Any of you guys ever seen these around on the internet? I think they're a lot of fun.
Sharing them just because.
Any of you guys ever seen these around on the internet? I think they're a lot of fun.
Sharing them just because.
no, they are cancer
I thought they were fun, but I got told they are cancer last time I shared them, too.
I think Holla Forums is just full of edgelords who hate thing.
Or you are just autistic.
No shame about it as long as you don't go sperboosting things as good.
Or maybe you just hate fun, Debbie Downer.
They're shit.
Don't listen to the jackasses, OP. These usually get a genuine chuckle outta me.
okay, here's the thing.
They are not the worst thing in the world, but they are usually some incredibly lazy humor. 90% of the times, the message screenshots are cheap jokes based only on caricatures of the characters involved and the lamest pop culture memes. They can usually be simplified to "One smart character talks down a dumb character on being dumb" or "Ohohoh, this one character from another culture does not understand our culture!".
From the op, the last one got a bit of a chuckle out of me. The rest is groanworthy.
I like Wonder Woman being a savage who thinks about everything in mythic terms.
They are lame and unfunny IMO.
Actually yes,
You kinda start noticing errors and mistakes in the thing around you as you watch better stuff.
Most sources of comedy are only truly funny around 90% of the time or so. And while I don't like the ones portraying one person as an idiot, I fucking love jokes about misunderstanding cultures for some reason. I thought the Thor movie was great because of that.
Ok, Wally West is always funny.
They're trying to be funny, but seem a bit stiff. Reads like official marketing, and not allowed to go too far off-message.
Oh come on robin. You've been around for over a year, your expiration date is coming up soon anyway.
My biggest complaint with these is that some of them are find jokes, they just don't work as well in the form of "text messages"
IMO, it's hard not to imagine them as dialogue. First one was kinda wack, but the rest are great.
fuck off
or maybe some people aren't retarded
About every 1 in 4 are good the rest are pretty miss.
I'm going to say it straight, because the exaggerative sperging from all the anons here isn't helping the message to spread sensibly: it's cringeworthy. Making an account and pretending to be a fictional character is CRINGEWORTHY, because it is practically an embarrassing normalfag thing to do. Period. As much as you think that they're OK, they're actually as highly unfashionable as thinking that being lolrandom is "cute".
These are just images people put together, not people RPing as characters
Ur dum lol
Yes I've seen them and I kind of like them.
Oh lawd. These are mildly amusing, it's cancer in itself that the board spergs are freaking out so much over it.
Actually it's probably just Tumblr Faggot. He's incapable of judging a thing on its own merit.
I'm sure you could show the same thing to him with and without a Tumblr filename, and he'll just sit there drooling until he sees "Tumblr", then he starts frothing up like a rottweiler getting its teeth brushed.
Also it's like the schwarma scene from Avengers, it was amusing the first time we saw fully costumed heroes hanging out in a regular setting, then Marvel got filled to the brim with retard writers who thought heroes doing normalfag things in their costumes was good superhero writing. Look at Spider-Woman for example, she was retired and pregnant, why the fuck is she walking around in that fucking outfit getting groceries?
Lol, nobody's white knighting this shit as being more that mildly amusing. What's really hilarious is watching you going into INCONTINENT RAGE MODE over something so bland and comfy.
That bees one, jesus christ how terrible.
Okay spider man one semi-redeeming but that's only because spider man itself is funny in its inherent absurdity.
I've been rustled.
Also, these are indeed usually cancerous. The fact I read on that had the word mainsplain in it is probably why my disgust for them came about.
Supes being able to comprehend his speed doesn't mean he can actually move that fast. Also, I feel that a lot of these are funny until the final text message which often makes the joke less funny.
It's because the final text message is an unnecessary almost retelling of the whole joke. The punchline is being explained as it already just happened. Or it's a character acting smug because they also know the punchline. These jokes are too proud of themselves and it shows. There's no chance for it to improve since even here there's dopes saying how absolutely hilarious the concept of magneto ruining xaiver's credit card is.
I found the JLA one funny. Superman really does have it all.
These aren't very funny.
What is funny is the guy who keeps posting them is mad as shit because nobody else thinks they're good.
That and the continuous samefagging. Which makes me wonder, why are you bumping this trash?
Turns out there's more than one person posting who likes these things. Every post I've made has involved me posting more. In fact, I'm actively discussing with people why exactly they don't like them.
Hiding threads is an option broseph.
It's weird how mad some anons get on this board – the comics board– when they see other people enjoying comics that they don't like.
You'll find that on every board, on every site. Just go over to /a/ and you'll see what I mean.
You're on the money. It's okay for a brief slice of life gag in superhero stories, but it just gets really strange when they do it on a consistent day-to-day basis.
Ditto. The Kill La Kill thread is a perfect visual example for what you mean.