Post your favourite bootleg Holla Forums related shit, bonus for stuff from your own collection
Bootleg shit
I get the feeling these all come from some 3rd world south east asian country.
Heroes assemble looks pretty cool.
What do these idiotic foreigners gain from this shit?
the fact that people will be dumb enough to buy them that and they skirt copyright a bit.
The classic.
fucking shrek everytime
Never gets old.
Shit, I used to have a huge folder of these but I can't find it now.
1. Movie is released
2. Plastics factory in Cambodia starts cranking out bootlegs
3. Clueless Cambodian traders buy bootlegs because they can't tell the difference
4. Repeat step 3 until someone figures out it's a bootleg
5. The plastics factory has already made their money and is getting ready for the next movie
(…or substitute another former French colonial holding for Cambodia)
I took this picture at the dollar store a while ago.
wish 8/toy/ wasn't a ghost town
Why don't they open some translating service and see if it translates well, or fucking ask on a forum somewhere "hey could someone tell me if this sounds right"
if they thought to do that they wouldn't be using powerpuff girl packaging
My favorite.
Bravo is everywhere.
all of these are gold
That soccer player spider man. I must own it..
This Winnie the Pooh is probably how all the Holla Forums guys who played that Japanese WtP baseball game feel
wow when I click on it, it shows upside down!
>in which the equipments turnied him into another person: spiderman
Makes me wonder if this one still flips.
Pic two is one rare pepe. Do any more pictures of it exist?
Dump incoming
Why must every bootleg have a firearm?
I found some!
But why is he fighting crime bare-chested?
God those Toy Story ones are disturbing
Seems legit.
I'll cheat a bit and add some official but lulzy toys too.
Also, the wallet always gets me.
Check out these Fantastic Four ones, then. Premium quality nightmare fuel.
If only.
Oh snap, you beat me to it, user. You posted the demon donkey before I did.
The artist of that Ben 10 isn't fucking incognitymous?
Yep, seems about right.
Your demondonkey looks more fun, neddy and lovely, tho.
There are so many sticker blocks with that preggo Gwen, I just can't phantom why or how.
I heard Politic Pat Go is very popular these days.
Nuff said.
Sorry if I'm mixing some bootleg Holla Forums
How do I wear these gloves, tho?
Well they aren't wrong
Last one isn't exactly a bootleg but it's too funny.
And that's all I had. Old stuff, to be honest, I should look for more funny bootleg stuff.
wow I was not disappointed. I wonder if they will become a hot selling item like that record?
Feels good man.
Can anyone who knows Chinese explain why that shows up on every fucking bootleg?
/k/ here to tell you Chinese knock offs go back over a century. A rare few actually were better than the original by so much the original creators implemented those improvements, but those were the exception.
A few non-Chinese ones as a bonus.
Lost my sides on the Spiderman part
I'm diggin' Luke Cage's new costume.
yeah, that frank castle transformer is actually an official Marvel product from the late 90's.
oh god I think I remember some of those Marvel Transfomer things.
I have a venom one buried somewhere that transforms into a 3 headed reptile thing.
Anyone has the post explaining how it is actually a satiric russian book about a bussinesman that looks like Pikachu that has a fuckbuddy that looks like Meowth and how they do irl erotic roleplay? And that being only the beginning of the book?
Too maimstream tbh fam.
I wanna fuck that meowth.
That Xbox thing isn't a bootleg, I remember getting one from a box of cereal. It's a licensed product.
I didn't realize Frank Castle was a member of the Space Patrol.
Pepe spotted in pic 4.
Also, dubs for the frog god.
Some, not all, but some bootlegs are really really good and some are cheap alternatives. Growing up in Osaka we used to get BUCKETS of dragon ball figures and for the longest time had no fucking clue what any of them were supposed to be but we loved them because they were 20 cents a pop. its cheap but it's great for a kid
All pictures taken from a phone turn upside down when clicked.
I'd fuck him.
OH GOD MY SIDES! That Allah packaging is priceless! and the fucking monkey doll!
Why, it's correct.
"Man, Peter Parker Spider-Man!"
I don't know why this shit cracks me up so much.
Here, m8
who was that famous VA who read the entire text of that family guy thing?
he looks like Moe Szyslak
Power Man looks kinda fucking awesome though. Black and yellow, unf baby.
That Shrek/Hulk backpack is fucking 10/10
You can't convince me some kid didn't put his dick in there at some point. Any kid who had one of these grew up to be gay for superman, I'd bet my life on it.
Why does that Hulk doll look like George Soros?
The Superman one is a shoop.
bonus points for optical prime
Looks like Hulk turned into a…
Toxic Avenger.
I know for a fact that's actually Contra Force.
Ah, the Jesus Christ Superstore
Turns out it's actually just an art project, but I'd still buy them
c-captain Bright?…
Where's my Moloch action figure?
I don't know, I had one but I lost it. I still have the roasted baby figures though.
And Ray Liotta.
I lost it
That kid looks like he'd do the noises at 0:07.
Spider-man is on every super team.
Ok this one is pretty damn cool. Mecha Tomas. I would totally buy that for my nephew.
Holy shit.
He looks special alright.
I kinda want the Homer toy.