Post images and videos that I would want to save.
Post images and videos
The board is so slow. I know may fast posting is making your get game theory calculations very difficult.
You first.
You don't know what real slow is like, you fucking newfag
I see you guys are predicting calculations of when you expect the get to happen based on the post rate so you are delaying your posts until close to when you expect that get to occur but that further slows the post rate down for the people that make those calculations at later times and if you were to take that into consideration in these kind of calculations it has the potential to slow the post rate even more in a vicious circle. It is very possible this type of phenomenon is the final push that kills this board, although probably not this time, although I am not against this phenomenon and the behavior that causes it.
Isn't that more applicable to Obama?
I was here when we had less than 100000 posts, so you probably don't know what normal speed is like.
Yeah, right? Actually, it's applicable to modern leftists.
Are you agreeing with me?
Um…isn't that kinda fucking obvious?
Go back to your favorite 4chan and reddit
funny story: it actually was Obama, but I shopped the Trump head on there
Dubs, not when it's not clear like the way you said it, but thank you for agreeing with me.
1. It's a really shitty shoop.
2. Why? From what I've seen Trump isn't doing anything to the Constitution or ignored it.
Sure the missile thing was a little sketchy, but it was legal. Quit being a fear mongering faggot.
Ah it's applicable to every president since Clinton
Stop calling people who were on here longer than you newfags.
I see there are more than 3 unique posters in this thread so we are all getting confused as to who we are replying to.
Or you will ban me?
Hillary Clinton was not elected.
LOL, cause he resticts freedom of the press less than the press restricts freedom to seek truth?
And he restricts speech less than SJWS who choose what to be offended by restrictions micro aggressions.
I mean that's how it was saved.
Woah aesthetic
Stupid ducking laggy as glitch smartphone made me miss that quads get
"Post images and videos that I would want to save."
Can't you guys follow simple directions?