
So I asked my friend if there is any proof that GMOs are harmful. And he sent me here. I legitamantly need some I just can't find it online so I wanted pol to help.

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There isn't any proof that GMO are harmful. Something being harmful just because its genetical information has been modified makes no real sense anyway, it's like saying "domesticated plants are harmful"


How about you go back to plebbit you

kill yourself

No I'm seriously curious. Couldn't find any threads about them.


I'll tell you a secret newfriend.

Not even Holla Forums knows the answer to this. We know kikes are involved in them and some of us think they're fine and they help humanity while others think they're unnatural and ought to be thrown into the trash.

It's probably the latter. Don't ask Holla Forums to spoonfeed you; the point of this place is to teach you to do research yourself.

Where does GMO food come from? ((Who)) promotes it? Do we really need it? Why's that?

Learn to ask questions, and you'll get answers.


don't come back

sage and report

We can fight about GMOs after we settle Abortions, Religion, Anime, Kek, Rach, Oaths, Moderation, and Anime.

Because GMO food that is resistant to pests is bad, but organic food that needs 3 caked layers of pesticides on it to keep it profitable is fine.

Originally GMOs were introduced to help the human race as a whole.
Certain corps took this idea and made crops that would be chemical/herbicide resistant etc.

Now that these crops are made, everybody is having a fit whether or not they are safe to eat/use.

As a farmer, they let us use roundup etc. to nuke certain weeds that are resistant to lesser herbicides

Civilization has been genetically modifying food for thousands of years.

Take your leftist myths and fuck off to Reddit

some GMOs produce their own pesticides
I don't need to tell Holla Forums that those pesticides which are biologically created by the plants are bad for them, but as for you OP, maybe you should do some research into that sort of matter

cross-breeding isn't the same thing

Yes it is

Sorry but that actually falls under the definition of genetically modifying crops in America.

it's not the GMO aspect of it, OP. it's the pesticides the plants are modified to be resistant to, usually

basically just look up roundup's effects on health, that's the main one right there. it fucks your shit up and you can't wash it off the vegetables ever

also some gmos are shit in other ways, like letting a plant grow without a certain nutrient, like making carrots that don't contain vitamin a because it's better for the bottom line. that's basically standard as far as food goes

when you think gmo, you want to think "bigger, better food" what it really is, is "cheaper, cardboard poison food"

The only difference is that in Modern GMO's they just go in there and change the DNA directly. The net difference is none at all. The end product could have been achieved just more slowly by cross-breeding and selective breeding.

Actually I have done a report on this. The short answer is yes. GMOs are harmful. For example, BT Corn is pretty much harmless. Roundup ready corn will fuck your shit up in a terrible way.

The real problem is how these genetically modified strains spread. The political structure of agriculture today is dominated by companies like monsanto which produce pesticides, fertilizers, and GMOs. They have dominated the industry. First of all, their products are NOT profitable for farmers. Its actually akin to selling yourself into serfdom, because you have to keep rebuying their seed every year and you aren't allowed to save your own seed (its their intellectual property.) When you buy their shit you have to buy a fuckton of their pesticides as well, putting you deeper in debt in a vicious cycle year after year. There is no escape.

Then their shitty GMO seed cross pollinates the farms of farmers who aren't willing to sell themselves down river. Monsanto swoops in and claims their intellectual property have been violated. Now they can put you in chains so to speak and force you to buy their seed and pesticides year after year, since you will probably never be able to get that genetic contamination out of your fields even if you switch. Its not like you can burn everything and let it sit for a few years, you have to make money, so you're hooked for life.

.There isn't any proof that GMO are harmful. Something being harmful just because its genetical information has been modified makes no real sense anyway, it's like saying "domesticated plants are harmful"

Yes, some plants are harmful. Generally we don't eat those plants. Genetically modifying harmless plants to be harmful and then releasing them into the wild is not smart, even if it makes Monsanto filthy rich.

Every time

There are multiple different "levels" of organic. The requirements from the buyers are different.
'True' organic pays out the ass but the yields are so-so. You are not allowed any foreign chemicals on the crop. Since they pay so well, you can hire mexicans to pick weeds.

The problem is that its not healthy for us to eat. We're poisoning our own food supply.

I thought it was illegal to copyright genetic code. Why hasn't a class action lawsuit been put against them?

Read some Nassim Taleb.

Apparently it isn't, or the judges interpret it such as a way as to make it "legal". Monsanto actually sends out testers to snag samples from farms they suspect are stealing their intellectual property (such as farms downwind of a farmer hooked on their product) and if they find any instances of their gene in your crop they'll take you to court.

If you think GMOs are bad, you should consider becoming a communist and then killing yourself.

GMOs are only good in theory, in practice you get Mosanto churning out complete and utter garbage. Everywhere you look you see pro-GMO fags talk about shit like Golden Rice which makes up an insignificant amount when you compare the actual shit being sold, which would be crops designed to be resistant to Roundup that is sprayed on fields. Sure, the plants don't get hurt by it anymore, but that just means you end up eating not only the food itself but also all of the herbicide being sprayed on it now that farmers just indiscriminately saturate their fields with it. It massively accumulates in the plants to the point where Mosanto tries to pretend Roundup isn't carcinogenic. From what I have heard there were also GMOs that had a sequence added that would allow it them to secrete a certain a certain substance in order to protect them from microorganisms, which a lot of people ended up having health issues from because that shit would then get carried by the wind and be absorbed both through the skin and respiratory system.

don't think so
It's more on how you can actually use the code, for example in the case of a person's medical history or for insurance purposes

Dubs wasted on a naive cuck.

These plants and the infrastructure they require are toxic on every level.

Check out what green revolution agriculture has done to the mouth of the mississippi river in the gulf of mexico. Check out what the neonicitinoid pesticides are doing to native and domestic honeybee populations. Check out who's profiting massively from all of this, at the expense of the individual, the farmer, the environment, and the future.

It's not sane to support this. Go to your local organic farm, get some eggs/pork/cheese/greens. Taste the difference. Savor REAL FOOD.


This. GMOs are fine. But the intellectual property surrounding therm are evil

A bit like communism?
"We just haven't seen proper GMOs yet! Keep trying."

In the US it certainly isn't illegal, in fact gene patents on genes found in humans are actually one of the reasons research on Alzheimer's disease is stagnant, certain companies actually have ownership of these genes (I think it was Mosanto but it might not be) and they can easily fuck anyone trying to develop it in the ass with endless lawsuits.

No they're not

This is a pretty good overview, in practice you end up with bad results

One example that comes to mind is that some GMO crops are made to be resistant to herbicides.

The problem this causes is that they soak up said pesticides which wind up in our diet.

That's because nobody has thoroughly tested them. The public are being used as lab rats. This faggot even gets Baited into admitting it by a little girl. Also the FDA is run by the same people who run the industry, so good luck avoiding conflicts of interest.

you're better than this

That;s really how they do everything involving chemical compounds, for example the birth control pill

It's not that nobody has tested them, it is that there are so many possible variations that there is too much to test all at once. That is how shills can afford to fool people into thinking that many studies showing increases of cancer are fake, they just pretend that the study was simply testing whether they were GMO or not rather than what the actual difference they were testing for was. Or if they are willing to go that far then even pretend that it is a completely different product altogether. Even if there were people on testing every single product 24/7, it would be very easy to just change a small fragment of a sequence and then pretend that the product is either "fixed" or something completely different, which can be by either adding sequences that do next to nothing or making the resulting compound almost identical in function but slightly different.

Don't misunderstand it.

Banana's are GMO. Tomatoes. Shit changes when we grow it because we change the process of selection. Gene modification is just a quicker way of doing that. We can make tomatoes bigger, apples have a rind, anything we want. Sometimes there are adverse effects but those are seen fairly easily with chemical analysis, and eating something with bad genes does not somehow make those genes contagious or unsafe for your consumption. These are simple and routine tests in those fields.

But that matters so much less.

Why was the corn modified? It's because a (((group of people))) want to be able to use a better pesticide/herbicide, likely because pests are becoming resistant to the currently overused options. No pests means high yields means net worth. It's not a complicated concept, and the means only recently became available through gene editing technologies, a well developed science.

So they did.

You may or may not know, fertilizers(including piss), pesticides, and other farming chemicals end up in your food. All of it. It's pretty much OK, we have extremely adept organs and none of the current chemicals are very new, they're also mostly well tested on humans and livestock(in small quantities). It's one of those disgusting realities about our industrial way of living, try to avoid it if you can.

It's not the corn that's bad, and if you grew the GMO outside of the industrial environment it would then just be another type of corn, a shittier tasting, lower quality, industrially applicable reagent of a vegetable, not worthy of your plate. Turns into corn syrup just the same, and we use A LOT of that shit.





Pesticides/herbicides in particular are absolutely fucking our future. Glysophate, for example, is extremely xenoestrogenic. This contaminates our food, obvious, but less obviously it also contaminates are water supply, which is then used to water other crops, which are also sprayed, and as drinking water for the animals. Then we shower, etc.

Xenoestrogenic pollution in utero causes infertility, malformed genitalia, and autism, especially in boys. Rates of both autism and hypospadias have risen dramatically, and have been linked causatively by researchers.Glyphosate causes both. Its projected that by 2020 the majority of young boys will have some degree of both conditions.


Russia banned GMO's. Most of Europe has banned GMO

really my main problem with gmo is just the massive use of herbicides. I don't know the science well enough to know if GMO could cause us problems directly by I seriously doubt it. Probably less then eating corn syrup, corn, or wheat on it's own. Herbicides residue I find a problem, and that I happen to live around this stuff so it's an environmental problem. Did you know that when they are spraying in farm country you can smell the 2,4-d thousands of feet in the air?

do giant cock and balls and murkan jewclipped count?

Its incomplete virilization of the genitalia. It ranges from your urethra exiting off center to basically having no penis

As it stands, the more likely truth appears to me to be that GMOs aren't harmful. Though some modifications should logically be able to cause more harm than others, some foods are naturally less healthy than others. As the vast majority of the harmful traits would seem to make a food sickening or inedible, I thus believe most modifications would fall into the category of "not that bad, if not neutral or beneficial".

That's at least the theory.

See, I still believe the modifications themselves are harmless, but when you look at what they are, the truth reveals itself. Rarely do the modifications involve increased crop yields, or better nutrition. And when you look at the most prevalent strains, they don't even tend to involve maximizing insect resistance. Rather, the modifications of today involve engineering pesticide resistance, pesticides that are known to be rather toxic, and that seep into the plants themselves, making total removal impossible. Similarly, another post mentioned the engineered suicide, seeds needing to be repurchased each year due to claims of "intellectual property". I might add that this is in addition to frequent harassment of farmers near and distant from mosanto-owned farmers, though they are a dying breed.

It's also worth pointing out that they can put Autopsy photos on packs of cigarettes, but a little sticker that says GMO isn't allowed.

Not necessary with annuals. Perhaps with alfalfa, not sure there

Hybridization already makes that irrelevant.

I'm not accusing either of you of it, but this is on par with seedless watermelons being a conspiracy to make it harder for people to grow their own wudamellas

Except for the part where Monsonto has bribed governments to make it illegal to use non GMO, suicide seeds…yeah it's exactly like that Shillberg.

See its obvious you don't know shit about farming when you cry about suicide seeds. The deal is that GMO seeds are targeted each year in each region for specific crop condition forecasts. They repurchase every year because crop conditions change drastically year to year

I'm done responding to people who can't sage this obvious bait

I had not heard that from a credible source before and I have a low threshold, I read permie stuff for years and why bother when they can just subsidise GMOs for a few years.

Okay, sinead

except for the constant testing and having to raise the seed ahead of time, which means they'll sell what they have regardless of how realistic their forecasts were.

Some notes, most of the anti gmo stuff here is correct.
Other ideas: the molecular shape of the gmo corn physically mimics glyphosate, ie. the corn itself is treated as glyphosate in the body

Ask yourself:
Taking genes from a mushroom and putting it into corn has how much of a chance of happening via open pollination?
(I don't care how much gibberillic acid you use.)

Patenting life is sacrilege (imo).
Mosanto is big tobacco, and likewise too big to fail. (yes gmo yeast produces heroin now)

GMO's gave us this wonderful r selective overpopulation.

Start drinking organic milk, get the certified Oregon tilth brand (higher standards)
Start some sprouts
Grow some lettuce (radish

Aw yus

that was not the image I chose, but appropriate

My brother is a microbiologist, he told me they don't really know. Stuff like glyphosate is something people are concerned about now, before it was known to be harmless to people, which it still kindof is, but now they're finding out it causes changes to the bacteria in your gut which is related to your overall health in weird ways. Could be a big part of the reason so many people have gut related illnesses nowadays, like gluten sensitivity, but no one really knows for sure.

artificial selection is another method.
Educate yourself, pooking.

Said the increasingly nervous shill for the 3rd time.


I've stated my position. State yours.