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I'd fuck her in the ass and she'd evolve into a slut.
She's just like meHee hee hee!
…butt stuff?
but how does it taste?
Butt stuff is evolution.
We have evolved hygienic practices, enemas, lubricants, muscle relaxers, and perfected the method for doing butt stuff. We basically "hacked" our biological neurosystem to exploit the high amount of sensation in the anal nerve endings. For all genders, this means more sensation than would be possibly with just penis-into-vagina. Men are often very surprised to learn how much pleasure they can get from prostate stimulation. We then used our evolved understanding of biology, chemistry, and engineering to make betting anal plugs, simulators, vibrators, and dildos.
And most evolved of all… WE HUMANS became psychological and spiritually evolved to go beyond the societal and religious barriers which shunned butt stuff, along with all other scientific progress we were making.
I guarantee that Sir Isaac Newton, if he were alive today, wouldn't be studying physics or math, but instead would be designing bigger and better dildos to fuck himself with.
That is true evolution, goyim.
You're death is going to be the only evolution happening.
Look at youHee hee hee! Smart guy with all that knowledgeHee hee hee! StupidHee hee hee! IdiotHee hee hee! You're deadHee hee hee! You'll never love, you're just like meHee hee hee! SnakeHee hee hee! Hee hee heeHee hee hee! Look at youHee hee hee! Stupid smart idiotHee hee hee!
What's butt stuff
a type of hair product
Cool beans
a type of cowboy food
who dis?
A science-denier.
wtf does that even mean
this obnoxious woman seems to have absolutely no idea what in the world she is talking about
it's like she is implying the ability to feel pleasure from your butt was somehow evolved outside of the natural evolutionary process of humankind
but i doubt she even thought this far
stupid annoying brat
butt stuff confirmed evolution
Ma waifu, do not touch! Hee hee hee!
new god damn wordfilter? the fuck are you dumb niggers doing?
Do we know what's causing it? Some people are getting it multiple times a post. This is fucking gay! Hee hee hee!
Exclamation marks! Hee hee hee!
Seems to be exclamation marks.
that's gay
! Hee hee hee!
its a disadvantage to have long hair as a police officer
Why doesn't she have it tied up? Is she stupid?
here we go again, another Evalion tier attention whore trying to get some bucks with neet views by being edgy and spooting memes.
all alt-right girls are sluts
she's just ez cash grabbing off u autistic shut-ins
! Hee hee hee!! Hee hee hee!! Hee hee hee!! Hee hee hee!! Hee hee hee!
I don't even know the context is but the way she speaks and looks is fucking annoying. Very punchable.
tbh it seems like it's a response to the sex junk video on shill nye's show.
heh depends, if you like it then it is evolution for you to accept it…
i don't think anyone said it was evolution, however its non of your fucking business.
Holla Forumstards can't debate without fallacies.
Why do his nuts look twisted?
Not knowing Karen Gillan lel
i meant this fucktard>>6986203, not you>>6986190
It's from a song promoting bisexuality on Bill Nye's new show. Something along the lines of "Maybe butt stuff, it's evolution."
This isn't just me being a Holla Forumstard. They had a song just to promote bisexuality as scientific and hoped throwing around words like "evolution" would give it credence.