I have been noticing a trend on all the boards of Holla Forums, which you should be typing in the address as httpS←-
that there are tons of data gathering threads disguised as "I'm bored so whats all your info".
here are a few examples of data gathering threads. you don't think they are building a profile on you? this is disgusting.
now shills are making up excuses in the hopes of using the "divide and conquer tactics" by blaming other boards to create infighting and destroy Holla Forums even further
the shills are panicking after the exposing of their tactics. extremely hilarious thread happens and shills get totally humiliated as their plan backfires instantly. archives linked below for your reading enjoyement.
you mean like all the obvious data mining threads listed below?
because letting data mining shill retards flood the whole catalog with "lul whats yur info" in poorly disguised threads is just excellent discussion! Hee hee hee!
"lul he will not divide us, he will not devide us! Hee hee hee!"
pepe! Hee hee hee! pepe! Hee hee hee!! Hee hee hee!! Hee hee hee!
when threads are made with sinister design for the purpose of extorting and extracting information from anons, it's as simple as getting bored that there are no quality threads because the shill threads pushed them off the page, and posting a reply in the wrong place, getting your info sent to a bad place without your consent. simple as that.
(after some discussion)
(even more discussion)
more butthurt from datamining tards:
This is a link to a thread where the Holla Forums mods deleted a huge portion of the OP information. I would like to believe that it was a harmless joke. I would really like to. it only serves to fuel my paranoia about what we are facing here. it fuels my paranoia but also fuels my desire to dig deeper and function as a tool for the truth why would they not simply change the red text as a joke, rather than deleting all the information listed in the OP just to add one line of red text?
Make sure that you watch out for threads that demand you post completely random images from your computer with strong emphasis on posting them without checking what they are first. threads like these are designed to get you to accidentally post private information and private photos that can be used against you later.