Hello Holla Forums :D
I am the new board owner of Holla Forums, AMA!
New Board Owner Ama!
Other urls found in this thread:
Why are your tits a different color to the rest of your body?
nice trips ;D
idk :i
hi, congratz
can we get pics of pus?
Time stamp or ==GTFO==
Something is fucky
Roasties get out
Try harder faggot.
Can you take one showing your pussy and your ass?
Whopsie ;D
i am kinda new, first time i got here was 2 days ago, bare with me fellas :D
hook me up on kik :D
Trips don't lie
what is that? :)
Why you skin have a different color?
Can you take one with your hand holding one of your tits?
plz unban my home ip
im on my phone
you just deleted my thread about cooking pizza as "pedoshit"
yet there is multiple threads up right now with pictures of underage girls and even caps of legit cp you havent deleted or banned them
I cant understand your logic
this is the only chan i go to and would appreciate you let me post again
well they should be banned too ;D
if you can explain why moot is gay, we may let you stay. if you have no patience for good humor, then you are a tumor that should be cauterized and cast away. ya feel me muh nigga
tits with timestamp and a message that says "the nigger lord of hamsterwurld made me roast cocks in hell, also known as detroit" or gtfo
Where is the cp?
I don't see nothing, i think you are overreacting
Maybe you thread have some weird shit and you did not notice.
Post feet with timestamp.
there is a thread
my picture was a girl cooking a pizza. how is that pedoshit but a girl sucking on a phallic object isnt pedoshit?
The cp screencaps are in thread
In that thread. How are caps of a cp vid not pedoshit?
Then you have the thread
Where pics are of an 11yo
Then the thread
Multiple pics of underage girls
Kids pics arent banned
Nor was my thread even pertaining to cp or pedophilia (like some threads on here atm)
The trips of the devil, this should be true!
I see them now but in those thread i don't see any tits or something similar so i do not think that's illegal
You are sure that your thread did not have a "sexual theme" or something?
Nothing sexual at all. I just asked how people liked to cook their oven style home pizza. If you go to public bans you can still see my thread
Then why am I banned?
If child pictures are okay
If literal crops of child pornograpy (cat goddess) are okay
If a child sucking on a chocolate pops i le are okay
If a thread asking if a 14yo is "too old for Holla Forums"
How is a picture of a girl cooking a pizza getting me banned?
I dunno.
Maybe they related your thread with pizzagate?
If you dont want to unban me at least plz make the ban shorter. like maybe just 1 week even though i didnt cross any lines
4 weeks is very long when i only come to Holla Forums
let alone having a ban and my thread deleted for something that 15+ threads are exactly doing right now on the front home page
:( but nobody talks about pizzagate on Holla Forums
that is Holla Forums stuff
why is this place dying so bad?
dying is bad?
For a second I thought Fug was made BO and we were getting nudes
Why are your tits so deformed? Gross.
can loli thread again?
haha pedo
reported for ban evasion
If only…
It looks like Beerus had too much pudding…