-- Dr Richard Stallman President, Free Software Foundation (gnu.org, fsf.org) Internet Hall-of-Famer (internethalloffame.org) Skype: No way! See stallman.org/skype.html.
Sounds like he's diplomatically removing the tranny while completely ignoring its screeching.
Jayden Stewart
Still it's also according Francis to win something that isn't legit. It's also legitimizing the insanity of Francis. Francis could just have forked the project, he had the legitimate right to do so thanks to the gplv3.
Francis should have an hero himself.
Logan Cruz
Stallman is a mentally ill commie, what did you expect?
Brody Scott
Thomas King
This is all just political weaseling. Tranny stepped away as maintainer, no one else wanted to step in, so the FSF just threw out the package since it would be just dead weight anyway. If someone wants to they could fork Libreboot and make it a GNU package again.
Robert Parker
Tbh point 3 is not a bullshit reason. Your organization can't maintain a project if nobody is willing to develop it for you. I'm sure that if somebody forked Libreboot, actively developed and maintained it, and submitted it to be GNU package, they'd probably take it. RMS is way too autistic to give a fuck about tranny feelings when they get in the way of his software.
Grayson Bennett
I wish Stallman would go Red, but at least as of 2015 he's still pretty much a Keynesian social democrat.
oh no how are we going to make our outdated thinkpad machines even more useless without libreboot?
Adam Ramirez
I almost bought one of those overly expensive Librebooted X200's from Minifree once. Dodged a bullet there. (This tranny runs minifree shop)
Zachary Phillips
Fascist !
Well, good riddance. Fucking tranny
Lincoln Taylor
So a communist. Knock this garbage off, any form of government that encourages the dissolution of individual liberties of any kind is communism. There is no such thing as "it isn't really communism, despite having tenets central to communism".
Carson Brooks
also holy shit Stallman is a fucking idiot. Maybe he should realize the only reason the large scale oil industry has survived up till now is because of government subsidies and the fact that the government profits off of off shore drilling and drilling on government land.
Logan Roberts
Stallman supports capitalism and yet, Stallman is a communist? How does that work?
Cameron Jenkins
Wow, that's really epic, man. Someone makes insane and completely false claims about transgender discrimination, and then you validate that by making your post first and foremost anti-tranny. That'll show them.
Gabriel Young
Every time he looks at this photo he can see the pure sadness in his eyes because he is an inferior man and he will also never truly be a woman.
Am I a psychopath if I find this hilarious?
Christopher Wood
You have confirmation bias adding narratives to situations that didn't have one before.
Justin Adams
Mutually incompatible. Keynesianism is a subsidized, state-heavy form of capitalism; social-democracy is gradual, electoral socialism(/communism). Protip: Holla Forums is an atrocious source of information for anything left-wing.
Adam Cruz
It's not incompatible if it's happening at the exact same time and working together at the exact same time.
Alexander Young
But that's wrong. Keynesianism and social-democracy have never happened at the same time, as in there has never been a regime that was simultaneously both. Keynesians and social-democrats do work together, and so do stalinist communists and laissez-faire neoliberals, so by that logic I assume they are also compatible?
Lincoln Long
Or maybe he just doesn't support madness and his feet touches the ground.
-a man who thinks is a woman is bias. -a man that physically mutilates himself, injected with full of chemicals that is body isn't supposed to have to makes him look like a woman is bias. -a man full of chemicals that is body isn't supposed to have has irrational behavior is bias.
whew that's some level of rejecting reality that I haven't touched.
Ryder Gonzalez
lol, no
Social democracy is redistributing the wealth-concentrating tendency of capitalism through government programs.
Joseph Brown
Thank you for your input, but I believe that the people who actually started ("invented") social-democracy (Ferdinand Lassalle, Friedrich Engels, Eduard Bernstein) might know about this old, worldwide political tendency just a lil, lilly bit better than some retarded Holla Forums picture, or fucking Wikipedia.
No. Why ? Because Darwin has demonstrated this a long time ago. Either he should have died/an hero himself or be strong enough to survive.
The fact that he survived is because the tranny community has helped him in his madness.
I agree to help others but making a cycle of fragile people and showing of to the world that it's ok to be like that isn't good for humanity.
If you laugh it's because at one point he'll an hero himself if he loose support and it has already began when he shitted on the FSF, the so called trans friend that he was ""defending"" let him down and the other maintainers too, to bad that RMS has ""given"" him back the project.
Kayden Campbell
Skimming it. It says that Keynesianism managed to achieve a goal that social-democrats also wished to achieve, namely maximum employment (something nearly every economic tendency sees as a good thing), and contrasts the incompatible approaches of both. Europe had a very short early social-democratic phase, and after fascism rose and fell, there's been struggle between keynesian and thatcherite policies. If you are trying to make a point do spell it out.
Brandon Sanders
I'm glad you conceded.
James Sullivan
I've made my point. Stallman is a Keynesian social democrat and this sensible.
Grayson Green
The way you usually do it is support your point with an argument that tries to addresses whatever inquiry your interlocutor has made. Otherwise you run the risk of seeming wrong in the eyes of both your interlocutor as well as whatever spectators happen to pass by.
Cooper Johnson
I don't see anything that supports that claim
Josiah Perry
Nolan Peterson
The point is that Stallman supports capitalism and also supports social welfare. If Stallman was a communist, he would not support capitalism. Any other question that isn't related to this premise is irrelevant.
The one when Stallman says that he supports a form of non-rapacious capitalism.
Adrian Bennett
Good argument.
Julian Johnson
And the form he supports isn't capitalism.
Jaxon Bennett
"The government" is not a monolithic entity. It's a structure composed of elected politicians and other officials that they appoint. If you're going to blame the success of oil multinationals on governments you also need to point out that there has been a literal corporate coup of said government that was started in the '60s and completed by the '90s. Corporations and their lobbyists decide what laws get written and pass now, public opinion has no impact whatsoever. They even decide what wars are waged.
Jonathan Hill
Right. Good argument.
Jayden James
Stallman confirmed feudalist?
Anthony Jenkins
So you agree a centralized federal government is bad?
Liam Thompson
Not at all.
Hunter Hernandez
Fair enough. He might be a keynesian if he knew economics at all, but he is far, far, far from being a social-democrat, and therefore a socialist, precisely because
You said that Stallman was a keynesian (which he might be) social democrat (which he is very far from being). I'd say that's relevant, you don't have to be upset over people scrutinizing your claims, that's like getting upset over devs scrutinizing your code. Would you refuse a pull request that corrects a badly defined abstraction just because you don't find it relevant? I know, I know, >implying Holla Forums can code
Jaxon Powell
Except the cause of corporations and lobbyists being able to decide what laws get written and what wars are waged is because of a massive, centralized federal power.
Alexander Allen
No? Some things demand a sort of centralization. We'll never get lunar solar power without centralization for instance. The real problem is that the awesome power that capitalism puts into the hands of a small amount of the population tends to devolve into oligarchy.
Nolan Myers
Except you can do that privately. Quit being a statist. Because they use a federal government to enforce their power.
Ryder Hughes
I never thought Holla Forums would be filled with communists.
Levi Taylor
That's one of the things making it possible. Another is that lobbying is entirely legal.
It's possible to have a centralized federal government without this.
Lincoln Jackson
Isaiah Scott
Except it isn't. The moment you remove lobbying is the moment you decide to silence the voice of people. This way of thinking just proves you're a freedom hating communist.
Evan Stewart
Bentley Barnes
Sargon is fucking moist for the State. He was on welfare for years
Kevin Miller
He's explicitly not a communist, and communism is a world-wide, stateless, classless society. It can be safely said that we've never had communism. The most we've had are countries attempting to build socialism like the USSR.
Isaiah Jackson
Justin Wood
I’d just like to interject for a moment. What you’re referring to as communism, is in fact, anarcho-communism, or as I’ve recently taken to calling it, anarchism plus communism. Communism is not a political ideology unto itself, but rather another movement component of a fully functioning working class struggle made useful by the anarchist critique, historical praxis and vital militant organizations comprising a full movement as defined by Dialectics.
Many syndicalist proletarians use a modified version of the anarchist tactics every day, without realizing it. Through a peculiar turn of events, the version of anarchism which is widely exercised today is often called “communism”, and many of its users are not aware that it is basically the anarchist movement, developed by the anarchist federations.
There really is communism, and these people are fighting for it, but it is just a part of the movement they join. Communism is the vision: the goal in the movement that defines the struggle's methods to achieve the other goals that you strive for. The vision is an essential part of a movement, but useless by itself; it can only function in the context of a complete movement. Communism is normally used in combination with the anarchist movement: the whole movement is basically anarchism with communism added, or anarcho-communism. All the so-called “communist” revolutions are really revolutions of anarcho-communism.
Samuel White
this fucking guy thinks he's a girl and talks to himself from the third perspective. Everyone knows he wrote those tings on his webpage himself, yet he continues to call his own name.
Tyler Cruz
He's communist, and the USSR was communist. Quit trying to dilute the term so that you can get away with violating human rights and eroding freedom with your communism-lites.
Jaxson Cruz
Have you stopped beating your wife yet?
Carson Campbell
Lucas Gonzalez
Begone shill.
Levi Morris
I don't have enough time or money after spending the last decade of my life trying to get my OS (Linux) to work all the time, fixing problems that have already been fixed on other OS for years, to be able to support a wife. I live in ascetic af poverty with incurable weapons-grade autism. The only "wife" I'll ever have is a waifu pillow.
Isaac Cooper
Good man.
Henry Evans
Do Holla Forums and Holla Forums link to threads on Holla Forums to raid? It seems like threads like this get a lot of posts in a short amount of time relative to most other threads on the board and most of the posts end up not being Holla Forums related and instead start going into political topics. For example, a good portion of the discussion in this thread is simply people going on about communism for god knows what reason.
Christian Bennett
What they -should- be trying to sell is modded X200 tablets and systems that are actually a serious pain-in-the-ass to install on. X200 systems have idiot-friendly instructions and no soldering needed.
Anyway apparently all the Libreboot devs that matter jumped back to Coreboot, I'm still sitting on Libreboot but in fairness it's a version before the tranny imploded.
Dylan Bell
Gavin Sanders
8ch is mostly a Holla Forums bunker now. Before it was gg and pedo bunker
Josiah Gutierrez
Are you trying to cheat me again?
Luis Diaz
What a shit thread populated by SHIT. SHIT! """people""".
Dylan Roberts
I know that but is it really necessary to derail threads on other boards with unrelated discussion? Between people trying to shove their unrelated views everywhere, modern outrage culture, lower effort discussion resulting from the limitations of posting from a mobile device which is becoming more common everywhere, random jokes and shit slinging by people who aren't even interested in discussion of the topic at hand yet feel the need to insert themselves anyways, and other factors I'm probably forgetting, the signal to noise ratio on imageboards and other common discussion platforms is dropping to the point where they really aren't worth using anymore.
Nathan Thomas
Tech is a slow board and random discussion is at the heart of imageboards so I don't see what the problem is. Majority of people visiting are lurkers anyways and it's actually easy to change a board to be better. The problem is it's easier to spam shitty reddit style generals that attract majority common denominators than have a unique conversation that actually requires research, thought and energy put into it.
Angel White
Or people on Holla Forums are just sane. A little.
Bentley Peterson
There seems to be a good amount of posters who are more interested in off topic discussion that belongs on other boards than they are in discussion pertaining to the topic of this board. Hence these threads getting large amounts of posts in a short amount of time relative to other threads on the board.
Benjamin Carter
Hudson Martin
3/10, could've done better.
Adrian Lee
You are all bitches. Just threat the guy as a girl to make him better about his mental illness without having people crying, and let go that easily forkable project that no one will maintain right now.
Jack Miller
No. It's illegal to give him the necessary treatment, but that doesn't mean we should all join in his delusions. Besides, girls get treated like girls because white knights foolishly hope for sex. Nobody wants to sex that dude.
Landon Campbell
No, but chans are now populated with autistic neonazis who are triggered by literally everything that doesn't conform to their safespace. Although I think the dev is a cunt by asking for a refund and making a big deal about dropping a project, s/he's contributed more to free software than any of these faggots.
I really don't care who programs my software provided it's FOSS and not a complete piece of shit, considering I don't pay for any of it, it's a good deal. Hope someone else picks up Libreboot but if not it's not the end of the world.
Josiah Anderson
Mason Baker
ditto, easy as pie to do on the X200 as long as you can read
Colton Bennett
he/him is newspeak when applied to a woman
Henry Parker
Carson Thompson
I hope all of you get raped and stabbed by a pack of niggers.
Leo Cook
The worst part of this shit is read all the tech/JavaScript/sjw community on twitter. Frankly the world would be a better place without those cunts.
Jacob Sanchez
Calling a spade a spade is not the same as a preferred pronoun. I can insist you call me something all I want, that doesn't mean I actually am that thing.
A man who has his genitalia chopped off, gets a hole drilled between his legs and then keeps poisoning himself with artificial hormones is still a man. An ugly, horribly mutilated and drug-addicted man, but still a man. His body is not accepting him as a woman, so why should I? He has to shove a medical dildo into his wound to keep it from growing shut and he has to take vital hormones for the rest of his life because his natural hormone glands have either been removed or shut down.
And worst of all, now they are shoving this madness onto children. Oh, little Bobby is playing with a barbie doll, let's put him on hormones. It's child for fuck's sake, you can give it a piece of dirt and it will make a toy out of it. If adult people want to fuck up their lives that's their choice, but this is beyond sick.
Carson Jackson
No one gives a shit about your views or the trannies views on the gender of trannies. If you can't be involved in a conversation about a topic that happens to involve a tranny without getting triggered by it and going off on a tangent then you can fuck off back to whatever safe space you came from.
Nathaniel Jones
You have no idea of what a safe space is. This is fascinating.
So now everyone that doesn't comply to what you want to be called means the people against you want safe spaces ? or are pollacks ? Are you feeling safe by imagining that ?
Stop thinking that people don't know what you are talking about or what you want. Most of us understand what you want but that doesn't mean that we have to agree.
Safe space is a system to shut other views that aren't wanted because they hurt your feeeelings. This is the worst system in existence and brainwashes more than anything else.
When someone does not want to call you what you want to be called, it's because they want you to put back your feet on the ground and stop you from being delusional. Not because it hurts their feelings.
Stop trying to find excuses, you can't go against reality. Come back to reality faggot.
Julian Kelly
every respected guideline for the treatment of transgender children requires no permanent interventions until the child teenager is old enough to understand the magnitude of what they're doing. inb4 isolated counterexamples. If some people abuse painkillers, does that mean doctors shouldn't ever prescribe them?
Ryder Martinez
Colton Gray
~10-12 (whenever puberty starts) they begin puberty blockers ~14-16 they start HRT ~18 they get SRS
Brandon Cook
~30 suicide rooted from child abuse
Owen Brown
if you faggots like libreboot so much why didn't anyone step up to maintain it?
Julian Scott
What if instead of doing all of that we just actually treat their mental illness?
Ian Brooks
With bullets.
Oliver Robinson
See for my views. Anyone who can't go without complaining about what pronouns are being used in a thread, especially when it's due to quotes from a linked article that mentions someone who happens to be a tranny, can fuck off no matter what side they're on. Go flog your identity politics somewhere else.
Jackson Foster
Pic related is a spade, there is arguing about that. You can call it what you want, but it is a spade, it always was a spade and it will forever be a spade, no matter what anyone thinks. Calling a man a man is not an opinion, it's a fact and anything else is reality denying.
Do you know what puberty blockers are? That's basically a castration, making the person permanently dependent on artificial hormones because their body cannot produce the hormones it would normally need. That's not just a pill that magically makes you girly.
Fucking kill yourselves every last one of you. A man is a man, a woman is a woman.
Jayden Garcia
Spades are dangerous racist tools of the patriarchy. ban spades
Eli Howard
Well you can have lobbying that doesn't revolve around money. Like no political donations for instance. Or just having more than two main parties so the pool of people to throw money at is disproportionately higher than the amount of fucks lobbyists are willing to give.
Isaiah Bell
And yet again you show that you have no idea of what it means. I have not mentioned at not time being part of any groups. Ideas aren't and cannot be attributed to groups of politics. Again please stop supposing/imagining things.
Funny thing is that I didn't know what was identity politics before lgbtqwerty people shoved it everywhere.
The post of op does not mention any complain about the "pronoun" . What op seems to complain about is how the said person reacted has a complete madmen and still does.
not sure if I get your point, but the user I quoted initially said,
which is in fact true of T-blockers, not puberty blockers. (spiro does ultimately result in effective castration after a couple years - the testes are no longer capable of producing testosterone even upon discontinuation)
Nolan Robinson
Could you turn down the Stormfag when talking about SJWs?
Carson Martinez
But why do you even care about said delusions? Did you get tricked by a trap once and got so butthurt that you wage jihad on trans now?
Matthew Robinson
many rabidly anti-trans people are just trannies who decided to repress their gender dysphoria.
Matthew Hill
authoritarianism and economics are orthogonal. look at any conservative (as opposed to libertarian) right-wing party; completely capitalistic yet completely authoritarian and pro-big government.
Eli Cook
Are you disgusted by shit? Then you are a repressed scat fetishist by your logic.
Jason Perez
if I made it my business to crusade against scat fetishists in every thread, however tangentially related, then yes I might be
Dominic Cook
Tangentially? The whole "gib me back muh donations, and, oops, looks like I outed that other tranny with my whining against non-existing discrimination and now it isn't my friend anymore" bullshit was pulled by a tranny. This thread wouldn't exist if the guy was normal. It's hardly unrelated to the thread. As for other threads, trannies and other SJWs are always trying to shove their CoC down the throat of every free software project out there. So it is, unfortunately, related to Holla Forums.
Angel Peterson
jesus christ mentally ill liberals really do all look alike
Elijah Collins
god cast the angels that didn't fight down with the devil buddy
Gabriel Bailey
That's a shovel. A spade is pointed.
Alexander Walker
8/tech/ is still shit, I see
Samuel Sanchez
600 fucking pounds for Libreboot installation...
Noah Anderson
just like Francis is still a mentally ill man
Samuel Edwards
Landon Hall
Specialist services command specialist fees. Car salesmen can get thousands in sales commissions for a car and they don't require the level of specialist knowledge that this requires.
Easton Roberts
Justin Hernandez
Anyone can follow the instructions for doing an X200, and it's waay cheaper to do it yourself even factoring in all the stuff you want to buy to do it. Most people have an ATX PSU or Pi/Beaglebone (or can make use of one afterwards) too. The only way I'd justify paying anything is for systems that require soldering (so not the fucking picture example). But 600£ is just obscene for that, you can get a 3DS hardmod done for less than 100 dollars. Australian. Libreboot almost hits $1000.
Bonus: it's not installed by an mentally ill person
Brody Edwards
Reminder that when you give money to trans/sjw you are probably helping people destroying the hacker community. Plus you are helping them injure themselves.
Carter Peterson
Wrong retard.
Benjamin Thomas
Fuck off, this "There is only 2 sides and you have to take one" argument is fucking garbage and the most dishonest shit.
Camden Torres
It's one thing to mindlessly run a program (written by someone else) and be done with it. It's another thing to be able to troubleshoot the issues when process has failed at any point.
I just read the X200 flashing instructions for Libreboot. I'm sceptical that most people are capable of comprehending this instruction. Not only does it require disassembly and the connection of specialist hardware, it may even require soldering. The fact that the 3DS hardware mod can be done at a smaller price explains nothing. You need to get into the technicalities of the physical skill and knowledge required to achieve the mod you're looking at.
Most people have the aptitude of retrimming their couches when it needs fixing. However, most people aren't bothered to go through the process of learning (from a text document) and are happy to hire a specialist (upholsterer) to get it fixed. The upholster will have the tools that's needed and will buy consumables at a fraction of the cost he's going to charge the customer.
Looks like the tranny tits are costing much more than expected
Juan Bennett
Go fuck yourself niggerfaggot.
Landon Brown
The 3DS hardmod requires soldering a few wires on, and adding an external port for connecting to via some fancy SD card to micro-USB cable. X200 systems don't even require soldering. For this person it'd be as easy as "take keyboard and palmrest off, stick clamp on flash chip, run a couple of commands on the flash programmer, done". Doing it yourself isn't that much harder, literaly follow the paint-by-numbers instructions.
Also bear in mind that you want to be able to fix it yourself if an update causes a brick, otherwise that's another 1K to the nutter.
Even that's kinda gougey. Also fuck me for putting the pound on the wrong end earlier.
Tyler Gray
Whats this then?
Christian Rivera
Actually both of those are spades. Spades are designed for digging which is why most have the point. Shovels are for shoveling stuff so they are designed do be deep to carry more and dont have a sharp edge.
Carter Cox
like said by this user it cost less to by a new laptop with libreboot than paying the tranny's surgery