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you sound gay tbh

She is not a real blond. She will age like milk by the time she is 28 then it is all downhill from there.

hyper-individualism, narcissism and materialism manifested in the form of female humans.

upgrade to new model.

Men are Natural Good Looking, While 80% of Women Are ugly as **** without Make up..
Depending on which Country, State, Province, or City you live in this Topic may not Apply to your region, however I have noticed that men overall do very little things to be good looking. I sometimes Don't shave, wake up with messy hair not combed and wake out to the avondale and I have been told that I look Good. Meanwhile, seeing some girl's pictures on FACEBOOK or IRL in general they look but ugly without the Make up, Eye Liner, Hair do, and all this crap that goes into it. Whats even worst is that alot of 8/10 faces are really 4/10 but since its hard to break down whats really under 10 pounds of making up, your probably making out with a cow at your local party. These 4/10 bitches putting on makeup to look like 8/10 faces are producing more ugly cunts and destroying society.

Ugly misshapen nose, fucked up cheek bones, that weird horizontal cleft under the nose, the Abraham Lincoln man-jaw.

who the fuck, would fuck that ugly bitch?


Women aren't humans though

I'm sure that if makeup was made illegal and it wasn't produced en masse, women would look way better. It's the god damn makeup I tell you

because we like them that way
honest woman are boring and equal a brick

yes, because the ugly CUNTS wouldn't get pregnant and spit out more ugly CUNTS.

Here's the solution to that, don't breed with uggos

I don't see you complaining about the rolodex spam that bombard s this site daily by script kiddies.


The rolo waht


Tell me legitimate reasons why they are or shit the fuck up otherwise

man can procreate with them. that makes them human.

1) Dogs are usually not ugly.
2) If they are young enough they are pretty without makeup. (pic related)

white women are beautiful, we need to ensure that their beauty doesn't vanish from this earth

ladybois are white women too

either you treasure her or you're a race traitor that will hang during the race war

mgtow are kikes, we real whites know that the truth is the opposite

waifubots or GMO women?

nice dubs

she still belongs to the supreme white race

hello time traveler

white women are, in fact most men can die and as long as white women are alive, white men can rebuild the white race


nice trips

don't call them that, white women are genetically superior to most men that's why they sleep with chads (superior whites)

white women are not ugly, you sound like a race traitor

I never touched a white woman, but race is real



you're a race traitor

you're a shill

so much this, this makes us whites different and races real

That's the problem


non-chads are the problem, long live the white race

I've seen these 3 somewhere.

That is a function that can be replicated by machines and also has nothing to do with them being human. I want a legitimate reason sir, not some bullshit you feel

Let me clarify: ALL WOMEN aren't human

1: every ethnicity has butt ugly people
2: I never said I was white so I can't be a "race traitor"


what's race got to do with this?

sauce? i've never seen a sperm grow up and become a human inside a machine or any other mammal.

It's not that hard to find you fucking moron


are you retarded? no human being came out of a artificial womb. experiments and non-human test subjects are not human beings.

Laneya Grace is not white…

You are one of the dumbest people I've ever encountered online

and you're fucking stupid. show me a human being that got out of a 100% artificial womb.

I don't know if you're 12 or just that fucking stupid, but whatever the case I'll teach you something. In the field of study known as science, there are things called experiments. The purpose of experiments is to find answers to questions or find easier solutions to everyday problems. In this particular instance, the task at hand was to create an artificial womb in order to create life. Through many trials, errors and retrials, the scientists involved have taken a step closer to finding out a way to create life from an artificial womb. They started with rats, moved on to goats and are progressing towards humans in the future. If you still are adamant about not accepting the truth in reality, then you can just get off the internet

i don't care about your experiments or your progression. talk shit to me when you have coffee machines shitting babies out of its rears.

nice damage control

Women's evolutionary adaptations consist solely of being a good sperm vessel. As such they have no other desirable qualities.

lol you still didn't provide evidence that human birth is
i advise that you stop projecting.


o-ok senpai

Are you dyslexic? Are you carrying a few extra chromosomes? Are You missing some? You literally have to be brain dead to not grasp the concept of what I've said thus far

Femanon here, that's bullshit

Prove it.


Here you go

I see you were prepared. Next is timestamp.
If you suceed you I belive you are a real girl, but I will still find that your post worthless as it contained only an authority argument.
My opinion is here:


she must have slept face down on her pillow and her 10 pounds of make-up stuck to it when she got up.

Don't compare women to dogs you jerk

Dogs aren't ugly, they're sexy

cute not sexy.

that it's still in experiment stage and no human has come out of an artificial womb? yes.

They are.