How about we write a scifi script

Space based, no fucking space opera vibe unless it serves the story, no fucking fillers, and no flashbacks.

Other urls found in this thread:

There were evil space jews.



Good start, we will call them Jeovanians, scattered among the Milky Way they want to reform their old empire.
A new leader emerges who wants to protect his own people. The Jeovanians are prepared to kill him so they put in motion a conspiracy to kill him and to replace him with his son. This son had a Jeovanian teacher who convinced him that Cosmopolitism was better to the old ways.


case and point

I think OP probably just wanted to shoot some ideas around with people and get creative, not just do memeshit.
Its like when Holla Forums had that design a character idea and a couple of people did a really good job on their part and everyone else just did unfunny meme shit, go to 4chagaggit if you want to do memes and shit.

holy shit that is funny. lefties stealing memes and declaring that they made them im dying

hullo newfriend
For serious intellectual discussions go to >>>/reddit/

The Jeovanian teacher would advise the newly elected leader to go to war with Sapiensix race to steal tgeir knowledge.
He says that they must act quick because they are on the verge on deploying a new weapon with untold consequences.
The leader goes to war with a snall squad, most of the army is fighting on the Western front. Waiting for a Jeovanian army that will not come, the leader is slaughtered.
His son decides to avenge him.

Penis Breath spotted

what did he mean by this?

I believe the term you're looking for is pirating, m8tie.

Of course having being taught by the Jeovanians he knows he must hide his true intentions. He knows all too pretty well that the Jeovanians have infiltrated all government bodies and the press.

Leftypol spotted

Legit question.

What is the difference between space opera and other space based genres?

What makes a space opera a space opera?

I honestly have no idea and I hear the term thrown around a lot.

Guess what faggot, people would be willing to give interesting discussion if OP gave any effort in his post. Posting one line isn't going to generate anything.

a space opera is basically fantasy in space. nothing is really explained so tech is basically magic. fantasy tropes are pretty much taken wholesale as well


Pretty much this plus a focus on relationships and drama.
Not that I don't like drama or intrigues but the scifi part should be dominant.


Would star trek be space opera since their tech is basically magic and they don't bother going into too many details?

While I suppose Interstellar, up until they go into the black hole, isn't a space opera since it has science to back up the space crap they are doing?

Clearly a setting like mass effect is a space opera since it has element "not magic" giving people magic powers. I'm just trying to get a feel for where the line is.

How about a film that would be set on future Earth and deal with the long lasting impacts of our industrial society and progressive librulism, the ugly face of urbanism and that gives a credible if not an endgame then a future that libruls never want to talk about. White people are almost extinct, the civilisational collapse happened way back. Chinese cyborgs who make up the occupying forces in the West try to suppress the dindu machete rapesquads.

Why would China use cyborgs when it's cheaper to use people? People are much more expendable.

I like it, more than my idea which was more or less a Voltaire's Zadig 2.0

How about the revolution starts in South Africa in the last remnants of the Boer civilisation. Their struggle would ignate the last stand.
Shitskins everywhere, all seems lost.

Really good point.

Also, make it from the point of view of the white man who moved to Mars or something to escape the hell that is earth.

He is watching some feed from a drink watching and waiting for earth to "fix' itself.

What if humanity was dying out due to huge amounts of pollution and diseases and the elite have to replace their lower classes with cyborgs, while the elite manage to survive using exclusive breathing suits and medicine unavailiable to the masses. In fact, the governments and political elites could have manufactured the pollutions, diseases, wars etc in order to replace humanity with cyborgs and ascend to a new level of humanity themselves through shared consciousness.

Sure but I figure they would just nerve staple a bunch of natives if they could instead of maintaining a standing army. Since it's science fiction it should explore futuristic themes and scientists are just now learning more about how to read and manipulate the human brain. I also like the metaphor of the lower and middle classes getting turned into literal tools for the international elites.

I really would like to explore a concept like that, the last remnants of the white shitlords half escaping half getting banished to Mars. It's a new frontier yet I think the harsh conditions would necessitate a return to Tradition. A Martian society would have to be a strong unified one, very old in many ways yet also new.

Elysium did this in a way. What I like about user's idea was the sentiment of urgency.

Some good ideas but manufactured pollution on Earth doesn't make sense as it is like an aquarium.
Sneaky sterilisation on the other hand could be cool.

That feels like a different story than the liberal end game realized.

Reminds of the series The Expanse
Didn't read the books though.

Also like in the dystopian novel The Mosque of Notre Dame, set in 2048, we must tell that all the infrastructures and technologies are crambling because of shitskins.
The situation is dire, they have the numbers but we have the brains.

I only watched the first season of the show. Seemed too SocJus for me and I wasn't really interested in the alien nanobots or whatever it was. I think the initial solar system wide political intrigue had the most potential.

For some reason I thought cyborg=Android

I could see something like all the Chinese soldiers have implants that link their brains to a control hub of sorts that controls their perception to even actions and thoughts.

Something like, the implant makes it so that when they are fighting the black hordes, they see, hear, smell, and feel them them as literal apes. Making them more even more willing to kill them since they can't even perceive them as human.

It could also just make them mindless flesh machines that follow the orders if the implant and lack any independent thought. Copying human motorskills were too hard to emulate with a machine or were too expensive so they have entire casts of humans who breed new humans to get this little implant that assumes control of the body and allows AI to control them.

Yes between people from Earth, martians marines training at G1 in the event of the confkict and the belters condemned to a harsh life.
Love also that the Martians developed better technologies.

I won't lie I love the series.

Love this part especially because it is sound capitalistically speaking.

It feels the extreme of capitalism or communism to me.

Perfect workers all slaved to a hivemind AI

Pfft, pathetic as usual.

A long time ago in a galaxy far, are away…

how about alien scientists visit earth during medieval times and we just get episodic exploration of the human cultures while the aliens also try to hide from the humans

It's shit.

It sounds more like a shitty /leftpol/ conspiracy theory.

Like a more serious Doctor Who?

Holla Forums's memes spread to other boards and normalfaggots alike. Holla Forums's never have.

Define what you mean with examples for each.

You're over-thinking it. Star Trek isn't space opera, and
Are you nuts? They go into excruciating detail. It's often wrong, as it's based on theoretical sciences as they're understood at the time the episode was filmed, but there's still plenty of detail.

You've been given the definition elsewhere in the thread, so maybe it's better to show examples, as it really is a subjective label that not everyone would agree on. (Never mind that that it was used pejoratively in the early days of science fiction.)

Mass Effect, as the story encompassed in the first three games, counts as a space opera, so you're right on that count. Dune is a space opera. Interstellar isn't. Pitch Black isn't, but Chronicles of Riddick is. Flash Gordon is another one. Star Wars, I think, counts as one, but I'm not so sure BSG would (but maybe it does, idk). Star Trek isn't (in any of its iterations), but I'm pretty sure Babylon 5 is.

Think scale if you want to know what it is. A big universe. Big story. Lots of players. Big choices with big consequences. Big battles fought by big armies. Not just any of the above - a space opera has to have all of the above.

Blacked: In Space

They have ships, but resources are scarce so instead of blowing the enemy space ships up they shoot huge giant bullets into them. Except they're not regular bullets they're man bullets and the men are in powerful robotic exosuits mainly built to protect their skeleton spines from snapping when being fired out of big man bullet casings. The majority of the battles take place between boarders and crew rather than ship to ship because of this. Loading and docking bays are prime targets for man bullets because impregnation is easier in those areas.

Ships in general are very difficult and time consuming to build and are a highly valued asset because of this. Eventually the reason the war began starts to blur more and more and becomes instead about capturing enemy ships. As a sign of prestige. Deserters eventually form their own bands with the ship they're commanding and smaller bands of space bandits form in destabilized regions of space.

What about a Heart of Darkness-like travel into the unknown regions of space to look for the source of "force/magic/essence" that is running out in the known areas of space due to overuse?
The "force/magic/essence" is the only source of energy for the Type II civilization that uses it in a steampunk style of fusion science and magic. Collecting it with some kind of source wells that coagulate it into a usable form. There are four factions that are engaged in a galactic civil war, akin to WW1. Two are fighting, third is neutral and the fourth is migrating/dissapearing out of the conflict zone with "motorized" planets.
I think that it would work good for a television series.
The two theotechnocracies send death convicts.
The neutral sends traders.
The migrating one sends scouts and families.
And then the series follow the four different squads into the unknown.

Or I should start writing a book. I had this idea in my mind for a long time

First contact with an alien lifeforms is the detection of a projectile coming at relativistic speeds. A few years later Earth explodes and the people in feeble space habitants shortly die because there was no way they could have been self-sufficient.

Kind of reminds me of Elysium a bit.

I had this planned as part of an anthology for a post acoalyptic world with kaiju. But one part that could apply here is the earth is a chaotic mess. You have people forming new types of governments and experimenting and some petty tyrants and so on. However, there is a group of humans who live on the moon that left earth right before things went to shit. They are preparing and plan to retake the Earth and recivilize it. The humans on the moon are basically like the people who run the EU, IMF and such organizations but have an impressive standing army and tech. It would be a conflict of colonialism versus freedom. On the Moon people side they want to civilize earth and turn things to normal and see themselves as progressive and smart. While on Earth you have some really fucked up fiefdoms but some really interesting city states and such starting up and exploring new technologies and ideas. It would be kind of a clash of order vs freedom. With freedom you get both the chaos and inventiveness that comes with it.

fillers aren't bad, they give more world-building opportunities to the writers.

red dwarf like plot but with serious tone

You don't have to use fillers for world building.


It's a courtroom drama about jurisdiction, after a man invented a superfast spaceship that is really cheap and hurled himself to Mars, set foot there, declared that place his own country, and came back.
The setting is in the ISS, because the Hague moved there or something. There, no space opera, but space based.

Year 24 of the Siege of The Vatican, though the Muhammadans have lost the battle they continue to breed. The Western world is on the brick of destruction.
An old nun on her death bed prophetise that a young girl from Mars will save Europe with Archangel like powers, a young journalist who lost faith go on one of the Martian colony to find her.

How do I download this thread on a mobile phone ? Some really nice ideas.

Planets with entirely new biomes

so a live action legend of the galactic heroes?

I am thinking of an interplanetary body organisation forcing niggers immigration into a perfectly healthy white society.
Of course they create havoc but the society fights back.

I think that's fantasy, not science fiction.


Defeatist much…

A sarcophagus is found on Mars, inside there is a woman in her early thirties. When she is revived she is horrified to see that a Nigger is part of the astronauts crew, she will do everything in her power to go back to the earth and enact the nigger extinction plan.

All these ideas are shit. The only story we should be focusing on is a day in the life of a space trucker, aka space cop if it was serious and actually good.

What kind of kino is that shit? You are thinking about a cinematic space version of James Joyce Ulysses? We don't do pedantic shit around here.
Pretty sure you're gay and SJW.
>>>Holla Forums

But what if it's a long, long day, full of adventures and finding aliens and shit? that'd be neat

Pretty hard to have some decent world building within the temporal unity of a day.
But that could be challenging.

Or just have it be a metaphorical day because the dude had so many adventures he couldn't sleep, and had to drop a few no-doze pills.

Wouldn't that job be designated for computers? Niggers/spics/rednecks trucking in space isn't really science fiction but rather fantasy.

I don't remember the episode where they explained how anyone can fire an energy beam weapon so powerful it can completely disintegrate a person in seconds without being killed/blinded by the energy emitted despite being only a few meters away.
Or the one where they go into detail concerning why there is sound in space, all the ship's decks are set up perpendicular to the engine's thrust and just how the hell humans and aliens can eat the same foods let alone procreate.
Star Trek is just as space opera as Star Wars or Flash Gordon, it just doesn't know that it is.


Earth is on the brick of extension, a society with the population of Switzerland has managed to create spaceships.
There is a super volcano eruption.
All the world population wants to steal those ships.
This Borealis country wanted to advance science and knowledge while the world was busy into intersectionality non sense.

They are advanced enough to keep their hordes at bay. The problem is that the Jews have poisoned the minds of their young who wants to share the ships.
There is not enough place because the ships were constructed to hold just the population of this science loving country.

Show about nigger pirates in the Jovian system chock full of insensitive racial stereotypes as the niggers conflict with jews spics and asian pirates because space doesn't care about your feels only survival and those stereotypes were true all along

sorry, I live in a socialist country Frogistan so I know that things will only get worse.

A scientist gets killed by the Jews because he has discovered a cure for hangover.
A cop, former skinhead, will do everything in his power to stop the murderer.
And yes the trail leads to Ceres.

I live there too, please no bully

I like your style

Thread went to shit so fucking fast.

The sun is rising. The subject is covered in blood , he looks around, outside is a gas giant in a strange solar system.
Did he make it, he remembers he had a family, he is alone with a gun in his hands.
What did happen, why that smile on his face?
Long time ago he was a cadet of the Martian forces, he remembers his first kill, he was smiling, this exact same smile.
But this time the satisfaction of killing was gone, he was just watching his hands covered in blood. Where was he?
He took a pill again and get back to sleep.

You do realize you still need people to correct the computer when it fucks up, right?

nope you can have robots correcting the errors, and an other robot fixing the robots.

I will build robots if this is the last thing that I do against the Muhammadans/.

Then 15 black gay men cuck all the pilots

btw I forgot to say that all the ideas placed in this thread are open source.

But also protected with md5crypt &

Rootless Cosmopolitans do not enter.

The international clique don't want new ideas anyway so no chance of them being stolen.

once in a time a fucking rat Jew will steal an idea and milk it like a rat milk mouse tits.

I am a screen writer and I have been jewed many times.

year is 2560 after the birth of Jesus Christ. A prophetr is on the run, the Jeovanians have destroyed his reputation, sold his home and enslaved his children and wife.
His last revelation was that a son born on Ceres will hold the key to the redemption of the solar system.
He hijacks a shuttle going to Mars, the pilot is a Jeovanian with big perky tits.
What will follow, is the story of a man saving the federation against all odds.
May contain mature contain, violence, crude nudity and blood, lots of blood.


new/amateur writers are always afraid people are going to steal their ideas

it's delusion

jew spotted

Sci fi miniseries on the garage-punk development of a reactionless antigravity drive and how it is easy to build, leading to a huge renaissance and everyone be floatin in cool airships from every rpg game. But then they discover the earth's orbit is getting fucked with so 6 huge antigrav correction stations must be build to keep the orbit perfect. The series ends when a pol poster space hermit takes a ship as far out as he can in a decade or two, then turns around and runs into the earth at an unstoppable significant fraction of light speed, sterilizing the planet