i want to approach her but im not sure how to go about it. I know talking about what kind of games she plays is a good starter, but im still afraid of fucking it up. wat do Holla Forums
Grill at my uni
I wish I was that loli.
just do it phamilia you got nothing to lose
Find out what she's playing, get the same thing. Get into a situation where you both realize you have the same game (you pretend you're just realizing it), then start a conversation about it.
Alternatively just ask her about games in general like you said. Don't be a pussy.
LOL he is on Holla Forums he's a total fucking loser out of his league
you just cant wait to feed him to the lions so he cries and bitches tomorrow about getting sent to jail or tackled by security
haha you fucking faggot you are making him go into a no-win situation
That's not a loli, that's GOD.
That seems like a good idea actually, but I don't even have a 3ds nor can I afford one currently. I guess I'm just gonna go for it.
I know how to appear confident, its the inside feeling that tears me apart and I just want to know how to kill it
If I'm a loser because I'm on Holla Forums, then that makes you one too.
We go down together
Just so what I do as a conversation starter, OP - just ejaculate on her shoe.
Wonder how much cock she has taken
his pathetic life
nice dubs fag
The stories and information posted here are autistic works of fiction and falsehood. Only a fool would take anything posted here as fact
do it or you'll regret it forever
nerd womens dream with chads, you are just more 1 autist in her life.
step one
put vagina on a pedestal
step two
become a giant cuck
step three
be everything wrong with the world
hating women for your own shortcomings
I had similar situation with you. just be natural and talk about vidya. if you don't have 3ds, get some android game that has similar genre with her vidya. also, go to /vg/ for in-depth game tips
either troll or retard
either way the fact that this is the logic of your average normy is pretty sad
Just sit with her and ask why she's always alone. She'll probably be too shy to just start talking of her own will; so be sort of forceful with your approach, but not to the point where it's creepy or too unpleasant - just enough that she may be slightly intimidated by your confidence.
You should get a minute or two of conversation out of her if you do that, but that's all you need for the prerequisite of just being able to walk over to her and start chatting in future.
This is fucking stupid OP and will make her incredibly self-conscious and defensive.
Whatever you do, don't make things immediately about her. Make small talk, make it positive, and then disengage. You can't force this shit with shy ones, you have to approach a little bit, then back off, then approach a little more, then back off.
Seriously, introvert/shy chicks are like deer. I bagged one once and it was such an amazing experience just talking with her OP - genuinely interesting person.
You can literally talk about almost any topic as long as you show confidence.
Try to connect a game she plays to the plot of some anime or game you are into.
Here are some conversation-starter sugestions:
"Do you know who is Pepe the Frog?"
"Do you watch Naruto?"
"You have good taste in games. Good taste is like arms: not everyone have them."
hit on her dad you fucking faggot
It's actually way harder to fuck things up, at least in the first stages of the relationship, with a shy girl. Their introverted nature could be a result of many things, but chances are being isolated absolutely entirely isn't fun. Don't take it as "don't ever approach me", it's more like "I just don't relate to the people around me so I stay alone." All you need to do is approach her and start talking, it doesn't even matter if you aren't radiating confidence, as long as you can get her interest you're good. You need to make a good first impression, women tend to decide a lot about men based on that. If you're overweight or your wardrobe is cancer you may be fucked. Make sure you've showered in the last 48 hours (24 if you actually have a job or work out, which let's face it you probably don't so you're good). Don't immediately start with the fucking "redpilling". Nobody gives a shit and yes you are a pathetic shit and your opinions are discarded in meatspace. There's a reason imageboards are around, it's your safespace. That's basically the only way I can imagine actually fucking this up.
Once you've thoroughly ensured that you look presentable, note to not go overboard and do anything fancy simply make sure you don't look like manchild cancer, which is really fucking easy to manage if it's a shy girl who plays 3DS in fucking public you're after, just talk to her. Maybe bring your 3DS if you have one and talk about 3DS shit I don't know man. Judge her interest in you and once you think it's hit a peak, as in if you've actually hit a decent conversation and her attention is at least 80% on you, wait to finish the topic or when she's about to leave and ask for her number. Easy shit.
TL;DR:Fuck your TLDR it's not that much reading, you were going to spend all fucking day on the internet reading pointless shit anyways so don't give me your bullshit.
Take a picture of her for us OP
You know that guy is probably her bf right?
good point
I deadlift 3pl8 brah u mirin?
Thankfully I'm not that autistic
There's at least a 30 year age difference so I doubt it
I love her
Sounds like you're good to go m8, go get her.
Ask her what her firmware is and if she's into NTR. Rapidly move your eyebrows up and down and see what happens.
Why would I ask a girl if she is into netorare?
Ask her what she plays and if she knows {name_of_game_you_play}. This should be enough to start a discussion. However, think about things to say beforehand. It would be pitiful if you went to her and after exchanging 3 sentences an awkward silence follows.
If you do this make sure your taste in games isn't shit.
Imagine it from her perspective. She's too shy to approach people and make friends so she sits on her 3Ds so she can look busy and not feel as lonely. It would make her day if a half decent guy came up and started talking to her.
You don't have to lay it on too thick. Just make small talk about what she's playing and stuff like that. The key point is to make sure that, before you leave, ask her if you could sit with her next class. At the end of the day she's still going to be just as shy as she is now. You don't want her coming in tomorrow and still being too shy to come talk to you because she thought it might have just been a one time thing with you talking to her.
You remind me of that one user who was studying to become a librarian, met a shy and awkward grill to whom he sent an autistic love letter and proceeded to constantly invite her to his apartment for dinner.
I wonder what happened to him