Right-wing populist parties

Hello comrades,

what do you think of parties like the ones in pic related(ignore abe and trump, they dont fit in there)?

Are they a viable choice for communists (anti-EU, for Putin, maybe accelerationism)?

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In a world where the nation itself is increasingly becoming secondary to economic processes, where the market compromises everything and capital is mobile (and so is labour) they almost seem like an anachronism, both in the sense that they're typically nationalistic and in the sense that they tend to support welfare programs and oppose cuts (the ones I know about, at least, are pro-welfare)

IMO it's going to be a passing fad. They're not going to be able to give what they promise, just like Social-Democrats in the early years of neoliberalism, and just like the Social-Democrats they will start losing elections and then come back a decade later with a "modernized" and "electable" programme that is basically what all mainstream parties have been doing anyway.


Acceleration is not a viable theory of practice, it's merely the recognition that crisis causes politicization. Nothing however says that "the left" will be the winner of this transformation, at the end of the day they where shot next to liberal homosexuals and conservative jews.

Spreading a right-wing narrative of "capitalism works fine, it's the migrants fault" is the definition of false conciousness.

The support of right-wing populists for welfare is usually highly relative and limited to rhetorics. In the '80s the leader of the Front National (France) described himself as a Reaganite. Lately whenever right-populists got into a position of power (as in Austria), they unambiguously adhered to neoliberal orthodoxy.

Right-wing populists never have any consistent economic agenda beyond "whatever can get us into power so we can deal with what we think is important" like legally harassing kebab joint owners or renaming streets after historical counter-revolutionary figures.

They're shit.


Currently I see one major reason for supporting them (I'm really struggling with this because its so counter-intuitive):

They are major putin shills who will destabilize things in the West enough for major changes to happen. This is aided by US media calling some of them far-right, even though they have positions way tamer than many mainstream republicans.

The sole exception to this is Geert Wilders in the Netherlands, who is a full blooded neo-con and has publicly endorsed "The Donald".

smh OP. Strache is not the peruvian right wing populist

Well, they're not Fascist for sure, anyone who's read any theory regarding fascism could tell you that. Regardless, they're right-wing nationalist demagogues, which can probably only be defeated by rallying the working class under a socialist program.

See pic related.
Accelerationism is one of the most retarded misunderstandings of socialism/communism. The revolution comes when reforms have been pushed to their limit, when the capitalist class can no longer afford to concede to the demands of the working class, because the demands can only be answered by socialism. By supporting right-wing candidates you're not only voting against the interests of the working class, you're voting against the interests of the international communist movement. They'll roll back reforms and keep the fight for petty middle ground unending, minor gains and constant betrayals by social democrats and union bureaucrats.

Nowadays we have a serious opportunity in many left candidates to start pushing reform to its limits, thanks to the fact that the boom is over (many bourgeois economists even say the slump will last upwards of half a century), so the limit is closer than ever. I mean, capitalists and the state are trying to desperately roll back reforms they were able to afford handing out in the boom period of the 20th century, because they can't even afford those any more.

Abbott doesn't fit in either wtf

Putin is fascist

le pen is a qt tbh

where's erdogan?

Adding him to this image is an insult to other right-wing populists

If you're an accelerationist, maybe the classical right is the way to go. These people advocate some kind of protectionism (doesn't mean that they will do it once elected tho).

Also :
Why would a commie like Putin?

I want to hatefuck her.

They fit perfectly there.
Why do you think Musolini was any better or worse than Trump? It's the exact same Ideology as Benlusconi or Le Pen.

Yeee sure…
"Here, murderer! Take this knife! Am sure you'll kill everyone else before you kill me!"

Accelerationism, without a revolutionary foundation in the people, will only end up in FullFascism and Holla Forums taking over.

We do not discriminate.
She'll go to gulag along with the non-qts.

Do you deny that Russian and the US/EU spheres are in a conflict right now?

They are.
Is there a "right" side in imperialistic wars?

Does it make much difference which lord is fighting which, when you are a peasant?

Marion is hot as hell.

I don't know what the deal is with people who find Marion Maréchal-Le Pen attractive. She looks like a failed porn actress with a mild case of Down syndrome.

Here. Let me meme that for you.


tl;dr, pic from about sums it up.


Even though "populist"/"far-Right" parties are utterly despised by every mainstream party (see: the French conservative and socialist parties conspiring to fuck over Front National via tactical voting) they're still the real threat according to the old school Left who think every year is 1933 and this will be the year that the fascist pigs seize power and start World War 3

Have you even watched one minute of Noam-Chomsky-footage? The West (i.e. we) are clearly on the bad side.

People keep saying that voting for the right-wing populists is like shooting ourselves in the foot. Well, maybe we have to do just that to change anything.

Volodin gay

Korwin is libertarian anarcho-cap meme

Acceleration is a maymay for lifestylists that want to be part of the far left community without actually committing to its politics. Neoliberalism should be accelerating capitalism at light speed, but as usual, capitalism finds a way to justify itself at every turn.

Right populism would just get us killed outright for our views; the current political climate still has to pretend that we have freedom of opinion.

how is putin a right wing politician? wut?

I don't like them but I sort of see their appeal since most leftist parties around concentrate on regressive bullshit and idpol.
Regressive leftist parties are to blame.

Absolutely correct.



Only viable accelerationist choices are liberal parties (libertarian in burgerland)

lots of "old left" types like Putin, mainly because of Soviet nostalgia
see for instance Die Linke

I fucking wish.

Think you might have the wrong flag there lad.

Way to flaunt your ignorance.

Whew lad.

they're old left in the sense they are the political leftovers of the DDR

That picture is fucking misleading as all hell.

She's got at least 50 more pounds on her and she's far rounder when she does the speeches in Peru.


And don't get me started on her policies…

Her father allowed forced sterilization on the Peruvian poor.


Her father is so damn corrupt, she basically plans to use his people in her office. And they're in the Panama Papers


Yeah, the fascists really can pick the crazies, can't they?

Normal migration and trade are fine, but mass economic migration and regulatory arbitrage are specific forms that exist only as a form of class war by capitalists against threats to their power. There's nothing about ancom that would protect a syndicate against the corrosive effects of a continuous flood of desperately poor labor to its reserve army, nor unsustainably cheap products to its market.

Not to mention the fact that everyone's continued toleration of these practices is a moral blight. In the case of mass economic migration, it provides the illusion to delusional humanitarians of charity, while in fact doing nothing of note to help the overwhelming majority that continue to suffer in their homeland, and (especially in nations already destabilized by neoliberalism) fuels the creation of a static underclass. In the case of regulatory arbitrage, it is an even more loathsome evil barely distinguishable from exporting and subsidizing slavery beyond the reach of our domestic laws which the struggles of organized labor have succeeded in producing.

The idea of governments and societies which have been influenced or seized to any extent by organized labor economically interacting minus any precaution with the most depraved pits of capitalist exploitation, and not being infected by it, is a blatant neolib ploy. The correct thing to do with a plague victim is enforce quarantine and cure them, not transfuse blood from them.

What socdem party ISN'T in favor of laissez-faire free trade? What European one ISN'T in favor of EU expansion further into the depths of the 3rd world? How do you imagine you could dump products far below production cost and in volumes far beyond demand without pushing existing products out of the market? Talk about ignorance!

Islam is like the most anti-communist thing ever, but they aren't really aware of it either.

But in Holla Forums's mind culture is a non-thing that will disappear in a cloud of smoke as soon as you dismantle capitalism, therefore there is nothing wrong with promoting anti-communism in the name of communism.

This is an excellent post

Yes the parliamentary left is in favour of free trade at least in the UK, except the Greens who are incoherent SJW homoeopath shilling hippies who say they're against "globalisation" as they put it but to paraphrase them, they want it to work for us without mentioning any solid policy like tariffs.

And yes in a capitalist society immigrants do depress wages and compete for work, as they increase the supply of available labour, why is this so difficult for leftists to understand or acknowledge, look reducing immigration is not a panacea for the ills of capitalism, but to pretend it has no effect at all on society is incredibly disingenuous.

At least you didn't trot out that smug line "well if they can't beat an immigrant with poor English to getting a job then they deserve to be unemployed" or that other one "well immigrant community X are very hard working and indigenous proles should man up and stop being lazy", oh and the classic "if we don't have immigrants, who will do all the shit jobs or we might end up like Japan with an ageing population."