And that smug fucking face
And that smug fucking face
Other urls found in this thread:
Enjoy the colon cancer, Don.
That perfectly placed "US in weakest recovery"
I was about to comment on that
4d chess
Trump a master baiter
That is a Moonman tier image.
Holy shit another smart move
If Hillary does it, she's unoriginal/seems totally pandering
CNN will no doubt report on this and try to spin it as racist, thus giving more reason for people to hate the media
This man is doing more in his campaign with a tweet and a photo than millions upon millions of dollars in Hillary's
Sheeeiiit, Trump kno how we do!!
It looks like he's installed bullet proof glass on the windows.
The madman.
he civilized you swine
I don't think he actually eats any of it. Just like with the McDonald's picture, the food is pristine and untouched.
Also, are those bulletproof panes new? Didn't notice them before.
That fucking WebM
It's like you've never been to Harlem.
Could be a dampening measure to keep laser based listening devices ineffective. I highly doubt it though. I just don't see how bullet-resistant glass oriented that way would be effective.
lmao I doubt he actually ate that, but nonetheless a smart (and funny) move.
#fork privilege #nevertrump #chickengate
Aaand filtered
a black dude I know just compared trump supporters to skinheads
don't know why Trump would waste his time on 12 percent of the population
Or maybe he just takes the pictures before he eats so he doesn't have food stuffed in his gob like Kasich?
I read that as "deporting now".
Moonman, moonman, can't you see? Even Trump likes KFC
And I just love their chicken tendies
I guess that's why they're in the black and they're so trendy
How's the malnutrition, vegannigger?
How's the doctor's bill, meatcuck?
Hows the brain damage these days?
This. The minute anyone tries to mention anything about black people, Trump will turn the tables on them. Dave Chapelle skit talking about how everyone loves chicken incoming. That is how he will truly appeal to the black community. Many laughs will be had.
Don't do that. Just filter on sight.
I think its a joke because the KFC is more of an insult then not
w-what in the fuck. Did nobody notice this dude's eating a fucking fried chicken breast with a knife and fork? Or am I the only one?
I really hope you take supplements m8, because otherwise you're actually damaging your body pretty bad in the long run.
It's not a big deal. Shit is greasy and that is a classy looking plane. I would use knife and fork on that plane.
Nah I noticed, that's why I doubt he actually ate it, but it's still hilarious. This shit will get spread across social media now.
Damn. Now I'm craving for some KFC.
I'm not a nigger
Someone just noticed exactly how grandpa-like Trump is.
It's gonna fucking fly off the plate, you dunce. Just have napkins nearby. Hell, I've eaten KFC at my computer before, without napkins, and my mouse didn't even get slightly greasy.
I am noticing that a lot of the left's criticism of Trump is "some shit from my imagination". Coincidentally, which group is notorious for making up outlandish things?
he's a new yorker and eats fucking new york pizza with a knife and fork. nigga just doesn't like getting greasy fingers i guess.
Well he's not wrong. KFC > Popeye's > other fried chicken chains. Popeye's is just bland as fuck.
Come on donald, at least use gold plated silverware. Let's hope that is platinum at least.
Its the little things in life that make it all worth it
…what? Oh, sorry Mr. Trump, I think I just had an allergic reaction or something. I think I'm okay now. I'm still voting for you, I swear.
yeah because hillary is obviously the expert when it comes to email savvy.
didn't guccifer get access just by guessing her password because it was something fucking obvious?
Don't worry I filtered him, I don't even know what the fuck he replied to me. probably included "meatcuck" somewhere.
I prefer making my own mix of spices and herbs if I'm eating Fried chicken. KFC is really shitty where I live, the retards who own the franchise clearly gives no fuck about quality of food, or sanitation for that matter. Many people got sick eating there.
Although he did eat the pizza hut slice, crust first without utensils.
popeyes btfo by kek. brb buying leveraged put options.
If humans aren't supposed to eat meat, then how come we evolved to eat meat?
Do you take me for a pleb?
You will never ban me, you meatcuck mods are powerless!
Last time I went to Popeye's they left out a piece of chicken, lazy niggers can't even count to three.
Nice meme, my reddit friend :^)
We evolved to shit while squatting instead of sitting, do you do that as well?
Trump is straight trolling now, no way the leftists don't call racism on this.
Feels good to not be cuck your body out of vitamins like B12, faggot. Vegan should be a superlative for cuck, anyways. The only people who don't eat meat can't into hunting, anyways.
believe it or not, it probably depends on local franchise. where i've lived, kfc sucks ass and popeye's is always the best. also, coming from a half-cajun that grew up in louisiana, popeyes' dirty rice is better than most sit down restaurants' … somehow
because then they'd look paranoid and appear racist themselves. Trump's only eating delicious fried chicken after all. You're not implying fried chicken is for blacks are you? You're not racist, right? :^)
The Popeye's here is owned by street shitters. That's probably got something to do with it.
I do, actually. it works pretty well.
Shit just keeps getting better this year, now I can even play spot the vegan on Holla Forums.
Too bad even college debate competitions have been niggered to hell and back.
I have an outhouse, so yes
So people who believe there's a medical conspiracy call the medical establishment "big pharma". What do Vegans call the "meat and dairy establishment?
"big meat"?
topkek I fucking love this guy. If only he'd stop with the heeb pandering
Fucking barbaric handcucks I swear.
No we just call it the meat and dairy industry, because that's what it is, an industry just like Hollywood. And just like how Hollywood fucks with internet pirates, meat and dairy shills fuck with vegans, all with the aid of the US government.
And Trump hasn't gotten hacked yet.
except meat doesn't rot in your colon, so basically you are fucking stupid
who do you think came up with the whole vegan fad you docile faggot
It's harder to shred important documents than to delete them.
Pythagoras. Pretty good fad for being over 2000 years old.
Fucking 4D CHESS
By what mechanism does digested meat or any kind of food stick to the intestines? How is that even physically possible?
Trump makes his pilot scrub the leather of the plane with a toothbrush to keep it clean. No joke.
Didn't Clinton print out like 3000 pages of emails for court when they told her not to?
If you post responses like that to Hillary or Bernie, you'll get blocked and possibly banned.
I actually prefer Popeye's over KFC because Popeye's has better gravy for the mashed potatoes, it's got bits of spicy meat in it. The KFC gravy is just regular brown gravy. I grew up on an Air Force base though, so I'm kinda biased with the chicken chains. Also, Robin Hood beats Subway any day.
Governor Brown because they purposefully limit water usage and intake to save some faggoty type of fish.
Also nice metabolism, nigger. Don't hurt your teeth on that carrot.
I want this man to be our President more than ever.
If experience has taught me anything, you probably ARE one of our worthless mods.
guess again
Do you think the media will report this as him pandering to the Black vote? Yeah. KFC is nigger food but he doesn't seem to mention anything about Blacks.
are you a faggot? your image is a lie, the california smelt conservation fund is using 80% of california's water supply, so your number's don't add up
fucking bleeding heart faggots can't even face the truth that their own bleeding heart liberal schemes cause the most damage
let them make it a race thing, let them tie their own rope
Is that you, VeganGains?
Flava Flav's favorite romantic getaway too
You have to use a fork when you're digging the last bits of meat out of the chicken breast portion.
Good luck proving it, faggot. Check out this channel though, I think Holla Forums will like it.
After the taco bowl stunt, yes. It's gonna be funny watching those pundits try and maneuver around the racial minefield.
Its pretty interesting that each race seems to have its own natural diet and perhaps that conditions some of their behaviour. Asians eat almost exclusively vegetables and a small amount of fish, Europeans eat almost the exact opposite proportions of meat and veggies. Asians are typically easy to rule over while Europeans have a far rougher time being ruled over, with a seemingly innate desire for freedom.
I do also believe that the energy density of meat allows for more productive workers and that an attempt to reduce our meat consumption might be to reduce our global competitiveness.
High energy, high independence people are a real pain in the ass of any globalist movement.
I honestly wouldn't be surprised if VeganGains lurked here and sperged out every time someone posted something about meat or veganism, he's known for being an edgelord.
What is that extra layer of glass inside the window for??
Slam a door on your own head.
fuckin edgy
Found VeganGains! Kill yourself, veggo!
Heh… Nothin' personnel
He's following in the footsteps of ISHYGDDT man
An insightful perspective user. What would you say of the spics and their legume diet though?
No its just to make the plane quieter. A lot of noise comes through those windows.
I think we might just have that faggot with us in this thread right now
Please post your stupid edgy fucking face with a timestamp so we can collectively laugh at you.
Don't cut yourself on all that edge.
If anything it's more awkward that he's using real flatware and a paper plate.
What is turbulence, you dunce?
What are greasy fingers, you dunce?
i hate to say you're an ethnocentric shitlord, but just about everyone outside of europe and north america shits while squatting
and there's this magical thing you can do with western toilets to achieve the same result, it's called a footstool
The best chicken in the world is at Nic's in Oklahoma City. Pan fried chicken.
That chicken looks like it is cooked in bad oil… It is really black. It should be golden orange.
I'm not particularly well informed on the history of central and south America, their lower intelligence probably "crops" up from the fact that the moderate temperature made farming easy enough that natural evolution didn't select as vigorously for intelligence as it did other farming races. Meat consumption is enabled by with wealth which follows intelligence+freedom, make of that what you will.
One of my friends was the opposite of a vegan. He ate nothing but meat and to get his vegetable nutrition he had this green powder mixed into water.
Were the injuns just not able to propely metabolize proteins from meat as Whites are then? The extinct North American megafauna points to them having some level of hunting skill, so what is their excuse?
Difficulty rank
E:scavenging/detritus eating
A:genetic engineering
Hunting is tough I suppose but requires no more intelligence than the common wolf or lion. It requires planning in the span of weeks and months opposed to the span of generations that cultivating and breeding do. They also did not have particularly strong farming skills.
You can eat all the protein powder you want but you still gotta lift to make gains
He's teasing them. He's daring the media to call him a racist for eating KFC. It tortures them to resist, but if they run with it they look retarded.
I think cannibalism is better. Think about it if every person in the world ate one other person overpopulation and world hunger would be solved overnight also there would be more resource to go around.
That is a much more intelligent plan than some plant based diet that wouldn't provide adequate nutrition for a human being.
sup vegangains
North American Injuns ate a ton of game meat. Couldn't breed it though, although they did learn how to track them and knew how to identify females and let them live so they could reproduce for later hunts.
I really hope they do. If they do I'm gonna not give up on my life
there are few things more jewish than shilling for veganism to the goyim
it is every kike's dream that white men become a race of weak little herbivore bitches
except meat doesn't cause colon cancer.
Yes goy eat nothing but vegetables and do not breed while chuck alpha redmeateater gets all the girls.
I wasn't talking about the physical activity of hunting, but the frequency of which it allowed the injuns to consume said proteins compared to Whites. It looks about the same, so what kept the injuns from developing past the neolithic?
Another way to phrase this question is what allows Whites to metabolize animal proteins for higher brain functions when lesser races can't?
that's so fuckin cute
You will run out of IPs eventually so… Well unless your VPN company has loads.
Your mods delete trips. They go against the will of kek. They are cucks through and through.
He makes this look easy.
Were those trips obtained naturally though? That is the question.
I don't know why I compare Holla Forums to reddit
I am now eating kfc myself with utensils like the God Emperor.
Praise Kek
*its kind of iffy but I feel like less of a nigger**
they do not link.
They are fake trips
Thinking I would insult kek by faking trips, sad. Kek is a vegan deity.
That's because your cuck mods deleted the post.
>D-Democrats are the real racists
Of course, try saying things that are accepted as fact on Holla Forums such as "Women are dumb whores who can't do anything right other than suck cock" (which is objective fact) over there and see how long your post stays up.
Nigger, that was policy debate, it was shit to begin with
Slate again being insanely ridiculous.
Found the vegangains
I'm poor and I eat fried chicken with a knife and fork because I don't want that shit all over my hands. Do these yids think all us proles just scoop things into our mouths with our dirty goyish hands?
Most of South America is devoid of domesticated animals. The Lake Mexico region is entirely devoid of any game, beyond small deer and turkeys. These were hunted almost to extinction and were reserved by the royalty of the city-states.
The diet of South Americans (with the exception of the Inca) was comprised of corn and beans. Corn for starch and energy, beans for protein. Unfortunately, the crops rarely coincide leaving them with either a deficiency of protein or energy or occasionally both. This leads to the development of slower metabolisms and led to high mortality due to self-cannibalism.
Which led into the Mexica's development of ritual cannibalism. Taking the religious ceremonies of the region (which already involved human sacrifice) they consumed the flesh of captives, providing the people with a healthy dose of protein.
By contrast, the Inca were fortunate to possess not one, but TWO domesticated species: the Guinea Pig and the Llama/Alpaca. The latter is not much good for eating, but it could carry light loads, provide milk, and yield wool. The former is excellent eating and fattens up beautifully. They also had the advantage of potatoes.
North American tribes lived off of game animals and fish, for the most part, with the exception of tribes living in Texas and California which developed farming. This varies based on region, but was always supplemented by gathering. One tribe in Canada was notorious for suffering from "meat poisoning"- the only sustenance they had was rabbit. Rabbit offers ONLY protein, no fats or lipids, leading to the body slowly killing itself by trying to process protein and nothing else.
North American Indians had a much more protein rich diet than Europeans and even South Americans would have had a goodly amount of protein, especially compared to your average serf.
Wrong. Only the Plains Indians were entirely devoid of farming. Note that the Cherokee tribe was especially skilled at politics and technology- they managed to use British animosity to acquire guns and goods for cheap. By the time they were evicted from Georgia, the Cherokees had plantations and slaves of their own and were able to argue their case in the supreme court.
Trump knows how to trigger a nigger.
Most likely the difference arose after Europeans hunted their herding animals to near extinction. As far as I know the plains indians had no need to capture and pen animals to eat because they could just run a herd of them off a cliff and preserve what they wanted. We do know that the injuns were running quite low on herd animals when Europeans arrived.
Europe, I believe, ran out of these herd animals faster than north America and forced an adaptation, perhaps due to a smaller prairie area on the European continent. Several thousand years difference in evolutionary pressures would make sense in this case.
Europeans ended up the smartest and the toughest because Europe was tough and unforgiving, with just enough resources to get you by that intelligence had a significant factor on reproduction. Hence why siberians and eskimos are not particularly smart either.
It isn't really that weird.
Yeah they think people are too poor to own knives and forks apparently.
sorry, but lunch is more important than golf shlomo
damn liberals don't even in history
sorry, I defaulted to discussing plains Indians because I believed that was what he was referring to.
These are real articles? They look more like the "joke" pieces that blogs usually run.
/r/thedonald serves its purpose as a buffer zone between here and cuck media like twitter/goybook.
They fart a lot
That technique only applies to Mammoth, and those (along with practically every other species of megafauna) were hunted to extinction in both Europe and the Americas by roughly 15,000 BC.
Amerindians had domesticated animals, specifically canines, but with the exception of the Inca there were no large herbivores suitable for domestication. Bison run in herds of millions- try capturing a small family group to domesticate.
Farming is actually far more difficult in the dry climate of the Southern USA. To farm in MesoAmerica, you need to do a lot of slash and burn before you can get the poor, sandy soil to grow a few meager crops. Jungle is the worst soil for agriculture by a large margin.
Oh god, that webm. The ending totally caught me by surprise.
These are all Onion articles, right? RIGHT?!
fair enough points, those are suitable reasons.
why do vegans always have to shove it down your throat
cooked vegan when I lived in a third world shithole and didn't trust the eggs, your food tastes like ass no matter what you make.
your ideology is shit, your food is shit, it makes your brain shit.
fuck vegan faggots, eat meat, just eat high quality meat that doesn't have bits of rat in it.
vegan oaths are fucked
Someone watch a Trump rally and just take screen shots of every single smug or reaction face. He is literally a meme gold mine.
Criminally underrated comment.
how else are they going to get you to eat pureed soy beans?
This is the current state of clickbait. It's crossed Poe's Singularity.
Man, I just really want to hold that little nigger so I can crush its fucking throat.
Not even sure why or where that impulse comes from, but I really want to do it.
kek, nice projection. we're not the ones claiming to be morally superior based on what we eat.
He's said in the past that he is not big on emails and prefers not to use it.
bitches dont know how to activate their almonds.
Pretty sure it's virtue signaling
We're reaching not an argument levels that shouldn't even be possible
sage for b8 response post
Don't get me wrong, though. I'm not claiming there's no selective pressures involved, but it's not quite as blunt as many of my fellow posters make it out to be. There aren't factors that just select for "smart" and "dumb"- genetics are a far more complicated affair than that and we still have an incomplete picture as to how evolution works.
For example, having a "fast metabolism" is seen as a boon today and many people who have one tend to be European or, especially, Asian. However, five hundred years ago, that would get you killed during a famine.
By contrast, Amerindians, Polynesians, and even Africans developed efficient metabolisms due to living in environments were conditions swung between feast and famine. By comparison, Europeans and Asians enjoyed a fairly constant supply of food from year to year, even if harsh winters in northern regions could cut the margins razor thin. If our modern system ever collapses to a point that Affluenza is a distant dream, expect hispanics and blacks to have higher survival rates than whites or asians.
you cant post meme circles and pretend to be superior without half the thread thinking you take massive cocks up your ass.
circlefags dont have the right to be smug.
Vegans assume everyone like to have objects shoved down their throats.
should have never have let him come along with us mister frodo, nothing but trouble that slinker is
but it's not
not anymore
neither do oathcucks
they're all voided now.
Trump gets media to talk about his "racist" tweet giving him more publicity - Madman Tier
Trump places WSJ article about "US in weakest recovery" - 4D Chess Tier
"Trump has printed email hidden in picture in order to get people talk about candidates ability to handle emails" - GOD EMPEROR PRESCIENCE TIER
Is this before or after we calculate for how much almonds the world actually demands because last i checked almonds weren't exactly considered a common commodity that is circulated by the tens of millions of metric tons annually?
Waste of trips
Well, to be fair, American businessmen staged a coup in Hawaii to gain control of their pineapples.
They did nothing wrong.
he's right though. popeye's and church's are nigger tier garbage.
Based on this and the other posts in this thread I guess I'm a fucking weirdo. I always eat chicken breast with a knife and fork. I always eat wings and drumsticks with my hands though.
I'm just saying Americans take their food very seriously.
The layers of fucking reasoning here. Its like a godamned onion and he jut keeps fucking winning. Watch the media try and use this against him, this will backfire so hard on them.
What's up with the plate? He's got two plates stacked with napkins between them, why would you do this, other than to look cool?
Same, what kind of animal eats a breasts with their bear hands? That might be part of the b8 in this tweet, get the media to jump on him for using utensils which is so common people recognize the media as disingenuous and looking for something to jump on Trump for.
Honestly, it depends on the setting. If I'm having dinner with family or at a picnic, I'll eat the breast with my hands. If I'm somewhere nice or need my hands to be clean or can't afford to get my clothes dirty, I'll use a knife and fork. It's all about the circumstances.
I'm saying that the vegan is basing that almond cultivation of all things possible, saves water when almond demand is nowhere as big as rice, wheat, corn, barley and oats aka the plants that actually feed civilization instead of a plant that slowly poisons hippies with arsenic buildups.
I guess expecting a vegan to argue logically is like expecting a Jew to not lie. Then again it'll be interesting to see how rice fare on water usage outside of asian countries where it is easiest to cultivate them. The different climate may cause it to use more water and i think we all know rice and wheat holds the title of Most commonly traded plants
Surprisingly, America grows a fuck ton of rice. But it's mostly in the Carolinas and the rest of the coastal floodplains. Hell, people used to grow sugarcane in Texas.
Either way, growing water intensive crops in California of all places is fucking stupid.
An easily accessible place to put them on a crowded table? I sometimes put my napkin underneath my plate to save space. Also there's two plates because he's most likely going to eat with whoever took the photo.
muh almonds
Hillary does the same thing, and I guarantee Bernie does too. What a brain-dead retard.
It's common for pretty much anyone in a high-level position since it works as a backup, you can take notes on them, and you can show them to people without having to break out an electronic device.
From wikipedia:
Sales of almond milk overtook soy milk in the United States in 2013,[2] and by May 2014 it comprised two-thirds of the US plant-milk market.[3] In the United Kingdom, almond milk sales increased from 36 million liters in 2011 to 92 million in 2013.[2]
Maybe Trump is so busy that his aides just place the stack of printed emails for him to casually peruse while he eats? It's not that weird of a concept.
these people need to die violently.
Wait, did she answer her own question? I can't tell what point she's trying to make. Is that the point? Is this some sort of "new media" art? This can't be real.
Funny or Die actually kind of funny for once, this is most unexpected.
that's the face my dad makes when he mugs for the camera while giving you rabbit ears
Like a damn fiddle
He is trying to make people talk about it.
she's old and stupid
I would had preferred it if it was scaled for a country or region that needs plant milk, like lactose intolerant asia. Still nice to know no one except asians like soy milk
It's a "shut it pleb, i am smarter than you and have this all figured out" signalling.
This sort of thing became more common as modernism and post modernism became a thing
Nigger, there are hundreds of billions of gallons of fresh water off limits in California in order to protect an endangered fish species, the delta smelt, it is the retarded environmentalist cucks who are hogging the water.
I would be very happy to see him civilize some swine.
If you wanna be civilized, don't eat fucking KFC.
Jamie Oliver said "you can never eat a burger and not get messy".
It's like ordering 5 plates of cake and saying "I'M TRYING TO LOSE WEIGHT HERE".
nice try veganfag
honestly, the food looks nasty
You meant the one star chef who's food got btfo by fast food when judged by a bunch of 10 year olds after spending an hour lecturing them on how good food actually taste like?
KFC is pretty gross when you're not in the mood for it
There's a difference between being civilized and being a prissy faggot.
It's a difference that a lot of elite don't recognize.
You mean the guy who cries like a stupid faggot when children don't like his food?
I hate it when he licks his lips, its disgusting
The salt (white guy) is near "business".
The pepper (niggers) is segregated and far from both the chicken (food) an the newspapers (the economy).
The Jewish press can't help themselves.
They take the bait every time.
The beauty of it is that all he has to do is send a single tweet to get the media going crazy, the man is a genius
I bet you there is 1 tonne of beef and one thousand litres of Milk world wide for every kilogram of Almonds
Milk out the wazzoo according to this. EVERY MONTH OF THE YEAR.
Nutcucks BTFO.
Don't forget that he's using a knive and fork on the chicken
He's basically saying he's going to show the negroids what class is
The trap has been set. And libs and news media looking to wildly flail in their attempt to try and attack trump will fall for it.
The media has been insanely shrill lately.
Don't forget you got places like the Murray Darling Basin in Australia which absolutely destroys most of the world in milk and dairy production so its not a surprise that California is "Only" 1% world wide
Of course they can smell their grave but they're try to claw out not realising they're making the oven 10 degrees hotter
It's gone apeshit. Between Nobody Actually Gives A Fuck Khan and the constant deflection relating to Hillary's emails, the shrieking has reached fever pitch even though August's just started and nobody's going to remember any of this shit in November.
This is what the Clinton News Network's front page looks like. Look at it. I mean just fucking look at it.
They have nothing left. The only reason why they're going on the full attack is because they're taking orders from the Dem party, Hillary, and (((them))). Hillary's party is already greatly divided, her campaign ship is rotten and quickly taking on water. Her only strategy is hoping she can put enough dents into Trump's campaign ship to make it sink first by the time the election comes.
Hillary can only attack now, because she can't avoid her past and history of criminal scandal after scandal coming to light and biting her in the ass. She's trying to avoid the imminent debate night, but she won't be able to avoid letting the people see just how incompetent and weak she is.
after all, the mudslime dude is going down in flames, he's shocked and surprised that Trump isn't backing down. Media is caught between a rock and a hard place, and all it takes is pointing out Trump's remark was a jab at shariah law, the denial of women's rights and how they need permission for just about anything, but with the way the media went on the attack, seems they favor shariah law and the restrictive rights on women. Watch them and libs squirm in their seats.
Can't stump 4th dimensional chess master
I mean holy shit I go to CNN and FUCKING HALF of the top stories are shitting on Trump.
Even normalfags can tell that they're biased now can't they?
how was his cholesterol?
They made a study on a guy who ate nothing but meat and cheese for months.
Absolutely nothing changed.
But you're free to die of numerous cancers from veganism.Kike.:^)
vegans are cunts. i love meat, but i'm still doubtful that you could maintain a healthy cholesterol eating nothing but meat, unless it was pretty much all skinless chicken breasts
It's worse than that, she didn't HAVE a fucking password.
So he just typed in her email address and got in it
If you laze around then obviously your cholestrol would skyrocket but they likely do phsyical work
I sure hope that you're right user.
>What the hell are you doing?
He looks like Gary Busey
Cholestrol isn't a blanket term for bad fat and it is pretty essential for life. The problem is we're getting a lot more trash type fatty acids and cholestrol like the famed omega 6 clogging up space that could be used for more beneficial forms of fat. Most of this is sourced from fried plant matter like in fried chicken skin and low grade vegetable oil
Gary Busey endorsed Trump.
praise kek he is with you
The DNC email leaks have already proven and shown that many news media sites, journalists, and etc. end up waiting on the beck and call for the Dem party to give them a copy of what to write about, or how to spin shit.
Clinton is running, not only against Trump and the will of the people, but also her own shadow.
Remember, clinton is running as if this were still the 1970-80's and that there weren't autists willingly combing through each and every bit of Hillary, or how her past is blatantly available for reading to the average person.
She can't play defensively, because it's a losing battle and her past would get dragged back up, out of curiousity from normies, and the sake of proving her wrong.
So what's her only move? Play on the attack. Go on the attack as much as possible for the next 4 months and try to spin as wildly as possible while constantly having her paid online shills go "no no no goyim, don't look over there, believe this clearly slanted article as if it were the only way you could acquire news and source.". She has her shills running wild on social media, and such. Hell, even trying to focus on trump supporters to vote 3rd party instead is another pathetic strategy they have going. She can only try and paint Trump worse than her, while simultaneously ignoring every bit of her shadow that reveals her to be the ultimate evil in this race.
She has nothing left. She's trying desperately to pin the debate schedule to a time when not many will be looking, that way the media can cherry pick moments, and make it look worse for trump, than when she'll be getting completely slaughtered. She knows and she fears this. While Trump is catching a full 4 hours of sleep and shitposting here and on twitter, I'm sure this disturbs her sleep at night.
I'm hoping that Assange's further leaks just utterly torpedo her campaign.
I hope she kills herself after she loses, on camera.
The moment hillary loses the Gen Election, I think the entire world will hear an inhuman shriek that makes banshees and other creatures turn their heads away in agony.
and also be on the defensive as much as possible, because no doubt hillary/soros would go all out to make his supporters "disappear" and try to get at him
But not only Assange's further leaks, but continually adding more fuel to the fire of bernouts still feeling the asshurt of being betrayed by their candidate. The Dem party is so fractured, that Hillary in one of her recent rallies had to kick out a factoryfull of protrump workers and bus in 500 paid hillary placement shills.
If you've read the art of the deal or have been watching trump's way of doing things, not only in his life, but also this election from day 1, you can see he plays 4 - 5th dimensional chess.
So what was he doing with Khan?
Really nigga?
1000 hours in mspaint
Doubling down and returning fire, meanwhile taking a few good jabs at Shariah Law with his comment to the mother.
You'll watch entire conversations go dead in their tracks in social media the minute you point how at Trump's jab was in relation to shariah law, which restricts women's rights (lib hotspot button) and how they have to ask permission for just about anything, and the media's spin and take on this makes it certainly appear that the likes of those news stations are defending Shariah Law, the restrictions and [for flavor] mistreatment of women.
Well Argies and Uruguayans eat more meat per capita than anyone in the world.
Not to mention they round out their diets with high-calorie and carbohydrate foods like potatoes, bread and pasta
Shouldn't they be, according to your theory, the master race?
Please, that's a normal thing for successful people.
Even my boss has his secretary print out important important emails and she highlights the important details for him to read.
He's way too busy to pour though his mountain of phone calls, emails and voicemails…
What the fuck is wrong with you?
Hell, I print out digital files all the time. It means I can carry them with me and I'll always have access to them no matter what the state of my internet.
requesting pic of that guy screaming at a car
How do you eat it? With your hands like some sort of Untermensch?
"Now take this garbage out and bring me some food."
Those pannels are probaby fitted with one-side view glass.
With 300 000 Jews in Argentina? No.
4 D C H E S S
He's making reading recomendations for the smarter audience while dumb niggers talk about food and make it spread.
If I was trying to escape Germany in its last hours, what better disguise than that of a Jew?
Wew they're really grasping at straws.
U.S. in Weakest Recovery Since '49
Article seems down:
Nevermind, they just changed the title to fuck with us:
He knew
I wonder whats causing these financial difficulties.
Kek confirms. We are truly the chosen ones
I know that Trump doesn't smoke or drink to stay in good health.
So why does he eat this fatty, starchy, greasy nigger chow instead of normal food? I can understand Mexican food, at least there are nutrients in it, but KFC is JUST FUCK MY BLOOD VESSELS UP-tier garbage.
Printing emails to read them is Patrician as fuck.
On that first pic
You realize like 60% of the fries are not visible because they are below the opening line right? They're just near the bottom when the camera can't see.
Everyone has a vice.
you are my vice Holla Forums
I doubt a 70-year-old who does everything to stay in good shape and health can afford a vice like that. I suspect it's just a publicity stunt and he never really ate it.
Still, miring the shape the guy is in. He looks like he's in his fifties.
He's always active, always thinking, always moving, always busy; the man barely sleeps. He can afford to eat a bit of high-calorie trash at the end of the day. It's cheap, easy and likely gives him everything he needs.
I mean come on – the man is seventy year old for fuck's sake. One of the oldest presidents there's ever been. And yet does he look seventy? Does he act it? I think he knows his body and his limits. He's clearly treating himself properly to be at his age and in that form.
Fair enough, then.
I remembered Obongo's favorite excuse "I've been getting too little sleep lately" whenever his teleprompter fizzles out. I'd be surprised if Trump catches more than 4 hours of shut-eye per day.
Dear diary,
I'm sure it was just a coincidence.
Anybody notice the Jews are dogpiling on Trump now? Every little word he says has become a hit piece, and they don't even mention Hillary now?
Top shelf post
Shit's hard to read when you're looking at a screen for hours. Reading on paper makes things much less tiring for the eyes (and mind) to read. Honestly, good move Trumpster.
Nah.. The 4d chess is the salt on top of the piles of economic news rags.
**and the PEPPER on top of that printed sheet that looks to be a speech or a quick and dirty study paper for trump. Only words i can make out are "the muslim refugee" It looks like it could be cleaned up in Photoshop pretty easily, it isn't that out of focus..
There's hat tips all over this pic
This photo is creditcard, timestamp and veterans donation pen tier messaging.. Maybe that photo really was Donald and not JR or Eric…
Also meat is the only natural source of vitamin b12. Red meat has a whole lot fucking more of it than any other meat. The B series of vitamins are associated with energy levels, with b12 being recognized as crucial to providing high energy to the development and functioning of certain brain structures.
he picked an article from 3 days ago so that liberals would point it out to laugh at him.
liberals link to the old article to show everybody
they spread this around, doing his publicity for him
I'm kind of worried some jew is going to decipher that email and find some personal shit on Trump
Well yeah, keeping hard copies of important emails is a good idea. Just in case they somehow get DELETED. Hmm, who do I know that's running for president that has had emails that were possibly very important deleted? Was it Gary Johnson, no no… Jill Stein? Close but I don't think so… Oh it was Trump!! Wait no he has said in the past that he doesn't like emails. Hillary Clinton? Hmm sounds about right…
Fucking retard.
Which reflection on the window?
Wait, the fucking Cherokee had slaves and actual plantations?
Yeah, thought that was at least common redpill knowledge.
just to the right of trumps head there is the reflection of what looks like a magazine with trump on the cover and a sketch pad on top of it. I dont have photoshop on this computer if I did I would clean it up.. Cant make out what the title of the magazine is but that sketch pad looks to me like he has Zykon Ben on board.
Never actually paid attention to the Indians other than Jackson lividly hating them
If I recall correctly someone did a study and concluded that people low IQ are right wing, conservative and racist thinking. According to that study majority of the black populus already vote for the God Emperor
Boys can you remind me the median black IQ?
How long have you been on Holla Forums?
Jackson didn't even hate the dumb injuns, he had two injun stepsons for fucks sakes.
ive been on Holla Forums for 6 years maybe 7 i forget. I too do not recall the information you are dropping like a nigger at a fried chicken stand.
keep up the good work
You suck at formatting Newfag
Funny thing about that is, the study was complete bullshit. I forgot which Molyneux video completely debunked that study, they purposely fucked up the way they did something. Fuck I wish I remembered it.
The whole reason for the Indian Removal Act was to preserve their dumb little cultures. The Iroquois culture completely died out because they were forcibly integrated in white culture. Jackson's idea was to have them separate in Oklahoma to live out there away from the white man, so they didn't have to integrate and lose their culture. Sure some died, that was expected, but the Cherokee culture still exists to this day. There's more Indians now than there was back then. Seems like it worked.
>keep up the good work
what are you doing man.
More like.
Usually they go with the "hurr southern rednecks are stupid", which is easy to answer.
Don't want to go anime autist here. But in Ghost in The Shell sac there's an small subplot about how some people in 2030 don't fully trust electronic media because of the ease at which it can be changed or edited. These people like hard physical copies of everything.
And what you see here is a perfect example of why. The shit the media is pulling now is probably leading to the same outcome for the real world soon. Certain people are going to start demanding physical copies of all information. The ease at which it's soon going to be to gas light societies at large is scary when you think about how soon most things are going to be completely digital.
even when things go digital most places keep the copies if it's actually important
Being digital means anyone could download a copy and archive it on an external. The internet's speed and sheer numbers of users make it impossible to hide the truth moreso than they already can.
Personally I can't wait for everything to be digital. So many older books I cannot get my hands on through bookzz because they were never scanned and compiled.
Anyway, the more internet the less lying is possible, compared to back when people had just the boobtube and five channels of shills to get their news from, now we can speak to people who had first hand experiences with the event in question through the net and find out the truth. We are more connected than ever before and more bullshit is being called out as such than ever before. Look at Holla Forums. If not for the internet most of us would never have taken the red pill. Gaslighting would only be possible if they controlled every copy…unless you let them reach remotely into your machine that can't happen. You didn't give microsoft remote access right user?
BTW, I hate the fact that fried chicken is associated with niggers. Fried Chicken is fucking delicious. I eat fairly healthy and clean but I still make a monthly trip to my local chicken joint and pig out on that shit. Not one regret.
Look at the other sticky thread
I told everyone merchant would use the voter fraud issue to infiltrate Trump support on Holla Forums
If you're so poor you have no food how do you have the energy to fuck and carry a kid for 9 months?
I call bullshit, they're keeping these nigger babies skinny for sympathy cash from idiots.
I knew I'd seen that grin somewhere else.
Much more dignified than pic related tbqh fam.
It gets better, they form a triangle with trump family crest on the seat headrest at the top.
They are the "cornerstones" of his campaign.
7D symbolism!!!!
I'm surprised they're using the silverware angle
mods = fucking gods
Anyways, the Almond crops caused a water crises in California. Meat and Dairy has been fine for 100yrs.
Honestly, I am glad there is media collusion between the DNC and MSM and the MSM gets their marching orders from them. If MSM tried to attack trump independently, they might actually be less hysterical and slightly more competent as shills, but since they are the DNCs bitch (and other equally delusional oligarchs) they don't get to make their own decisions, and the DNC is going full retard and full hysteria, can't even run a smear campaign properly when any malicious cunt can properly smear just about anyone if they have access to media apparatus, this is just pathetic, overplaying their hand completely.
Well fuck.
Is this loli?
Hit the nail on the head. He must go through so much info that it'd be more practical (normally) to use electronic devices.
But he doesn't.
And I bet does that to reduce any footprints he has.
Unless you specifically need computers for programs or formatted documents - it's better to stay off computers. Especially when you have to plan an attack.
One day we may have to do the same.
actually I already do
so you say, I don't see him eating anything. that DARK MEAT looks totally intact, it just looks like he's ready to dine in.
it's called OPSEC. He airgaps that shit with hardcopies, hence, no emails leaked from him.
Pretty sure the technically inept one is the candidate who can't keep their shit together with email security.
If only that article was about hillary.
I welcome headlines like this. They get the normalfags thinking about such possiblities.
It's been confirmed from numerous sources that Trump is basically a superhuman that recovers in twice the amount of sleeping time as most people. His 4 hours are equal to our 8 hours.
I wonder how they determine who has advanced cognitive abilities.
pythagoras came up with "don't eat beans, because they make you fart," which is pretty much the opposite of veganism.
They flat out switched the two numbers, who voted for who. The most obscenely blatant fraud possible.
Obviously the ones that aren't filthy racists goy.