Why do kids agree to participating in photoshoots like this? What a sad world we live in…
Why do kids agree to participating in photoshoots like this? What a sad world we live in…
maybe they want to show off how pretty they are?
Their parents get paid.
So their daddies friends has something to jerk off too
Because they lack the understanding of why it's being done to them. If their parents tell them to and give them a reward, they'll just do it.
Most kids probably wouldn't understand the actual meaning of taking photos while they're naked, they'd maybe be embarrassed but they wouldn't comprehend that they're being abused.
Because if you teach a woman the idea she can be a breadwinger for nothing more than showing a little skin, she'lll do it for the prestige and bragging rights to all her peers in school.
After that, porn is inevitable.
This is why the Burka was invented.
And few years later they realize they like it and turn themselves into whore/slut like Lexee Smith does.
There are worse.
ay fvck you snek
sexee is queen
I thought Holla Forums was done with this shit. Then here you go posting more?
I have to agree though.. there should be no reason for children to dress like this.. but there is a market for the people who make the clothing and the people who buy the photo sets. Shrug.
And to answer your Question OP There are many reasons young girls get into this. Someone is making them. Some of them actually want to do it cause they are ignorant to what this sort of media is regarded as. Some of them know and do it anyway.
There is a whole spectrum of reasons why.
I'm just so disgusted with these pictures and am totally not writing this with my dick in my hand
i remember the first time i saw shit like that I thought: "where can i possibly buy lingerie that small"?
Queen of interracial bukkake probably.
Just another pseudo-white girl who thinks she's black, with terrible taste in music, no elegance
She'll probably marry some kind of thug, will fall into drugs and end beaten to death.
Still good for draining balls anyway.
kids have no agency of their own, it's parents who decide it
Are you drooling over a 15yo girl, user?
IKR! Hee hee hee!
And we all believe you.
wow so rude
lex is a good girl she wouldnt do that
too right, m8
Is she really 15? what a fucking whore, she's the type that deserves to get raped brutally by some autist hebephile
Yeah op is totally not a pedo.
She is.
im not looking at her age faggot.
she is practicing some lost art kung fu I think
I always thought by the standards of people like you kids are incapable of agreeing to anything.
all bullshit aside, probably because parents whore them out out of necessity. its easy to demonize people when our own life is on easy mode since we were born.
Humans like to feel sexy and love it when their body is able to excite others. Affection is the best thing in the world.
You misunderstand your own species.
Yeah its an ancient art known as "Cunny-fu"
You can really tell the ones who actually have an interest in modelling and the ones who are just doing it because they live in a state of poverty and their parents are desperate for a way to make money.
But even in the latter cases I've heard of modelling studios that actually pay for the kids college after they've grown up, a lot of these studios aren't shady underground child pornographers that immediately rape the kids as soon as they get off set.
They're real businesses that have an interest in the wellbeing of their models.
Even in the west most modelling studios hire models that are under 18 anyway so whats the difference really?
way to kill my erection dude
moar like cunt-fu amirite?
Just look for the "studios" with horrible production value and grimey backdrops that have terrified looking models and you can be sure they're being abused if thats what you're into.
I just think it would be nice if people could learn to make the distinction between those fuckers and businesses that actually treat their models with respect and not act like they're just as bad as one another.
Lana knows what's up.
wow no
this is why god is dead
Yeah, because He cannot endure to see young girls acting like walking slut anymore. Like a father who hangs himself after seeing his daughter doing german scat porn.
They are not harmed in any way.
If you dig deep enough in the web you will find it *wink wink*
Those clothes are made just for those photos. They have enough profit to have them made for single photo session.
you're full of shit user
What kind of troll are you snake?
Women try soo hard but can only produce degenerate "art" LOL
Sry I'm on nofap
I'd have to agree
Posting this model whore got me banned from halfchan
That's gross and too masculine
Too masculine, too much to say here but it's an abomination (of god)
Everything is abuse to the lesser sex since they lack understanding of reality and how it functions not to mention the vast majority suffer from personality disorders like narcissism where they literally continually internally produce abuse then project it onto others
Here's my current favorite MK Ultra beta sex kitten, btw