What does he mean for Holla Forums?

What does he mean for Holla Forums?
Does optimization of military spending mean more funding for Holla Forums (I.E. NASA)?

The government has nothing to do with technological development, only regression.

You're totally right, friendo! It's not like it's beneficial for a government to fund the sciences, right? All that money just gets embezzled or goes to the white churches, LOL the government is SOOO corrupt!!
You're a huge fucking autistic faggot.

Good luck with that, the private contractors and the CIA will find some way to drag the country into another two wars.

I wasn't aware that whites still went to church. I think most whites are agnostic or atheist now.

You're fired! The God Emperor of Mankind us going to clean up the intel agencies to better support our greatest ally. Wew!

Trump is also going to crack down on the Internet freedom and improve NSA spying capabilities. Say hi to the NSA for me.

I can tell you that most whites are at least somewhat Christian if slightly apathetic outside of the city.

Stallman should have a chat with him. Trump may not be tech-literate, but he is a practical guy, and I believe there's a remote chance he could embrace free software if a good case were made.

Free software has no meaning to anyone outside of developers and a handful of autistic children.

How many times have we heard accusations of rigged elections, cyber warfare, and Russian hackers these days? You don't think there'd be a vested interest in something like how Microsoft manufactured the voting machines for example?

Mostly bad things. He wants
- increased NSA surveillance
- backdoored encryption
- to execute Snowden
- to 'close that internet up in some places', whatever that means

It's not all bad. He also wants to kill the TPP - not for any Holla Forums-related reasons, but it is very good from a Holla Forums perspective anyway. And I suspect he might just have a positive attitude towards Assange and Wikileaks.

Don't ever post here again

They choose to ignore free software to their own detriment.

Why are you here on a board created through FOSS software?



You're beyond saving.

Holla Forums isn't free software, it's closed source.


Nah, go read cripple stating that Holla Forums is now to property of the board of N.T. Technology (aka Jim) and how source updates cannot be released without the approval of the board.
Holla Forums is now closed source.
Deal with it, retard. The only thing they've released is the javascript, something you can prettyify yourself.

Most science in America is funded through private means, faggot ass OP.

Nobody was talking about Holla Forums, retard. He was talking about vichan.


Holla Forums is a fork of vichan, dumbass


Possible lose of net neutrality.

He said "created through free software". The software it currently runs is proprietary, but it's based on free software and the majority of its code still exists as free software.


Trump is scientifically and technologically illiterate, like most of the Holla Forumstards who are ruining Holla Forums.

ALL politicians are technologically illiterate. It was a choice between Trump whos son is better at computers than he is, or Hillary, whos campaign chairman's password was literally "[email protected]/* */"
too be honest, I actually believe we have more hope with Trump, because at least he's willing to listen to his advisers on shit he doesn't understand.

are you referring to when trump said he wanted to stop isis propaganda and recruitment?

Except for, you know, radar, the digital computer, the internet, and GPS.