Is it possible? Is the human brain so complicated is could never be controlled?
What if people were given chip implants that let then collect your witless info just by walking near your cellphone? Dear God why aren't we doing anything about this?!
Is it possible? Is the human brain so complicated is could never be controlled?
What if people were given chip implants that let then collect your witless info just by walking near your cellphone? Dear God why aren't we doing anything about this?!
With those CIA backdoor Revelations and the Advent of mind to computer interfacing
How can we protect ourselves from people reporting your passwords, wifi, or van eck radiation to a nearby van?!
With limited communication required because of how 'slutty' our communication systems are, one could be 'in and out' and give someone the 'slip' with little proof.
Dear God!
Human brain is indeed really complicated all you can do is read someone thoughts or just apply some damage screw with it a little to achieve some unpleasant unwanted information going on someones mind
Unless you are not under hypnosis and hypnotizer is standing next to you ofc
2 words
american education
just look at germany or sweden, full of jew controlled cucks
Let me correct you there.
Public Education.
This. The human brain is easily controled by propaganda. Right now there are people here who unironically believe anthorpogenic climate change is real and ethno-nationalism is bad (unless it's in non-white countries).
Not everyone can afford private education or be capable of homeschooling your children.
Or did you just not know what public education is?
My remark was that the entire world does not consist of america. school in germany is fine public or not.
I didn't know you had to pay extra in america to not have your kid become retarded.
Private schools here are for rich fucks that fail normal school because they are lazy.
It's working right now.
public school in every country indoctrinates them with the flavor of the year of retarded doctrine.
The german schoolsystem is pretty fucked aswell. Not in terms of content, but everything else is on a downwards spiral, at least in the public sector. Schools are heavily underfunded, classes are far to big, a lot of teacher either don't care or are incompetent as fuck and subjects like social studies or english are filled to the brim with political indoctrination. Sure it depends on the state, but there are certain issues that are found throughout the country.
All school systems tbh
Funny. We are already controlled by the media and politicians.
Brainwashed to be a consumer.
Go to work to buy sneakers with lights!
you don't have a thought that goes through your head that hasn't been provided for you by society
you construct ideas by thought, your thoughts are made up by language, your language has been provided by someone else
language is there to confound thought, think of language as turning an analogue signal of thought into digital, the continuous analogue wave of thought is converted into little packets of data, words, making thought pixelated, only the resolution is always decreasing as the language gets more and more diminished a la newspeak
if your brain is a computer, the software it is running is memes, units of information that propagate themselves in peoples minds, those units of information almost always originate from outside your mind and most of them existed before your mind was created. who controls those memes? the people who control the media.
media manipulation isnt some clandestine operation that happens out of sight and it isnt something that happens as a result of people trying to take advantage of an existing medium, it is at the very essence of what media is and why it exists, to act as a way to create and control the memes in peoples minds.
if your brain is a computer , words are the code, memes are the software, and your mind is the operating system, your mind was created by the information that it has downloaded from the world around you, from society. you are not only mind controlled, but society has been creating your mind since you were born
this brainwashingception
brainwashed people trying to brainwash people into being like brainwashed people
kinda like this
No, just the goyim
The mind of a goy is easily controlled. They are useless cattle that want to be shown how to live. This is why we take advantage of them and use them to benefit our own people.
t. goy in denial
consider that when SJW ban the use of words like "nigger" even when they are being used to quote someone
or how they set up trigger warnings and safe spaces
they are dictating what words and ideas are okay to use
someone trying to undo science brainwashing with their own brainwashing surprisingly doesn't invoke as much of a response as the white kids pretending to be jihadis
science is every bit as much about manipulating the consensus reality as is media, and the means by which it does it are equally deceitful.
at least with entertainment people to some extent are aware that they watching actors putting on a performance
mate, just because there has been cases of manipulation in peer-reviewed journals/academia in general does not discredit the entire whole of it. it's up to the individual to be able to distinguish bad science from good science
since when did truth necessarily have to be qualified by science for it to be truth?
since when people came along with their scientific dogma, thats when…
arguing with a scientist is like having some retard come up to you and tell you that if you cant win their game they just invented and made their own rules to, rules that they dont even have to stick to to win, then everything you think is wrong
Not quite the whole story. Thoughts are, as you said, more complicated than simple packets of language; whilst the language you organize and quantify your thoughts in may have been developed by society (thus out of your control), the emotions that are connected to the ideas are not. In this way a thought can be thought of as being made of two parts, the emotional response and the rational response. If two people the same words, and they process them in their heads and get different feelings from it in what way are the thoughts the same?
Society has much greater influence over the rational part of thought than the emotional part (in fact the emotional part cannot really be controlled at all). Take for example the idea that stealing is wrong. We all 'know' this, in that most people, if asked, would agree with the statement. But without a visceral emotional response to the idea, what does it really mean. I have stolen things before; if I really thought it was wrong I would regret doing it, and would never have done it again after the first time. inb4 nigger So whilst I too would repeat the mantra that stealing is wrong, I don't really think that it is inherently. I can explain the logically the reasons why it is, but it doesn't matter-
ideas without feeling are empty. Emotions without rationality are useless.
i think pavlov and his dogs would have something to say about
to some extent i think emotional responses are more easily programmed becasue they are unconscious / subconscious, accessing peoples subconscious is typically how the mind-controllers modus operandi is portrayed
i guess with my post i wanted to give people some insight into a more esoteric way of looking at mind control, and possibly to focus more on the mind and thought processes rather than human behaviour in a more general sense
eh, this has some merit
substitute your terminology with brain states, mental states, and emotional states and then read some philosophy of mind/neuroscience psychology
of course its possible, its call religion