Going to work tomorrow then going to see Guardians of the Galaxy 2. Going by myself. I asked around on a few boards locally if anybody wanted to see it with me and Id pay for it but nobody responded.
This thread doesnt really have a meaning. Im just lonely and wanted people to know Im going to the movies tomorrow. Havent been to see a movie since 2014.
I dont like going by myself but this is what happens when you are born ugly
To pray for forgiveness that you come to Holla Forums?
Hunter Cox
I don't think coming to Holla Forums is a sin, especially not if I try to help people while I'm here, and hide the porn threads.
Carson Hughes
cut the bullshit You cant hide every single fucking porn thread!!
and let's not even get into that people browse 8ch/b/ for the cp
you cant tell me you also hide the cp magically with your fucking magical computer
THAT is why you pray for forgiveness
Alexander Reyes
I don't really try to. I only hide them as I see them. Those people are retards, there are probably much better resources to find that if you really want it. All you have to do is click the [-] and it's hidden. Just because I see it doesn't mean I went looking for it
Benjamin Anderson
Luis Bailey
Enjoy your movie op don't start fapping halfway through
I'm going to do chores. Yay me!
Jason Evans
>don't start fapping halfway through Is there a nude scene I was unaware of?
Dominic Campbell
I guess my plans are shitposting and losing consciousness in my own vomit so about the usual.
Liam Johnson
Watch Samurai Jack and then read Holla Forums and tumblr either hurl anathemas at it or claim tartakovski is and has always been at war with Eurasia their guy because cartoons are serious business, when I skim threads for porn of Bue and to confirm the growing sense of disappointment and unease with the show isn't just a personal problem. Just like last weekend. Work on my mod, shitpost, ayyy420blazeitlmao and generally try to keep busy enough to not feel depressed.
plans for weekend: wank off, eat, sleep, perhaps take long hot steamy showers, watch the simpsons, eat tasty snacks, drink a lot of good tasty stuff, kill a normie or two, reeeeā¦
Gabriel Murphy
Where are you?
Christopher Young
maybe I'll get to kill my self finally
Gavin Flores
i'm a good man.
Landon Richardson
Weekend plans? Probably start by rebuilding the devastated infrastructure in this country. Maybe start on that 'ol wall down south, but then again the beaner migration has already dried up nicely just on my word. Might fire off some more Tomahawk missiles, that was fun and sure as shit put the fear of God into those chinks. Israel wants me to start fucking around in Syria, but I dunno about that. Goddamn demanding kikes. Also, the lawn probably needs mowed. My balls itch. 42
Juan Myers
begin work on my novel beat that shitposters
Anthony Young
nice. where can i read it when you eventually finish?
Eli Martin
Damn, that's gonna be in a month or so (being insanely optimistic here; could be done in December) and go to >>>/loomis/ and beg for a book cover from the artfags.
Levi Rogers
Oh, forgot to say, I'm gonna put it on Amazon for Kindle 'cause I don't have money for physical publication. I am wary of posting the book name on here. Fucking fags will post bad reviews for no reason. I know you faggots will.
Jacob Clark
well in november, i want to type "X" in google and find your book. if X isn't your book title, what else can i type to find your book? no one's here, mate. there's literally 5 guys in this board. what do you exactly want me to tell /loomis/? can you give me specifics to what i should beg for? if i get a book cover out of them, i'll bake a bread on Holla Forums with it pic related.
Jason Martinez
No, I meant I would go to /loomis/ and beg for a cover because my scanner broke so I can't even draw a cover for my book. Shit, man, I don't know about giving the title here. I don't want negative reviews from anons who are doing it just for lulz.
Jacob Watson
Tomorrow I'll
Matthew Foster
whatever man. i hope all's good and it turns out how you want it to be. good luck.