Ancom and ancap

should ancoms and ancaps come together to fight and destroy the state? as we all know, capitalism cannot survive without the state, so why not destroy the foundation that protects private property and make private property vulnerable? that would give more advantage for us to take away private property without obstruction from the state.
almost all anarchist rebellions have been crushed either by the capitalist state or the communist state, why not team up with the ancaps against the porkies and commies?

when i said "commie" i meant MLs and maos and such, i know there are other forms of socialism.

AnCaps would rather ally with fascists, brownshirt style, rather than AnComs. AnCaps migt have 'Anarchism' on their name, but looks deceive; they are pure reactonaries in love with their position and their property. Their thought is in conpmete opposition to communism, and therefore Anarchism in every way.

what about mutualists? should ancoms and mutualists come together?

Ancaps are a spook :^)

Mutualists are spooked. Mutualism has been disproved a long while ago, and the conditions and the class that developed the theory are extinct, if you are a Mutualist I would reccomend you to look at European Mutual Aid Organtizations. In Spain, for example, they are basically insurance companies right now.

Proudhon had a good analysis, but scientifical Socialism utcompeted his ideas.

post you're rare sneks ITT

Most ancaps I've talked with want to dissolve the state in a peaceful way, if this is a general tendency in their movement, then they are destined to circlejerk on the internet.

It's not a very good pick tbh.

You're right; feminism is the best form of anarchism today.

I'm not sure you've thought this through.

"an"-caps are monarchists that don't like the status quo.

It's more the other way around, i.e. monarchists are just disaffected an-caps

Moldbug's ideal presidents are the corporate-world wunderkinds of Jeff Bezos and Elon Musk

Best argument against modern feminism today.


Thing is, most "mutualists" today are really just lolberts who starting to become aware of how fucked up capitalism is, so they become Tuckerite individualists (see Kevin Carson)

They should all be Gulaged, tbh

Am with user on this one.
t. Leninist

I think about this sometimes.

It depends on whether ancaps consider private property as holy or whether they alloy for communaly governed property. Most seem to be inconclusilve, so there is a chance at least.


lol hi :)













Fuck off.

For some reason I feel like the last snake needs a little bow tie and fedora.

Kill yourself.

Ancom here. Ancaps are the enemy.

why would we team up with internet fedora wearing faggots that we have literally nothing in common with other than 1 thing and only one thing, especially when they only exist on the internet and any presence they have in real life is completely and total composed of dumb asses with flairs and leaflets tell you bitcoin and plastic one shot guns will save the world from the communists.

kill yourself.

But haven't you seen those libertarian militias? they shoot at trees n shit

Left wing market anarchism is a thing. Perhaps ancaps could be pushed towards that.

i need more of these