Videos of people being murdered are legal to possess and distribute. Beheadings, shootings, dead people, dead children, dead babies. All of these get a free pass.
There isn't a single academic paper that demonstrates a causal link between watching cp and molesting children. Yet innocent people end up in prison anyways, even though they harmed no one. It's virtue signalling, sadism, psychosis and hysteria mixed together on a heavy dose of steroids.
we take over this site and the us government, all banks, the un and cat toilet israel
Oliver Morris
it's a dilemma. doing so would lead to lowering the consent age and that would make incest prevalent. what about toddler porn? should it be legal too? it's a grey area, and getting in it with a bias would things heated. i'm biased. if it was in my hand, all pedophiles would get the death penalty.
Carter Miller
Lower AoC and legal toddler porn sounds like a great future to me.
William Rodriguez
a liberal society where morality is a spook and everything is normalized sounds fucking great?
Joshua Torres
You'll want to go peddle that shit to a muh degeneracy sperg or your local Christfag, I enjoy sex and find it very compatible with moral living as morality is not simply self-flagellation despite what some vengeful sandnigger/literal kike deity says.
Isaiah Smith
seriously 12 years is a legit age to have sex 12-16 years old girls are the most kinky amongst woman
12 years old woman have pubic hair and swelling tits signalizing you to fuck them. woman dont have any morality anyway. they are sluts by nature and to some degree a slutty woman is a healthy woman.
Samuel Anderson
you can have sex, but you have to draw a line somewhere, otherwise it gets too crazy. what we see now of gender uncertainty and pedophilia was very expected after gays were accepted. feminism was to be foreseen after women's suffrage. now we're seeing fluidity with race too (transniggers), fucking insane. liberating sex has many consequences and it's always a process. you give them just a little opening and they go all in for the next stop. do you think they'll stop at transgenderism or whatever you call it? no. for someone to use those people to push their agenda (banking system, foreign policy) is not that far fetched. we see the co-author of common core saying he wrote it partially because of white privilege, and hillary saying she lost because of misogyny and other -isms, and it only gets crazier from here. it's this blind hedonism that will lead us to forget our heritage and identity. thinking there's no consequences is selfish.
i agree. pregnant 12 year olds still in primary are so adorable. you're right. our time has made women nothing but superficial sex toys. being a man of your time, in your hand lays the opportunity to change the future. you can make a woman respect herself, you can raise a daughter honorably. you can be an Aryan.
Zachary Johnson
this is why
Alexander Davis
woman are not just sextoys. they need to be impregnated by the age of 15 to 21 if they dont get pregnant by the age of 21 they go crazy. a female body is different from a man. woman unlike men are born with once and the same egg cells and with age their egg cells become degenerate by dna until a woman loses natural fertility by the age of approximately 40 years. even woman older than 35 years of age are not suitable for heaving healthy children by (non jew made) statistics.
therefore its important to come inside of woman before they are 18. the (((state))) is responsible to care for the woman and the child as the jews have a printed budget anyway.
Nathan Murphy
OP it makes sense though… u can fuck a 16 yr old hard core but u can't post nudes of her a day before she turns 18
Adam Gonzalez
pitty she went full dyke slut filth
Noah Sanchez
yes you can! DO IT YOU FAGGOT!! DONT BE SISSIMOOO FUCK HER, PICTURES AND SHARE THEM WITH US! (and make sure you come inside)
Hudson Ward
*take pictures
Logan Foster
Pedophilia is not inherently political, neither are homosexuality nor the expression of transsex tendencies inherently political. You are conflating a variety of issues as though they were a single issue or had a causal link. Pedosexuality, homosexuality and sex-bending (I refuse to use 'gender' as it is a Jewish meme misusing a grammatical term, this is where politics enters into the modern trans movement, a separate issue utilizing the underlying traits to subvert) have existed since time immemorial and been practiced in countless societies to varying levels of openness and legality (This is not an attempt to appeal to tradition on its own as a reason for legalization, but to demonstrate the existence of more classically liberal - not to be read as modern American liberal - attitudes toward these expressions of sexuality that predate all of your ~extremely~ recently emergent concerns). The reason it seems like sexuality is the driving force behind the political machinations of the Jew is because it's a nearly universal human trait and a powerful motivator no matter what baggage is attached to it, but it is not defined by that baggage and is not inexorably linked to that baggage. You really can't even attach things like transniggers to sexuality under your own worldview, that's really more linked to the recent decline in ethnic nationalism caused by the Jew heaping negative connotations onto it and demonizing the Nazis post-WW2 via their atrocity propaganda and still on-going push for globalism (itself made possible by unrelated but convenient for their purposes technological breakthroughs that weakened borders and strengthened ease of communication). We don't have to throw the baby porn out with the bathwater, we just have to throw the Jew in an oven.
Anthony Lee
Madness and psychosis are everywhere in society, OP. In fact, that's the rotten pillar keeping it all up. The war on drugs, the pedo hunt, the law in general… You'd have to abolish the law as we know it.
Tyler Turner
How do you figure? What does legal CP have to do with the age of consent? What does the age of consent have to do with incest? These are all seperte issues. What OP is suggest is legalization of the POSSESSION of CP, not the MANUFACTURE of it. Just like it is perfectly legal to have a video of someone getting dismembered, it is NOT legal to dismember someone in order to make a video. Legal murder videos have not lead to legalized murder.
It's the reductionist worldview of a simpleton who can't into nuance.
Tyler Nelson
but now they are used by jews as a political tool
faggots are usually rejected in europe since yeshka and his reform yid sect crashed the roman empire. ever since then jews unite faggots and use them as political tool. pedos are different from faggots because they are productive unless they are gay-pedos.
when jews talk about "good pedophilia" they mean sex with young boys anus. sadly thats not good pedophilia because RULE: EVERYTHING THATS GOOD FOR THE JEW IS BAD FOR EVERYONE ELSE
the true reason why CP is illegal is because jews make CP videos and want to sell them same as they do with drugs. the kike own the CP market and therefore they want it ot be illegal
forbidding cp will not make cp go away, in fact it creates a black market where children are abused and exploited while legal cp crashed the demand of cp.
(((top trumptards))) know that so they push for (((muh $14.87 8D chess))) to create a business with childporn
Jayden Bell
Come on. The jews don't have a monopoly on CP. Anyone with a kid and a camera can make it.
Active pedos should definitely get the death penalty but for people who have pics or vids of cp, that's a different story. Personally I'm not against having pictures of cp as well as normal shit, but if you really want to fuck a kid, you should definitely go play in traffic
Christopher Garcia
I wish it was more common to use the actual word for boyfuckers instead of just saying pedophilia, pederasty is a thing. Yes though, now they are being utilized as a political tool and so are many other things - but all I'm saying is that they aren't devalued or permanently necessary to bar expression of purely by their status of being used for Jewish ends in the now. If it has been possible for them to exist independently of Jewish influence, it is possible for them to do so again and that is what I would like to see happen.
Let me run this by you too, considering you mentioned the kikes trying to monopolize CP, look at pizzagate and the theory that they use sex with children as blackmail to permanently own and control potential threats to Jewish interests. If this is true, whether intentionally engineered or merely a consequence of feminism constantly trying to hold on to the sexual market value of old roasties and disallow the superior option of a loli wife, the pedo hysteria does nothing but absolutely guarantee that this blackmail will work as the proles will go and do the elite's character assassination for them at the slightest hint that their failed blackmail target is a pedophile (even going so far as to do this over incidents where the blackmail would actually indicate ephebophilia or hebephilia - which basically shows you how crossed the wires in normie brains really are).
tl;dr: Even if pedosexuals must continue to be unjustly barred from pursuing relationships with children, viewing or producing CP - the hysterical kneejerk reaction of the moralfag normie only serves to support a Jewish scheme at the heart of their control of the political apparatus.
Dominic Gonzalez
how reasonable NOT
Oliver Watson
exactly why the jews push for censorship of CP
Asher Cook
Say if you were to be browsing a porn site and you came across this picture or video of a girl giving a blowjob. You find it extremely hot and decide to save it, little did you know the girl in the picture or video is 17. It's still technically cp but it's too good to let go, are you still a scumbag for keeping it?
Liam Jones
dude if you take nudes of yourself a day before your 18 and just keep them for yourself that can still land you 11 years
Ian Russell
That's exactly OP's point. It is absolutely fucking retarded that you can't own cp but can own everything else
Jaxon Scott
yes its called pederasty but you noticed this word never used on (((MEDIA))) because pederast kikes want hide themselves amongst pedophiles while people who want to have sex with over 12 years old girls arent even pedophile thats why its called /hebe/ (which jim, the CIA twat deleted to please the trumptards kabuki theater gibberish)
keep it its yours us-law needs to be reformed there is nothing wrong to watch a porn with a girl who has pubic hair and swelling tits
Jonathan Bennett
honestly it would make more sense if the laws like faded in say you lower consent to 13 and you fuck a 12 year, 12 month year old maybe for each day, it's just a day after in jail so one day before she's 13 = 1 day jail? i don't know to me it would just make more sense than "MUH HE TOOK NUDES AT 17, 364 DAYS… 11 YEARS NIGGER! "
Henry Ramirez
All pornography is degenerate and should be illegal.
Logan Torres
le degeneracy maymay
Samuel Martin
troll harder
Brayden Perry
It leads to men fixating on pictures of women, instead of the true object of their God-given passion on this planet: to love and appreciate their wife. A man's wife is his spiritual second half and he must save his passion for her as she really is, and not be distracted with flat lifeless collections of visual ones and zeros of how she once was or, worse, of other women. This is why we have people these days detached from reality, wandering around blind to God's creation choosing instead to live in a false virtual reality. Porn has tarnished their souls.
Carter Jones
You cannot legalize possession without legalizing distribution, or is the data supposed to somehow magically appear on your computer?
Carter Gray
Carter Ramirez
The very first psychologists to prove that any form of lust other than for one's wife was pathological were all devout Christians. Indeed a lot of their work was inspired by theology. Over one hundred years later and the APA still agrees that they were right. Such is the power of divine inspiration