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You should probably just kill yourself, OP

So you're a hillary shill and you're cutting yourself because some polls show that hillary is popular? WTF is wrong with you?

oh wow, 4 points.

ur hilarious OP post moer



Jeb! Pls



you just ruined Lincoln Park for me.


Wasn't this warned about earlier this week after Reuter's changed their polling?

Use helium, less mess for people to clean up for you low energy retard

This is now an Islam thread.

Many of the polls also over-represent Democrats and under-represent Independents.

kill yourself my man

RealClearPolitics went to the democrats long ago, its just a shill site now, same as TheBlaze. The globalist jew exposes himself when he gets desperate.


I Love how shills have to make the poll look as big as possible to make an illusion that Trump is losing badly when its only four points

sorry guys look like I'm a #JebHead now.

Good thing they're not a shill and the poll is real.

I mean wew. Of course shit's going to look like a monstrous difference if 5% of the total possible range is 100% of the chart.

Holy fuck, the CNN poll has Gary Johnsonberg at 9%.



Wew lad. Gas yourself.

Fuck off, correct the record shill.

Muslims aren't nationalistic, they are devoted to Islam solely. In fact patriotism could be seen as idolatry since you are revering something other abstract power source than Allah.

Holla Forums is also not uniformly fundamentalist. There are christcucks, catholic christcucks, various LARPing norse and lolpagans, gnostics, and frog worshipers, each with varying levels of devoutness.

Aside from that the chart is spot on though.

Foolish guac bowl merchant, go to the cuck shed. It's already widely known the the polls have been skewed, Trump even had 75% of Americans supporting his speech.

>revering something

Moichandizing! use the power of the Shawrtz

Waste of dubs. Kill yourself.

Islam isn't nationalist, it is a transnational multiracial universalist ideology, that's why the (((globalists))) prefer Islam to European nationalism.

looks like I am a #steinbomb

Well, I don't want to be on the losing side. I'm switching my vote so I'm not ostracized by my Facebook friends any further! ;(

#DumpDrumpf #HillFire #BreakTheGlassCeiling #KillAllMen #DiversityIsStrength #HugAMuslim #NoBorders #ImWithHer

well, if the illuminati say so… Here, study the koran:

I'm not religious and have no urge to put women on a leash it's like you don't know pol at all

Who doesn't hate the jews?
There are plenty of non religious on Holla Forums.
Islam is degeneracy.
How so?
Holla Forums (mostly) supports ACTUAL strong and empowered women, which means strong family values, self accountability, and proper self respect.
You kind of have to be in todays political environment, find me a group that isn't militant and I'll find you a group no one gives a fuck about.
How is 12 wives 72 virgins, and raping young boys part of a nuclear family?

Muslims don't believe in the nuclear family type of relationship at allm putting a leash on women implies slavery, the natonilistic checkmark grossly misrepresents what Islam holds, Islam promotes degeneracy because the children in those rape circles are not under protection by the Quran, /christian/ has it's own board.

Jews hate nuclear families so much that when a scientist had the chance to work on nuclear technology, his fury and hatred for nature caused him to split the atom, creating horrifically destructive superweapons.

Jews hated the nueclear family so much they couldn't help but to split it up on an atomic level


Well said!

It's incredible to think about to implications of it all, too. At the very least, poetically, but maybe even literally.


In all seriousness though, the splitting of the atom has done wonders for the technological and scientific advancement of humanity



I wouldn't really know, only a few % of power here is generated by nuclear reactors. Meanwhile, Fukushima, Green Mile Island, Chernobyl, etc…

In other words, public perception, at least from where I sit, is probably very mixed about nuclear tech, especially since most people don't/haven't spent much time to investigate the benefits of splitting the atom.



For one, the lack of nuclear power production is due to environmental groups blocking the construction of new plants. Nuclear power production is actually incredibly safe for the most part, and there have been many safety improvements over the years. You've bought into the scare propaganda hook line and sinker.

But that's not even the point. The scientific knowledge and knowledge gained from discovering we could split the atom opened up so many new doors for us.



Switching to immigration folder.

Sage coz lame thread




