I'm looking for a classic song that goes:- dun da da da da da da daaa, dun da da da da da daaa dun da da da da da da daaaaaaaaa. da da da da da da da daaaaaaa
I think it's probably a dead composer but I just can't find it, I know a lot of aspies her might know it by just looking at the pattern (God bless you all)
who said anything about eyes you data mining faggot
Ryder Jones
Sounds like a melody from crash twinsanity in Nina's school, I think
Camden Watson
Mason Gray
Leo Diaz
this is fucking funny
Michael Perez
I'm surprised that nobody has figured this one out yet. The song you are looking for, OP, is "Gonna Fly Now" by Bill Conti. It's the theme song for the "Rocky" line of movies. Here you go.
Eli Walker
no, its not its Beethoven's 5th
Gabriel Rogers
jesus anyone with sense would realize how shitty this looks
Jack Bell
Bentley Ortiz
shit i dunno my money guess is either this or katamari damacy
Jonathan Sanchez
I know the exact shitty song you're looking for op.
Was really hoping the sound was replaced with Ben "You'll know when I come" Brown
Isaiah Peterson
itt: OP babysitting his thread, and idiots taking bait
Isaac Perez
No, but to be fair, the axe that killed him wasn't the axe that killed him as he killed him with it. There is no permanency to the axe at any point in time, from planck second to planck second. That's the answer, assuming I haven't gone utterly mad, but it lines up with what the other major philosophical schools have come up with as well: impermanent ephemeral conglomerates of sets is about as close as we can approximate to what any given object actually is, but really, it's all just energy of one form or another.
Fucking hell, I do not want diversity in my government.
See attached.
If I remember right, that was Mexico.
Justin Rivera
Charles Howard
you cant imagine how much this annoys me
Landon Robinson
Liberals are frequently "grammer nazis" so I wonder if the original photographer did this intentionally.
Chase Hernandez
Cooper Collins
Come on mate, you make this to easy.
Gabriel Ramirez
yeah. either bait either something i didn't quite get
Wyatt Rivera
Here's your song, OP
Robert Peterson
i'm blue, i would beat off a guy, yeah i would beat off a guy i would beat off a guy