we would be living in a completely different world. The consumer electronics such as smart watches and Smart Phones could have had built in scripting languages due to the concepts of programming being a required skill to know in society. Consumer software would have had scripting languages built in to allow for greater customization and automation. Office workers would be able to write their own scripts to loop quickly through repetitive work instead of doing the work manually.
I know the argument of "NOT EVERYONE NEEDS TO KNOW PROGRAMMING YOU AUTIST" but i disagree, unlike engineering or other disciplines, every single person has a computer, not every single person needs to know engineering as not everyone has the equipment that allows them to be a machinist. Programming is the only skill that could benefit people greatly that is not being added to the school systems.