Go Dad!
Go Dad!
Good for him. It's a shame he's losing a daughter, but more importantly, he's standing up for what's right.
All the mudsharks who take niggers to prom exemplify the folly of youth.
It's supposed to be one of the most special moments of your life, with pomp and circumstance, wearing elegant outfits, etc., and they trash the event by bringing their pet monkeys.
It takes a few additional years of wisdom for them to realize what a mistake they made, looking back on how stupid they were, perhaps with a bastard niglet or two running around the house.
I have a cousin who dated a black man. She was 17 and he was 33
All our family told her to GTFO because he's a nigger but she didn't hear it. So he gets her pregnant (obviously) and disappears (double obviously)
So she freaks the fuck out and breaks down and asks for family members to help her care for the baby. I didn't because fuck her but a few betas in the family have been helping her. A few months ago he came back into her life and talked his bullshit that he's ready to be a father and the like
So she gets pregnant again and he disappears again LOL
You can't make this shit up. It's been like 3 months and she's a mess and he all but vanished. Holy shit this is fucking funny seeing it from the outside
When will whores learn?
What is this?
look it up, faggot
buzzworld Holla Forums posters use to describe the act of someone saying something with the undertone or hidden intent of displaying how virtuous they are, how righetous, etc etc.
gets overused a ton, just like cultural marxism.
Really? I feel sad for you, then. No I don't, that's hilarious.
What is the 5th text message?
Pretty sure this is fake. Bitch is starting a gofundme to get some shekels
Of course it's fake. If you've got an extremely racist dad you're either going also be extremely racist or know to hide your shenanigans better.
this tqh
are you trolling or genuinely retarded? The shark jumping has been so constant that I can't tell anymore
It's no wonder she turned into a snicker licker, her father never taught her to not be a whore
this is what Holla Forums (unironically wn) has become, top kek
t o p k e k
This shit is old news & has been debunked. It was a gets moneyz scam
Yes leftypoo we all know how you love black benis
citation needed