Soul Eater
soul eater has some of the worst hentai
There are like 2 good doujins and a couple of good sets, but it's not as good as it should be and mostly pretty old. Pic related is one of the better ones.
I wonder if this is meant to be a nod to Aphex Twin.
Use your imagination.
opiatefag used to use a maka avatar right?
you still here opiatefriend?
Every day we get closer…
One of these days my dreams of seeing fag star killed will come true.
Kinda looks like she's twerking in that panel though.
Maybe the closest one yet. That clown is really just there to fight blackstar though.
He only posted her when he was trying to get my attention. He I haven't seen him use his trip in like 10 months. I think he doxxed himself.
Maka makes the ladies spread open.
Maka can't really help it.
Croner v Kishin is a good one.
Asura is so spooky. Hopefully he doesn't become a bumbling idiot like he does in the anime.
That outfit and scythe are so cool looking. Is it based off some other anime?
You'll see but it's pretty different. The ending of the anime was way before this was written so if you think about it the only thing they had to base his personality on was the arc where he escaped from Shibusen. I think they kind of ran with the part where he first came back to life and realized he was naked.
I guess so. It looks kind of like the color scheme of the girl on the top of that page. No idea what that's from though.
So the kishin was trapped in a bag of skin for 800 years then when he finally got free he decided to go to the moon and sleep some more? He is worse then a house cat in terms of laziness.
Honestly they should just leave the kishin alone. He just wants to be by himself and sleep. It's not his fault his wavelength is so strong and affecting the entire world.
Also can't the witches just put a massive soul protect over the moon so the kishin's wavlength can't go out? Then the madness problem is fixed and Asura can live in peace. It's not like he is actively going around destroying shit.
Everyone else is losing their mind and turning into mush while gopher just looks like this
I don't know if sleeping with no blood is very restful but you would think he would want to stretch his legs some more.
When you put it like that it makes me wonder what the witches would have done if Shibusen had done nothing. Maybe they would've taken a seal-off approach. But if Shibusen was depending on the witches to keep him sealed off the witches would've had a lot of leverage. Still he doesn't seem like such a bad guy.
What an overreaction.
He seriously didn't have any better monster to fuse with then an ant? He is asking to get squashed.
Probably. It makes me wonder if the kishin or his madness can even enter the witch world. Some crazy witch would probably let him in though.
It's the last line of the chapter and they couldn't re-read it and make it grammatically correct? It's not even clear to me what the Kishin is trying to say.
Nice trips.
I would imagine that at least the witch dimension would be the last to be infected, but if it's getting into the death-room it might get in there to. Maybe they figure Shibusen is better equipped to deal with it than they are.
Crona has definitely taken the title of creepiest character.
I am so hyped for this fight between Crona and Asura.
Yeah I don't really get it either. To be fair though I never fully understood Asura's speech to Shinigami in the anime all that much either and that was properly translated.
Def, not even close. Maybe Medusa when she was alive.
Yeah the meaning wasn't clear but at least the sentence structure made sense.
I have a couple of scenarios about how this fight could go.
1-Crona is able to get an advantage over Asura by controlling the black blood inside of him (Asura) i feel i need to clarify since they both have black blood inside of them.
2-Crona gets smashed by Asura but is able to kill Noah and take brew and get a powerup.
3-Crona gets smashed by Asura but maka is able to come then paralyze Kishin with her soul hack power then crona is able to deliver the final blow.
I won't say which is closest because I don't want to spoilery but I will say that he has a really good showing. What I will say that's not really a spoiler is that Noah can't really hang.
nice post
Peep Kagura's final form.
Even when she is literal shit she is still so adorable. I must have her.
Kagura is a cute shit. Madao a shit is even an improvement. It's interesting.
Did they just run out of idea's at that point?
It was actually just a really weird continuation of the story I was talking about the other day where they switch bodies. Kagura ends up in Elizabeth's body and Zura ends up in Kaguras body. Then Elizabeth ends up Sougo's body. So there ended up being a really cute scene where "Elizabeth" was yelling with Kagura's voice at "Kagura" for being too snuggly with Suogo which was probably one of the cutest Kagura X Sougo moments I've seen.
Holy shit that was quick. I wouldn't even classify it as a fight cause the kishin didn't even react.
It was more like a shoah.
The nigger may be stupider then black star.
It's funny to me because they already defied so many practical laws of physics but then Okube's like "naw that's not gonna work" but then makes the nigger suggest it anyway.
Even though its supposed to be a really serious moment Okubo is still able to put in jokes like this and make it work.
Crona's tiny soul looks so pathetic compared to those eyes around it. Maybe the kishin is gonna control Crona or something since someone like Kishin can't die that easily.
I really do like the dialogue of SE but I hope to god next chapter is just fighting and fewer talking segments.
Determined Maka is so cool.
She is too determined tbh. I hope Crona throws them off the moon or something.
If you hope for something bad to happen to the protagonist you're gonna have a bad time. You'll see.
Maka is such a bully holy shit cool it with the insults. That's another one added to the list.
She's only being a bully because croner just ate someone he shouldn't have.
This fight is amazing.
Yeah Crona's definitely fucking shit up. I kind of wonder how the thorns move, like whether they're rigid all the time.
They look pretty flexible. Reminds me of vine whip from pokemon except with more thorns.
I was thinking that the way that it could move in different shapes and still be similar to how his old black blood powers worked (just hardening once) is that it could be like a flow that gets harder as it leaves his body, so he kind of like melds the shape of it when it's soft then as it reaches stuff the blood hardens and dries out.
But he also seems able to retract it.
So crona gets magic plant powers and soul gets a magic piano. Black blood seems quite versatile.
Before it seemed like ragnarok was the one who was controlling the black blood powers but now crona is able to control it himself and change it between liquid and solid state at will.
How many more chapters does this specific fight go on for?
This part is cool. Along with maybe arachne, croner 2.0 is probably my favorite bad guy in the series, the roses and gears is a good look.
I have to say that croner looks really stupid in this panel. I don't get why he's drawn without a jaw.
I think it'll be 1 or 2 chapters before a better stopping point if you want to keep going today.
Crona's rose attack reminds me of Akiza.
I think it's my favorite fight in the entire series tbh. So much stuff being thrown around and its going by really fast. I can't wait till kid gets here. It's kind of a shame though cause I can assume how it's gonna end due to the spoiler way back when.
Oh did I spoil this? Ooops. I haven't watched Yu-gi-oh but I see the resemblance.
I can continue reading but it's up to you. You already know whats gonna happen so you probably know when the best times are to stop to build up tension.
It wasn't your fault. It was in spoiler text and my dumbass still read it. Just incase any lurkers are gonna read this beware spoilers below
Remember when you said Asura kills Crona. I assume Crona eventually gets tired and Asura is able to rip out of him which kills Crona in the process
Oh yeah. I forgot the context but now I vaguely remember that, was that in the context of me talking about how different the manga is from the anime? I was thinking that one of your predictions was really really close and wondered if I had hinted at something or if there was foreshadowing that I missed.
The next chapter is good but I don't think it resolves the entire fight so I'll post it. I just don't want to fall into the trap that I did in the arachnaphobia arc and post like 6 chapters in a day because I forgot how long it was.
He should eat Tsubaki and Soul. One is a death scythe and Tsubaki is probably as useful as a death scythe considering all the crazy forms she has.
I wonder what would happen if a demon swordsman ate a demon sword. Could be like an exponential boost.
Maybe the reason crona can control these torns so well is cause he has medusa's vector magic in them.
Maka has been saved so many times this fight holy shit this is embarrassing for her.
There is only one way they can explain maka using spirit like this without it being complete bullshit.
I definitely understand what you mean by the fucked up Croner mouth now. He looks like a retarded fish.
This reminds me exactly of kishin freaking out during his anime finale.
That would make sense actually.
Actually come to think when you were talking about how it's weird Soul can use Arachne's web even though she's dead- it might make sense if the powers of the witche's soul eaten augment the powers that eater has.
At least she's gracious about it.
They're related?
I can't tell how much of this is Crona's own power and how much of a boost he is getting from the kishin. I haven't really seen much asura type powers come out.
Crona can still be alive. He consumed the kishin and the kishin turned out to be alive, so the opposite is possible as well.
I was thinking about this too but no other death scythe has ever brought it up so It doesn't have much ground on its own. I don't think crona has vector magic from eating medusa's soul but from the black clown who showed he has vector powers.
No that's fucking bullshit gay writing meant to give this weakling a chance against god Croner. Here is why I think it might be possible. Since Maka hates her dad normally, once she was hit with crona's wavelength jumbler it would make sense for her soul to finally match with her dads even though it normally would never work. Like her entire soul wavelength turned on its head and worked in reverse so she can match with people she can never normally match with.
It's consistent enough for a headcannon. It might've just been because the death scythes were introduced late and needed to be op but the other death scythes also had some really weird powers that could've been co-opted from witches.
Forgot what image I was posting, I was going to say I'd like to see that sequence animated. Kind of looks like he's swinging spirit around with her legs.
Apparently she is faster with a scythe then without one. Nice FUCKING logic. Are you seriously expecting me to sit here and eat this bullshit Okubo? Crona starts freaking out cause his power doesn't work out and he goes on the defensive and just blocks the entire time like seriously? He doesn't even use rose thorn storm even though that was the perfect chance to use it. Or maybe bring out your fucking swords instead of freak out like a classic anime villain. This shit is fucking worse then the anime ending like wtf?!?1? I am sick of this Croner racism built into this gaylord manga.
This fight was so good until the piggu bitch of shibusen had to come and ruin it with her blatant plot written advantage bullshit.
It's institutionalized characterism. Maka benefits from being the protagonist of the story and needs to check her Maka-privilige.
Shut your piggu posting mouth. I'll find a hooker that looks like maka and dress her up just to beat the shit out of her. Then I will fly to japan and drive into Okubo's family and end it all with a bullet through my brain so I don't have to sit through this nigger shit manga anymore and witness it's biased bullshit.
Maybe you can be placated by some affirmative action comics where the bad guy wins. Or maybe read The Darkness if you like western.
Crona isn't the bad guy though. He was abused as a child and raised to be like this, its not his fault. He even has a monster inside of him that beats and harasses him. He saved the world by taking care of the kishin and what thanks does he get? Oh yeah that's right maka beats his ass and tells him to die.
Do you really think Shibusen are the good guys? They are an origination/cult that worships the grim reaper of all things. Just look at the city, why does there need to be a symbol of Shinigami on every damn thing, the dude is a megalomaniac. They train children to murder anyone who opposes the reaper and gets put on his list. Kishin is just chilling on the moon with his clown buddies and these shibusen guys randomly start a war. Justin finally realized that these Shibusen guys were fucked up so he decided to leave and guess what happend, thats right Shibusen killed him for leaving their batshit crazy religion. Shibusen isn't a happy little school full of flowers that they want you to believe.
You know I can't read and only understand this because of the pictures. There is no need to make me feel even worse.
Don't underestimate the lengths Okubo will go to make piggu and fag star look good.
this what liking traps does to people
Not day nor night, wrong nor right
You raise good points but
There's only one flower that matters.
Is that was this was about?
The Darkness is just a western comic book. The protagonist has some vague similarities in common with croner.
How dare you question me. I am the leader of the anti gay defense force and I participated in the battle of the trap thread that occurred days ago. I should be the one questioning your standards seeing how you find such a flat chested woman attractive.
He doesnt look like a trap though so I already dont like him.
That's a good point. As you know you can never be too careful though, fags are devious. If you drop your guard for a second you've got full blown AIDS.
I thought about this fight some more and this didn't make sense. Crona used thorn defense instead of his superior bloody coat. This made no sense, his thorn defense was barely effective against basic scythe swings so why not use bloody coat which successfully blocked the Russian death scythes magic bullet attack(see pic) which was infused with anti magic wavelength.
Honestly I could probably go hours on end nitpicking this fight but it would probably just become annoying for you to read. I'll just chalk it up to Crona being a really bad fighter and letting his emotions hold him back in the end. Imagine someone with Crona's power but with a different personality. The person would be unstoppable with all the tools/powers Crona had during this fight. I love Crona's personality and character for the story aspect of the manga but for fight segments he definitely leaves me wanting more. I wonder if it would be possible if Crona could just let Ragnarok take over his body during a fight, he would probably be much more effective in doing this.
I guess there are two other unknowns; one being that we have no idea how strong Maka and Spirit would resonate together but it could've been pretty strong. The other is that we have no idea what going wrong with Crona because of swallowing the Kishin. It could've been that thinking about killing Medusa along with sustaining some damage from an anti-magic wavelength just kind of cracked him and Kishin was just sort of lurking under the surface and close to consuming him anyway. There's really no way to say how much of Crona going down was Maka as opposed to Kishin, but through the fight there's not really that much evidence of Crona taking physical damage.
I don't think Asura was even actually consumed. When he got captured he barely reacted which makes it seem like he was okay with it happening. Crona barely seemed to have gotten a power boost. The only time he showed an asura type power was when Ragnarok was screeching really loud(Asura symbols in one of the panels) but that only affected the weak people so it was more of a plot device then an actual power since it was clear Okubo just wanted only these people on the moon. Everything Crona showed off during the fight was stuff he was already able to do so it begs the question whats the actual point of him consuming the Kishin.
Also It feels like Asura was just testing Crona to see if he was worthy of being the new kishin but after he got stalemated by the shibusen guys he figured Crona wasn't ready to take his place and decided to come out.
I was kind of thinking that the plan might have been to do a croner arc and then an asura arc but then he ran out of time or wanted to do something else.
Do they ever explain where the 3 eye symbols come from?
It's not explained. I'd assumed that it represents his perceived spiritual enlightenment.
Even after all the trouble shibusen caused Asura, he is still willing to let them leave peacefully. What a nice guy.
Full page Maka
That was Cthulhu right?
Yeah. If you ignore the 2 other people right next to her.
That panel was all about Maka though.
I love how Asura can go from a creepy monster with his mask on to such a cool looking guy without it
Excalibur is hilarious. He knows his friend is about to die but rather then console him, he is just prodding him on.
This is the last volume.
Makes me wonder about the social dynamics of all of the great ones when they were together. I bet they just talked about really superficial stuff all the time to keep from arguing.
The end is near.
I would imagine it like this. Shinigami chasing Asura around while he is screaming about madness, Eibon just reading a book and Excalibur on a table telling one of his tales from the 12th century. Cthullu would be in a fishbowl and the rest are unknowns.
I imagine he had a lot more of a temper before kid and Shibusen.
o shit why did I not notice that before
What a reveal. I never saw it coming until the very end when they had the faces side by side. Asura actually does look a lot Iike an older version of kid without his mask on(in the manga).
I thought his pattern was just supposed to look like his kishin eyes, I never thought they were the sanzu lines. But doesnt that mean only one of them can use the sanzu line power.
That's a good point, that could be what they are.
That's what I thought.
Them being "brothers" is a pretty good twist IMO. It just raises a lot of other questions though.
I wonder if all the great old ones were Death's kids/aspects
That's sort of what I meant by that it raises more questions. I could kind of imagine the power guy being an aspect, excalibur I don't really know what he would be and seems to have his own back story. Eibon is an enigma to the point that he's still a mystery.
The third page is really cool.
His head should of blew open there.
is this rape
I'm not even gonna question this logic anymore…
It's not rape until it's reported.
I won't try to justify Blackstar logic. If Okube can thunk it Blackstar can do it, even if it seems slapstick.
There's 4 more chapters. I could either do them all tomorrow or 2 a day for 2 days.
And I think there's only one chapter of epilogue so doing 2 tomorrow and 2 the next day would be pretty serious blueballs.
Oh, I thought there was 128 chapters for some reason so I thought there was some time left. Doing 4 would make most sense for the finale.
Ok I'll do that then.
Well there's 113 for the manga officially, then 3 that didn't really count and then 42 for Not.
I didn't expect to reach the end this fast its kind of saddening. Are you prepared for double ritual suicide like we discussed?
I'm going to die like I lived, with my daki.
We were talking about what Kagura wears on her head a while ago and it turns out they're cod pieces.
Does this mean she has a penis on her head? Possibly 2 of them.
There's circumstantial evidence supporting this hypothesis.
I'm going to lurk the hg thread, which demands more attention than lurking most threads, so I'm going to post a little slower than normal to start.
I'm in there too. You can post after the hg if you want.
If the host moves fast then I might stop posting here, but I'd like to finish without being up too too late. We'll see, say so if you want to adjust pace.
I like the way he draws when he's just making someone look really op.
Kishin is too OP, they are gonna need some pretty good bullshit to win this.
Even though it was explicitly stated that blackstar can't fly, in the first panel he is clearly hovering without his scarf touching the ground or anyone else holding him up. Brilliant manga if I say so myself. I think Okubo forgot blackstar's powerset and decided to just give him supermans powers and durability cause why not.
In that panel I think the thing to the right is the moon surface, it could be that Tsubaki is attaching to that and then throwing him around. But he's definitely just got a pass for impossible aerial combat with an explanation because Okube decided that's where it's taking place.
I hope they show shinigami's face before he dies. I imagine it's a really old looking kid/asura face.
I think Kid would want a 4 some between him, Asura, and the thompsons. Both the girls are sisters and it would only be symmetrical if the guy side are brothers as well.
Do want. Could be the only way he can get off, even.
Well maybe kid could get off like this, but it'd be better if he had 4 lines. I'm surprised he hasn't complained about that.
No, its literally attached to nothing. Look at the end of the scarf in this pic. During the mifune fight , mifune was able to cut up and make blackstar bleed with basic katanas. Then last chapter he is able to take and spit out a laser that has the destructive power of a nuke. I am telling you, Okubo forgot what black star is supposed to do so he just made him a ninja with superman tier powers. It's the only explanation to this shit.
I am expecting a laser to blast and kill Kid right now sort of how it happend in the anime (even though it was a finger not a laser)
I don't even have OCD but thinking of 4 lines instead of the perfect 3 is disgusting. 3 is the staple of so many things.
I didn't ask for these feels. ;- ;
That Excalibur shot is beautiful. It looks like Shinigami was just wearing a robe, its a shame we don't see how he really looks like. I expected to see Shinigami in 1 more fight so it kinda sucks that we don't.
What a smart plan. Definitely wont backfire or anything. Anime villains are so smart.
Oh I didn't realize Tsubaki's tail wasn't attached, good catch. Blackstar was honestly just an entirely unnecessary character but now he has to do something in this battle. They could've just rotated Blackstar with Ox, Kim and the black guy and the manga would be better.
I think Shinigami is intentionally enigmatic but still enough of a character to make people attached. Truly a cool guy.
That reminds me of justin when he wears the mask and goes insane.
I hope one day I can meet up and talk to Okubo. I really want to find out why he gives black star this special treatment. Kid just became a full shinigami and got his dad's powers and completed the sanzu lines and he is still equal or below black star? Like why is he intentionally ruining every moment just for this character. Kid just got a HUGE powerup so he should be the one hyped up not someone else.
I think you said it before but it's probably a self-insert.
I guess he's also a foil to Maka. Because if she just won everything without having some written in thing for Blackstar to save her then she'd become kind of a Mary-Sue.
The attack on the 4th page is pretty cool looking.
she looks like a shit version of papika in that pic
Did he just open a portal to space?
No. It's fucking amazing. Definitely the coolest looking attack in the entire series.
I genuinely try to hold back my disgust with him but it just burts out sometimes when I witness this shit.
I wish I was on the other side of that so I could see her panties in full glory. It would be worth it even if If she beats the shit out of me.
Maka is cheating on you with Asura. How does it make you feel?
I haven't seen it but I see the resemblance.
You know she does wear a g-string yohohoho.
That attack kind of reminds me of the one at 2:30
Maka in this dress is my favorite.
These weaklings are trash. They need help from Lord Croner.
That second panel is so satisfying. Look how screwed up his arm is.
Yeah its really nice. I like the black things on her hair.
That was great but then Okube comes right back with "I don't need my spine to stand up because I have muscles"
Keeping track of all the time's maka has needed saving these last 2 fights is getting real hard.
holy shit you're really salty about black star.
Do you really want an OP maka?
I won't dispute whatever number you come up with. But they're mostly pretty fabricated.
Stein is so sempai.
Who doesn't though?
It's like a bunch of annoying cockroaches bothering Asura. Marie's powers are cool but her weapon form is so ugly and underwhelming.
No, I want an OP Kid. He is a shinigami but doing jack shit this fight. He better step up soon and stop tarnishing his father's good name.
It's ok. I am just as butthurt when my favorite character dissapoints me.
The real question is how did Maka suddenly learn to play piano?
You mean kid or croner?
IMO this is a better twist than the anime because it builds off of the Maka v Croner round 2.
Soul guiding her with soul power mumbo jumbo.
Croner of course.
Does this mean we will see a mini version of Asura?
Context almost fooled me.
I guess this is a gay board now. Good thing the manga ends today so I wont have to return.
I didn't realize you were an aj poster. That was a frustrating one for sure.
I don't know if I'll start it right away or do it 7 days a week but I'm going to see if there' interest in doing another manga.
Even though the Kishin keeps saying "how terrifying" I can't tell if he is serious or it's just sarcasm. I liked the anime version(only for this aspect not overall) better because he genuinely seemed scared of everything which is really interesting. Especially the scene where arachne enters his shrine or temple.
I was taking it at face value personally because usually in manga when someone's being sarcastic they make it really obvious. But having the voice to confirm is really nice.
I bet a normal mortal would be obliterated by a Maka chop from the Book of Eibon.
This has become too meta.
Maka chop is now stronger then shinigami chop.
No homo but look at crona's ass in the second panel. It's so curved.
Okube is clearly trying to leave us with something to think about. Namely dat ass.
Uno mas chapter.
Ok I'm going to post it moderately quick.
truly kid is worst shinigami
Crona looks like an angel in that pic. He is a better angel then maka could ever be.
For a second there I thought there was gonna be a serious Excalibur moment but nothing stops him.
What a bitch, like he has all the time in the world to grieve but how often does an opportunity like that come along?
Maybe he's the old one of being based.
holy shit maka impure
holy shit the titties are on parade
I must object to Kid's science though. He failed to account for the possibility that ass-preference is a symptom of the Kishin's madness. We need to establish proper control groups to get to the bottom of this.
He's just setting himself up for the hentai sequel.
You'd need data from before the Kishin got loose.
Since Maka has an ass but not boobs I'm going to say that's how the world should be.
lying is a sin user
Butts don't have to be big.
If you believed that you wouldn't have a problem with people calling maka a flatty
So when's the sequel where they go to the sun
This ending was great. Not just the Epilogue but also the way they dealt with the kishin. I am genuinely satisfied with it.
I don't.
Sounds like a pretty good idea for a fanfic.
I'm content with the ending. Crona's part was good, the last chapter was just the right amount of weird. I kind of like that the Kishin doesn't "die" and instead sort of continues along because he's really just a part of human nature.
It does kind of make me wonder how op Shinigami was when he ripped him apart and made a skinbag out of him though.
Any interest in reading another mango?
Do you have Berserk? I wanted to follow the Soul Eater threads but I got way behind
Thanks for posting the entire thing. It was a great experience reading it with you makaposter. It's nice the 3 of us were together for the ending good luck in the military z1. We will probably talk way less now that the manga is over other then seeing each other in random threads but thanks for the good times. Have a Jizz soda for old times sake.
I already took so much of your time, taking anymore wouldn't be right. Maybe if more people join in so I wouldn't feel like I am being a burden to you.
Nah it was fun. But it would be nice to get a few more people. Still finishing the whole thing was a bit of an accomplishment, and I'm pretty sure we were both on every day since we started which I won't think anymore about.
I was thinking it was probably z1 but wasn't sure since I hadn't seen z1 anywhere.
Yeah I have Bersek. I could also torrent something as long as I can find it.