I asked Holla Forums to define "white" for me and now its your turn lefties since it encompasses so much of your...

I asked Holla Forums to define "white" for me and now its your turn lefties since it encompasses so much of your politics.

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Race has zero relevance here. This isn't liberalpol

It has little to do with our politics and their is no objective definition anyway. Though I think most people would use the term to describe people of European heritage with pale skin.

So racism doesn't exist then?

Some of it sure does, but it isn't relevant to the economy.

We aren't saying that. We're saying we don't give a shit about race and all the liberal and Holla Forums idpol associated with it.

Depends on who you ask, and when. For example, if you asked a German in the '30s or '40s, he'd tell you Germany and the European countries west, south and north of it (not east of it, because Slavic Europeans are subhumans according to him, and thus not white). But if you asked a Nazi today, he'd probably tell you either all of Europe, or all of Europe minus Ireland, or all of Europe minus southeastern Europe, or whatever (it's kind of a special snowflake thing with Nazis, really). Your average apolitical individual would probably tell you it's all those of European blood and those countries of European that moved away due to immigration post-colonization, so also the USA and Canada.

your logic:

user: God doesn't exist.
You: So there are no religions then?

If your local community sees you as a white person, for all intents and purposes, you're white.

It's not a matter of racism not existing, its that racism is based on subjective definitions of "race." Those definitions of "race" ultimately are changed at the whim of the ruling class for the purpose of fitting whatever narrative proves convenient for the time. What was "white" yesterday (as highlighted) may not be what is "white" today or tomorrow.

It does? Damn, breaking News.

You're in the wrong place. "Whiteness" is utterly irrelevant here. In short, we don't give a shit, and rightfully so.

← This is white. It is a color.

People who use "white" as a descriptor of race are almost always idiots. Human genetics are far too complicated and varied to be summed up by the color of one's skin.

Racism exists, sure, but the only way to tackle it is for everyone to recognise that race and skin color are totally irrelevant characteristics. Anything else is just throwing fuel on the fire.

Fuck, forgot pic.
This is white.

looks cream to me

Am the one who always asks the pol invaders what White is.
How am I to tell you what "white" is?

Subsaharan isn't white.
Mongol/chinese isn't white.
Native American isn't.

But, for example, "Latino" isn't even a race and makes no sense outside of US.

Are Eskimos white?

the amount of melanin in your skin. that's literally fucking it.

Someone of European genetic ancestry.

read a fucking book


What about mediterranean anemia though?

Is, perhaps, race too broad a term?

Race is basically an umbrella term to define various smaller ethnic groups within that race.
No two ethnic groups are exactly the same just as you have different species of wolves, birds, etc..

So, are we gonna go fullbiology here or fullanthropology?


It's important to know that there are thousands of differing and overlapping ethnic groups. Also, the differences between individuals of the same race is actually proportionally greater than the differences between members of different races.

Speak for yourself, faggot. We don't give a shit about "race" here, to the point where (by and large) we're unconvinced that it is even a coherent concept. The only reason we ever talk about it is because people who do care, like you, bring it up.

Pic related, it's you.

A clustering of arbitrarily selected genetic traits within the human population, including a certain level of melanin deposition within the dermis, that silly people have concluded we will argue about until the end of fucking time.

Y'know, I've tried this argument with Holla Forums

Somehow they seem to have trouble comprehending the basics

daily reminder
leftypol is board for non white lefties and refugees

Something is white if it reflects the whole visible spectrum of light.

slaves of the hibernians.



re-read that post m8


there are morphological differences in humans, but that doesn't make them different subspecies. In anthropology they use the concept of ancestrality, instead of race, since human populations have morphological average patterns. They are average patterns, so some individuals deviate from the norm and may have morphological traits more common in other ancestral groups
