What Do you Want to Do To Her??…
Jizz on her head rag and then have her put it back on
Get her to tell you to stop the unnecessary capitalizations
She Has a Nice Ass though…
Fuck off dataminer. Why are fishing for answers like this?
i'm getting sick of the blatant fucking infograbs happening her lately
wtf is up with this cancer?
send this shit back to 4chan.
this is bullshit, we have good threads here and we dont need ur stupid shit.
fuck off
Rape the Islam out of her.
Yes we need more travis and pro pedo threads
certainly so.
Are you saying we dont?
That this is the kind of shit we need? A catalog filled to the brim with "WWYD" threads?
Back to 4chan with that cuckold wwyd bullshit faggot.
Don't you fucking bump this garbage thread up.
This thread is worthless and you need to make your way back to 4chan. I know its you OP.
Have her cook for me.
deport her
I'm still here motherfucker.
This thread is trash and you should feel ashamed you bumped this.
Indonesian food is god tier
yeah man. SE asian food in general.
I've never had any. It does look quite tasty though. And those dubs can't lie.