2D animated films that aren't made by Disney but are about as good or as nostalgic.
Not Disney
Pretty much everything Don Bluth ever made up to A Troll in Central Park made was great faux Disney.
I don't suppose movies like Heavy Metal and Wizards count do they?
If they're good movies they count. What I meant was films that are on the same level of quality as Disney.
Do you mean films that are mistaken as Disney because of their art style? If so, will you also include films that parents instantly regret mistaking as Disney?
If the level of quality is good enough to be mistaken as Disney then yes. The whole point of this thread was for good movies that aren't made by Disney.
to expound:
El dorado was absolutely beautiful
when I was a kid I always mistook the first Land Before Time as a Disney piece
Roger Rabbit's animation was quite fluid and to this day it's often mistaken for being a Disney production despite actually being Touchstone
Brave Little Toaster was originally pitched to Disney but was rejected. It would have been the first full-length CG movie, but the money men were only interested in the bottom line
Ferngully has beautiful animation and 100% of your daily requirements of Tim Curry
Picture fucking related.
Fucking beautiful. I need to sit down and actually watch El Dorado; Treasure Planet as well.
Wait, that wasn't the picture I wanted.
What in the fuck.
Anway, here's the picture.
The Secret of NIMH gave us the best MILF in animation.
Wizards was fucking terrible.
Eh, it was alright, Fritz the Cat was better.
The Last Unicorn
Touchstone is Disney's "Too adult to have the disney label" movie label. The initial release of Nightmare before Christmas was released under it but subsequent releases have had the Disney label.
Disney didn't own Touchstone at the time of it or Nightmare's release
Disney has always owned Touchstone. It was started under the direction of Ron W. Miller. It has served as simply a label to put out films that may not be as family friendly.
are any of the movies I think are disney actually disney movies? does disney have ANY movies? is disney real?
my whole life has been a lie apparently.
well, disney had the little mermaid and aladdin.
Roger Rabbit is Disney.
Those, and Anastasia.
Anastasia is Fox user. I don't blame you since it was made by Don Bluth.
Still annoyed that only one book got a cartoon.
Pic 3 and 4 have very original styles. I'd never think they are by Disney…
Back then, Ferngully fascinated and inspired me 100 times as hard as any Disney movie.
I will never be able to like this movie, since I'm one of the kids that got sucked in by cute bunnies and mindraped by their deaths. I still feel on edge around animals that act even slightly weird because of the rabies sequence
That aside, I enjoy the Swan Princess and tolerate its sequels.
Have you seen the last 3 of them?
How are they? I see they're directed by the same guy but I dunno if that means they're good or shit.
Seconded. Few years ago I was like "HA but now I'm a man! I'll watch you again, try me, movie."
But I was already too disturbed to keep watching by that vision showing rabbit corpses stuffing the exits and all of them dying/ choking.
That song the butler sings about Zelda cracks me up to this day. It's so rare to find any work that's intentionally massively overdone for humor without going straight into cringe instead.
The ending was great though.
That's probably a healthy instinct. Uncanny Valley is built into humans, probably for a reason.
Technically Touchstone is Disney. Any film Disney wanted to produce that wasn't for children or had questionable content was produced through Touchstone. That's why The Mighty Ducks films (at least the first one) isn't Disney but the cartoon is.
What the fuck, I didn't even know Sinbad had an animated movie.
This is the good stuff.
Looked like ass but was nice, the soundtrack was pretty great.
Ya know, even when I was a kid there was something about that fluid animation, that cape she took on/off, and those paws that piqued some primal interest in younger me I didn't quite understand at the time.
Some funny thing about Cats don't dance is that the plot is about how animals in Hollywood don't get a change to appear in screen is because people doesn't really care about talking animals and that was essentially the main reason why the movie bombed
I really enjoyed the recobbled cut of this (thief and the cobbler), It's a shame what happened to it. I feel like if it were finished it would be on par with Disney stuff
Considering the animation it would have been leagues better than anything Disney has ever put out. Shallow plot is one thing but that movie is a fucking achievement that hasn't been surpassed yet.
How could you mistake that for Disney? It's Nick Park all the way through!
t. user who doesn't know how to read.
It mixes CG with 2D awkwardly but holy shit, you have to watch it just for the animation on her.
You guys don't get the thread, do you?
Chicken Run is clay, Barnyard looks awful and has terrible humor and Fritz… oh boy…
Whenever I see gifs of this movie they look friggin amazing. Whatever that wizard does looks hypnotizing.
Another user who can't read.
If you got nostalgia for such trash, fine.
t. millenial
user, just admit barnyard is not good.
in fact, barnyard came out in 2006 so in order for you to have been its target audience at the time so you could be properly nostalgic for it you would need to be underage.
although it did have some adult jokes that would fly over the kids heads for the parents watching if I remember correctly I highly doubt you could be nostalgic for that.
the barnyard tv show had a really weird atmosphere and was hit and miss with the jokes, so it is prime nostalgia material but its to young for nostalgia right now.
Those aren't even timeless movies. Why should I feel nostalgic for friggin Fritz the Cat, which is outdated since… what was it… the 70s?! I didn't hang around in the black ghetto or with nazi rednecks enough to find this movie nostalgic, I guess, neither did I screw stoners in a hospital or escaped from the cops to a synagoge. SORRY I can't identify!
Also, Chicken Run is crap. There. I said it.
"t. millennial" is right
Holy fuck Holla Forums is the worst board. People whine Holla Forums is bad but shitposting just goes on and on here.
You've been sitting on reddit and toomblr too much
I honestly didnt think Spirit was that good. I liked how they were trying to make a relatively realistic animal movie (and by that i mean they didnt talk and sing songs), but they mess it up by giving the animals very obvious human emotions and intelligence. Suspension of disbelief only goes so far. I'd like to see what that movie would have been like if it was just as serious, but the animals could actually talk.
HELLOOOO Mrs. Brisby!
i know
Does that look like a B to you?
I actually wore out the tape back in the day because I watched this movie so many times.
I'm OK with either B or F.
I only watched this once, when I was at the doctor's office as a kid, and I thought I'd made it up.
Is it actually good?
It's very good a and has aged surprisingly well.
you'll enjoy this
Aardman is a fucking amazing studio
pick one
1: mah nigga
2: technically anime (Hayao Miyazaki) even if it was based on a an American comic strip
Movie version is pronounced with a "b", bub.
son of a bitch what? Why would they change it?
She's a mouse, but rats are sexy too
Yeah, she's got some nice paws. sadly there's not much paw fetish stuff of her out there though
The name was changed because of copyright issues with the flying disk toy.
the one that's spelled "frisbee"? seriously, legally distinct. And also good stealth advertising
Copyright fuckery.
Post more Mrs Brisby
not again with that berenstein universe bullshit
Brisby butt
So you would have preferred seeing horses with realistically-drawn faces?
That looks fucking amazing, is it silent? Because I doubt we'll get a sub at any point and I want to watch that ASAP
Roger Rabbit is Disney
Shame on all of you
I like that movie (and song)
The only reason I disliked this was because they gave udders to bulls. This confused the everloving fuck out of my entire family and ruined the whole movie. To this day I don't understand why they did that- even if you haven't seen a cow in your entire life, you should be able to tell that only females have udders.
That's cheating, Iron Giant is better than Disney
So overrated, it makes me sick.
Maybe people just love how Murrican it is.
pick one
well bulls still have four nipples …but they have these two large orbs that swings back and forth in the spot udders are. They wouldn't put those there, but udders for bull is asinine.
give me a movie that does naked animals with the all right parts in place and I'll say I'm impressed.
What's wrong user, why don't ya dig giant robots?
Why did Don Bluth stop making stuff?
Do you mean laurent faust ?
Because she also worked on the Iron Giant before she turned sjw.
Here we go this is one I just barely remember .
And yet they portray the General as reasonable in the end.
Only when they were all about to die anyway.
He wasn't willing to send out troops until Kent has proof of a potential threat. The fuck are you talking about?