Chomsky's daughter on idpol and safe spaces on college campuses
the two most important parts


She doesnt really say anything new that observers haven't noticed.
Any revolutionary movement is eventually absorbed by capitalism and made sterile.
See: beyonce pretending to be a feminist to sell more radio friendly unit shifters

Or her littleral fetishization of the Black Panthers.

That shit made my blood boil.

She looks like an ugly trap.

She looks like a trap chomsky.

It's shuddersome as hell.

It was awful. Stripping away the Panthers revolutionary substance and turning them into a (literal) costume to wear. Capitalism in a nutshell.

Same with the clinic…

Fuck, that's one hideous looking kikess. No wonder kikes are so desperately trying to genocide us.


Did you forget to change flags?


Well said!

Thanks for the two (You)s. I'll send you to the gulag last.

Holy crap she looks way too much like him.

That's pretty much the 2016 installment of "let's turn Che Guevara into a T-shirt".


Always relevant.

Great job, college kids.

This is what "learning how to be more social" in a shitty cold society where the only reason we are taught to be social is to market our feces to each other.
Liberal college students will team up with their colleges to help continue to shred society to bits, together with facebook and all of the other social media "apps".

Also, she might not be attractive, but she really looks like one of those girls who will stab you in the eye with a pencil if you don't stop talking shit. What if she has the complete opposite body language of her dad? I want to beleive.


in spite of idpol you will be put in a gulag

She seems cool, what she's saying is very interesting. Aviva Chomsky I guess is one to watch.

das idpol, mane

whoops! my shitposting, symbol.

Your aesthetic has failed you!

haha im so glad you used that


gas them all

You mean with laugh gases? We don't need more of those since we're all laughing at you already

im glad i could put a smile on someones face


Keep trying, you'll be a blond with blue eyes one day