I wrote a shitty weeaboo webcomic, and would love it if you'd take a look, and perhaps subscribe if you enjoy it. I'll post the first few pages here. Thank you for the consideration.
Weeaboo Webcomic
Other urls found in this thread:
not that I actually care, its a pretty alright comic, I like it. But man are the aspies here gunna sperg out
Thank you, glad you like it. I knew there was a chance that some might be upset with me shilling, so I tried to do it in a respectful way. Hopefully it worked.
I like the comic, its pretty fun, but please use a different webcomic client. Taptastic isn't really designed with a "frequently check this to see if it updated" mindset
So far quite standard. Were you the artist too? Because the art is nice.
If anyone really gives you shit, you can shill a bit on >>>/comic/
It's a cute strip, keep it up!
I like it despite myself.
Nevermind what people said about you shilling your shit here. it's not shilling if it's not shit. the art is good, the girl is cute and I have a soft spot for eldritch horrors from the nether realm
Oh, another weeb webcomic from you. It's not bad, but it only has decent art going for it.
He's not the artist, note his linking to the artist's Twitter.
Some would strongly disagree with that.
you brought this character to the right place.
Dark hips?
plot is rather generic but I like the art she's cute AND THICK
most here love hips and legs but not ass
I like ass, and hips and legs.
Your comic is both cute and lewd at the same time. I like it.
Well, that's something I don't see everyday. A webcomic that's created by a writer.
I don't think I've ever seen people on any board be upset with shilling as long as people were upfront about it. As long as you're saying "I made this thing," people will be interested. If you went around in a bunch of threads posting them as reaction images saying this was "your favorite webcomic" trying to get people interested, then everyone would be buttmad.
I kinda like it, you shoudl definitely keep making more. This feels very similar to most webcomics I liked at the start. It's not exactly something I would go out of my way to read, but I would bet money that if you kept making these, in a little under a year I'd be excited to check your site everytime you updated.
I've had this question for a while now. Where do I get a willing drawfriend?
t. idea guy
Those are some really strong implications there.
What you mean, I assume, is that shilling good material is less bothersome. It's still shilling though.
Depends. Do you have money?
I see your point.
I'm already impatiently waiting for Rule 34
I just wrote it. My good friend Paroro did all the artwork. He's the real talent.
It can be done without needing to pay lots of money. Spend some time building legitimate friendships with artists, listen to their story prefferences, and learn as many tricks to writing good short stories as possible. If you can do that, and be willing to do some shorter stories, or 4-panel based ones in the start, you stand a good chance.
Try making friends with various artists on Facebook and get into their friend circles.
Thank you so much for your kind words! Glad you like Aria. I like her very much.
lmao kiddo
I like the art. Do you do commissions OP?
Artwork is made by @Parorou on Twitter. I'm not sure if he does commissions, but you can try asking.
I guess that makes it a weebcomic, right? Anyway, I'm gonna be honest.
First, I must say the art is absolutely gorgeous. Shading is pretty well done to the point it becomes fairly descriptive of the kind of surface it is trying to describe (Gug looks pretty slimey, for example). I am guessing the pic in the OP was also done by the same artist, and I must comment on how nice that smooth shading is. The color palette has been carefully crafted to make everything cohesive, including the highlighted parts such as Aria's green details. Your artist also seems to be able to adapt his art style fairly well, as shown by that mugger's creepy face. He is also excellent at anatomy, if you catch my drift; the only thing I would complain about is that sometimes the feet and the ankles look kinda weird, as if they were excessively small (may be a stylistic choice, but it seems weird considering the rest of the proportions) and sometimes less detailed as the rest of the drawing, but it's a fairly minor thing since it is hardly noticeable. Character design is also pretty charismatic and visually appealing; Aria's fashion sense is outstanding, and I kinda like the fact that she sometimes changes her clothes, something not many webcomics bother with. Gug is also fairly cool, and both his mischievous face and Eldritch horror aspects are very well done and descriptive. I guess my last note is that I could fap to Aria's hips anytime. Compliment your artist, he's doing God's work.
However, the writing… I'm sorry OP, but it doesn't seduce me. I can see some sort of worldbuilding/lore/background going on, but it only shows in minor details. It's like it's there, but it's not used for anything other than characterisation via small clues, such as Aria's "occult" book, the tentacle rape scene (assuming it's not just fanservice) or the fact that Aria seems to be living in an abandoned building.
The main problem I see with the writing is that it doesn't seem to have much focus. It seems to be a fairly bland slice of life with out of the ordinary characters with some touches of humor, but not really since sometimes the punchlines aren't very good (I must admit I chuckled at the second cereal mention, if only because I wasn't expecting it), so it just ends being a story about the daily life of a bookworm with a tentacle friend who loves to give her the T every night which could make for good fap fuel, but I guess that's not the kind of angle you are aiming at. It seems like these strips are just trying to introduce the characters via that technique about writing about how would they react to certain situations; it's like some kind of draft or prototype the authors are making to get themselves to know the characters better, but not something they would actually release to the public.
Going a bit more in depth, picking apart each strip:
>I love dream sequences, even just for the trippy imagery, but this one only delivers in that regard in the second panel. I liked that panel. I am unsure if you are trying to include symbolism in your work, but I guess we could interpret the extra colors of Aria's dream world as a symbol of her not being as dark or gothic on the inside as she seems on the outside. Considering Aria's color scheme was made to stand out in a grey world, I guess I could say you're trying to tell me, through colour, that Aria is not actually a dark girl, but actually a fairly happy and lively one, living in a sad and pessimistic world, like in peppercarrot.com
Disclaimer: I actually wouldn't mind reading more stuff like this last one. It's surprisingly comfy, even if it doesn't make me laugh out loud.
I think you should decide exactly what you want to do with the comic. One of the main common characteristics between these strips is that they seem to be revealing parts of some plot, but actually do nothing to advance it, which is a perfectly valid approach if you have other areas that could make up for this, such as punchlines, aggressive worldbuilding or more fanservice. The 4koma format is great for short gags with strong punchlines, but not so much for plot development. I feel like this comic's main strength is that gorgeous art, so if you decide to change formats, it should be one that allows for image-loaded panels (a comic book with few, big panel layouts could do the trick). You could also make the comic much lewder, which could excuse the lack of plot or punchlines, but that's kinda lazy not that I would complain if the comic still got more lewds while improving the other regards, though.
In other words, you should either look for stronger punchlines, or give it a real plot. You could follow the "comfy webcomic" approach, more or less like your last strip, but the science of comfy is fairly complex ("a bit of everything, but not too much") so it would be hard to deliver all the time. The comic has lots of potential, but you have to start exploiting it before it's too late.
It's not shilling if you are upfront about being the author, you silly. Implying otherwise is a huge stretch even if we are talking about the meme definition of the word. Has nobody here read the definition of shilling?
I think he does. I took a quick look at his Twitter account and he mentions one of his commissions is going to take ages. Attached was a picture of a quite loaded lineart, so I guess I can understand him.
Any lewd art of the girl?
is that by Andrew Dobson? It reminds me of his earlier work back when he was a good artist.
Nah, that's David Revoy, a frenchie "free as in freedom" artist who seems to refuse using anything else than Krita for his drawings and also releases most of his works under CC-BY with the fucking .kra files as an attachment.
He has gotten better since then (unlike Dobson), and now he draws Carrot & Pepper.
You speak of it as if it was a bad thing.
The guy is fucking based
I am not sure if I came out as rude, but I was actually trying to put emphasis on how fucking badass that was. We need more artists like him and less artists like those mediocre faggots who are getting butthurt about Mozilla's changecopyright.org campaign because "nobody should make memes out of my OCs".
12 scripts detected
What's wrong with copyrights today anyway?
Mozilla is butting in again lmao. We already had creative commons CC and copyfree licenses for years.
If im not mistaken "nobody should make memes out of my OCs" is mozilla's license which is MPL.
The campaign doesn't try to change licenses, but the actual copyright laws. Licenses are put on top of copyright (which is usually restrictive as fuck) to grant rights to non copyright holders. In some way, it's about reducing the extent at which copyright ("author rights" in other languages not infected by corporativist speech) protects the work.
Well, more or less. As far as I know, it's more like the BSD licenses, in the sense that you may not modify the program and redistribute it using the same name and logo due to the no endorsement clause. It's not the same than not allowing derivative works (you could call your browser Morcilla Firefucks and put a Paint-aerographed dick over the logo and you would probably be able to distribute it freely).
I strongly believe that copyright laws should be changed especially when TPP and Obama laws tried to lengthen copyrights from 50 years to 70 to more than a century.
I don't care either way and I'm not a follower of international laws (although my country complies). Most eastern countries aren't that affected especially China.
its not to bad but i want porn of the creature
What's wrong with using Krita? I've actually found it to be a pretty good alternative to SAI.
I have noticed a few of the anons who still browse Holla Forums are triggered by the mascot for some reason (pics related), but I don't really care; at least it looks better than most open source mascots.
Krita is fucking great, I just wish Debian maintainers weren't such lazy assholes and fucking ported it to Sid x86_64.
From the little time I tried it, I found it much nicer in pretty much every aspect except canvas rotation, which was a bitch and didn't even allow me to configure pen keys to be bound to the rotation functions. I kinda need it since my traces look like dick if they are too horizontal.
Could you name some of these fags?
You can always just download the AppImage, user. Should work with almost any recent GNU/Penguin distro.
The main problem is how long copyright lasts.
I believe in the USoA it's something close to life of the author plus 70 years.
Warning: se habla espanol. Also your average Spanish Twitter/tumblr feminist.
Found her in a retweet while browsing the Twitter of a weeaboo artist I like. Basically, she is complaining copyright is not strong enough and that it shouldn't be more limited because "OC doughnut steel or else I will die of hunger". It seems the rant got viral because Twitter Ess Jay Wee types love to do that "(smiley) READ THIS VERY IMPORTANT THREAD (smiley)" whenever they see something they assume has to get viral for awareness raising.
Anyway, don't ever get into Spanish tumblr artists. They are obnoxious as fuck, and most of the time they aren't even as good as they think, but will still convince themselves their rights are never enough and basically argue they should be able to put DRM on their jpgs or something stupid like that. They are also so constantly butthurt about people reposting their art it's not even fun; they will call their artist circlejerk death-report squad on you if you ever upload one of their pictures without explicitly linking to their galleries. They also complain about never making enough money despite their commission prices being sky high (because "it's my time, and my skill is worth gold"), all of this while they argue artists are actually the most humble people in the world.
Spanish tumblr artists, not even once.
So far so good
I like the gothic pre-apocalyptic dark/gloomy theme with a hint of comedy.
y que tal los spics, user ?
I haven't met many of them, but they don't seem to be as stupid. I actually used to talk regularly to one and eh was a pretty cool guy. Then you have people like ReiQ that should fuck off, but I wouldn't qualify him as a tumblr artist
Mind you, not all tumblr artists are bad. I have met tumblrinas who were porn artists and they were actually fairly cool, despite the fact that, well, they were tumblrinas. In general, porn artists seem to be chiller than usual.
What did Reiq do now? He still complaining about people posting his lewds everywhere?
Did he ever stop being a faggot? AFAIK, ehentai galleries with his works still get unlisted from time to time to avoid the DMCA dick. Their robots.txt, however, does a terrible job at protecting them. You can easily find full JG galleries from Google
i know some asian artists that use tumblr too but most of them prefer twitter and pixiv because they're scored according to hits and rts so shit art rarely surface.
its just that terrible art flourished a lot in the west mainly in tumblr and deviantart… just like to the point you'll only see one good art in a thousand.
Deviantart is a fairly ass backwards website. It gives artists lots of control over their galleries, but makes it horrible for users to follow. Thus, if the artist chooses to have many subgalleries to better classify their work, the system makes sure the user interface to access them is clunky; if the artist doesn't classify their work, you will have to use the sane Featured page, but if the artist decided not to put his art in featured, you will have to browse their All page, which doesn't number pages so fuck you. Then, the artists may randomly decide some of their pieces are not worthy, and put them in Scraps, so you may miss some stuff from time to time. This, combined with the fact that you can not upload porn and that social features are severely lacking (so forget about getting yourself to be known with ease), probably made tumblr more popular for artists.
Although considering the kind of shit that gets uploaded to dA, I would rather not see what kind of porn they could put in there.
I wonder if MediaGoblin could be configured to be a decent replacement for Deviantart…
This sounds great user.
The problem is (like with a lot of Free Culture/Software projects) the main developer is a HUGE faggot. But that aside, the project itself is good.
dA is actually pretty simple. Making something similar from scratch wouldn't be as crazy as you think. That said, MediaGoblin is also federated, which is pretty good since it means you already have a community to start with, so forking it wouldn't be so crazy. In fact, I might start doing it now that I know a bit about these things
I'm not up to date with the latest FOSS c y b e r d r a m a. What happened?
Christopher Webber (the developer of MG) is one of the main figures pushing for safe spaces at FSF events, and pushing cancerous COCs into every new programming language.
Despite that, MediaGoblin is an important project; it's also licensed AGPLv3, so you can do whatever you like with it, and there isn't shit he can do about it.
I'm gonna fork his dongle and there is nothing he will be able to do about it.
Nothing, but cry about Nazi frogs giving his project a bad name.
This is cute. Keep it up
I'm an aspie and I like this comic. Thank you.
The art is cute, not that funny but I chuckled once and it's slightly arousing.
Main beef is
That name is fucking whack yo
No worse than "Muttonfudge"
fudge is a euphemism for fuck, so I hear muttonfuck, like fucking a sheep
This seems like it was tailor-made for every girl I've ever dated.
I could almost believe it was written by one of my exes, except only like three of them can draw, and only one of them as well as these comics.
What kind of super normalfag on steroids are you? Teach me your ways, senpai
its pretty good op i like the adorable stile
let me know if you decide to start taking monster girl no lewds i promise requests for making greentext stories into comics
I like it, the art is beautiful and girl is begging to have artful lewds made. The only beef I have is that I prefer a more fluid, coherent story as opposed to little bits and pieces.
8/10 comic
10/10 would give the ol' lickeroo
Fat weaboo girls usually are really easy, user.
Or the skellington bitches, too.
In all seriousness the worst I can nab about this comic is how Web 2.0 the design is. Thanks for uploading them here cause fuck
kiki a cute!
I am not saying this is cheap advertisement, but it's cheap advertisement.
I don't give a fuck if someone shills their shit as long as they're upfront about it.
If they are upfront about it, it's not shilling, by definition. However, back in my day, we called this "spam". Viagra emails are also upfront about who they are and they are still advertisement.
I did stick around for quite a while and read everything, but this thread has survived much longer than I anticipated.
I appreciate all your posts, though!
This was a really great read, thank you very much! Is actually quite nice to get some constructive criticism.
Fuck you first of all, but fuck those little artcucks that will spend long hours toiling on the behalf of you disgusting beggars for free because they're weak losers even more. Anyone that exchanges hours upon hours of labor creating visual content for a few flippant paragraphs of idea-guy text is a contemptible tool.
So you're not paying him after all, can we can assume you didn't pay the other 13 fucking artists associated with your weeaboo projects? Wow, I sure wish I could pretend to be someone's online friend and rip them off to build my own brand, I have an idea for a video game, how about you be my writer in exchange for some sweet byzantine flattery? Oh wait, only artists are beta and emotionally unstable enough to allow themselves to be manipulated by well-spoken sociopaths.
You double posted dude. Good vid though.
Oh wait the double post is gone never mind. Good vid still user.
Lol, isn't that basically how Octobriana was created?
I deleted the first post because of a typo.
With regards to the vid, yeah, someone had to say it. OP might not see anything wrong with what he's doing and that's fine-as belligerent as I'm being it's not entirely his fault. It's artists alone that enable this kind of shit, and it's because of them that this kind of shit-that would never fly in literally any other industry or field-is commonplace.
I don't know, all I know is that if you move your ass that much on a stranger's behalf without getting paid you're a tool. I've been in the position myself and so has probably anyone that's ever bothered to pick up a pencil-it's our fault OP can go around to dozens of artists until he can find the "right one" that's disconnected enough to work on his behalf without seeing so much as a dollar for their effort.
But I'm paying hundreds of Dollars to fund it…
wait are you OP?
Clearly there's not a lot of value in writing something as simplistic as comic scripts, and most the work comes from the artists. But you seem to think that because of my statements that you should try to make friends with artists, that this means I'm not paying them. So let me go more indepth.
Writing stories can be done without needing to spend lots of money, by starting with shorter projects. Things like 4-panel based comics, don't take as much work as 19 page comic chapters that usually take 40-100 Dollars a page.
But just throwing a bunch of money on an artist isn't enough. They can get a bunch of money from many places, without stepping out of their comfort zone and dedicating themselves to a possible years-long project, when they can just take illustrated commissions here and there. So isn't it better to become friends with them, try to make a story together, so that you enjoy it equally much?
I'm honestly less a script writer and more of a producer that does it for the heck of it. Obviously I pay the artists money for their work, but I still see it as a collaborative effort, because they're not just randoms I find on DeviantArt, they're people I've known for years, and the stories are things we've made in collaborative effort.
Aria for an example, is the artists OC that he's been drawing for many years. We made this story about her together.
I didn't know you paid hundreds of dollars for a comic strip. Then again I don't know how the price ranges for this stuff normally works. I've seen commissions for $20 on deviantart and in some case $10-$20 per page.
Prices vary a lot. I've seen 10 Dollars per page, and I've seen 200 Dollars for 4 panels with no background. I'm currently paying on average, 50 Dollars per page. I just dislike talking about it, because people tend to be like; "Oh this fucking weeaboo talentless writer just paid out some Dollars to make his [Insert Manga Here] fanfic a reality."
Which tends to end in people deciding that a commissioned comic isn't worth reading, even though Paroro and I put a lot of effort into creating it.
Sorry for bringing it up if it makes you feel uncomfortable user.
Dubs confirmed.
No problem, it's not that it makes me that uncomfortable to talk about, just that I'd rather not tell people unless they ask. What you've said about writers trying to get artists to make comics for them, for free, is a real thing and it's pretty horrible. Mainly on DeviantArt you'll sometimes have writers with profiles full of concept art that they've gotten off failed collaborations, try to message artists and get them to draw their comics.
Usually it just ends in a lot of drama, making artists very wary of starting collaborations with writers, regardlessly of whether they're paying or not.
There is a certain writer who has it down to a formular, where he will compliment a relatively new and young artist, make a journal post talking about how great the artist is, and how much skill they put into things, before then asking them to collaborate with him on a project. At this point the usually young artist would feel awkward and bad saying no, after they complimented them this much. Especially because he'll talk about connections to the anime industry, and how they could make it big in Japan.
It then turns sour pretty quickly, with the "writer" essentially turning into more of an angry director, asking the artist to revise the pages endlessly until they fit perfectly in his vision, with no real room for the artists vision. Handing in poorly written notepads in place of scripts, and then verbally abusing the artist when the pages have grammar errors, because apparently it was the artists responsibility to fix it.
Then when they inevitably quit, thinking that making manga is too stressful, the writer goes on to say that it's because they were afraid of the success the story would bring them. There are a lot of stories about this particular author that I'd love to share, but /cow/ seems very uninterested sadly.
Well, you can always tell Holla Forums about it. We love to hear about comic-related fiascos
So, have they fucked already or what
Panel 1:
they fuck.
I write it, and it's real.
Sounds like a great idea. I should write them up sometime.
Does that mean Aria is no longer virgin? I am getting kinda turned on
The salt is real.
Assuming that you're paying like you say, and particularly considering you're not selling anything yourself I can respect that. $50 for that first page you posted may not be much but that's to be expected in this kind of arrangement (especially considering how fucked his perspective drawing is on that first panel lmoa). Nonetheless, I suppose I have to rescind what I said about you specifically, though the problem of artists getting their bums drilled and not realizing it persists and won't be alleviated any time soon.
I'm sorry but as a writer you're probably not too familiar with how this stuff works.
1. The commission market and the industry is highly competitive and saturated-it's never as simple for an artist to just "get a bunch of money". Particularly with the looming threat of globalism and discrepancies in currency exchange rates.
2. If an artist wants to improve they'll do academic studies and experiment on their own time-ideally working on their own passion project in the process. Assuming you're being 100% honest you're at least facilitating that to a degree, even at your own expense, and I commend you for it. However in all honesty a year's long project done for well below a livable wage or worse yet for free under some random guy's direction is honestly among the last things they should be doing if improving their art is truly what they're going for (with the actual last thing you should be doing being drawing dozens of pictures of the adolescent girls from the Loud House sucking their brother Lincoln's log in exchange for (You)s for months on end, of course-you know who you are, user).
Most artists have absolutely no business acumen whatsoever, and in their clientele's defense, they don't either. They simply don't know what goes into making a picture. When you're an artist, you have to think of it this way: If you live in the US you can make $11 an hour or more making hamburgers at a restaurant or performing some other menial task, so don't sit there and do a drawing that takes you 8 hours and is the product of years of experience in your chosen craft for the equivalent of $3 an hour ffs.
Steven Silver said it best:
This is a particularly pertinent sentiment considering how many artists are wracked with debt due to worthless art schools that take them for all their worth and give them nothing in return.
As another writer, this user hits it very well on the head. Personally I always felt the 'befriend artist and get work' option is the worst one because it promises no stability. What if you two get into a fight over something petty, what if they start asking themselves why are they doing this for free. I've felt the paying method is the most secure as both parties get what they want but my only rule on that fact is I'll only pay the artist if they have a keen interest in the project. When their interest isn't there then whats the point?
I don't have problems finding artists to be honest. Most sites I use I just post my idea and say I'm paying then the emails start flooding in. The hard part are finding those who have a style I like and affordable rates. Sometimes I feel like I'm ripping off artists with some rates they give me and if I like em enough after we've worked together I'll pay them more.
As I said, I am paying them.
I advocate artists not selling themselves short because in the end it affects all of us (this goes for other creative workers like writers as well), but if an artist wants to work for very cheap I suppose it's their right. Depending on who the client is and what their actual demands are these kinds of concessions sometimes have to be made.
Keep in mind currency exchange rates too, you might not be ripping an artist off at all depending on where they live (mexico pic for reference). The artist working under the OP comes from Chile, a country with an average wage that's the equivalent of $6 an hour, with that in mind, no one's really getting ripped off here (except the unemployed domestic artist I guess, lol)
Don't worry about the opinions of shut-ins that don't know how the world works. The best productions can only be a collaborative effort. Walt Disney himself was an enthusiastic leader and doubtless a talented man (entrepreneur.com
Yeah don't worry about it; I'm sorry I jumped to conclusions without knowing the full story. You're alright by me, man.
Boy, you don't know even half of it
I'm sure I don't, I'm just going off of a website's data
Hrm. I think they're fucking.
Why not just combine the two? I'm working on a comic with a friend of mine from high school and I'm going to pay her when we get stuff out
It's easier to work with someone if you like them after all
How does Holla Forums feel about crowd funding like patreon or something? I don't have a lot of money but I'd like to keep working on it and for that the artist needs to be paid. Both of us work part time only
This "I'll pay you when/if things work out" doesn't work 99% of the time. I was an animator for a team of 3 programmers, one of which was my cousin who convinced me to join. "We" were working on a game, except I was the only one doing anything. Week after week our "meetings" consisted of these three friends bullshitting with each other. Almost without fail, I was the only one making substantial progress-not to say there was much. I was demoralized by how little I'd seen from them so I was only getting a few frames of animation done, myself. This continued on for like 6 months until we all just kind of parted ways. This is how 99% of pro-bono projects turn out, especially if you have a large team.
Crowdfunding is good more often than not. The people who fund it can be screwed over though which is unfortunate-it needs more oversight. A lot of these people that fail to deliver need to be put in fucking jail or have their ill-gotten gains taken from them, like that con/artist Anthony Jones.
I befriend the artists on the way usually but if we don't get along then I'll we won't be working together much longer. Also:
That is a really bad idea to me. You don't know how successful your property will be when it's released, what if it bombs? Or how said what if things fall apart along the way? To me it's better to just pay them as we work together towards the goal. They get what they wanted by payment, seeing the project move along and I get what I wanted from the art along with progress. It's a win-win situation if you're just paying someone on the spot. I guess it's just a personal thing but I can't really get why some of you don't see it that way, it's the easiest path with the least potential bullshit.
Yeah, no one may have spent any money doing what we were doing, but it was a ton of wasted time (especially for me, of course) which might even be worse. People are so protective of their money they lose track of other important stuff. During that entire period I could have been focused on improving my art, but instead I was working underneath people who made 3 times as much money as I do, whom not only weren't paying me a dime but weren't contributing a damn thing to the project as far as I could tell, besides (one guy's excuse was he was renovating his home, literally every week for the entirety of the project).
I think a lot of artists have a learning experience like that, especially when the pressure to work for free is coming from friends or family like in my instance.
I'll always remember what my Uncle once told me. Anytime you get a bill or something that demands cash, pay it off as quickly as you can so you won't worry about it when you actually need the money. When an artist tells me he's finished another pic I pay them in full so they can get started on the next one right away.
exactly, just how you dont pay a contractor money after they build your office under the promise "when I open I will pay you"
now the artist is literally building your business. you just have the idea and concept.
pay them, and if it flops, well, that was your risk.
a lot of people dont believe in taking risks or offsetting them onto others.
I don't mean it in the way of "I'll only pay if it works out"
It's like pay per issue I guess, at least until I can get a stable income
Does patreon have something like that? Per issue instead of monthly?
Here's the terms of service of patreon. It might help you.patreon.com
Excuse me. I'll be perfectly honest here, family. The art is great. Pretty impressive, confident, and professional.
However, the writing. Holy shit, the writing. It's so bland and unfunny that it's cringeworthy. Get yourself a decent writer or just resort to drawing porn garbage you fucking cuck. The writing is so fucking bad that I had to sperg all my shit out. You know what? Drop the weeb shit, all the weebcuck shit you got, trash them all, every single one of them. Format the hard drive and burn the phisycal copies. Let yourself live without weebshit and cartoon shit for many decades to come. Pick up Dostoyevski, Kafka, Gogol, Tolstoy, Chesterton, all the REAL literature will be your one and only source of entertainment. Think about your life, meditate, pick a religion, create art. REAL art.
But then you'll ask me, "B-but Brendan, what is art?"
ART IS A DECLARATION OF LOVE. A self sacrifice, commitment to the higher goal. Transcendentalism. An embodiment of the artist's eternal longing of the divine, the absolute harmony. A run through all the sores of this flawed and ill designed world, contemplate all the suffering we experienced from living this modern world, and an expression of the moral ideas of our time. An attempt to touch the innermost depths of your readers' soul by introducing them to an idiosyncrasy and make them receptive to good. That's what an art is.
Are you that guy in Youtube comments who sperged out when Madonna tried playing the guitar, that she shouldn't even be touching that most sacred of instruments because a true musician becomes one with the guitar, an extension of his being, pouring his very essence into the music to forge a connection between himself and the listener on a level that a hack like Madonna could never fathom?
Critique here from another comic artist. I dropped the web as a medium years ago and market my stuff exclusively on Comixology which isn't any real metric for quality other than I'm not as deficient as Dobson or Mookie.
I'm not saying anything new that other people have said here either. Your artwork and composition are outstanding. You know appeal, which doesn't sound like much but there's so many other incredibly successful webcomics out there that have all the appeal of crotch rot so you're well ahead of them in that regard.
Your problem is your characters. You have a gloomy, morose but incredibly cute girl which has been done a million times before. Then you have the ultimate Cthulhu-esque evil who just happens to be a total goof with a childlike whimsy which has been done even more times than the previous mentioned character. Personally, I'm burned out on this "wacky and zany" kind of shit.
Which isn't to say you won't build an audience or have success with your webcomic; on the contrary, if you keep up what you have here, you probably will over due time. And there's really nothing wrong with that, if that sort of rigmarole is your thing. Or, you can develop your characters past the two-dimensional stock pop-culture-humor archetypes they are at the moment. But whatever you do, at least you'll look good doing it.
I remember you.
It is a lot better than that cringy "urban tales" shit you wrote.
That one was actually weeaboo and terrible.
Well said /lit/. Capped for posterity.
This is just a buzzsentence by Tarkovski some people here have started to spout just because it sounds deep and something Plato would have probably said, but really, it says nothing about what makes art good.
WELL, THANK YOU MISTER TARKOVSKI, I WOULD HAVE NEVER GUESSED. I can't fucking take that man seriously after he tried to rebate Stanislaw Lem the message his own fucking book was trying to convey.
It's probably the Tarkovski user who loved to shitpost in Holla Forums about how, according to Tarkovski's most certainly not vague definition of art, videogames weren't art because of some baseless extrapolations he made.
Doesn't make his post any wronger, though.
Well, thanks for Witch Aria and the consensual tentacle sex implications, I guess.
No, you pretentious cunt, art is simply something being produced with great skill. So most fan"arts" arent really art at all.
Then everything can be art. A neurosurgeon extirpating a brain tumour is art, an engineer calculating how to distribute weight in his bridge is art, the most clinical implementation of a cryptographic algorithm is art. Most of these things are harder than what most people call "art pieces" (not even taking into account zero-effort shitty abstract art), and yet none of these people are recognised as artists because they aren't actually doing art.
I mean, his definition is also shit, but if I had to choose, I would pick his over yours anytime. Don't try to define art, it's an abstract and vague concept, and only madness lies that way
I don't think he's going for an apocalyptic Cheever suburbia user
It's a light hearted story that's merely meant to entertain. He's not going to be touching the inner workings of the soul with a 4 panel comic strip anyway so I don't know why exactly your autism is flaring up
I like this and I want to see more of it.
You have a pretty high quality semen demon design, op
art is something produced with great skill for the purpose of art.
That's a lot more simpler. And that's good. A lot of art these days have no skill, and just lie back on a "beauty is in the eye of the beholder" shit just for excusing bad quality with no effort.
Congratulations, you crashed the program.
Thank you for posting in my thread, everyone! As thanks, I'll share some Aria lewds.
Could you make a smug of her?
I read it. That was some adorable stuff, OP. I've subscribed to it but I'll probably keep better track if you link new pages on Holla Forums
Make more!
Is Aria a virgin?
Honest assessment?
Cute art. Bad writing.
It isn't funny. There isn't a plot. Possible world-building going on in the background, but only time will tell if it is relevant. Most of the explicit world building is in the art, making the writing even more redundant.
The girl is waifu bait, but she already has a tentacle husbando, diminishing her value in that regard.
Protip: if you are aiming for waifubait, (not saying you are) then either have only girls surround the MC (for yuri/haremfags) or have her husband be a bland/faceless man for self insertion (Think Okusan).
Basically I think your characters have potential, but either you need to get a better sense of humour, or start thinking about a plot.
Anyway, thank you for working on it, posting it here, and not trying to shill. I hope your work improves and you find success.
your shit is up in mangafox?
the hell?
How can a person like hips and legs but not ass? Nice hips and legs almost always leads to a nice ass.
Art is great, story is shit. Even the panels feel disconnected from each other at times.
I honestly didn't really mean for it to be comedy at all. It's waifubait with world building and aesthetics. I consider myself more of a producer than writer anyway.
World building and aesthetics of yours don't seem to be unique or interesting enough tbh. It needs ornaments to be aesthetically distinct, maybe grotesque ornaments, that's my suggestion. The atmosphere is really lacking as well due to the bland background. They're honestly pretty generic. Art direction is fine, for the girl only though. You have good skills, but not enough sensibility and vision for aesthetic values. Broaden your vision and try to be an auteur before trying to publish something.
Woah there, I like having the tentacle bro to do all sorts of shit to tease Aria
So you'd prefer me to learn this before posting anything on the internet?
Cute comic. Reminds me of that one newgrounds flash years ago with a similar art style. I wonder if it ever got anywhere?
You bring up worldbuilding, drawfag, but what do you want to do with the setting? Obviously it's good for flavour and inspiration for comics, among other things, but I wanna hear it from you.
No, just learn along the way. Just create a solid foundation before you decide to sell something.
Love your stuff, I'm already following on tumblr or deviantart, if not both.
Any advice for an aspiring artist who gets stuck hating their own work halfway through and can't finish anything because of it?
Actually give something an artist would value so that the art friendship is mutually beneficial.
For example, practice coloring. Work on the linearts some people put out specifically for others to color. Find an art friend that has good lineart but hates coloring. Boom! collab.
Or just maybe get gud at writing. IF your stories are good enough you might get art fans.
Not only that but it got that long by being consistently extended, a practice which is predicted to continue with no end in sight.
Do you think that all art should be this high effort with aesthetics? I think simplistic, brevity-based storytelling can be good for a quick glance at the mobile phone. You might consider it cheap entertainment, but isn't there also an art to this? It reminds me of Bradley Coopers argument in Burnt, about how it's arrogant to discredit Burger King because it's peasant food. Like goulasch, baked beans, etc.
Decide what sort of artstyle you want to create yourself. Your own unique artstyle will come with time, so lightly imitating some of your favourite artstyles until you naturally branch off into your own variation, is good. My suggestion is finding about 3-5 artists you really like, and try to see what works about their style, and what doesn't.
Then set yourself a goal. Can be anything from an illustration a day, to an illustration a week. Try to keep yourself from uploading unfinished works, or sketches. Usually uploading a finished work is the satisfaction that carries artists through the hard working process. Uploading WIP's makes you less motivated to actually finish it, since you've already gotten the likes/comments/praise.
Once you've set your goal, stick to it, and you should see some improvement in due time, as you'll naturally want to get better. Maybe take some art classes so you don't wind up like those DeviantArt artists who only know how to draw anime girls in 3 different poses, from the same angle every time.
Not bad
I'm just telling him to give more personality into his comic. OP doesn't seem to be capable of writing good story or jokes. He's obviously not a good story writer, be it a short story or a long story. At this moment, the only redeeming value is the sexual appeal of the main character. If he want his stuff to sell, he'd better put his biggest effort on it, or just become a tentacle porn artist, something he apparently excelled at.
Ever read Ghastly's Ghastly Comic?
He coined the phrase "Nothing says lovin' like a tentacle in the oven!", and the term TENTACOO WAPE!
Well I'm sorry you don't like my writing. I'm only writing what I enjoy.
Do you draw porn, user? If you don't then you can die in a fire for all I care.
A writer should be a servant to his reader.
Well yeah but I have more than one reader. Don't get me wrong I appreciate the criticism, but it just seems we enjoy different things.
A creator's only loyalty is to their own vision.
check your preader priviledge mate, that sounds brutally sjwish
I'm angry.
Angry that I will never be able to draw half as good.
You'd probably be able to get a lot of kikestarter shekels too OP if you tried.
So I am now donating to your patreon and I can't see the Aria lewd you grant, even though I'm logged in. What do, drawfag?
More liek weebcomic, amirite?
dat shit is kawaii
If you keep putting out content regularly you'll attract a reasonable fanbase. You can make literally anything and as long as you update on a regular basis, people will keep coming back no matter how crap it is.
If you want to go for bigger appeal though, best to up your game.
Carlos? Luan?
Tell me your secrets.
It worked for fucking Jeph Jacques, and that guy is an unbelievable hack.
Anyway, OP. Show us the nudes. Muh Dick.
Is it weird that I find that pic more arousing than actual hardcore porn?
No, it's known that anticipation of nudity is often more exciting than the nudity itself.
This is why celebrities that got their nudes leaked during the Fappening lost their star power afterward.
Pretty much any webcomic, no matter how crap, has at least a small amount of regular readers if it puts out regular content. Every niche appeals to someone, and a lot of people just have no taste, especially for something they spend a minute reading and then forget about.
But OP clearly puts effort into the comic. There's more potential, if only for porn.
Then why are you asking for feedback?
Feedback isn't saying "OP isn't a good story writer, be it long or short." That's completely in your opinion. If you have ideas for how to make the story better going forward, I would love to hear it, but you just saying that I'm not good, isn't anything but useless negative feedback.
I write stuff that I enjoy, and clearly some people enjoy it too. There's loads of comics that is just sex appeal, which has less readers. Saying that a story, whether you like it or not, is only good for porn, directly to the author of that story, when I've put a lot more stuff into it, putting ideas from Lovecraft, Orwell, and other similar things into the background, is very upsetting.
Sure I'm no Dickens. I'm a hobbyist that makes webcomics for fun. I'm trying to make something cute and fun on the surface, with darker undertones that in the long run string together.
We've heard so many stories about communism gone bad, I thought a story about capitalism gone bad would be more interested, but told through a medium that attracts a casual crowd who just wants to see something quick and cute too. The story combines Lovecraftian aesthetic, with the idea of the ultimate monopoly, a capitalistic consumer/worker society gone horribly wrong, but told in a series of hints, newspaper lines, small details hidden in a cute slice of life story that can be enjoyed without paying attention to these things.
I wanted to create a story that can be enjoyed by the most casual reader who wants cuteness, sexiness, and comedy in quick and easy to read format, while also doing something more interesting for the people that pay attention to that sort of thing.
Except for the whore Jennifer Lawrence
JLaw was affected too. Before the fappening she's a rising star with many great movies in her belt. After the fappening there's less news about her and her newer movies are forgettable.
I actually think that JLaw is pretty hot
I want to see her in porn
forced to swallow a LOT of cum
It will be called "The True Hunger Game"
Well to be fair that may be to do with her personality and people realizing how shitty she is.
Except nothing in your comic even have anything to do with the idea of capitalism. A random squid and a random girl in a grey and dull random setting without context? Why is this even supposed to be a political commentary? It could be anything else without losing anything of value. Learn to use metaphors instead of symbols. If you don't have enough artistic inspiration for metaphors, try to use analogy. It's a good thing that you don't beg your readers to decipher your comic, but the flaw is, you created something that is meant to be deciphered, no need to do that.
My suggestion is there should be a coherence and consistency between the story and the setting, the setting should affect the plot in a way or another. There is no harmony to be found here, not even in the story. I understand the episodic nature of mini comics, but to give multiple different episodes INSIDE one 4 panel comic is absolutely ridiculous and/or lazy. See, there should be one idea, and it should be expanded by the other 3 panels you have instead of jumping into another idea. This is one of the reasons why your story is crap, there is no consistency.
And last, you can't ask the reader for artistic inspiration. An artist finds his own inspiration which is inspired by life, and only he knows and explores his inspiration the best. You're not asking us for inspiration, right?
moar lewds
Sexay and 2DEEP4U do not mix. I cannot (read: CAN. NOT.) take a story that presents itself as fanservice or smut seriously whatsoever. It's like trying to make CADbortion work. You can't. If you are attempting to tell a story, I can't see it. Right now, I could read this out of order and not miss anything because gag strips are designed to be self-contained. I would suggest you drop the pretense altogether and just stick to doing sexy fanservice scenes. Making an actual plot takes more effort. Also, readers would rather pay for cheesecake than pay for stuff that isn't that sadly.
Well they do sometimes. Tarkovsky and Sokurov put a bit of sensuality in their films. What really doesn't work is simply OP's writing.
Okay I'm curious, are the movies on youtube? What you recommend?
tark only made 7 flicks
google them fam
Personally i have one simple problem with comic. It's great, but main gag about "creepy guy trying to harm/exploit main character only to be eaten or ignored" is fairly repetitive.
It begins in episode 5 and used in every other strip.
Get it, setting are very dark, but you can show it in million colors. Maybe you should have antagonistic character, or something else.
Or at least a rivalry
Are they any good?
The first weeaboo webcomic that isn't furry shit
Trick or treat, son, Trick or treat
I was gonna offer up to write for your comic, but then I realized I have no idea how to write jokes or punchlines.
What's funny to you
You're funny.
Lets be serious here
I'm always serious. That's why I only post in cartoon-related topics.
Please consider my idea for more story.
Gug comes from the land of beaurocracy. Tentacle monsters produce the mysterious "$" that occours throughout the comic, and humans can only obtain it by trade. The tentacle monsters are a highly intellegent species that uses man to work for them. Gug is kinda sidetracked from that objective. Any humans that do not follow the objective are killed. The central agency of tentacles is based in the sewers leading out to the alley. Gug thinks it's gross, and when Aria figures out that's why he doesn't like it, she will call him a baby or weak with those eyes of hers. The plot should revolve around her hips in addition to this corruption of every facet of life by the tentacle monsters. Aria gets money from Gug, and will work for him by starting an especially corrupt buisiness at some point. You don't need to put that in, but it would be a good idea to make it known that Aria's family has history with tentacles.
I like that intaglio style you got there. Your portrayal of surfaces is better than any other webcomic I've seen, but your perspective and spaceial relations need effort.
Ideas for new strips:
Aria: Why do so many strange things happen in the sewers?
Gug: It's because it's not a place you're familiar with. It's kinda like how I think about what's under your skirt. It's because it's in the way too often.
–a couple panels without text–
Aria and purse-Gug are at the alley.
They ask for directions.
Gug: Here it is!
The panel has a vending machine and some empty wall.
Aria: You said you would show me more!
3. I'll come up with more ideas if you want me to.
Please message this to the artist in a way that they can see.
I have better idea. Gug forces Aria to have lesbian sex with some random girl using his tentacles.
Multi-chapter strips are a step in the good direction, but this is getting too Steven Universe-y, and by that I mean, the comics are cockteasing us with interesting worldbuilding, but never really delivering.
I assume you want your comic to be readable without being a regular reader, so a continuous storyline is out of the question, but still, small self-conclusive arcs or simply some plot bombs delivered here and there would be nice.
Debian is a distribution made for lazy sysadmins who needs reliable/stable software.
It's not for the common people, if you want a Distribution (still based on debian) with more recent packets use Trisquel.
Trisquel 7
Trisquel 8 alpha
Otherwise if you want to grasp control of your software install Gentoo.
Holly shit I didn't know that could you send some source too backup this please.
DO IT, just fucking do it for the sake of freedom.
SJW trash has no place in free software.
Politic has no place in free software.
That's on of the reasons why TALOS crashed after the meltdown of the tranny maintainers of libreboot.
I'm too high to trust myself but I'm enjoying this a lot.
Yeah because you are gonna get MITM'd downloading Trisquel because those faggots don't use TLS on their fucking image repositories.
Trisquel is a gnumale memedistro, just use Debian if you care for the Debian distro ecosystem (plus, it's actually useable).
Or Devuan to opt out of systemdicks
Just look at the faggot's shitter account.
And while he was not the only one pushing for it, this safe space policy got his full endorsement.
Afaik, Debian doesn't use TLS in neither image nor package repos. For images, you are suposed to check against their checksums, which have been cryptographically signed ("stronger" than TLS, although you get their signatures through TLS anyway). apt does the same, but it's transparent for the user.
Look at that repo. They don't use TLS for checksums (and they only provide fucking MD5 which has been broken forever), same for their signatures, and you aren't provided with a key you already know to be good and have no way to verify it, which is exactly what PKI is could trivially solve in this case.
Yeah yeah MD5 collision isn't such a big deal in the case of verification of particular files, but shit, literally everyone else provides a sha256 sum for image repositories, what a bunch of lazy faggots.
Its good