about a serious subject.
I will see if I can find more when my wife isn't around.
The bitch.
about a serious subject.
I will see if I can find more when my wife isn't around.
The bitch.
I'm sorry but i disagree with this girl. Most 14 year old girls are too immature, inexperienced and easily impressed for it to be legal for adults to prey upon them. Hell, most 14 year olds still watch disney channel and are still developing mentally.
The only thing you'll achieve by lowering the age of consent is enabling the muslim rape gangs who tend to go after younger western girls. Only this time its legal.
pic related
somone give that bitch a medal, and my cock.
the onlything your doing is stopping white guys from having pure gfs.
How much you wanna bet she will show up in a decade or so and denounce this video? lol
Fucking retard, if a kid at 14 wants the dick its because she got shit parents that have forgotten to teach her to be a proper lady instead of a slut in the making. Retard future whores like this should be put down.
fuck off Achmed!
14 year olds are so innocent huh? spare us the nonsense you fucking moron.
While I'm aware that they can make their own decisions at 14 I would like to point out that they may not have the perspective to understand the consequences of their actions. Especially with something as potentially life altering as sex i.e. STI's, pregnancy, emotionally damaged sexual partners.
It's happens anyway.
Hormones are running rampant around that age. Young girls want the dick as much as young boys want the poon. No amount of "teaching your kid to not want to have sex" is gonna change that. But it's one thing to want something and another to act upon those impulses. Like what said, kids are still stupid at that age and parents should teach their kids to be responsible and not stupid because, let's face it, they're gonna have sex anyway.
There has to be some cutoff point, or else we will have literal baby-fucking (as funny as the meme may be, it is not AWWWWWRIGHT). There is a point where a child is simply too young, too immature, physically and mentally, to consent to sex. If you can't even agree with this much, you literally support infant fucking.
But for the rest of us, we can accept that there should be a line, and that opens the conversation for where, exactly, that line should be. Currently, federally, it is 18, although states vary. Why 18? Puritan history, mostly. Is 18 appropriate? Why not 21? or 16?
While I think we can all agree that different people mature at different rates, society agrees that, on average, adulthood is begun by about 18. By 18 most people are mature enough to begin making major life decisions for themselves.
If you can't accept the age of consent at 18 all you are doing is demonstrating your own immaturity.
aside from wanting to fuck her, the problem with 14yo is that they r uneducated and can end up with a kid in their hands.
Education is key.
The solution to pedophilia is not to change the age of consent. The problem is to side-step that ethical minefield entirely by building artificial simulations of children, either through artificial intelligence and VR or through physically regressing adults into childlike bodies.
We don't have the technology to do that yet, but we should be working on it.
the desire for the "real thing", the authenticity, the challenge will remain.
14 is the age of consent in Brazil
It's working very well for us.
Yes, more unborn souls for Moloch!
Or you know Zyklon B
i know. Crime rate, niggerness and child pregnancy proves that
With the current taxes rates I am surprised we are not an anarchy yet
If muslims started making no-go zones here and raping women they would literaly be lynched by flip-flop niggers.
Except for very very rare situations If they can get pregnant they are not children anymore.
Old enough to bleed is old enough to breed.
Damn brazil you're making your country sound pretty nice to me, too bad its filled with black people
Depends on which part of the country you go to.
Our niggers don't have the same culture they do in he US.
Most of them are poor but hard-working, nationalists and against affirmative action.
u confirmed everything
The difference I guess, it that in America at least half the country (the upper half) is nog free. Is there any part of Brazil that's like that?
When 14 year olds are outlawed, only outlaws will have 14 year olds.
Very philesophical
yes, Europe
Hate to tell you this but the major cities are fucking infested. I really hope nationalism catches on like a trash fire.
I mean that we do surprinsingly well for the problems we face. At the moment there are hundreds of corrupt politicians getting arrested on a huge federal police investigation. If we get a decent non-commie president in 2018 life will be great.
Basically Brazil niggers > US niggers.
I personally speak 3 languages and plan to learn other 2 and work as a programmer
Our south has less black people
i hate to tell u, but Poland doesnt have nigs almost at all.
do a brazil president need to come from brazil and spik spanish?
Classical Europe I mean, france, britain mostly. I'd tell you to go see some sites, but the tours are filled with china roaches and it smells like congealed dick cheese.
To be a president in Brazil you need to be over 35 years old, be born and live in Brazil and support from a political party.
We don't speak spanish. We speak brazilian portuguese and every politician needs to be fluent in brazilian portuguese.
well, looks like the venue of getting a good president is not open to u guys
This, TBH.
What show/move is that clip from? That's some fuckkkkked up shit.
movie called Nynphmaniac
most human behaviors can be harmful to others if not contained by empathy good
we created law to include reason fear bad
but even today there are individuals
that do not care about either and those need to be eliminated
like niggers and kikes ugly
I agree on the logic but still doesn't apply 14yos.
They are smart and knowledgable enough to get sex.
how about you ask someone to help you translate your monkeylanguage into actual english and then post it again?
Hopefully one day we will all speak Lojban and we will be able to cominicate more logically and unanbiguously.
like the great country where lojban is spoken