What is Holla Forums's thoughts on tattoos?
What is Holla Forums's thoughts on tattoos?
certain profressions look good with them: rock star/tattoo artist/MMA fighter/playboy model suicide girl
But generally spealing if a woman has a tatoo she is a low down dirty slut and has something wrong with her. be wary
it looks nicely done, tho i don't like tattos
They're good for identifying Reddit users and Jews
Other then that they're either for hipsters or criminals neither of which Id like to associate with
On the day of the rope we will round up all you reddit fags tattoo you with that and put you into "work camps"
Sometimes you see this BM / heavy tattoo guy in his 20s and think "I wonder how he looks in 20 years". Well, just the other day on the train I saw such a guy. Earlobes look like mac&cheese and the once cool tattoos blurry and washed out. Guy looked so pathetic it was disgusting.
when you're in your 40's, you care a lot less about how you look
they are degenerate
He asked for Holla Forums's opinion, not Holla Forums's.
that tattoo basically says "I love browsing 4chan"
They're gr8
Here's mine
Mine's better.
my hero
They are disgusting and for dirty people
No one asked what you think, redditor
Pedos don't like tattoos. Therefore if you don't like tattoos then your a pedo.
Pick one
Tattoos are for stupid people or damaged goods.
Hello from Holla Forums!
Some are, but not all tattoos.
The SS made it mandatory for all members to get a tattoo of their bloodtype. This fact right off the bat shows how tattoos are not degenerate by definition. They have practical uses which do not denote degeneracy. Unless you're going to argue somehow that having the ability to know someones blood-type quickly via a symbol on their arm is degenerate?
Moving into the world of tattoos today though, more commonly tattoos are used for self expression. Individual expression in general is a good thing. After all, a collective is made up of many individuals. Majority of people have a strong NEED to express themselves as an individual. Most people are not like us who put the needs of their collective before themselves and need to feel that they are indeed a unique person with agency. Even if their uniqueness and agency are in reality an illusion most people need to think that it is not and it exists.
However this self expression is what opens the door to degeneracy. What matters in terms of individual expression is what values do you as an individual choose to express?
Do you express vices of lust, rage, and greed?
Or do you express virtues like honor, duty, and strength?
For example a lot of tattoos men get while serving in the armed forces for do not portray degeneracy but instead brotherhood, service, and honor (the opposite of degeneracy). The best example is when Roman Legionaries would tattoo themselves to show who they were as an individual but also where they belonged in the collective whole.
But if you have tattoos all over you of titties and skulls and shit like that then you're correct they are degenerate.
Pic not really related.
a solid 'meh'
some are good, some are shit.
it really just depends on the intent more than anything.
things like vory and yakuza tattoos show dedication and rank, and usually still look good with age.
also, like said, there is the practical use of tattooing blood type and maybe rank for soldiers (or just general populace), or ID numbers for prisoners.
'personal expression' tats, again, are really just dependent on what is being expressed, which largely boils down to personal taste. most of the tattoos you see today are shit. people dedicating space on their bodies to fucking shows or video games, or just getting some pretentious-looking cancer with super-colored ink that will bleed and look like shit down the line.
Thats what the common use of tattoos is. Are you implying that I personally have tattoos to signal false virtues because thats not that case. I have no tattoos at all.
got any more pics?
Fuck off moshi.
so, you freely admit to contradicting yourself while simultaneously being a retard?
literally just google 'vory tattoos' 'russian prison tattoos' or 'yakuza tattoos'
i'm not your image slut, friend
No youre just either a retard who sees the world in black and white or youre jewish or both
i liked your taste you sensitive bitch
I'd consider suicide if I was forced at having that tattoo
good one, Holla Forumsro. you're a real brainiac
I'd just fix it so the reddit logo thing looks like it's killing itself instead
Back at you my dude ex deeeeee
the BDM had none, which infers what for females?
Mostly cool and sometimes attractive.
But useless in the long run
implying that attracting a mate and having children isn't the penultimate function of humans…
nigga wut
There was a girl I used to hang out with that got a couple of really elaborate tattoos on her wrists that were really to mark which veins were good and not show track marks. It's probably infected and abscessed by now.