How come daredevil does better martial arts?
How come daredevil does better martial arts?
why does the narrator sound like Master Splinter from the 2012 TMNT cartoon?
The fights look ok to me. I don't see the big deal.
Action's okay, actors haircut isn't fitting, no actual costume is shown again for some brain dead reason, narration's generic as fuck, and the dragon mark is shit. Make it a fucking scar not a painted on crappy tattoo.
Ironically enough she was one of the sand snakes from Game of Thrones.
This guy is going to have to work pretty hard to offset his goofy looks. I'm not all that familiar with the character, but the scrawny body, shitty beard, and curly hair don't scream "Greatest Fighter In the World" to me.
I think if they straighten out his hair and get rid of that beard he could pull it off.
Or they could hire an actual martial artist, like Ray Park.
I read somewhere that he originally was going to be Iron fist.
I thought the fighting in Daredevil was too flashy. He was doing flips and shit when he didn't need to. Good show still.
That's accurate to what he uses in the comics, he's always been basically a hybrid gymnast/boxer. Even when he was reimagined as a ninja school dropout by Frank Miller, he just parkours, stickfights, and boxes.
I've seen real guys pull off the crazy acrobatic shit, though, it's usually a matter of individual temperament. Guys have pulled off Matrix wall run kicks in the UFC, Benny The Jet used to use jumping spinning kicks in kickboxing, and the late Ehsan Shafiq used to go full ham with the wire fu in karate matches.
At least they showed Daredevil getting winded, and hurt. That's light years past the lousy choreography we usually see in Hollywood. And even Hong Kong these days.
Park can't act for shit though
Because daredevil is in a full body costume which allows a stunt man to do everything. It's very easy to have a stunt man do it instead of training an actor to do some kung fu shit in a short period of time. Once iron fist gets his own costume, if he gets his costume, the fights will probably be more fun to watch.
I assume Daredevil would be flashier because he's just a guy. He has to work hard to take people down. If Danny wants to drop a bitch, he's fucking IRON FIST. He shouldn't have to throw as many punches to put a guy on the floor.
Pretty much.
Remember the Hallway Oner from season 1? Where Matt spent multiple punches to knock out those Russians.
Literally the only time he knock someone out and they stayed down was when he tossed the microwave at that one guy who came to investigate the noise.
Chinese dragons don't have wings, unless they are part bird.
Hollywood only hires British actors or the cast of Game of Thrones get with the program.
How do you think ser Loras got the part of Iron Fist?
ray park IS british you stupid fuck, didn't you pay attention to his nonexistent accent in x-men?
true. Its better than arrow thats for sure.
also defenders is coming up soon.
Pretty sure it's the same actor
Wouldn't that kill the guy? Or at least give him long-term brain damage?
I wonder what role he will play. I don't see his name on the wikipedia page at all.
Mutha fucking Sigourney Weaver is going to beat them all up?
… I gotta see this.
Choreography appeared fine from what little of it we saw, though we'll have to wait and see just how good/bad it is when the show airs.
Even if it's bad, can't be any worse than Luke Cage, where the fight scenes were so bad it actively took me out of the show every time they cropped up.
Yeah, it's distractingly bad. That shitty hipster beard and the dumb curly hair make him look like he should be writing a screenplay at Starbucks, not fighting ancient Chinese evils with mystic punching powers. That needs fixed, ASAP.
The 'more serious' Marvel Netflix shit seem really adverse to the costumes in general. Daredevil wore a really crappy one towards the end of his first season, that only got mildly improved in the second because it needed to be 'practical'. The costumes are only brought up in Jessica Jones and Luke Cage for the express purpose of being made fun of.
To be honest, it's a real shame. I'm hoping Iron Fist will at least get a decent representation of his outfit at some point in the show.
Possibly an intentional bridge between East and West, since a lot Iron Fist's thing is that he's a white guy dealing with Chinese shit. Western European dragons are winged. I'm probably reading too much into it though, the tattoo looks pretty 'eh' from what we've seen either way.
He'd probably survived, he's at the very least got a serious concussion but getting knocked unconscious in fiction is always portrayed pretty differently from how it is in real life.
I hope they give him the costume early on instead of at the end like they did with daredevil.
I doubt it, like I said, the marvel netflix shit, like most 'serious' cape adaptations, have a real hateboner for the costumes and seem to use them out of obligation if they really can't get around it. Actors don't like wearing them as well, which means they usually get cut out for that reason alone.
The footage in the trailer seemed to be from several different points in the show, I'm pretty sure it'll only be a last two episode thing at best.
well thats a shame. At least Punisher got his costume.
Oh man, I just saw on twitter people giving Rob Liefeld shit just because he DIDN'T see a problem with having a white actor play Danny. And yes, there were people basically saying he was racist for not wanting Danny to be cast as an Asian.
They are pretty much SJW faggots who just want to change shit for the sake of changing shit. They don't give a fuck about Iron Fist. They believe more people will watch it because of the change.
Rape is Karma for them
You can't win with these people.
People that complain about Danny Rand's so-called cultural appropriation are usually unaware that literally the only thing he's good at is martial arts. Like, to the exclusion of all other things.
Company management, relationships, committing himself to his sacred duty as an Immortal Weapon, philanthropy as a multi-millionaire, Iron Fist is clueless and terrible at all of these things.
Punching shit in the face, he's great at it.
SJWs want an Asian to conform to the stereotype they want to keep them pigeonholed in. I can't wait till Davos shows up and kicks Ser Loras' ass, triggering audiences as a ruthlessly ambitious stereotype.
It's funny there were people bitching in the netflix video comment ection about Danny being white.
wait Davos' actor is in this show?