Time to raid /a/.
Time to raid /a/
Other urls found in this thread:
The other day someone asked why I was posting anime on b.
I'm in, what are we raiding with?
Avatar the Last Airbender.
Why don't you ask jim to boot the cancerous /a/ board owner. We know you are one of his favorite piggies.
Is posting western against the rules?
Let's ask him to remove the one on Holla Forums too. :^)
Not Your Personal Army Kiddo
>Thread specified does not exist.
Well that was fast
how did you get clipboard posting to work?
Right click -> copy image -> click inside post box -> ctrl+v
Not working. What browser are you on? I tried FF and Pale Moon.
b& again
tranny mod works fast
Firefox and chromium both work for me
High metabolism from sucking so much cock.
Oh, I'm also not copying from a folder. I'm copying from google images so if you are copying from a folder that doesn't work for me
That's strange. Clipboard posting doesn't work at all for me.
tried: disabling scripts. I'm on FF 53.
Same version here
You mad, tranny?
lol I'm just reading this thread, nothing to do with /a/
I wonder if anyone on /a/ uses the same vpn as me
Why aren't the threads popping up on the catalog
The tranny deletes them instantly, he must be mashing f5 constantly
Thread lasted about 20 seconds that time
ban #8
It's weird. The tranny isn't banning me for the threads but only the comments.
I wonder how long it would take him to notice if we bump threads from the bottom of the catalog
Pretty quick, but the thread stays at the top unless he deletes it so still fun
here's some faggots snapchat: joey_abele
shut the fuck up and go back to 4chan
I can get at least 5 posts in before ban bumping old threads if I open them in tabs and write out the post
I got banned from /a/ for posting a fucking smiley face.
I'm now convinced 100% that the BO was molested by his dad when he was younger.
Yeah, same. I got banned for posting ":^)"
The tranny has started to slack a bit
Ehh I supposed I could get banned for 40 years for a few punctuation errors.
Not my real IP so don't waste your time niggers
I am not even getting banned anymore. I guess the tranny realized how pointless it was and is just sticking to deleting the posts and threads.
Top fucking kek. Let's do it
assassination is the way to go, simple solutions work best, go kill him
the absolute madman
Literally, and I timed it
3 fucking seconds
Top kek
Not banned for shitposting, but banned for 'incorrect grammar.'
This mod does not have my permission to rest until I say xir can.
What anime is this from?
/a/ mods are autistic that can't take a little banter or shitposting
/a/ mods literally destroying the foundation of imageboard culture anime shitposting.
call their waifu's 2d low tier niggers
lol, went to Holla Forums after getting banned for calling out some weebs sucking low-quality anime dick forcing it into a thread completely unrelated to it, avatarfagging like mad cunts
mod is going on a rampage banning and deleting anyone disagreeing with his shit forced weebshit for being "against everything japanese" because apparently one shit tier anime represents all the fucking culture, spoken like the true weeb cunt he is
Holla Forums is beyond salvation, that shithole needs to go tbh
How is that "shitposting"?
nah, I forgot that one period at the end
Time to raid Holla Forums.
is there any place left without triggered moderation banning everything that hurts their feelings?
8/b/, but instead of getting banned because you triggered the mods the mods ban to trigger you for lulz.
You should make a thread that has a few paragraphs talking about an anime or something and miss an apostrophe somewhere to see if that gets you banned.
i bet you that fat autistic fuck will read the whole thing and ban for it.
maybe he's using skriptz
Maybe a treatise on the majesty of The Flintstones.
Am I the only one still doing this?
Can you use tor on /a/?
Remember when Holla Forums wasn't your personal fucking army?
I'll be waiting for your ass blasted banning too
t. BO of /a/
Naw full/a/ has been exceptional shit. I've even been posting on half/a/ sometimes.
Exactly, he should fucking know better
did you come from fucking reddit or some shit?
maybe you should mosy on down to /r/anime, if you like half/a/ you'd fit right in
I have been banned from Holla Forums, Holla Forums…etc. countless times, both for serious discussion and for trolling, and your board is honestly worse than any of them mixed with Reddit.
And no, I won't be banning you even though you forgot a period in your last sentence, because I don't give a SHI77 h0W U TY3p wurdz :-D faget
What's the difference between your board and 4/a/?
Oh, right, It's not as cucked.
smh tbh cuck
You are a tranny and your board is shitty and dead. Just off yourself like you have been thinking about and let someone better take over the board.
Your board suuuuuuuucks.
hello op i really like your image, it reminds me of something i'm supposed to be posting every day..
I was going to go help make /a/ a comfier place, show anons some good drawing techniques, but I get banned for sentence formatting.
You should be ashamed; your board is an embarrassment to imageboard culture.
you can have the board if you post your flat chest.
Burn him down, fire lord.
I literally shitpost 100% of the time when on /a/ and literally every other board
Ask for a. The bo seems mentally unstable and would probably give it to you.
t. /a/ BO
t. Holla Forums BO
I've done my part
Holla ForumsO
I've done my part, but they ban fast, I didn't see any of your threads in the catalog
YAY! Hee hee hee! A /kennedi/fag finally took over Holla Forums
wew 2 day ban
I'm glad /a/ has an eye for complete fuckwits, it makes me safe knowing the mods have a spec of compotentcy, tranny or otherwise
Holla Forums is for bait
Is Holla Forums the new /a/? Their board has been shit for years and I just wanna talk about anime.
Blame the tranny
Darude Sandstorm
I am glad you feel safe little billy. Now go to bed since you have school tomorrow and I better not catch you watching those Chinese cartoons again.
might as well everyone here already got banned by the tranny janny so it's not like we can go there
even if people go to /a/ the BO will find a way to ban you for having fun wrong
Fucked that up.
Holla Forums is the new /a/
Holla Forums is the new Holla Forums
Holla Forums is not the new Holla Forums, gtfo Holla Forums
Thanks but everyone who read the thread realized that.
I'm surprised that you didn't ban them.
If /a/ was so shit and dead you would be discussing anime on Holla Forums.
we intent to. Now fuck off to your tranny rulecuck board
Lol butthurt
t. /a/ tranny mod
t. rectally rectangled
And do to him what he does to everyone else? I'm not that spiteful.
when do we start having fun allowed anime threads?
someone hire bui to do his thing on /a/ for a few days that'll knock em around a little. where's that ritsu fag when you need him
tbh /a/ doesn't deserve it, just the BO.
BO would baby out and go to his little bunker website until the spam stopped.
almost every board on this site has gone to shit entirely due to the moderation. it appears that the idea of creating your own board was subverted by the early arrival attention whores slurping up the legacy board ownerships to get 90% of all traffic. makes me sad
let's show the /a/utists the difference between fair discussion and their Stockholm syndrome
/a/ is literal garbage.
I don't even like anime outside of Dragon Ball Z and shit, but I still lurk /a/ because they're the only good board left except /bane/. Their strict culture kept the trash out. It kept the SJWs out of anime and it kept faggots of most kinds out of their board. Their autism is a noble one, and one we could have all learned from. If we were all like them, we never would have had to migrate here in the first place.
Except the Bo who is literally a trash, SJW, faggot who is ruining anime for everyone.
Except none of these rules prevent any of the following from arriving and shitting up the place. If anything it invite redditards.
With this place being the most grievous.
Pretty much. Probably some of the same fucks that mod for 4chan. The only mod I like is Mark.
this place has had the most haphazard moderation second maybe only to /baphomet/ but at least it was usually a relatively wild west frontier
Mark sucks but at least he isn't bad on the authoritarian/no fun allowed end, he's just genuinely retarded. at least as far as i know.
Stop being an asshurt lil bitch, Mod. Grow a set of balls & deal with /a/ tossing you retarded ass.
Wasn't aware of that until this thread. I do see plenty of posts talking shit about SJWs that don't seem to get banned. Or others glorifying nazi characters. But I'm not exactly monitoring every thread, only ones for the casual shit that I'm into.
It's not about rules, it's just the traditional atmosphere the board has that results in them telling you to fuck off if you show any signs that you haven't lurked properly before posting, which is what 4chan in general used to do, and when the other boards stopped doing that, they became shit, because they stopped scaring the redditfags away.
Go back
fam how many levels of meta are you on?
Cry More, Faggot! Hee hee hee!
😄 😃 😀 😊 ☺ 😉 😍 😘 😚 😗 😙 😜 😝 😛 😳 😁 😔 😌 😒😄 😃 😀 😊 ☺ 😉 😍 😘 😚 😗 😙 😜 😝 😛 😳 😁 😔 😌 😒
Sup, Chrystal. Seen Vinnie?
Maybe 2 years ago.
it was more orderly then
You fools. You need to wait for the mods to sleep before flooding the board.
if you like anime, come here. niche.nepu.moe
toph is best avatar girl.
delete b
delete b please
plz delete b
and Holla Forums
I meant to post this in the "quads decide thread" but I couldn't find it. And it's not fair to enforce the no-rerolls rule because there are only 2 possible outcomes and they were both rolled for already; and really when there are 2 possible outcomes and you need quads there's like a 2/1000 chance which is 1/500 or .2% without rerolls which is really gay. So you pretty much have to nuke the board.
Your fucking board needs serious work damn it. It's pretty bad when most otaku go to Holla Forums and post discussion about anime over the fucking board made for it.
You literally will ban someone for missing a period for 24 hours, what the fuck is this? 7/a/? I don't even bother going to /a/ because I know that if I even make a tiny little mistake, you'll turn me into a j00 and put me in an oven for 24 hours. And don't even TRY to say you won't, it's happened numerous times since then.
Why are you even here?
I agree. /a/ is pure shit. I hope Holla Forums gets more anime threads.
Make more.
It's pretty shit right now because I can't figure out how to make kusaba link directly to pages, but here is an imageboard I'm working on right now that is cancer free because there's like 7 posts on Holla Forums and that's it:
I do have a method set up to where you can refresh pages without refreshing the whole site, what you do is you take the link of the website, and put */ after it, with * being the characters of any board tag
i.e. otakuch.tk
also if you do the method, you can click the board tags at the top and they will work fine